jI I. of . a . Vocr. 11.-No. S 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAIN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26;, 1892. The Mock Congress. seating capacitys of the auditorium! U. of P. Base-Bail Team. -- is about -cc. The seconti session of the Mlock of The cantidts for tite V. of i11. (otgress, swhiclh at presenst is limited r ebidngi osrutdo eamt beegsnpraice in Craig's Rid granite anti. brown stonse ansi the iadlhonas to thirty members, was hteldinitsroottetroasm colti slaeiiiott etroisdecorated wt a-rlesi -Shoi oidayrIiTe practirce sill cotttittt 17 lost erenittg. Mr. H. 1ii.iarsons ittustratitig tthe arts atnd sciettiec, was elected speaker of the hoste; adsaoso fnoitet te re ftoonste to thtree osntiMondayINEIW \he. 1. A. Shasw, clerk; antiMr. interior swalls are to be adotrneditl ti tno oat ia feion I aesots .sergeant-at-antis. 'le . rereitsttvers teerk until the werathtertrill cocofstates seas determiiunled b toaeiifetptt ermtit the use of thte athuleti chiettbranches of learstitug. Ihits bitlt-cachran RICE, lot. As the muembers are nearly itgresciistttekoet o'~ ai tottild s u asi" iti, t cli lly dividedusl egrs beb-tooni rtilit-fielder, are the otnly c:1saddmcats te regasi pbli tier tHall, trillite ttsed mutchias r1no atya' emwoaei casatdtinocastieiioaailiisSanaders. Theatre is used illtttughit ttoi fIsty tttai et r are that sotte insterestinog debates tire tctopimriyeige.NiMackey , Startiti, PTayer,' 11iMST in store for thte fitture. Thte ceoti- Inece inthllsigiord it betigMc'i attlctt Cook atodThsorsitotao unitteesittftte hottse trill lie altintt- pf are t tt tt etet eftti i eusiresetitedth ieti cii at the textnmeetitig. 'Thie session tebidn ilb rasfrteta ricsthIsratiniatl. betooseeteis tens a spirited atnd heated one, intl theraualitngoftrilhe csil ii he ttofiii set'tilpiaecr.c t affored tianmple opportunity fortih tiieo ecls ctcosaciher. etereise of skill ini parliamietntary Cap and Gow'liaretiates waste ths fat ate: uisage, ini whiichi satty sif tte seti-isistotn Leaguse, April t1; Aiterst, tees sitowedtithat tit r erys's c tihile I oticon iDaily C(listitscsays: 'April 9; IDartnmoutthi,April t3t14; irotcieus. Remem~eed ~ Atuignt of te groweitsg;tiglomniaa s'titsirAtilt9 aeAp Montana By eemee. spread of Engtisht customss ini the 8;iaattstil2 ietitit ___-colleges. At