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February 11, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-02-11

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it Will Pay You
Otte Huntdred Fine Overcoats Rledede.
A lsootiery Prince .Albert Coats anti Vests.

1 Bttstillee'acnthepetiee of Clothing, Bst 1s a (,loves, Nittenetc. tc.T h its wi
atenounoce to tite public tatvtouo fourthe ott sale, o everytittg int oer lDoubtle Stoe, cto-
tiittts IN1l KMARCH i, wviichletcantsaome tings at less thtan actual tost.
At tlte titte tltewater'ptrotbtest ovet our stoe, at few tweeks ago, soteof aouer C(11I1L-
DREN'S Suits tree sighttly titeraged. SWevwill put ittouettnttire stotck of Clhildent's Stits
adPnsat ON E.'IZ OFtFiregular sellinggprite. Ouer stock of teet'gootts isntt
very large.attteweoutlt adtise tttose intneedltocall early.,'Ibis is a greatchcetl
1 lavclt 1, C1892.

Z~T ~ T~17TO S2V~SThe J. T. J
'Tele eh 20.e J9_. 1-'atnd 21)1 AIAI N STKEET.

racobs Company,

Miw Aiimr Steam11 Jgll IY, COEiAJ\~L. GEORGE L. M OORE, (Mz st .) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, Aheallst lefNtOe ilBol'v'okstleiottta.tttetgin ooheeit.loiresmer l in.tealn
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. , l T te R ldltfriendst. Iloer beet' ott 'ntire steeat y tel t7oe reeNO. 6S.Mu T
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. iNet. 11 Wistr NV tStIINeON ,TIE lt . MC'T"

I) 1)OS ITi' I lts just riivetotd 'tlh.ttiR ilco lt Se'ionttttSe'ttttslt''e-lc.ett
I11)1 SIC. ' ttet.'fryWhtingi'ts"itne Statilttta'l'd' ite ntlel '. Io
IN Colera Mrttlaliematiirt- talittti etis. Sportitng (Goodes.
IEE ,()loerhis.


ff 5SII. ''I'.
INeJOHNsA. S N eili1'

Ottrd er fr t rines. aieso. -te ti setcte.,
p tiatete seeto
Ile'e'er!etheetetrlreletmchiery, rtneeiseee.
t ee'. eCo eee'mm erilreerk ltitre u fro z

ET)lL W{sTrNI '\IICFII i N (101fl4'%.7 1 ' t ''NT' T s' levii teevee ye.__t. 1.I. ct'. leertrett cr.
lteve-I-et- iererereree - LL)L" ! O.. . M. IARTIN,
i'ori'sgCOLt f1re (t1lllieZ llt, iI relIpareelforIbae. (R i.ee an i ms Ien ta tre hroaet e l e 1111tee- - -
emtra tie'l resu'tlts. 30 East Hurnr . ~tRINSEY &SEABOLT,
iretr N'eeiI4l DI. [ 'E'lt 'l' .e'lll ' 71Al INI.N'e lr l'.''.I7I.N_"t'. Stecrital'teete et i ''en letr edb lr e
tee pr'eeeparatit ton or 'eeeexnter erion ndt rBakeretad.dalers n d ed
F'iets MUS5a' IC NDI) lINK .IltI'ITI'I,1'.llTl.Y'i. Nrrerritee N ' rettwiretle 'titretStee O T A D TAKE A +Q oceries, ProvaiontsFlouranFed
Forres itl'MMReClNl'ltllIA L e .1)S1Otl1IlW eI tlcDE AatT .llX 1,'steee leragcorl of rtbusinessrva H A P D C0 13gSLs. ! Can ti;F. WahintoetSt.
c".1 E p ... .oe..p eee.eeeemodera e ee w oetiets ttledig.'111e ee' nseoo unt'e'r canl ete tg"-o I -

