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January 26, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-26

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_____f_. Fct~ a. Oner c-nA gold ring, ith set.
Archibald McAlister, 93 dent. j e utif]u h
At the Two Sanms, cotllmeicil g
Calolioheot Daily (Sundays excepted) doring Wednesday morning, Jawi. 27, '912, theAN FIE R
the College tear, bys entire stock of (lothing, Overcoats, \t FIEA
THE O M.INDPENDNT SSOIATON silts.Patts, Dress Shilts, Prittcea
THE . OFM. IDEPEDENTASSOIATIN tbert Suits, Stoaking Jaickets, Bath1
_______ClRobtes, hats lmid Caps, Seal, For oattt
till tioaltrnder11.r,all Shirts, all.
Subscrition price V.50o per year, invtariahly Gtloves, alil Netckwear, anid evetry article
ia adovatece Singletottie'30 reels. On tale at il stock at sevenity-five cenits lithtie
Sneecaa's andi otOfie teesstantd at 120 dollar.
o'cloth, stat. Otubriptionas may ttr left at 'ietattie(If tickets for :tiexatdes
the ottier o1 the DAILY, Ottra Houtoe btock, at tvi.saiiitiiitt15(rl
Shrehoit's, at Sioffiet's, or otwitay ofthte SvnwoApel
('ditors. ~ atitotlolOpoera IHoutse,'on il rttstloy eveing ____
editost'nxt, ill 'Te 'three Gutardlsiment,wol
Ctttt 'etol tie tlits ts' openltSTueostday taitirning at the
o'cltockI,.lit. it they are tt appear theete,101 Pst O111cc Netws Stantd. 'T'ite prices-
lay. Addorcees all matter intendted tar pttblica- silie8.1.$ 4)101$ Il l
tioe to the Mhaeaginig Editor. All tttsieeesw sl eats1.00, $1.sairs$1.0iii llbe-1
coxatMaaer.tosto d eso ssteis'aoseaits itoty lso ttt'reservedl ill thei
gaestr ata$1.50.
THE U. of 1W. DAILY., alr t8
Ann A~se.Hid. Anele'ieof Neckwetar joust 'eceivetd
AnnArbr. it ad ito better styles twill toe fotttdttn
Itwn. Yttttwsll saty they are one-thalf
EDITORS. tthe price voti pay ftor thttmtelsewhlere. $".'opetotektc; etudeetsaessited to postionow trT5,9,Mngn dtr ak. cmd o .LC.AIN'2 sit a"am dtr osr- ete rgcnann
W.t.Cs . J- '02, 5 otiti gi3 Ast.onging Editrc. Motel wachontol. For cog, j. T
J1. 0. Tosvto, '5i', BustesscMaaerc. 188(1. inder wtill pleast'leive it
F'. iR. J TooT , 9 '3, oAssist.itusineess ttatsr. Stewarid'softfiloe andttreceive rewsard.
0'. 55.RACKTeeSa, "Al, Assiet. iBusitteas Mao'gr. Itooto iitate sotedto. tall t, II 1,. d STAFFORD.,
«V . P oacti, 't9t. 1 J. . Atto I,. 1. 1 . :Tiompont . f
F. J. oitcr R .r> '5.9) l 'I S.T , AIat Sitt'
Ftoos1 sccoi 'c. loso it It. '14, Futlliinetew0s tyle ettllar's, 4 ply, l.3c J. IM. S'rAFFoORD
J tO'.le,is i-2.'' 32 tro D lvt s, 01{5.. 1)1'f 'HDELrI ia*tx ztafr Mick & Sciaio
$' .Ocl~~O 5.1.9 51111 itumtrellats wsortht w3.51 0 f'N ThtoLoader
N v to) $41oilnmarkedl$1.950attMack &,
Scitinid' . inthlaslioos inI
Th dtr onthldtesle o- LooT.-fititoait tall, (GoalotScarf Iill.MeiclatTal
stdi ocsortteoopinionsota temets ofcorresotSkeletontiheatotsot wrtitIpeatls o Tail
tonets, sippearingtns le teDAItt'. lpierced switiall gold iti. Li ber, 1111.Fii
___________________________________ressard ifturtnedtco to F. S. Ptoter, 01 i .I i
noicli unaysDerot a Delta Phli Itouse. lneotf lPiece1
Vt': oootce n Stnoay' ~troit Somtiethtiing new:--loi the ite oft C
'Trbn htteie fa rtr-of M. stationtery. It excels till its loe Goods too select
' 'iotr hthcidao t rtr-decessoio'sin odesigit. (eto. I. Motore, oIt ('Wfo
cal associatiotn originteod at thoe t'. bolokseller, IMaini ot.frm (a]1fo
tof A1L.Tlis oill blos rosto a11l o hot aid coltd tathos 10 cenots, ttPostia fn ftig'
tnowvthoefacts of tile case. WeorhaveOlieIrbrSoo.i101 ftttc
alwsays supposedi that the loter-cool- htotloiso & Sot arei iilig the follows- 'stilt.
legiate (ratorical Assoocoaltootforoticothtg sftyles in yelltows'ntooluloe tttttoiis. 19 S. MAIN ST., otll
trio years ago betwvectithe colleges -- InOt.ANN ARBOR. ' Cnon. S. MdtintStieet.
of nineto westerin states, owas tse first Plan, 5c.
of the kind. Cla/ 'bss 7.5c. ~ ' .. . A

