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February 08, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-08

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Prayer ins the Light of Reason. Communicato. f "democratic feeln." _he IGer-I+rOF YOUR*- -
Wht adese asusssrse 'rsoiDA i rs o:aintheatre, as acknoswledgedl bs SOCIETY B ADGE('.
large for tihe rainy ight incUivses- [the I~ci is of the;d insst isn mnstid nrvseexi-t i is )
tract from a etter receivedl Ib xlian. sst . ti. se tnl t
sits Hall, tast evening, on "Prayer
a' heiiltNfRao..''ti iel Ross,suponi 'Exteerienees of lbeautifulanit ean 1 ewa nd- IMaled to You - .
a .of Al. (Gradusate in 'irope"'Iars s 'theipride of Sa55055alsocTruhYu
no notes curl spoke is a vsryinn isisiin*e Sad ' "4c" E
ptrssireansdteffective msanner.sappeasreed uponswhchicswishiisto mcie the lI segerStsl7 iesre("' I p'1' B
a fews remrarks. 1'he theatres are wne andC L_____________
\lest serious edousbits, tie said, rise ssotnsesashoes"iss sisotstIy isvesosass
iI lisnotluelrstarefowreasoisu-asoutolisd bspritaee ompanies
il thisydo reas on,\losand muisgstb t sc e sue ' sa cn aks a remssark The ' fessaisslsisis ass anests PRICE APUpoATON
intlab esi oentogtsc stefolloinig: ''lise Uiii- that ounsyrstockhoseisrhlae seas at--
h ayer siileso vitasss tisf est ionsesT, essits ihis the ecaraterisicis'ssf tleue resular Ierformiassces, ue msts
iler1sss r i ssa 5ii isssi Ieusl.hssesse ie s es e <thengseral ]uicis ihears is theedress Ili ~I
at rss'e. Ili sises se se a rooems at ue Ibeginn ing (f useeaheti; rehearssl sitd iisly thtsthilreosgi tie;eU o 'etiii
lt pry)er is riirely uedee;t scsIisnobodsys'there. IPresentlyi- a senes icosurtesy sf te stockhldesers. Th'le e tgln ese~idcoinestiuigs
prayer sasoeieseelksic I}''ues
ictromseIrsir? Io~.mmIeises in, isss f si as isl taare ini sll ciuntsies "lowuthtestres," DETROIT, - - vMICH
It:.ff iste ratuse'essice s ol asd llits, a csgas.\At the endsiof Germanyissosuiahas tershates but
stittia ease ovr iisi. I'ee ~ fifteess sissuses te roome is fish ohttaikskto te spolice regula tisssnsi
studsentsisand Isisroyal i liaiess,'as misy s Amsericsa, asnsdI mns' sadd
iiionelswofiatreto cotosi ey ierafctseosisesee ii1vthat the fesw she has are sot s low
lassstfre-rlisasni subeseerlit'saeeloswsatsribsylya ic a msorsl sense. I i 55 st le be s i
itser I icaas'sre il'l tis ats Isastelmttmrisuctesesiss in ii ndssilthat eresesie s is s himied
siselii asat ssseais elisisis areerrse.i a ndasethlerefosretese is isi
and ras teasneseier ineesscaseereatmenarcos
Thr a ee enanto rstuseentsin ass "embXeriansysscae for semsocrati feelings Stir
tiiler 5weieh ist ot rsy. Ir'is es i i a s isseergrlt does not elet s iresidlesnt esery fouer
ts~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h t iii ss etse.I hr lru its that neitrieirrntrsesasiy of yearsciiiisisas Ksiser forerlife. 'Ilee tss esiasth eis l rseii ie
itsCat' tea ear' it, mi is ithr saddsest ii Sisses as ,50eto airl essirstanisAssesArias
Iis sseoeites hare eersseenissucisa Gerisas eoplesee hsenio ciss tee pr essed ecatasssogsue etoi
set irteees. o sssisal sisass ingsi as a studts mos kingsleeise the sansder their cliief eeeutive, s le!
wihsictttss I csheessasseotitscst ine olIres oiirules for thee goodel of te opeasset . H. F ' FE & C
m, correate. 'lest theeelitrineerois ieceuteleoJm.
eemnssstuenirs fainteesthee saieus. 'Mr. en, ass masnss
p ser, as anyipoilier, hy' puttigi' tt ' ther, iis ' .' I iiiI 11'sMIt
teetie tst af xierisse. f hecsoreusrir toe Iis p ressrs tee o hrsh snt takenstmeossrteudsry___________________________
tott c it st ssttreehthhiex eriencie t hs. is it f ses sa ar es ses te Iesee se hi h hes I l T!
