' (. ofj slhowtedlthat the class full y apptreci-
. t ate(1 the lgteat interest swhich Prof.
'sttitet taly b asay erepet tsena Know]lton takes in all things tenoding
the Colteg ear , by to benefit the dlepartmseat. ieI spoke
in gTreat braise of the work of tihe
THE U. OF M,. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION conitttee.landl emphtasizedl the fact,
______- that this ssas entirely ass affair of the
Su scrin price g2.501 per year, invrira btyfatseirtet le conle
nd1uceSitiglto-es-tst5.tceats. On nale nt v eatle. Ie conld
teenattnst Pest oritacees tstant at 12 iagnanitni ty. Whtile thte lawr stu-
otttrtt, cnon. Ssttneiptions abestleleftat
te etti rent the t)stssy, opera Hose ck e, atdIetnts slotsfuldb i steysol
bennsatt stttletn., or tt t toftttthe slot reserse so muchetsfor thtemselvs
C'omm1niatissboldrechthI e ofice ts as to ecvitile thseir guests, thterefitre
o'celoeSr>. AT. if ttey are tot app~ear teett it wcouildlle hetter to reserve oner seat
dty. Addrtsatlmalttrtetetitor tublicaI-
tioto the Ileanaging tEtitor. All bissn for cacti late studtetit, thtantw so, as
emuiatalttsbttldie sent to tthe tt,,ni- hatd beetntalketd of. I-e also atdviseil
tws anaitt~ttI
THE U. af X. DAILY, thtemtitoIsletCMNr. Clevelandtl at thse
Ann Arbar, Micht. stastions atit estcort himi, itt a body, ttt
- ~thte resideince itt Presidentt Angell.
EDITORS. Also tol assemblle at thse lawr buildling
en, lii, tta~l~gitonIthe aftertonsOf ste -,2ndrIatitl f
G.[ t le>t Az, '115, Assicl. Mttatr'im tit or.
vv .M(ct titt;,.9<1, AnsI. Mitiaglit- s,itr.111nst bodytoCUtilte rsity tall. ITese
J.C ti~t s),Bsinert sstae suggestionss sere swell receiveid andt
F.F siAN l 9, Aest.tttsnes 51 ee.
t' .INK.It,AssislttBustinessaa 5ttrtscutianimoously acted 11110n.
Wt I11.tttt.tts J. 11. StAft set -ci ls. Te commtsittee thlenlreportedl 1011
I. J. ts tt. t 9, t t>ll. A RD '
F[ 1 lkistt '(:1.s )k t At ttt2sid rabile prgrss inl the1' 11atter tof
1.I' s x~~9.ils55 I t i k.-- . 5. aranlgemtenrti,antI tilttheir ret-otm-
tieiirationth ie follttsings citilIlitices
TH aou PBLSHis-cSE wrc appinitetl
Tb 1 , 11 tov donot oldtlies-lt cetssss. l- ecepttion--F~. T. Itoastl, 1 -.\A.
ltttltdSll.lttlttlttt Ilale tat~s Decuoration--j. 1I1. Wh~iteley, F. CA.
lim. ichIitligatiLaw otu trnat seemi Sheldont, -1..1. N ickerson.
lt supptly a lttng felt swantt. Wshett 111111icatioti-IecrySttiitlt, tRalphl
it ss ut 11 n1satle y esterdla- motrn- S ttote, J . . Burke.
inth~ le Icopies sent off like hit t "skiers - . IL. tLe, Vt. If)
c akes, 11111 it is doiutbtfstl if tee ti- Thomtspsotn, 1R. P. :Marshsall, J. WN.
ions is large esnoutghtsu pply) the Dasssoni, J. W. Blrownsitng, AIf. A.
dlemndl. We cotngratutlate thte Detmpsey, N.. I-Mlc~uireF. L
Jo ursnal ttt its success, assd trulst thtat Welshseimser, A. F. NWentwsorths,'1. A.-
it swill cosntinute up tisthte stasiiartd set NIorritt.
biy thte ftrst esition. IN'TER-COLLEGIATE.
rileD111i.e is pleasedl to see so A Chticago Club tas bress orttatt-
manytI commn~icallltions5 comnin, 111izesdat Prisncetots.
as it slhossthat thse stucdetsts are its- Half of thtecasididates fssrthse
teresteci, attt are taking ats active Darttsoutht college title arc freshmtnt.
tact itt'Unisversity msatters. It is to Positz, of the Brooklyn league
lie hoped thtat thsis is nort a tempo- teans, still coachlthols trincetonttiIne.
racy rtshl, bust thtat commssuunications A Ptress Club hsas beets organized
still continute to some in. We are at Weslcyass, thsirteess Iapers bleintg
onsly tots pleased to grasit thse use uof represessted.
the coliuns of thse D11.11 for thte Four of thte castsdidates for thte
e-xpressions tf thte ststdentts' likes astdlVale sniv-ersity-title are graduates
sislikes, for ints llwtay osly can wce of ,Andrc.
gttage thse senstimsetnt of the sttucent The catalogtte if ILelandc Stansfordl
btosdy andt setermnte what is in ac- sowsat total Of 440 stutdents, of,
cordance wth thtle popullar tdesire. I twhicht g0 are wtotmesn.
