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January 26, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-26

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jI I. of

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Vocr. 11.-No. S 1.


The Mock Congress. seating capacitys of the auditorium! U. of P. Base-Bail Team.
-- is about -cc.
The seconti session of the Mlock of The cantidts for tite V. of i11.
(otgress, swhiclh at presenst is limited r ebidngi osrutdo eamt beegsnpraice in Craig's Rid
granite anti. brown stonse ansi the iadlhonas
to thirty members, was hteldinitsroottetroasm colti slaeiiiott
etroisdecorated wt a-rlesi -Shoi oidayrIiTe practirce sill cotttittt
17 lost erenittg. Mr. H. 1ii.iarsons ittustratitig tthe arts atnd sciettiec,
was elected speaker of the hoste; adsaoso fnoitet te re ftoonste to thtree osntiMondayINEIW
\he. 1. A. Shasw, clerk; antiMr. interior swalls are to be adotrneditl ti tno oat ia feion
I aesots .sergeant-at-antis. 'le . rereitsttvers teerk until the werathtertrill
cocofstates seas determiiunled b toaeiifetptt ermtit the use of thte athuleti
chiettbranches of learstitug. Ihits bitlt-cachran RICE,
lot. As the muembers are nearly itgresciistttekoet o'~ ai tottild s u asi" iti, t
cli lly dividedusl egrs beb-tooni rtilit-fielder, are the otnly
c:1saddmcats te regasi pbli tier tHall, trillite ttsed mutchias r1no atya' emwoaei
casatdtinocastieiioaailiisSanaders. Theatre is used illtttughit ttoi fIsty tttai et r
are that sotte insterestinog debates tire tctopimriyeige.NiMackey , Startiti, PTayer,' 11iMST
in store for thte fitture. Thte ceoti- Inece inthllsigiord it betigMc'i attlctt Cook atodThsorsitotao
unitteesittftte hottse trill lie altintt- pf are t tt tt etet eftti i eusiresetitedth ieti
cii at the textnmeetitig. 'Thie session tebidn ilb rasfrteta ricsthIsratiniatl. betooseeteis
tens a spirited atnd heated one, intl theraualitngoftrilhe csil ii he ttofiii set'tilpiaecr.c t
affored tianmple opportunity fortih tiieo ecls ctcosaciher.
etereise of skill ini parliamietntary Cap and Gow'liaretiates waste ths fat ate:
uisage, ini whiichi satty sif tte seti-isistotn Leaguse, April t1; Aiterst,
tees sitowedtithat tit r erys's c tihile I oticon iDaily C(listitscsays: 'April 9; IDartnmoutthi,April t3t14;
irotcieus. Remem~eed ~ Atuignt of te groweitsg;tiglomniaa s'titsirAtilt9 aeAp
Montana By eemee. spread of Engtisht customss ini the 8;iaattstil2 ietitit
___-colleges. At <iBrowns Unitsisty, iniAtril 2:t; Ceorgetoteti "April 2;
Tlie lats'libtrary tas juitt recessveelProvidentce, they helrott orititthe Weslcyan, May y;Lasfayette, a ;we.-«acp fte aetcmiaino nls aaei on n o eih Ma1,z8nd2;Iier71 ine exit
lie Mtonstatta Statutes, the slontsiot e egitittioticali andgw, ss.y of ichiugan, IMtic21.I5 ~
wonat Oxfotrdlatd a mi( bsilrsigeso.
ii 'tle, lest. 1:. Boos, nt'iatsageeof t eintrotdusedsintoIt i rs ii i situ Eastern Trip of the Yate Nine. R
tIleleitti Daily Josusenstlthe st-ste iPrintieton.t At IHarvsatrdthe innovets
ciiii teso sf 71Mstntassa.-In the fly- ticin txill be coniinttedItos the ssssior ir efoinititg scedutile (if gtms
leaf is the followeing: "Toi the lDe- chaos ott its special anivsiersary dto, 'his beetn artingecdfete the dasic ntie
tushn fLaUnvrit f adthe idecisieo tas tress msiterbhy- !~ I
lite ilass itself. At 1i'eitlettshue dsrnugthe Etister recess. Theic strut