io, t te e vetetllt ttvll AeeiltP ' - e tele'aieeee
llte timelie wellteaned eeomfortalbe. ENee'erte'trrttr'tl 'tt'tl.
A. F0. VEFREX, P9reident.
Archaeology at Harvard. Soiling Foot.
--'irheri' e'as v itle a scrtatelet' ats-
Alireelars tie arcetsetd interest i
tertdavr' (er des oreth1e'newaNIiclel'
Amerricaee Arclitology at eourton
I 'iesrity it otay be eef interest to gtiv to ts . ceeroe . 'lt edtrlliri
kntershlat leogileninteg withi lhe rcel- ltilelima itys ~t~tlte irl
It' totab ~ 1argla .ctrettx eecesstarytleeintlaitseconede
en loeo ee ilorixei .le'a~ioy eitiontt somteoting thtat hasttee'tr
atndel Ktttologsr ewts estabalishedotI lrcaeetealaeetl tI rrrie
IlIrerde. T'lico'avrse is for Illrvoltlitttetr.ltet Ilrrelsrlc'
rrittneirlliit te lawovcltisses eyes-
cersa dttnelis ititndIeld t~er
sirreletto lettite K ate tSchoolleaetorto tel na.NcIetlletel
wisedl Iis ritesses tIrescreoJudeige
lobeeIpositionls is teacheors tinelassist-
ants 01f11h0suect itt vartraus inest- (erlx' tie
lttionis. 'Ibis deartioenit is utiero r NtylcI l l aniatcs for'o.r
tire' charge of Prof. W N. Puttam,' ebase-bailtletleteam tandith irotttes lee
arid tlie instrucrtioto is gicenln tih.110theematnaerctRKy Nltc(.urren.
teabaotlntsertiocf Amiericarn Arche- Nertc .I o~ e 21 : IMoernt
ieology aindlEthnorlogy, tonowhichlearceeomel'el Sttdetnttclteeg lt lake
lttrge 'ollcctions, laboataorios anitihis ('erecsheouie ld 010tlmerknow at
once, staing whevtherltct i t.,IC1 a
lecture roona Stuidents in t ts woveash t~ it temas atwel as 2p. itt.
eceurse are also reqitrod to elo a good "et. g 92.iM. I~e:r r.
teal of foeld swork. It swill beaenOit Nc'ric'r Tereetlar mtontly
tht th lis touirse ts plannedl it a very mieeting of the aitltc Boardl will
thtorotigh mainner aind ill doutless lae leld Saturdlay nmornting at ie
lead toa imore thorouglh study of11he oclock ut Alpha Nur.Hall.
srubject (lion has over hieretofore beeii 'lr-t'eewl b et
te cae iiag of the Democratir' Society
Thursday eveanig at 7:30 inth ~e late
Foster, '94 nletlc,islletatoel frona lectiire roost. S. '1V. CUR'riss,
classes lay illness. acting President.

iling,20eo u etSteSlteet.lj(} Q
Ner err..- ( oriTeae coarse 19< OV1' II . l SPOOIJ
'flieck's Romateic Dramaas.Oe of-lt Al
tite foeloweineiodsO w ill 110 selcedi ROLD'S, _- 36 Main St.
fotr this ctlerater cietrse. MnIdatray,______
<:i :1y; rr 'o r Tuesday, 2-,n. i 4l
RoomereNI. Nate.Sri i t l lI g o!IltĀ°n llI!I
N 0rer-,.--- 'reit h o r e 2.. e 'll ' ctjertciei tI.'I rrr. .tt9t let ter et 'ettie $'1:,rX!r.
Romeaintic MNI e ette'ttte France. IDotes et veerI l Bankineg ibusiness'v. Pays itt
'ork hlsedl tie tattassigneteoxt n I o e T eat poesf"r 'nt
cona uteet'iotn tattl er'adiitgs Iroivl aitil It. II ilt I,( t I. BL I,,Csir
discussonoeel ltis sectoeolref liitery
histoiry tee Frtance. 'T'ueseday attl
'liereslay,rq :30o- to:o . Roaomeel N. !0. 1K" BARBER SHOP
N Tre. SsriGGe; i'. ilttil'eere'vo ret i eeeeeee ic,. 1oeh u s
Ne)r er; .11 e'aeniidelvs lior ' rer erete
brase tall teaan are oreueesed toIre . tt'I-1k jA~0oVSiZ,
leatrdIn teeirnaetaits at nelite E0.s~gtnS.,r~ ro. i!hg
l1. 'l' reese -,,JZi,:,lanager. I_______________________
Net etc". .Allaishinlg to cttttontes olleil .11eer eie' eeivieeg oleirleowe-
eneth bleloxingagntdtewsrestliteg tearreta i1 le l vs irle 'ieand tine eler'brettorns.
w11t111 le leeditFIeb. ec9,twill plelase
hataie iir itamtestote lommaiitteec
at ocee.-Farrltaitlnd, aener, Stonee , I'eee '
Rtobeinson tantelGriftin, ceotmitee'.('es,'e.
Nwr''iv'.- speal ~1exramainationet
for stuentes conoitionedoine tL Iatin
setilol eeld iniRooanmT, van Fridlay,
Feariiaay eT, at 2 p. mn.'this is the f
last examnationt for coenditions.
FIRANCIS IV. Koci.so.- .i
Nva'iic'-.--All candiedates for thel
93 laase laall club are requested toe 8411tI9aestli eelelkiceipt of jerece.
hand ito their nanmes at once. 11'EhiM & SON,
11. A. to te'111sce, Manager. eDhetroite Micl.

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