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February 04, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-02-04

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But war on thre trice of Cloting, llats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves, 'Mittens, Hosiery,
IRJNKS. VALISES, Fine Skirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ovralls and Jackets.
We are going to let tlte publdic loose among thirty-eiglht thousand dollar.s ($38,000.00)
Q QQ worthr of tnerekattdisA' for twenty clays, whcht will he till Feruarrry 9, ot onre-quarter (L
________ ~ K,,,~ ~ ;off mrked trite. We hovernot picked ottt a fece goods ond mnorkedrthemtotdownt, ott offer
AT T1.1E TWo S 1 s. ermenther what we are saying; ONE QUARTER off'r tetprice of everythintg and any-
thing in tereobloter Store. Not one dollar to go on Ire books; erery dollar nmust be cash.
We ousghrt to nose fONE THOUSANDI DOILLARS' worrrto rtods eery cdty at thsese
ANY PAI - O - AIN A1~UIN~The J. T. Jacobs Company,
S Ccno. c ea. ane.hfc~n~ost s a 09 ~ Headquartrs for tis sectin of thre State of Ittrscigte


N. B.--Coutry e dealers stilt dos sweli to corme irn, and asscret op threir stoclks at th~ese priests

All ('Itllitg,
All Futrntiasintgs. X
A ] 1 lts,1

C'sspitar.lt,ittrl. Srluatoe rtsstt 10. ss~ H 'TJ{ SPOOT)S
Dos'ireeerrl Ilarsnkeng srsirss. pIrs n-r
,' ~ teres tsrnSatvrrg Deprsnits. Hars safrety -A'
ONE I%ARITE O''1. IsepostirBosses far peter. NL', - 36 Main St
It. KliIl +, Ires. i'. H.IIB IeEE, Cshaiea'. nULS
A THE TW O SAMSfT . InArbr M ichSw. Cail Stock,50,O000, A N!D;A j
Supu,$1000 ranizedal rrnser treGfenerael Ikrrkirsg Lasws"
I 5felsestrare. IRerivse oite s, busss a nd
L.. -BLITZ- sells exchangsreonste eried reel citieseoeth ~e FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,
Unrsite States. flliers ae p rprMILLINERY AND ART GOODS!
CnIt1 I1x IneCK, PeT.,
. HIMNs. Vice Pres., 30 [Easron Str''t,
CHsAS.. It. hlOsass, Cashsier.
'I -VII IPAY YOe(T. iSnorthnS chroot, Ne
Rlepringirrr e ialrtly. 46SOUTHenfMAsasINlS Buldinsr, QSouthlsSlamtht tees.

.. .e.

