40 1,4%
'o, r Akl
, 1. 1a 1 .
Yoor. I.--No.cN
Paderewski. to the highest pitch hy all that hadot fr omnthe lfirstlbut after the(ConceritoI
lii.. etsN ok N olilhasthefol leen said of \lI adeirewskisi 5plse- had1lien iniislhed in smasteirly styl
lowino to say otfP derewski the soiea iiliiii s ti I'sitiiChiiielitii ioait 01i
thioroughly eized. l lire-te hialla'de suid the ( ohairp minori
it pinst who is to giv e a recitalsksh'ysyetraseeiawaNsleiit ilieuiiteic
insL'n iesiti Hllt iext Citonday as sd sssfs oi 'utc ii iio rh t i u
2titinglforthe henefit iif the tl'o- ii ' i NtiiEW>
toi aii\tite~ ie ii ~es-ery suse Iprisentat cilizeithtl tall the tiieiithiioisism iiitil, ifteriasuoii r
pron) ees madiie thiemi Iiut beeiiamlts performaunsceutfliis owisii nse'iely
ofi l flilIleditaiiilthat th yw r itnn i tff suet d iiterestinig ICiiiiiitoi,
I lie I tiio.iif eIlis ree au t he sn ilei
co)(efito sen b A. inasue cciia 'iet rtist. NI. Paislew'sok iws 50 reeltd iwithi a P 1 T(4
ltliets s ioit t-i tineu 0 isua irally ia hulittle inc i ild sist iii if stulas i wh~ ichi Is ntd
,!' o te ewVo rk:'sim ho ytidscun i-tituyhar prst noaio n tw s uiiieiithti
i ti e d r the dir estion ii i i o aso lledl slit isuisisi itlitV so le had sit iii uesit otti tes s islid
situ sis attIrt i s tol ITle standrist rts i s o Its 'iiireity losi tsof tsit s sssls.' ' LIS~T
istI i ll syestedeeni sc at ing sweis!excilleniiie 555551 le itt 5 tiiitit i"ittO Th le folloinga iso te ptog'am
NI. I'sieresoki sitdislehis fist appleari assistcieptisonsal tailentsiori'geniiis tt to P hic l ersi s o ic
it~eb foea i iela nilesise rtoe atppreciilIy alistse acciielitd ftr it itt eenis :
oi t s 'e tiuieisioli i s t s it p1a sitSbts Is talenits ss'genuts ;onastassA p s'iosst's-- - 5- 5oe
Is so isi, h sn 1Iai sit applearedl suitthey is~sist lie coencieidedl iit its latil t~ssl Etissic.oIzz
ste isieoc tius Isi lesis sios iithoustil I itesti i ittrI essi v lse
1~'f tfs~s si it1eIlssai isil irstshi;thus t s ttrikiesitne Keu~~ - -- acc
t , ester ditete fi iiiitciptissitn nd abouitt M .5 5 1)1 i ply ini so -----'-------- iii 5shn ,iz
Isi isit ii si sloii its Itseasthlls repse andst itsaffescs ted
illti-es th n th t of t11 desin-(Drover Cleveland'a Letter at Ac
sliestss tlt ess. thlesre is asitsiue a'senitse if tu t A i rtoo w oceptance it
hi frs owto a e recna isisnstisglike snsatuinalisiss r ofirsit
mt - --t sst h t ts 5 rlti sst iniShosit
N1kssit islsst it stlilts strefe t ) ly bilt .m W () .. ' ('(-5;,Ii~ ))
title'rk susi itchu iencela tsls' Ie'.tA.i'iis' iie'aandiotherssie
s]-~. W ite n w t lkowstn sssis' t o el s tr5itlyii I l ie st itsmateesoitie Its ii sit iis sisitetttic.t
te eutntie arisItitictoldy I.sttOadeit I i hlet pif hlo st is loni e silr tesisletllstsi eIlss i
lititskits itaesis of lso issi tati ell t ites1of subist utI i es l. )a( ''5' v liae t o h accpir teiita tionitsy si
tcciti sass ees l isesnlysoliefseth ie ti i ssi liiident}of forc itshesit fth e tots u sten e Im n blftioft t h l a li s ss
needd, nd atouh fim a stel ad lte Ltivearteentslof the issl 1 t
i r . a sshis pmusicat l eductione e n4 1'otly ieict o p oi i
t easag eofIatiseasgeIositweit -li e ,uir ts seso t aselve i t s sisy and sit Ctekosthe tsetendisiess n is I a tiS P