1\ T & Oo;c)--
Istbte LEADINiO lCISOttI. t L I' t.
Foutr ttcrtaotnt-Ct otto toal. Ns lost-to
1.5011000d)stol- .10000 l. lit tageat-
tence , e eioti' . t T t croNtotit'. ttt hctor-
ougoh. livting ei'ss tiat'aoe'y 1tote.2500t.
ototogote, addoress P. R5. CL.EAiIY, Presidient.
Cincinnati, Hamilton &o Dayton


A. M.


io. ''oT'oldo ... 'ti 4 "1110. 1,5 .0 1 0 '
D l er.....it .. 8.10 1 .5it '3.5) t.1, 0 00
tima......... 1 04t.00
Ptoiqua'..... ... 1100,13 t.0 00.4:5
1, ittot
'ai lto ..0000000 . 15 009.:3 i
'ti otcinn tati1000'.to's'5o' >'t t;oc 10.51oo 1Oto' t--
PlorcGarr;011 Day 1Extorcao 'rains. a.irto
connoectionosscwith alt Sothernccoinesr. So"' that
ytour' ticketst readti vttG. 01. & ., 1..twscTo-
D. a. TRACY, N. P. A..
!I155 d.,PElsan As.., DETROIT

'Toomawovidomotansd toct odisplayedl
towoars the ecditors of the AL. 1). A.
doring their recenot slay ito AntsfAr-
bor, is boearinsg goodl fruit. 'lThroutghs-
tout thse ootire stalethoe tprrss is mtani-
festinog ainactive interest ini t'itiver- Snt olo) p0 aid3it olriecipt of price.
sity nmatters. ''Te cottaof ther louildI- REI -SN
D~etroit,. Mini.
togs, furntishete h roughs the tltottgltt
folnsess of the localprsclbar GR N OP A O S
beitog freely usedl. Tiodcripsltone G AN PERO S
general ineds, are very ktratifyintoloo uesdayEvyer1Jan.L26
those interestedtinthe prosperity ofITt esayEve,-
the totiversity. AWelrlisvs this -ATO~- N
awtoakening of thse newvspaper riioni
will restilt it inotuchgood, for thye C(ii
tA D Y an iversityIons trgettneesandtiootlz toi
stroigglitog alng'tnder adlverse cir- UNDElOT'1111 AU S sF01TH11
cttitstattcra, andt if tbis tooovemtooooAnn Arbor ]Light Infantry
succeedls ini callinog publlic atltootiotn
too these facts, it oill', lerhap~s, tmark A NIGHT IN CAMP,
the boeginnoitng of aotooew oorpo."
Ding-osWhoitchtill to. intoded iMittary
5'ttttmoiea iExhitonDritllDanoct.
BUSINESS LOCALS. SonsC.(horuses. Musti an

I-) .12 W.i11 RUN ST
A\N AtiOtl. tINE NIGiT OtNts'. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Miohigan nailway.
7roTam .' Cootin eafect Dccee r ttl i, S9t.
Thursday Eve., danuary 28th. otos'tttof trinsaat Atttoosetny.

'i Hto oftthe ItonttIo' Iosootto int 0unias'o
"iThe 'three Guardsmen.''
''10ne'fort' tll 000.0 all tat' 00000.'

Not 0. Sail 010d0Exptrss ............:+aIn
No. a. ttaeatac..,inntArborAc sooto ! 0 o
No. n. MaotitoPacseer ............... :5 tp. ia.
No 00.0.MaitlPassetgi'.............. Sa '
Not..1. blablbExpress.. ,...... .... S5041 . Ott
Not. a. kaeogcc, 'rootedo Aecoot.... 7000 t. tm.
OTri a ndo 0 rutbeto tweo-eno Ann tArborand
Toledo ooty.
Cet'stalIStoandarocTim lte.
AlTaintos IDailyrecepot Sundatoy.
W5. 141. OENN'iaTT', it. S. GRSEENOODi
toot Pots. Ageot. Loal Aget.

[Notices tinserted itisotcolu0mn00at thecrcteoo
ott 10cents pertinoe. Speciaotratea for ornaaec
time, and extra linoesfurnisher[toy applyinga at
the DAILY Oalce.]
Lathes' Mackitoshoes ini hetostiftil
varieties, joist receisved tat Mack &
Ladies of the t,. of M. still hood it
greatly to their advanstage to call tantis
ashen ito oeed of Cloaks, D)ress Goods
or Fanacy D~ry (roods. Macrk & Schmsid.

ttati~tt ttpooand th great~~es't otty.og ato~rs, andsilt b
aosupportedithIis cnaae'c tobty
TilE NATIONALSKIRIMESS, soitho Nationoal
Ditc otancesby tottoco QfanntttAcbooris0100-towa IS E EN FETTER
0000g LdeanGeteeudrtedr-MIS SL N o Prof. OGrangec.
REMEMBER THE DATE ! bollofihMr.oWin.sWilisoe.oooe oetns
Prices, 35, 50, and 75 Cts. -T~
Resrve Sets n Sle 7'ttrday., an.NIof he looCShae been fSxed tc00(01,
nusccdSeon S ee NThoStcd. lo.Ot land $100 andsenats may be'hadat-the Pootollie
Postotice ewt Satod. News Stand Tuteoday mtorting.

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