AnllArlbor Stu l}Lllllht1T COiIAL. GEORGE L. MOORE, M(orAoor & ssato)+ +
WORK CALLED FOR and IDELITEREDI. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A FrlsilLitre rrfall Callege reTIe ok, issetssslssseJ,awrmidsrrrrl srlrerrt trrrthe.yeexrrcr.
CAs's' sh Cherarret pltac'se o r i lrsrBook sIdFsrsst t s i nsa th ee crty. F"rest s ~rss'rr's illr. comrrr one
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. } :vj S ~ estrt oifriends. I ntrrsowraesyentirersleek atiny sltoreen NO. fc,-2 ot orhAv.I65} ] IS1 sII~''NSTi+I:I..^Z.I SIN ST.
W ~ ~ ~ ~ nI 11AHR'S BOOKSTORE, ONTW. 0IL~Q'
I~eyStuetesilt stter morney try besying Urivierrety Text-Books andrlaltlasupplres rt headcquarters. "We allow ' I EhIX, HCtK ANDI BAGGeAtlE LINE.
rdr ictitolLAWMIBOOKS, MEDICAL tOOKS, DiENTAL 10( I, OKi hreeyBoksedl n e' frpromrslrly r:tleerterl Irs, et.
Uirs is ty . 5Xf011100 lltrnk Ilooks tlotwest prices. ree enk 8tsr. 2IIN. lrrirs Sr.. lrt. IProsttfirc'.
NAT A X31YI ~~~~~Hs a- EXCI IdIOR -I.AIidi'sNA l h npo dxahr.y i re.
I.EADLNCI1B00K STORKE IN TIlE CIT. pr~ 0C r s ls ie r r ~e
lire. Commereiarl crtrn rredrot srr amerrr ay.
,hri'se'rsr sistrlr'rrrs rwork'tarrrnser's. Nrs-
i v"1' E1t1N MI\ ( 1=IG-ii C (OILLEC Ire rWillistont, ('Irub rtf Amert t fanIstsrr r.. r. 'elIIT 'ss'rtrrt.
Ci~rtrts tsrl rcsr rssishates ofrieditorsthe strislertts of the 0. ttlMA RTI N,
GR 1G A T=), ,1: _ illsstron Semstinary, at t'asttrarrrhaor, Cloth Caskets, Metallic
NOT) CI)frritsa llrIE5[t'1 1 1' 5 're't1IliF.5K5' 'r'pftrsr'- Irrdr'l srr t'rsrsrs as's re' trneters- I tt-o tries, fif a ndrrl t llars rcCX ANt) ;IM C ('OFINS.
tsires t prMac1 t i hl~i'011I'ti~ica'r'nJR'rl'. S rs-ltrl tsr r'rriBakeair err gyrrlershin
Fo rr''rt its sr'MA A es1 'srrrrrr 1rr h.si 1ertoirr ;1);e 1t,'IF ''.Seilateto "ie Groceries, Provision sFiouar and t reFeedo ea into an ech
F'orr s JII :SC AND I ' t+;I,\ 'l' h l 1tf'1'hTEA "irrrsto ~rrs ssint tr rite~lstartes , t Istt IIritas mrlrrirCsrNtest 0 'ItWrrshirsrrrrrSr.
lit'srn ('_V1 i-Eii5 ifA J\Tr 1)S11rriiS'iAAI)DEiPlti"IiEAMi.Si tse lirschoelrr of 1nbstirness. N a . "5 -
IFsr roe extrernelymoerateexprenrse tostusdentsrt herndingrr he s-sptnser treeutriberrr ien- a' rrrII I stort at I lasttIte is ai-
reri red o er rrirhit rs thmarsatrn trr shier ehsrationsl naririrrt sr i r e err ry, 55 rind is e' ro'N }it'.. - l tIli
carnse irre tsive weltlsansComortalets'. FNerythi rrrnis rrr'trI. itrIo sthlet teiory Ithat lifetrews lirsl Na; rr-' tAlot'iontrie ' sts
A. I,;. VEREX, Presidlent, eeaedo1ert ytasms 'n, i h oxlgad rsl
nierret ts b l d Ir-In I I ()s, rwillI tleass-
Jetfersnian Literary, INTER-COLLEGIATE. rre er s trhtr, ltratttlael ltei r nsessstsr thre rrsssrster-
r i ras is aclsrsrsleclgedl by the Iest: at rite c. -'- esss,1111, eagneer, Sctone
T'he sti-ety trill rendier thre followrs- 'TleC'tt 15facuty trtavemae lIaurthoerity tole Iethe moesttemnnt l-Roinsesn ansr IrifIlinr, scosrmittee.
ring prograerlee thins ceinsg: esarse its gymn Iasticsierr elede-- British sr-lesstist nerwlis-isreeNoterre1:. -, pca xmnto
Readinage5, .Criiiiglatt I ee- lire, Ralph Stone, of rtse I 'riversily of fnr sttdrnts c'osnitionsedl inrtatina
larstitara, J . (Irr; I rhp 1 roslelitlt, ,Mrst of thre canirdates foer thre Xichigain,teas addecd another tor Iis still Ire ldlirs RonEalssI, osaraidruy,
1.E a s o<r ly I. I)artnrsrtrle lase-ralnirne eare freshe- JI1Eeirttary , at 2 Ii. Ir'l ''is is tire
55' It1sae; i rltI .-alreadylonIasglist rif rrnderakings. Ilast examiaion reIfiar sconditionrs.
Chandller. I(ruestionr for debate: enecia, lie Ihas baeen elected minager rof thre Itesc-e Rcoy
"Resolvcd, Thrat the (Ii S.,caouldl I}'thre gift of Mr. Mlaxweell -Scam - e oeicigarir.IIe
riversily o Nor ra nn. f e I e.'ltr el s eerrg
lee jiustifiedinIlldec-aring swear agaisist mlervill, the CUniversict fena, hai ssereorlieIisnwrrr s o'f l(re etaa elf w~ill beoormerA t
C'hill." Affirmative, E. E'. Shieldscoesin0lt ssessione of what is re- in the ositawisahslieheforsairly Satterday, at 2 I-p, .ly ordler if
tI. 1. riehiror. Negative, A. K. gareded as the largest andI rarest mcovesd, the U'niversity of IMliehigair he ire idlrt.
Prrlesar A. 1). XcCarty. A ftull Catmeo hr the weorld. Itris of Chrryso- nne mtrst ire respected as are able Nbtu-isF _All caridsates frr'9sf
atterndance is desired as wreelect phrase 5x7 1i1s. aerd is enagraveedwstllsantagonrist by ltre eastersn colleges. bease-beall teamall(]e their refues Iro
officers. 'tlie headi of Juiter. PrlclIara rs.tire manager, Rat-hir seea

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