lclti gtii, compimisensts of G est. I:. regulhations is appatrenttly genserail, andl will lease Nesw iavetn cii the morn-sIJUI~
koos ltthur Monitansa toys." IThue isobeen determned bhy thur college isng of 'Wednuesdlay, Attilh7,;.
gitis utot only asalusable adlditinsauatthorities. 'ihis imeitations of Fn", Q-kApilz,,alvsNe
to tse library, hot also shows the fis customus is very distasstefulh to York (League). 1
nte'rest which the citizenus otf'Mlotsthe sacnvreafge i Americana,th yetn i
gos ttfat n hestalhyansiye cul t- ithiladelphia, _Aitil 14, Nate s-s.
tauta, anidthue far swest ged tally , tssredl sets itn the Easternt States. l='iladelphtia.
take isa the U. of 71. and toe mniy Generally no official dress is sworns in Baltinmore, April ii,' 'ale vs. ltdl
sons5 andI dauighters wtho come serer American coileges any nmore tthanin uttitiore.T
a isuasalle. Anmericatn cossrts. Washiingtotn, Aprilt6, V'ale vs.
ITle striter of the abuove is isis- WNasiington.
Priceons omencmet al. taken isatisinkinag that the cap and t Philadelplhia, April i8, " ale ss.
Acomimenacenient salt isobesuin onare sworna throuughouit thur year Uivrit f esaetas
eectedh at Princeton. It is the gsift alirossn. Only sin Class tDay and Nest York, April to~, Vaievs. New Chap
of 'Irs. Chat. IB. Alexandr of Ness- !CommenucemettDay are thaey wos n York.
Visek andslhas lieen slesignsed hy a andtidhiniSeniorsb''"ThowRe-erend Brooklyni, April 20, 'sale .'s. -
'elli-knowns Nest 'ork arcitect. n infe eir." Hwe 'rBrooklyn.
'Tle builditug is situatedinit the cen- there certainly is a tendeticy on thur - - - " - SAYE
tee esf the canapus anti is usanly part of mcany of our Easterni colleges President Angeli in Washington.
{gothuic in style. At earlsend of to adopt the cap and gosnes ssthe
the front isa circularWowerNjoine regulation dress, and as the Claroni- 'sASuttNitrN, Speciah, Jans. 24-
the ron isa ciculr twerjoied r. Janies 11. Angell, the disti n-
lie the vaulted ceiling of a lobby. dr says, it is no doubt adopted from gusidprsdn o hvniest
Cloisters exteind arouind the whole liar exampsle of our English broth-of icgaaonpie byM.
liuilding and front these are seven eret--Brown Daily H~eraid. Agirgitrda<heAlntn
enrace t te ai hll Tisis Engineering Society. He is here to attend a meeting of
shtaped like a Greek theatre and the -- the Alumni of the State University. CALL
sats are arranged in a horse shoe The following officers were elected-- -"+---
form., The' stage is 18x36 feet in by the Engineering.'Society for the A new plan is to be pursued in
iiniensions and seats for tli officers second semesters President, J. R. Biblical instruction at Yale; instead'
'if the college will bearianked upon Allen, '92; vice-president, H. Bald- of combining all classes. each class =14 MOU
itl. Musicians' galleries are built at win, '9$; secretary, F. A. Sager. '94; is to have its owft instructoar, and
etlher side of the platform. The. treasures, G. 1. Gavett, '+q:. special cetnrsc. ,

PiticiE, Ttsisff,, CENTS.
IMailed to You
Through Your
J W111T tdKU &k'Itt,
antd Jewselletc'i 'ies~ tytBdges.
tatuttie titeit M t oiaiStriet
tutuc ito M5 a irleestittusAnuuArtioz
iii TBITh MIsCH.
Chaus. Shpeller &Ci.
si-c selliing stgreishl rei-
I ired hires, thteirhi'eiu
ie of Neckwvetti, U nder-
weari tndIcItIl Furnisings
(Gi tatu iispet gosst
asd prie,,.
s. peller & .

tt s white we sre here.

aroe St., CMea.
S' ,S, tat-c 1Aa ~ArI i.

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