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February 04, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-02-04

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'ZC. o 1,M .T a fu- Princetons is to have a week of j
(l ancing, like Vale's prometiade l E
week this year.
Puihedhn Daily (Sundays exceeted)idurng s prof. Shaler, of Harvard, has,
witnantwok raueadTHE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION %honlin"Amireiand"
TIhe situideintsoftih(le college and Bo
uibs'eiptiiitic~e $2.510per year, invariatbly
inad alittistSinsgie tap1irs i enase. Onsalntisem cinary at I'ci nveboiisave statrteid
rcisee nis a 'ot tolti es vstatni at 12 a free reaing 1,00r111.
o'l iknoon. Siiiscriptions tar iesletat
The ottice ' t' he tlAIL,O(terata (blo at W(iiiiaiis, D artsoouth aiidColuls'-
"hehlni's, at StoTltts, otr tithiany 4ofte hia have dispenised itCic iciiii seice-
Communicatioss astildisreatcithet'office iiy menriexecises.--Ex.
7'lc ,mit thsey tre ti apptear the siext I(Mie hunssdred andi six unliversities
iay.Addess all mattet intentdeidfir ptthiiea--
"tinto tthte Mianaging hiditot'. All bitss aind colleges are represenatedl illthel
eemta tttiatistss shttuli e senttio i te ttisi- graidiate schsools (If Vale.'
THE U. of M. DAILY, 'Ilie l'nic. if 'a. has heetsisnvitesd
Anon Arbor, Ithish. to esiter the Intter-cosllegiate L acriisse
League aiad has acceptedl.
EDITORS. Chicago-V.50IPi- ettek;a stI
.WCiRieSi, '9e2, 1Mana ging Idtl'. .iv bilIaptistl Inisersils ivill
G. t.,tt osAVM, '9se, Assist. Miasaging' titoe. open wvithi ssi less thsas alaf a nil-
ii.. l Extat, 0Asst .Missan ism tEditors. J 3A1 ?Bsns aae. lioii volumistes ill its library.
F its's.'931.AtsstlJsiitesesi Manav'rieTheir s'hemiical lahboratoiry at
C\iIt lass's 'it, ,Assist. tIisinies stltge. Prinscsetiion, j li, st I (Jillpleterl, is said t O O
W.1'Ptt~ T 9. . AR I )i.'5.'x
55 5'. I, l'stsssvss '1. . It. AIRI;st". lie thei'most r'oiiseiiienit in the r isi
ii ,H.U lI tstas 'sIt,,i.trt'en tt'. K Ii'. i try.NO12W
I 1; lttl =r 1 .50 1 1 C IIA15 l,,e. .,.I t Tlie' Iliivaoss I' iisersity iwill ell-
THEARUEPUBISIN HOSE ull iover Son stiudeilts nextiyear, and linslmitt (Seti lrt
(lie Pditioexr a s oitildthettse ises I'I~potl hase a facuity if abiout fifty memi'inisg styles inti ellols
Isis frthe opinionstI otiCstiteens of 1etoeres- hers.
pindenet..~ts, pearsing in the DILYs. 'The rellairinig if the rdasmage budonlae
bsy fire iniviis ity IHail, at Vade, isin I
l's'xo. lAu so js tly censusrell sosse t/ ('s
oif the smesiiers offIis class ini In - October, has bseesi compilletedl at a
dulstrial liesvelopmsienlt vst(irsa costitSI500
Pre'sidenst N orthsrospisf she I 'ssi- .

+Books. News'al d t'tseclldlil ttllt
.,t. 'University Booksellers, - - State Stree t~
Fou teaso tset- 'tgit1 "Iltisttlit:l
Foer catass lie, addsts P.I'It. C1 tAti , 'tesident.
F INlUF TE TheLede
'e tal~ilg the follow-5'- in Fatshios i ll.i



o1l 11g. 1"ic£
liule If 1'icc
froml. Casll for

:.. i. a vaii. . . a a .a .. a
~ \ I

ng' ' persons tso ad trisistheii r seats,
asni remlinidedl thsem that the I'll-
versity wvas a Iplace folr seriisis stusl,
andl lnt a placeo' 1f amuisemuent.
Thle Isabit seemas to he molrte prev-
alenat this year thasi for several years
last, ass tosse svho are guilty of
fostering it shouslsdhe psulicly re-
buskeld,Isuntil froml very shiame they
cease thleir childishi prasnks. .r'he
11x oils' does lnt like 1o critisise the
artion o. tthe studlents, hut soI long