-. " '-- Ttufts College trill erect a $sio,ooo
Senior Latws.
111111 0t5in 5n5tnnrvtJ os te tte
i Gteek, Ltatit, Fr-cthl, Ieransand ,sstl slietllstiiti
T ext In+.Boos, Nest-antd Secondhanditst
f3ookp ++
+1 University Baoksetters,. - State Steet
.1 ipeter stustlenta nasi stedlol tateitieusa
NO0. 12 W. IlIJION ST. Sprinqj
Ann Arbor Savings Bank,,Pantaloons, 5
Ants Asbr he. (ss atitalsStttt., 5th tiiiy
of thinestate. ttcesresepsts. ltSssstnd sAfld
ellereltssaneonathe prlisselat ites osithts
UnsitedstaSstes. I ts aheduptnst prto er
ideatiftlttions. Oblcct
CHAtS, E . llsncte, Caser.
lly tte till of Richtard Berrid1ge, V si
trio lately iedI in Esnglasns, Ilte- sig
qtteattsecl$,00,000 for etucatiosnal ~t . ~ 515s it5
purcposes, oss-foslttls ssf tElttANI
anmount, ste $250,000, is to b)ce-est
15109d ec xcltusively in te taclsa0 OR
tf cookery its volutstary shools istJ, I/l*STAFOR
l-;sghtla n assles~c. No. 1ff SthtMatistreSset-
itset-es Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
(At10 consItereelin.Specialf aten tee ongre Michigan Railway.
tsme, atsdletralitnesseaslshestby appyitgtast,
ttse O -s A btllc a s rI ''ims CTldii effect JussisteC 4 ta l
LostA lissc Itit~sysssr pft, st-I iAtivsst ot teatnsat AnltsAisue aly.
sithC dialmondsin tscentre. IReturntto If-
S. State, satndlrecefs-arewardIlOIG ORH
Fot-N-A (ostdstatels tod elaits ott No. 1. SallanestE-_,;a5 s.
tse streets (if AttntArbor. OttIter callt Ne..PaaSge1. Atn Aber A s-sssts ...11,11
at Argt t ltice andtlprose property. N.5 li Oltto snacr.........4!5p
Ltsr--F eb. 7th, ottEtast XWasing- No GOItNGt S OUsT H. t o t i
toits street, a elerry-h lttclesl. elf-eIss- No.. t11atI Ptesnge.... s-i.. p. a t
intg tsnsrell, swi t 11lotte tnfckeledl fec No. . Passenger, otedoAeo-Stilts0 . Is.
rule. Fftnder returntto B. M. Conradszl, Tean 5 ntu its btteet Atn At-,Is sd
00Ii htsiftgtott atd reeive rewasrd"l. seo ony.
Centat ltsttdrd Time.
Lo-r-Tro lise doltlar bflls tetsveens Alt Ttainn ~attt ce- cpt Sntay.
the pos)t oiieesitd tle Utiversfty. ile- Ws. I. BENNETT.B S. G EENSPOOO.
tutrtn to UCT.of St. offie atd c- Om ae gtt oa gt
ceire rewasrt. Gon as 1 . L lAet
Atnetwlfise of Necknear just receivedi
atnd Ito better styles till be founsd its
ost. Yut still say titey are ote-hIal
the price yost iay for thsems elsewhlere. Q-
Maek & Selttiti.
Ladies of tile 1. of . till flitd it
greaty to tleir tadattage to call on uts
shlin nt Ieed of Cloaks, LDreso Goods
r Fantcy Dry Goods. Mark & Shmid.
Ladies' Mackintoohles its beautifutl
varieties, just received ad Mark &
to $4.50, marked $1.9-N at Mack &
Slinid's. -j ~ OT
Ho11t atsd cold batlts 10 cetnts, at Post I .LD. LTIMSVOUN SOLN,
Office arber Shop. State Street Grocers.
Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 1- c Stdettspatronage especially solicited.
o®r 2for 2-. Mack &Scltmid. 24 S. STATE STREET.
ITere twas a sheeting of tile senior
lawv class yesterday after thse lectutre,
to receive thse repotrt of thse comsmit-
tee on arrangemnts for crlebratitng
NWasitgtons birtlsday. It hsad beets
atntosutcecd thttProf. K nowl-tots
swousld b9 .presetnt andi talk to tlse
class upon theseltsater.
A fete -ninttes after thesesidlent
calledItse uteeting. to order; Prof.
Knowlton entered the coons.Te
apsplautse ,,6th whlich liten-as greeed
Col. Garditner rufts.
Thse Pritscetots tri-etstial cataloguse
still be lpublinsedl hereafter its E:tg-
ishs instead of Ltns.
tniversity of Pennsylvatnia, Johs
Hopkitss, Lehsighs and Stevens Insti-
lute have formsedl a Lacrosse associ-
Dartnsoutht College is contsideritng
tlhe proposition to erect a bronze
statue in Itotnor of hser Ile iProfessor