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February 08, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-08

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-w-C of M~. $ciL.

Death of Dr. Chartes P. Pengra.

______I)r. Charles P..iPengra (lied at his
'1lishet Daily {Sundtays encerpiotilauring: residence, f.,o lDartmotuth St., Bos-
t he Colttge'erby t on, :Mass.,Suntday, january 31 i
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENTIASSOCIATION lie was born in 1861, and passed
_____his early days in (Ovidii 1clh. In
sbritoprice$.2,50 per year, ivaialSty 1iSSi , tie iwas graiduatet ini tte de-
,n uclerne,,I 155Set itter es. n al ltartrnesnt of \t ediciiie anilSttrgery
peenr,'Sma ost ffic0nes stndt at 1d
o'lcno.subscriptiosa ay be left at aniiiiMi,8 in the departmniet of
hr office of the(DAILY, (Opera Itunse SineS, att shi Ate
552e11111's, at stoftttefs, or wiihlIany 1orthe Illiariiiacy'o hi Lliersity. :fe
eos. acinis as assistat ini 1ateria 81 ediira
Clnnltlltictiostsholdre (acl tilt'office'biy firtoyas i sa a eltlt
o'cllckE>.m. tthey are to app~ear Ithe ntfotoyerh wa cledttel
lay. Addrtess all mstter itnted e orlpblica- chair of tProfessor iif Alateria -Mxedica
11i11 to the Managing Edlitort. All busiess
Comnmunicattiostlsho111ulld e sent to1 theIsi' a ndl lttaiiy in thte .\assachiusetts
leSS'Mt lllIer. College of lPharniancy, antI he also
THE U. of M. DAILY., Iheld tlhe chair o~f Professor 1of Micro-
Ann Arbar, Mich.
scopay ill the lioston Dental College.
EDItTORS.lie swas a great favorite among thse

Grteek, Latiti, French, Ger nt, atist i jtltll1 1
e xt + Bookns, Neii and1 "seondhandtlltit
Bo k 5University Booksellers, - - State Steet.

ll; t S t~lll~the I ~I(lItteln, (na
V50 p5ter week ; students assisted 11polsition F.
Fnr elttlrgue, addrtess 1.51. Ctt1A (1V,Ptese nt.lIl

S.A.C t 1rs,'2, SManaging Etor,11
G. . i1 -IA u, ' 2, Assist. S t~tlag'Eitor
WF.AiEcv''3, sest MaagnEdior
C. llW. S' '4, SAssis.t.tiBlsiness ltan're.
W. S ARKER, '9. l J.5R.1515,i'let3
1" C1 tt '_+''.. J '112. 1 M.111 (11i,'K)1

students, aiiil hatdaI lcrative prac-
tice iniconecltlltionl with i ls lprofes-
sional iltties. is Ileathi will bCa
mouilrnied by iiaiiv, aiid the abiiie
colleges will realise tlii" les's of a
proficient inIstructo~r. His remiainls
wlilibe rotiglit to Muihgain for in-


NO. 12 w. HURON ST. I Spring
Rhii'kitiXSonl] rt a letnitlig tiellowit- Suithn r,
_ ~ cl ii ani+ ieslll 12111111t1. el )l!i

