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March 16, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-16

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)Oui S1Pl :N( 111and MF:RSI 111 N (GS are av i vingdiy

118 (lIEN OURi LINE ()I,'

Weiltlilill to have tihe best seleredli1n1e i the tna11kelt, it tie lowe-t
a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~D n F.i 3 N ~C /\ I1~ 3pie.loiot true a Suit, Single Pant, oir Spring Oveircoat uintil
7handl at
1 nopotloilThe J. T. Jacobs: Company,
---~T E T O S M .- ANN ARBOR. t 27 and 211 MAIN STREETH .
T O= ' TKEY T D z 'tY 'TIONTGEORGE L. MOORE, (o~re +ceso+t
TH1E 1FI SKI TEAC~H EP.S'AGEINCIES. CAttFutltlieiofeallCollege Text Books, including Lawe and Medcalok~, bythe,12; .,
l119' lo W4BA VE, I + ldtiriends. I now' have my entire stock atrmy stoelon NO. 6 S. MAIiN ST.l
YPVOSITE it IIaa foollt recoilvedia fuI tlleiiof )1 ll Second Seiiester 'lextIBoOks. it} )tJ(S ' G~cI.L. s1i7ow S
IOTU lilt YIlealdljoarters for (Geriii a nd1111Itrencli 1pubicatito. Sole. lIvEr,1.1 ~Ii~t(At . i
'a STA TE ' Ordersifor trains, parie i . 1 tdial 11, IIc.
11 1 S , agent for Whitiiigs line Sta tioner) i 1 1 ru'e < 1 ,,1ropyIattni lo
Cei(lebt edllti'l iathleiatical ~litciinio'nts. Sporting (,Gi sf011110--. ___
Pei'ei eaonae ad wo1rl~k golrniteed1. No
'ITIE W IreST and Icorpoated.)GEK A N D A L L
"; ~o!fo, is 'R~t fR COt1 c(t s1". 'tparesstuens or nycoreg oCloth MILICaskets, GOD CltMetallicMtali
ittoo te countii~tr.ti i'il 'iiNS '1'li'0itlltt 11 il llee10(u'M L IE Y A D A T G O SANti COiMMOlN(COltFINS.
ortile te()olal pac tticl dtrl'tad isitihebrads cltrea.
Forlls .Y0iIIIAL .1.01) T'i'EiiRt''TRININVI t-IR i'MEEiT'i. Spe'ciailittentiontgien ________________________RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Fore its M.10' A.100FINE AiR'i' iW I_tiliMiT 1 '0 TS,1Sreon to ow" ' ite VitddSatishest1hTAKEld 1lee t
Ceor ~tsC.11tERiiAi, AN) HOTH'1') E.'AI.ME*,1' teladlngsct00l oflbusiness.S HORTHiAND ,J Groceries, Provision sFiour and Feed,
For tite extretaely oderoate e'xpensteItlotdetstoattetttiot. iTe expenst'leoalcco t nb ito' So- 01 1181.. 6aad8H. Washingtont St.
taced lowtter t-ti 11 tanlt 0 ay othe diut' ca tiontal1instituttioninIa thetutryan atit 1te IT WILOL PAY TiOU. Shoethattd Scittol, Netw
Sallec timheIitte well anid t-ottfortabtle. r ert'ttit t ttur itt'tl.-
A. 1.. VIEX, President.,iBailding, 20 Sauih State Street. 1' 1>T S

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The Apha Ru Peo~crttt.

tiles tofittlIvacanceies 111n theO Oot - OP
( tine bord of theP11rnan'sLeaOueS

11~~~~ iihii1iha tti societyllmottt(ogao- - -be. ore11t111 end.11 f101 rc- hi 1. 111(11111
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I0110 110 ' 'i '(0 addresst't1I1'Illo I I- r-- - --
ait g the I 'tila3lever tI llclii l ls- ae fri, e c or rt n
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litlen t, I lte t 01is h w n l l-ked 1 th - .. - t III Xetlt -lo s 11 Io I I - i tt >1111"111 t Ot~l t l ltI7rI ttf,, lt,'
1 ss it Il e cli lto 1. a lit:s n is i het er- gal l e.11'. J laOltlhseeelthat e' } J'lt. Ylt t1 ! t tanteeirt 11101'R 't
Hir llt'ltilg Iliil~t Ilsl troa vie; aiitlte11110 lee t ha1tst a llcso I,llrettwill h a ilt itell Ann ArborSvins. Bankttt
tittclct ti to whaetllelttli xtte 0lNhv Sattpll)tlO tt. illS. 0110r.1te.
palti'a Co plxin o t e lilf'- It)1Iln t t o clck ,il R om A t'tto BoankTieis tt~'ltiepot t tti s ao
- '~.. N TI~i Allvaniidats to 9- eiioaehatocttt te oclleial ttilia tt th
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