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May 25, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-05-25

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See Our Line of
The Two Sams.

Off' Z== S=LSON
CJommiencing Thursday, May 26, we will give you the choice-(of
all X3.0o, $3.50, and $4.00 D)erby-1:1ats for $.7 This sale will.
continue for- a few (lays only. A ny one in need of a first class styl-
ish hat will do well to examine these gfools and prices.

27 and 29 Main Street .
Th=1n I -rm o lr== ir= ENISOCEEATH00TEs O03Thl
l(Wd-10 ) WABASH \AVF.,DCI [(AGO.tsComplete N(ew Stack jest rceivedl. Nstliq iiiili ties reshosiei.
SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. F tj oweLa'es. kocZORuo

SEASON 1892,
lrriv inii dai v. New stock of LAN' TENNIS RIACIKQVETS aod ALL Kf[NI )S M1- SPI'ITING
GOOD1S. Watch for onr Prices. L.owest ill the (.1
::0 SO)U _TtSTrATE 1STlREET'l. Sheller's Old Stand.

Ordiers fortrnaitis, parties, wedd~dinigs, et.,
'Telephonle Wtia . la int Ci. .1ot5lie
'rHE - EXCI , 3I0tR«I, INIMV
[las all the improved al lalaland ispr
baedto tnout firstlltclass work .1nshort no-