citessin-seisit r5insaerrs'. If pray er siesielliCsidAtL ssesrAirosr ir sehss isesfestissie saws. sIti sy jJJ
professor caneIe cossul set te- ishrssaco cstlesm ii
blesses eaisa 5ha's truths i it. Thee thee writer's oluect tic correct thee li fj1Ier& Ce
pthtsoef prayer is usieresalhIesefi- essete rfseri tsy hasty' impiressiones of Mr. Kelasset
ecesee. It has beein theehisshest up time, usless hiy someusesifrrseess cir- to assure lte stueneet whto contemc- aesitssoling st greuthe) re-
liftineg force i hcuan iehfre. cimnance lteeis edetained. Ipates completisng his esncation 1r er utero nhslteubrata ewl n no aylweused prices, their cheie
". tes enIfsiruld os lehisttera aosIctlesil s50sa'lie
statshmanloClassaysthaeetinngichinsef, mnorally b~y doeing so inse of Neckweaur, Ude"
uiversity life is not good for lie ASI),T eradalFrihn
IAneri cainstuidesnt, oicthee shole. - ~a
'Ihee Freshmenriuhreld a rlass fmeet Cersaai scorality is oss as comcplared Harvard's Nine. Goosdi
in audy ikosei A oher it us.Be riskincg is uicier- Gse sud ispiect godss
thte report of the comcccittee onathals sa, as is also sooking" G erman ie lhcefield net spring(Of last musselprles'
letics. 'sr. Horace Tunpper iassmoorality is not ostlar ronsit. 'Fleee year's sine sevesn experienced mne at ('T. S ele
chttsens hase-ball mcasager, and t;it.: is sot a nmore smoral nationc see the are nowsin s colege-Frothinghcam,!V
(lass vetedh to levy a tax ef 5o vs. face of the globe. 'Flee peoplse captais, right field; Baes, pitchier; A TR l.
uer calita lee order tee raise $soo for oe and honor the unstainedt nane Upton, catcher; Tirafford, first bset' ,iephmondC Strcigh Qcl.ut
the suppc~ort of ltce hall teen. As of their ascestors, leer inthe Hvy hr tp ok hr ae o
sll the engineers have smateesmatics thought that they' lase commsittedt :Hallowell, cesetre field Cobb, who CGAET. S
tressesa to G o'clock, a concmittee sno wrong totans it. was a substiteue catcher lst yeasr' Cigarsineinokers whs
eras a poinstedl to eo befeore the ttac- f - Rhtk a.- re wilig to ayarslitls
us IfnM.. erl insthatberease and Hoey, short stop, scll iprobby moae thee he price
sly tseifIey soullpereltee.wiomns, chidresn end sminisers are not try for the teeam. Soule emstad chgardeonteem wissfind
oilier setiotobe orgesizedl to e- bi i pt rnsbetut'. o' ~euasosioe ass.TeISs BRAD superior to
seelsosso cin berntat he Dikison lo usiutsls1sa i ass thers.
The Rihmond Stright
ile erlier ie the dey, so s to c- do eanmorl wrong, le is misekes. son, are in college. 'Fli places to CutaNoIige etesaresadefromhebrigh-
et, mss deictelyflasvored and highest eoat
vosmnodate those whio swishe to take Beer to the German is tie ses sbe fited are those of Dean, third Gld Lest gownssti Virginia This ithe Old
and Ognat Brand o straight Cut Cigarettes.
hart in athletics. The comemit- water to the American. He under- base and Award, left field In and washnrought outby ua is te yea 18e6se
lee subsmitted a clss yell, ht the stands the use of it. He sits down, spite of tiesnali nmber of raan Senseass hlo isan eva yp ekage.
"schoopper large numer of men are The ALLEN & INTEiBranch
class sot likig it chose as a substi' drinks a 'coppr or two and tiso the merican TiacaC.
ttetefollowing.: Rahb! rah !I rahbtI goess. on his ay-appy and contented working, amogte evrlfeh anaer ''NeaenVrii
ciiirab! ra! '5, ~; ip!boo! wih lfemen, who have reputations aa.el k re"
r~d! ah'ra? 9, 95,"lp'.bomi it lie.players, but whose work so far does - ic5* Pd1kHE*IWS. 5
Ahi Maia' and violet v" er' chdiferi Mr. Kel also has' a wrongim- not admit of an estimate as to ther I o tr T :~ 1:'
as tie class celors. pression of the theatresatud te lack chacet fbY the team. A NO~IaCr 4kBAQOGIS LtnK

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