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March 16, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-16

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Pls~c~h'l Dily {Sun1ays'ece~pted}during
the(Colio e13 ear,h}
n ac c S tmeinwe copies cents. On sa1le tf
o'clcknoo. Sulbscriptions 0may'be leftlatj
hc cflic of thI 111111,0Operaouse0bck1, at
0hetlits's, at Stoftlet's, 1'or iPth oy of the1
Communica5 etionsst oldc eac te 111011111 le bt
tay. Addrcss all mtatter ittendcd 11111pulblca-'
'1011 to thle Managinlg Editor. All blusiness
coin m111111ca1101n 811111u1d1be sent 10o11h1e Busi-
ness11 Manatger.
Ann Aebor, 111m.
S.5WCrier 1, '32, MantagingtE ditor1.


Roo bican Club Iseeting. ( H F1 O-- TTEP I0 m P EP T2T
he I o 1 l. hi. l'teflll l 1(01 Ill lle
11010 lectr tofC 11011 115 la t eat1ing. Rook(t + i1(is, New and1111SecondhaniatlfI
rotaly It Ilroil ttllhavilngleft eel-
W.1. i. elfenhoek 'las elect101d
'01c.'I 111vtd l1ll ~~'.~ 1University Bookselleers, State Street.

j1 111111 111 st (If hiay.
Very mllllsfas tic sfpeeces were
I ade by lall, Johnilson~, Ay res 0111
several others.'Tke interest tihat
was takenow100s that tile repubicansO
oth h. o1110 M.lP are1111tho~roughly
awake an101 sill1 do olalliteir pwe
1( to wn a victory its Novembher.
'Pie followintg comml~ittees were
l omititee 1111ar'rangemlenlt for

Is. .. - - our1departments-CommetlrcialNo text 1110
P- enmanshipt Elegattt buttilding, laiat ltt
teedarceefteent 111s1111t111,11orkthoPu
__._- -- " - ough. ling cexpensestr emtely lowl.2 t
$21 50 per sweek; studenta assistei to positions.
Foe catalogue, oddres11ItR.Ct IARY, President.