versity of (lliliesota, swillI seliver ."°a v fills' Ii tisin
the( Vasc'le aivSchsol Comencise-'~,lt
mleat orations this sprimi, 19 S. MAINST., o t
A wonrldl's ctosfere'nce 011 univer- Bilit postspaid 111 receipt If lpride.
sity extesision has heen called for ,IIOEIINI & SON, ANN ARBOeR,'MICH. S. Alains Street
1t59 ; at IChicago, to be entertaisnetd Detroit, ABics.
by the sieswChicago tuisersity. ! '.'tft."
Erskine College, illiIDueswest S. 0. K. BARBER SHOP'
('., wvas tostally destrosyed hy fire BallsRoossin c1nnsectho. o rea~ela 5iln 'ubs'a. S,
Friday smorninig. '('le lihrary of itSoer IBathIconnsectedlwtesh ei 50 _______________________
2,nnn voilusses wvent 011 ii flasnes. J. IR. TRO0JA'NOWSKI, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
ise trusstees of thle Vniversity of 30 E. Waslhingstn St., Anti Arbios. Michigani. Michigan Railway.
P'ennasylvasnia have dlecidled to alp- - - -- --- 'lime Carsd in effect iecemiber Ii,ts'.i
ioisst five chaplains of different de- BSNS LCL. ' ArrivnlioftIrane ast AnArbor 'only.


as a spirit whlich shlssslhave biees i

left bsehinins llthe Isigha school, 11012-
slates a po(rtiona of the student bsody,
just that losngssmsst wsc onltissuse tol
fisnt fault and express our sdisappro-
biations. Whesn stud~ents bseciimie far
eniossghsadvasnced to attesid t(li " ni-
versity they are gesnerally csss-
sidleredI toI be (proficienstslot oslitn
smeintal activity, hut is gssod miass-
sers. It is (is bscheaped that Presi-
lent Angell's trust svas juistified
wehess le grassted so maany privileges
in the anticipation hs(at thsey are
lallies tosslgesntlensen, and wsosslcd
coendusct themnselves as susch.
'The osstlook just at present is thsat
CoIlnmblia will (save no 'varhity cresv.
'rise Cleveland Aluni'anad friends
of Oberlin in (last city will proposeC
to raise $50,000 to estahlisha a Cleve-
land P'rofessorshsip of Natral Sci-


nomnratiosstoacondu~lct the chiapel
A3(rize off$nn0Isas Ibeesn offered
tol the m~emb~ler of thse sesior class at
P'rinicetonsm whoa writes tte aest essay
oas sne If Shaakespseare's (plays. 'l'le
Sssject fo~r thtis year is''Th''fleIr-
chsaint safVenice.'"
M~rs. Fiziahetla (('etisig has lire- I
sesited to th~e saedieal slepartsmesnt of
Syracuse L'sniversity $tn,nnn seorh
of f ie applarattus, conssistinsg of m~a-
ikiia, skeletons asnd casts.
Professor .1. K. P'aine, of Hfaiwarid,
hsas heen engaged to write the ins-
strumsental nmusic for (lhe dedicatory
exercises at the opening of the Col-
umbhian Exposition in 189
'The fornmer \tar~luis of Harting-
don, nowe duke of D~evonsshire, hsas
been elected Chancellor of the U'ni-
versity of Camhridge, to succeed Isis
father wvho held tlhe office 29 yrears.

(,Notics insertedi is olumh atithtIle sate
at 10 cehntspee linte. Sealraeslfornges TlGONGtigss
tine. antd extra lines furhnish'hrbyahpplyitng at No. 1. Stall and Expres. .......... . 27a. t
the DAILY Ot$ee.1 Noti. I'aaec'r..AnntArbor Ach'I'it..1;: 0 nool
No).5. MilPhassege.... ........ 4'!5t.m
FllI lisse of Sprisng t'lititsg s. luosta-
lons ai(l laisey 'estings from'lssEs- 0,2. GOIGesais 51ILtt
(o.:illilt'asetgss.. 11.. 18 5a. to
an sil 1ScoItlande.Non. 4. Ilal ItExpress ......... ... s 40 p.
.5.s. L rs1 I hih{. Na.16. Pass'ner. To'ledos Aanlh. .. ((sil0 a. tn.
-No. It) Soulth MainSt. Train. -;3and 6 runa hetwseetn Aann Arboranai
151st-A Sigmsa Alpha Elpsilon Fat- Cena~Stsi usSdd'lne
pits. h1asstise sameNV. i1. SWilsonu AsltTrainsDaily t'xceptSun~tday.
enaghrav'ed ohfhack. F~indler please w. H. BENNETT, It. S. GREtENWOODali
leasve at Stewsard's office. Gen. Pass. Aget. Lneal Aget.
A nsew lisse of Neckwsear jus5t seceiveed ____________________
ad nsohelter styles swill he fonedhint
towns. XYouhswill saty thsey ace onie-hsalf
the priee yott pay for ((san elsewhlere. e)
Mack& Schidd. }
Laedieasaf (lie U. of M. swill hfiidiit
gresatly to thseir advanitage to call on uts
when ill need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fancy Dry ((nods. Mack & Schnid.
varieties, jusat received at Mack &
$1.5-800 silk tumbrellas wsorth S$3.50' ____________
to .$4.50, nmsrked $1.95 at Mack S _________________
Hot aid eold baths 10 cents, at Post J. D. STIMSON $i SONTSt
Office Barber Shop. State Street Grocers.
Fnall(lie new style collars, 4 ply, (5c Students patronage especially solicited.
or 2 for 2.3. Mack & Scimicl. 24 S. STATE STREET.

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