siedhstilbsesensro inasitly bsesreshe cIsislseigtelwtiledcasotrouthose o s slrit test esseiiei, 0-
pillc s aiahis fel s iess 88stys exa uis i teslsdlite htoes cifter o salt he twen th-econ i nsant, aildIthe
'Ilnieofs R u ssinksladthe iss'ssht istrusets i i o rdstil i ll an sspeak o te hsi se ccrassi ts' otis'. ask st
dietikonsfais pilloe-hcsun teeranall tresiicl hfisil u nties N Id- his5e 'tuy
lTistgl orthaeshseess i tere saof resok insitent arr e.sstiWits anexpeCsdofimidu ingm tin
Anin tiasstscessf fnes ssif the appaie resngllacopl etehemasteryiorts rbor
wellr-know'se rtiantstio.s isicareealsei re difuarkahhes, eIsis e-s h oit'tilhrss h itCh
thougisthorftheatureenogeserisoirotskiofncresa thelyostashifl itag- tr gjusguu tisR etessiuug1y .
brillant s cces es onthe ontin nt sag toes anis a i nte u s i des a t tcaren Soc
nin Enaereakihesass wonu aiset hhand eiodeplytoi s eehonHs iiss Ileliusulss .alSociet. us
wold-wtuie aspuatimoserufcossistw- in oisrtemaas blgs-erais altriut- Sssi t .Ie
lirt is s o toprseincti g sera io r n- tilso ccafeven th t i fic ult past 1 lowing srisiam this s' even pi:
j~lisasdges istun tsesiainlclean'and clear Iilui
useclu I~esr ws C, alser o f r sia rsi h u ate d n y o ov xrtion De lmtion -------s ---i ------ililLa eriiia''
1IOatin--------------------n----- A.iNsieah
diusti c i en sra itson ip s o o idover i n horth aade sk sp iieiraps ttin i p e gh si-a--------- i-ii---------- '. . e als
eighty ongs intiuc Geasan, renchreeth as iseintrpreterof Craonspoat
eigsty sog nteGraDec ida nitrrtro hpnsaPohish laiguagcs; hesides hhe huts phayiag is nmarked hy a teacher, Kalaniazoo hias jusit organizedh aCeNo.mas
concerto heard hash eveninig, wvhich poetic sentiment asnd gracefuh sym- Gi iversitv Extension Circle, with G0adoren
scas first Nlydi meiab me. pty without whichi thie works of nia enshers. tProt, Demisson', and ewase
R ie-King wits thin Boston Sym- this nmaster hose hiahlfttseir chiarm. ever popuhar course in Elnglish Lit- flrm nan
Ilionsy Orchestra, under the direc- It was evident after the first move- erature has heen agreed upon to Manuaac
ion of Mr. Nikisch, a few months nent'-o Saint-Saenss Concerto that open thne series, and wihh be fohhowed -
slure. IM. Paderewiki had enisted thebyPo.Hdn'letrso.io
It may he said at thue outset that syMpathies and interest of his audi- pean history and Prof. McLaughlin's
tor since, expectation, though roused ence. His reception was cordial on American history. ALSO 'H
IMailed do You
Th'rough Youe
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sit 50itu' f i1)i ti 0sitettia ntsuuAu's)i
'4. FYFE & Co.,
('hats. Shpeller tk Co.
ase selhlin gsit greuutlIn ic-
itduseshprices, thesirs'chosice
ise if Neckwreair, [Tnier-
ts. Speller &
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elsarged fen she ariissiry
trade Cigareesswill find
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The iRicismond Straight
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t eicanely flaysred and highest ansi
oa grewn in Virg'nia. This Is she Old
sial Birand of' Straight Cat Cigarettes,
brought ens by as is she year iota.
e o imitaiisns, annd oserve that the
'enas beloesissan every package.
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Noith Main Strees.