cs ificseoe IitC0lttl. t et- a idihc-hlhlaii iitltaM-alaitiiiii ILLINERY AND ART GOODS!1 l At)(I iN((0 N.
li ~ tit a 1 Sf1" ))1-1551 AliTPreparesfor the defN raes a Sil 1 tit.lii thbradest cltueani NI chl a ital a Ititita
th s.111,11f( .5r fS0mltli ofta tste.si. ii itliti-silsiIfa-a-a.sfDt' A R 'l X JIA Goere, rvsin ou n- Fed
1_o°isi(};1 1 il 1' 1 1 11 1 Late lilIl tili ililil I l iii fV . piall atenti on 1111 flien 30 t lisur.n 11r111
tA. rptiIREXn oV c aicllcnti. all atltlmehRINSEl&,SNttaT
Fo t ..-1 .e r A t Weate-ec r~l Da1to.1;1S, dt .i )t 11w i(5 ellil ell a dI3ii Nl illmid .\eatersaliilll ia ii[ T lP P :~ n n
FinitsCt11Jl~r1 .. , A O I~th ll I)i~hPiie FS , theilelri lolaO of511 w inecc- o li k l iTScil XAlliyA I H'Ctro e S P ovso sF ou n e
.\ h la r - iii l-lie flch,, if ilnc oindet ia cii lin. It ' ei c ile Vacl i lil i-l cictii H A -Iof N fl ilillu fll'
stu\ tn hieNvl ad 1o frtbtI e- ic ur~s~e. I'af aW cI ffPAcl 5 oitad coo eV -
1:lia filf 15 i l i .ccl'ERF:ll 3ricle c 111. 4le lidnr " S fi S-le fStle il. a lii A N LD - 3 M inSt
lie We1biiiii Ji e ilfe ica cciDebae. Iil, s.W ns liendiredilai follaac 115 lie IAet ace aeiuccaed fo ie lch-sh Il
bones~iscaa Iclseciiiifa lc sooiSicevfieWhl~c ic i o w lli-l f he ' . htr ocety e dli slay l I0 1 Vhh lh i t:l
l t ar eli iiisiflie ccs]letati el aw V1111 iilf{1 het.Iir.Jon s as o p le vnng oaiuina m n --tr
leatff111om astiaelccr23.eaa amencchagnig thac t21 e f sleeingl liaaili~i fiiiii aiiia. l
acr oliefdliaiysecondlo, cciieition.I. ihIS iiii 1 5iaac36niMainpaI
the secbn jin tiideat IbtwenV hew ilvtedeupon. ail membieilrsa lualat. fiaai
itsdiesasliceiidicai 1av11r1of thee. 1. II.lutlh_-if(St-lile
hifrs na h nI ' 1 'Chorl UnionSootesties10111e lu-auhsaedtitotiietpresentiti
aclielilii ii iioillsofc staeil fics noniiiSociicyaietheiitodhesi ascia
of.a 'lo the d esiad ead tedefssrS e a-illaitill h 11q..Off tuaaaae il ibi a l Ar v tm Tnn u
ulelai i Iic si c whc IV i atimb'eaia ifr iof oit a e si V l ass ocia lat iewil ry i ll T / iidi t l,$;)000 uu m Jos iPflh,$lILOl),
SIva orhe Abolined The Arcie- u ndlu t'els i hhfli ail htSaeLe I-WRrALE O uf ElL y
i5iatiac1 ay I ei ng -,(tlicic 26, ecea t iag fcl k ____teea l itt tsnes 'ty i
1-reuy, Ne 1 . cnewiaedaiid uc\ Jo-rraaf >ned ill pianoi asolojceiecfci a a r tefretst. o lnibhlis -sii f ice, - 23 South Fouarsfth yv
I~~~~ 1aic ai7(i 1)efolthh Jffronscliit vii(i-it cila lota gCitfor-IieccihIesita.gtic
deaedi b ''i Neginie avisappoterl i Clea oraclUo - N'oles. oambetntaciiinaeed aindii ahll opai ft . K . BAF, r BER.lI 31LI, {SHOPe
ahc P o. - tiso tae he-oleI ar le ured tofiialeiprfesenti. tt iliti t
S. ec 'I thers do batc e a sd ce.a 'lihe eight eashe or e.anti et cvl -lcy ~l t 'N i l tit ' '~ 'Zlll . 1(1 fel'd~l siiiitR ifk l ag y
qusti o t all (lcuiond hiacr was:to ed -)annaton -f-aus"- i rom li ICea'aI la"ic tiena - .- 5OJ N WS I
ahudb blsid" thpeAfr- ooock. lton tte Wrt' h 1 hP
coeC m ite " M Vlt n n tide wahsesupougt Fnlrh aislf rt e "~ n- H r etR r e ers nin h iiSPEI.wA L A T ES TO UDNSt tt ltollli i.
finn, especi 'al oi ice artA of ain f1au it rhetaan nerClegaePrhbtinAso ffc,__ 2 ouhFurhAe
ravisaen thearetof(he.Jeffero-ao liitts itersccur ltinin a tutoritg ciat AnnTlArborul SavingsngmBatk
io. T e iuivewssppre tielevnca clo k.tav he cotear tp llae eng apiiidi/ d ib-la ly on l e A0.sKArtAi R BE R itStack t55P
bty . A c mih, spekersgrecand el giurasy'haluirstgsthenWinrsaead f1e- wl'b en ittiefilrti Sttt ~t~iritlas, 51 .sitt~ ihett~it)I
cviT.s Afapas fe.li eser heA titas i h ser plaes. rmbnet me r .sigLieefitig VIthiithavecreed as id aa asc asiga~
spetehsnof llfivedebalrsysoweituit, r-a tier- r ntIhusay tevnetg.seeit o f this , 5 1' S Accea asi aa-
Accommsaltsonscat the asrlk's iheiUatocif.sclob.aha
ti.n Davspei ar ticuar pasroloet ienoseftaneib stthe vilheoae y Jdg-t hiNoftsi5sce.I a sati tpr pa
byt arepedoslpus se.Whiehe nardf('11.1s.ls ~io ani, Ilrrooma hrdyeeig ehs i Wf.bi Sat,.eive s MAN, 1t basn
iuiacs-retired to reader their dcci- 4 a.- I 5c l aria.W .H - ~xVc r

u ,ab.. + -- -' i ..v i... +icu VttG11t1G r' 41GCt;.

+an. P.. IIUSCOCK, UR6hier

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