Trhe Eitrsdono1 ldthl~11 11 111Iemeles eselonll-' Iti Iarvrd;hs 169 )special sttid~enlts !a tl~ s
lsoilet' s' ppeaingilleite IiII15111n1 111C-this yeanr. f a tlo s
lPresiile~ti Carter, 1of Williamis tot-Clas ic i ;
\l:are lpleasedl to notice that the loge, is traveliing 115 Europe. And
Frceshmnlare sraleid lp aniilace W\ork on11tile grainidstandil (f the
taking 111o111of ci lass affairs and rushii- (oFliii vliiistotsI '11-~j' 7ancy
Iug thnemilswtith avespeanice. Itito Il llenlceil . t" .
be lhopiedlthat the enthu15sis ill Ilit isdlecilleil 1(11tiogive thte Iusual t
lilt lie dlowvnl,hut sewIslill niue to gymnaitstic exhilbition att Prinicetonl Vesting"s
prow se Stile athletic 5seasont1ap-1)1il Wasiingtois nBirthiday, they sell Sent postpaltid IotIreceipt If lprice'.
proacites. give am exhibitiloitinorizo~ntal bar, hlOFhIM & SON, Fxoil l1 Ir. tA DtI N~t: 111 N.
tutmblitig atnd tturning, andl double D)etroit, :Miech. .,
lrpza acse.J Z Y it;.titime whten Ln-Presillelt Tbe nese Wesleyanl catalolgute 0. K.B.ARBER, SHOP
No Ill Soltl t laiiu Street.
Clevelandl is t speak its t~niversity issued 'Tuesday shiows an enlrolmntt oomstilin ttectioetn. Porcelin Tub211
5Swath conti ~tnec~tedlth2eachTi ub. ____________________
Hall is applroachling and wve have of 266f studlelnts againist 250 last year.
failedl to hlear of anty arrangetnellets 'Jetoa iItaeupa.flow 7 1TROJANOWSKI, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
lelgIlaefoti'ac'tlstiaot Graduate studetnts, t o; seiiors, ((4; 351."a~iltltS..AnASe teltt Michigan Railway.
iii thne studenttbodly, wsithatile en- juntiors, 49; sophlomlores, (12; fresh- 'Teisesyyrdmasett ec21 (ardeltin effectSJamilary 24, is92
ceill ft ls leltgg10temen, 70' special, 1 2.10tais(AuItteal.
late departmnstt. A\s ir. Cleeleatsd Several msetmbers of th Pinetn sers[ athlletic- tmeetinsg ssas svol inSON NRH
is to cotue here iunder tine aluspices grllttc etihv se lvtdthNrteeuSasecaoeS . 55ds.II
f th stdens ad fr te crpoe -Nos.I tlssgr. AnnlArbor Aesoml c00nos
If les uelt asl otl ll P l ois a team iof Nele orkc amateutrs, BUSINESS LOCALS. No. I>.Malt Passenger........ 4: p" l.
o~f atddressing thieni,see tink it toiludlcning .1oblert Stoill (lnd others, fslI e ileGeiOtItNG s (ltl t l e. . (11 tsetur . Is 11
t~or llt fi tta hes~tltisto give anl exnhiiin at thne opensing ofIto(cents pee litte. splecial eaten torlner5No. 4.Mail Express.......... 8 40pI..
Should lie asstredl of tiheir seats, lc ftl eegt~aitlatni'rilikitne, uttd extralitnesfurihedliby applyn~t No. 5.Passetnger,Toledo Accnia...;0a.1-
r ftenwgmaima r ltl te DAILY 0(122.1 5rain 21nd 111unbeitreell511Ann e utan
tat outtsiders take those Itlat lm~at id AMarshnall College, Feb. a22 Loss'-Ts-o ive dtollar bills betwseet l f tr~1ltdard Tine.
renin naftertine stndeiits are seated. 'tepanhfrtieneeostlilgof o~rllice ad ltile Unieersity. the-I All Trains Dully exeept Sludaly.
1 h plnsforth ne bildng f tun o h o. A. mi,%, othee lundlhre- IW. H. BENNETI', 5t, S. GOSSSNIt)Ili).
'There is probably 1101 a sinlgle sta- I{ttte Johlns Hopkins i nieersity It e eeive rewalrdh. Den. Pasuu.aget. [.seul Aueut.
dheint in tile t'. of NI., w5hltotold knowlsn as 'AIc(,oy Hall, hlave beei n ittin'ht of Neeks-ear julst receivedh_______________________
aiid no hbetter styles uwill be f112nd1 in
snot ike to see the ex-plresidient, 11111preparedh and acceptedh. It ssill be tossn. Yousswill say they are onie-hiahf
if no lrehparationl is to be nmade the largest anm os1051imnnpositng of thiethte price youtaSy fitr thienmehsewhiere.
eMack & tSehiad.
for thseir accoiiodhatiol, is great unisversity buildinlgs, hasving a frotit- Lallies (If the t". of H. ill findl it '
miany weould ratler stay aswiy -tlian age of nearly 200 feet oilotie street greatly to their advantage to call on tis
l~e )1)1nil I t en ati to 011aisoile. 'ibe (11swhen In (leedhof Choaks, Dress Goods
(120ln or Fatney Dry (goods. Maek & Secinid.
erclses, alnd Sir. Chesvelaind instead of the 'XIcCoy bu~ilding seilh seat Ladhies' Maekitntoshes is beatitiful'
of seeinsg whlat a great. and glaiadi1-1 about 300 people. Amothner appart- varieties, just reeeived at Maek & f
stitutiOn se av' 11l -e1 but a pot nment swill be used for lUbrary pur- iosso iktorlasso~ 39
tion of-lt.1 t. is to -be e thsat, poses, the present accomnmodations to $4.50, nmarked $1.95 at Maek & ________________
the com ittee having the omatter in being mnad I4uate fore the 40i,000 Selinid's.
bandsill .niakt.,,the .eAessay ar evolumies. The upp er' roaomlsswilltbe Hot atnd eold Mt c 0eiits J* P.STMSO & 3OTt
ra eueaatatfisenet~etluksdeoedt htrauelstr adOffice Barber Shop: . a State Street Grocers.
orefren o".p aga. '. . ' Full lti ine ev style cofacis, 4 pily, 1Hec Studentspatronage espeayshitd
gn "g.~., or 2 for .5. --Mack & Schamid. '254 S STATEF STRET.

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