Gi. 1.Ll 11.00N', Ass.Mngn1Eio.0, w1:MLcr ,, Asst15. Manllagling11Edito0. I iallqlet-J . I. Iurke, I. R. Sutltons, 11111111you1r sliriptiot for Detroit, F
'.1 W. 11111100Ross..atlgngEitr (Ihicago, New York, , ('itilti, 10111
J.C. 1 % is'91, 1011sines atlllocc Ileo a1ersitth Oer Eus
F. C. .1 15. T, '1:, A51151.1 ttsitne'1 II tI11'1. i Commoittee 1on1 jrograilslle-Geo. News tieipot.
0'. 11. lrcKewos, '94, Assist. Businecss 01011111. O. (Crane, A. E. Ewin~g, i-lgo 11a111, loosts-48 East Libt'rty stret. W\itil-Il
1W' 1P. Y'.110111, 911.. . 1. AsIsclt..'10. tC. ITowilleW. Mi. Ilarvev C. W ihet, thro11o11111n111(closct. Spring
F .. a1cct L1.'1 9, 12. ('CHAS.. Ilottsw '9:,. Call11for sample 1 co('1i1es0this w5eer: oIl v
FRANKsl SMlool, '-t. 011. MANtNbo,'9't. Ricketts. the N. ''. Woldi, at, Opera IlouseI
P. E. 1t'Ior.1.ro,'12. LUCIA tKEcrt,0'1. (Collmmittee 1111 prograllllslefor 110x1tjNet' De llpolt.
Ileelsnlgo1W. J. Galb~raithil, I. ll. fR..-oe Raton.
Jewcell, I;.N. IDentler.
Thte Editors do 11111lbold Ithemelvreon-0111'IlThe followvinglolg mte f.n h e1,1.1 ,N L l' ilsl a tlo s
pondnnts of locoO ts 111 1011j'aribor citizenss was apintofsedi anld eursiontttickoets at tte rate 111 1111eand (f
-are requtestedi to assisltilhe clubh 'n0one-thlidfilre for tile fo~lostIlg'
111- -- _I robiiiitilotlState tconlventon,.atlk And
'tickoets onl sale i1itt1a11(1itil, limsited
tors for tile reicomm~endlationl (f lthe so011j..[:.Beal, 1. S.1])eans, E. 11. oIel~t oMretitl
ioardi to rcali.at ltle 11(11.1 11ff1ceScott, J . TI. Jacobs andliJohsnsI linzts- State cen0'ttiont of Yosung Peoplle's rafley
at c~ol 11100 a 11a1515.Cihristianl Endceavor Soeieties, att Grandli4.
Opsera 110100eIblck, a eaticeafan aplids, MarchI29tht andi 30th. Tieket's
week, 0(ol tat they may ~consultilwithls Tie cilb adjouslrnedito useet again ott sale Marceh29tih, lintitedi to reiun V st
thle managl'inglleeditors regardinlgthiexled Wednlesday evenlinbg, ,iMarch Mar111131st. It. S.(ftt tONTio.vtl t 1flgS
work expectedoi(f 1111111,1and 11t1husbe iotil tile formlatiots of the league IFttost EN( I 5911 0915 51(111 51
enalhedi to wo11k 11inlarlmsl-llw11111alnd tile banqu~let are subj)ets whiclh I
1110 1b00111 shlouilenlist tise active symlpathylof EG LND OPELA HOJS E ~ 1/ T P fP
Anilongsgome110of tile complletitors I00vcry repuliicanl illtiletUniversity,~~~
lths isiaretlyS, a1 inisundl~er- ad ialliarc invsited tI attelndl the No. I)819 t MinIStt'eet.
stansdllingillaontel1)1 0thle quality of !smeetin~gs 1of tile clubl. Friday Evening, March 18th. ______________________
newIs Swe1 desire an1d reipect. Wht 1101 -
Rh 1al 'g5111 c 11111 oeFiea. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
11111 5101110111 1 IIJIIi lilal a~li h Cl~l~l~l' tl~ll, I ilI5('i t~ellMichtIllgaMihiga iRaiway
II 010 111Ii' I erl c's 1111 mtodIs and1. 11.11ile personality' IeCadin effect Januart~y S4, '5)
fensive 'rI '15101110 00, '0' IoN/ o1w1will llll'Ii'es hele, is tol produ~lc1Scrib111so t77 TJ""0 ,
51151' the hi i 1101(1 IIat t l C he. 1 is f F"'\j e.v"eningISt (ll
thnce ft heI~ coonopetoos. ilrchl8. Site goavesuh ail11wlinningNo.3. 5511 ',AtiArbor Accono
'1110111 10ol s bb xleItr't IiIl (If thie fist i'lill'l'sof lth No.5 tli Pssenge~r ...... 5
lii) v and0,101 thooos 115oiod l'110'itiIIos. ot this ihouse1, tf i~t.I is bl (l t ralO~ll~ 1 0 11 1 11 o0 111lo'Otgt1.... 1
lll1 0i011 n' dios na ie 1 f 11n10111o lol oward l 01 hI 'cons01'0iderabl ] J.LA IC ,Itt PIN 1 AA No. 1. MalilExrs.......... e)n1
It tilt'offic' evr y e VC 0151 -from 7 t11'1111 lll'allI(I . l)rtl~ ti'lolc as 015 ti POl' d11ff 'rico s,:001110 io 10111 1111111001 .011n .5b oo-(
Io 0),llC ''lIIor 111 o'111 role of lhe lamo s (C'othain'lce N .il lt' or 11S15.5 sisted11 by1 1a5 locronor' Toledo Ioly.
1ma01af05o111 tet' e'e(1 01(001' loistriiI'All 'i'l lyoo01(0' 101011Srloldols
Ass tort Sohesrs see Us... I scope than did that- of 5th1.e unfortunate.0 00N ! W.) ".I 1i1.llei Otlll il 10105,101 5- ORGOU UUsVINSEXU.11SL.jOc. P15. Aco, 111111AD'

oo I i I5 'aes(flll 1Ii'f''Il'a'orfwil''I iitake a 01leathifeliG OR E U O N X U ST n as t ~eiAe
Ilict of . )1Cc1' po pit. 111111it is unrt od t ha t thIle supl- PICTURES.
toe cdi 00115 of the NI iciligalliMSt l ortiftlg I'company10 XIill hltv o nlc rtgenliall
Press ,A.sociatiin, recenstly' it con- 'Ilt"0"il"il.-._ _-(
('OliollOa01 Anis .\ti(r, for assistance BUSI NESS LOCALS.
il ii~i10 n 0 illig ylla eIalkoo I~lsPrices, 50, 75 and $.0 (
1111d k of I 1)at 1. S lits 1_2N.
Sillilliti t t of AN I 11)ftirgtffiaoo the. hi tillle
tpeolfle f 111heStifte to) tilkot dona-o t.13ei tn.' '11 11 tllli' ., oedto i t 12.
s~4rts 11 11 llOnrti1at te .asingaieIll N 91111 S
t l wo S dte 1' Ilcod1lSisr{GccI tSti sl 5 N .o tg1( itgklOo'l '10 '5
a sim10 tlil ofthe t v0 lseb f Id\.0ddess NI.,Lock box VN.
NbA TIgaE 10eof thse 5-ourlt iack isNos- o" tile t. of hi. I). ioioiY. N.3 V UO T
iltii an~d 13 .01anbe ladi at Opie'ra 1101101 '.' P. IMSOIT & N
1 0l~~1~Siarng h evs 1DepotU. H A L LE RState Street Gnocers.
lotsg wtttidt a tmfa&Irun F- enyoIt1on -4q t.i Operl .1 Rouse N 's liepokt az'HrEEs Students patronage espeeilly solieited.
oIer. o Y.it NV orld, *V ~rattd anlS
'a stlllk 5pb'o . .' . . Itelarig4np6aty bSOU T I15's0r.24 S.STATE STIREET.

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