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January 18, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-18

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~.J. o ~iri ~High School Athletic Association.
_______The wisdomln of admlitting the '
PablisbetlIOaily (Sundays except)l during High Schlool to contest in the inter
the Clleoe year, by class chsamlpionshipisisldemnstsrated \'N)
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION by the growcbthif athletics in the
1T igh 'School (of late. This is tol heE
S<lsciptionprice ti--50e ear, titriably gretllyc (esiredi, for as thle 1-uigh
t 1inice inwl irewr3 acets. On snle St
"nenan's isis Yost olice newes stand attP12 Schtool is aliirect feeder to tile I'ii-
Welctck, noon. Sbscnriptiosemaiy beitt t ver csitywishcvinti ucre mtentiotipick
the office('ofIthe tAILY erailitSHouse blick, ai
Seeha', it toSttltet'n, ior wi t iyoy icthe Ifromt in makiI ig lipiour iowniteanis.
tst'iittet' ii ipatlyitoiithe grossthiiof ath-i--
o'ctock t>. tm. it tbteyre ate ea'Stie et e tics genterallIy at this place hut
fitay. AddItens ati mittier i inltd ee ubilica- clitetl s to the goodl shtowsing tiade ini
ionti the nltManagitugEsditoe. Aittunsinesn
comutnuicatiotnnsiioultie sent ut th Ins -the gamites fur the fotbtall chiaiipiot-
nn cit er. slitp last fall, the atihiletic spirit is H .o .DIY
Ann Aronr, Mich.I the Hi gh Schootul has grotiwt strontg - -

Ghri~tm a~s Gift AT BOK A
In thtetl EMSGitt t C )HI itofit 0 iltl\ t
Fcit tuie, ittdtress '. 11.1 flAtlY, tre, ccttt.

..tW. cuirrise, 50, St tutuging I dtitit.
U. L. Ittietti s,'seĀ°, Assist. Mtatnagngi- Editori.
it. It. ICt i MtEl,'93 Ast. MatntagitngtEditie.
t. .:i:i 'rtc:,''it, Asist.tttusnutc' itititec.
W. sP. IAt.. '3. ..R AiN~i~.'

enougtoi iissarranut the ftorttatittn
oif an tilice.\ssotciationi. .\t all
cntthtustistic tttcti ig ieltd last'lTtics-
lay ani asstc itiaton iwasfarmtedl sithi
aitntittitotn modetledtlafter tat if
the 1. of l.IA.A. iHsee, its'
!sides s s ittlt thcliages Itt respect
hitsititss, the botardl ofi directorscurt-
ii sis is itltilsteilcof-ou tencI

dents Assists


Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton

Sat Ittlas 's It:11siiil Irusails, _'A arc' Pries., I'. 1). (tawossd:i icesis
ofiials iof the t.ttie'tits' II Cl-tintt tuas., .N.1NI. little boardtitfl iiitree-
citi' I '<ut itofic ias ofitthle S. I..."' Nessrts. Paiconts, \is, ('arpentter,
t c ' Il a- i' i
sisotti tls' sitlilcusca Ititt Cli' n'donitttandil Itisslist frcslitctrt,
lis ti ttllifit iittaitg iltt MeNissrs. tatvis .itu[I~esvie. j
paper sithi sit imuitch skill antifLire- Changes in te Boned of Editors of
sight. MIr. Stosne has bieertyuobligeud the Daily.
tit take this c'ousrse owitg toithie At Saturuday 's Inreetiig sif te
piressutre of tother stork. tD.s\ v uboard, itie resignatioits tf
it I stAt 1A, intilcttig as mietti- 1I r. Stonte, mtantagiiig editor, atid
hers if its botardl tf etditors, tsco Messrs. Jewcell aitnt Weller, associate
repiresettti es if the "co't-edls" has euditors, swere accepteud. S. WN. ('ti-j
atttemtpted tot matke itself tluriusghly ticssstas electetlNIatnagintg iitort
represectativ ettf ctllege ititerests. G .L.(Chinptmatntatitl NV. E.NI ch~it'
'Ihe initentisott of the DvII~ tty is tot crie, :assistant tMNanagig Ediitsors;
Ifurtnisht its reatder, si lt tas imtchi-NI r. MIartiteitor frimthi le setiosr
college tewts as it is piussibule latilt- law class-t tisdlNIiss Bucitk andtilNIissI
tlte .Ivtl tt1 itg i, tl etc Ketentltors frittithe literart
itt the sprinsg,tdettiletd accotucts oftelasittt
till matters otf instierest t athletes
willbe ive, a we til hae a Openng of University Hospital.
speciail tditosr Ifsr this dlepalrtmientT h'le exercises cosisntecteil ssith the
st-Io is thiorotuglIy postedi. A spseciail I formsal o~etintg tf the L niiersits
torresponditenttof the w o~ tilltic- Hospital still take palatc titnuWedneis-
ctomplanty the tall teamsilt its trip day', Jasnsary 2o, at 7:30 p. ln.in i
andtlsetidlrepots lby telegraphu ad Uiviersity IIall. ;lert L.. Gilioti
bty letter of tll gamtes tiswitch the Director otfI' iiteci Sttates Navy.
I isersit nisnte participtttes. I temis still delisver ati adtdress; the lRt. Ret'.
sf inttrcollegiate ititerest sill also Blishtop Gillespie andI May'sr IDoty'
receisve specital, attenstion. The l . .5wsill al50soapak. ptresideint Anigell
still be delivered for the renmaitater isill lpresidle. A cordial initiation is
tif the college year to atny addsress extetndecd to all. The ~Uiersity
for the stmall suns of $2. livers one Hospital still be opeti to thte inispec-
st-Io wsihes tct keetp ahreast otf col- tion of visitors fromna to 3p .
lege affairn, and keep informed as Wednesday:
to everything of itntercollegiate in-
terest cannto afford tot he withottt it. Subscribe for the D)AILY.

19 S. MAtN ST.,

The Leaderlcl
AeITIIat 'Tlisissit

(jttit tt 'c i It cinii.. - ?:, 1 10:, >
fresisi. C ill fori,1
as fiis'e fitist 'I c~sit- tt c . D i .
steo lyln e t i ll--'t It sitn 5 tut
(?. .)ictntections-st. Ithualltvt'ittcItroes.uStntittha
D. B. TRACY, N. P. A..
f 55 ttun ,SN Avr-. DETRtOIT

[Ntiutce insetedutitn tinst ottmtiat thetteus NO.12 W. HURON ST.
If1 cns pet'litne. Spetial rtcs t 1it _____o____ge____!_
tiiade tlittesfaurishued ty'apliytin att
theiY ofcuu e'.t Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Fuill linueflustytle collatrs, 411). h-1c MihgnRlwy
oit 2 fcor 2t.-.flack & Scltiidl.MihgnRlwy
Laifes if thei'1I. utf M. wsill lidut I-it ( ,adisn effecticetut hi', ti, Isil
greatly ltthieir iitutatuutge to cill otuts siloi ui atat SuitsArmrt tic
the utill tueth if (Clotks, lDress Gtood~s __
itt 1aisy IDry (fotos.MAt-ck & St lututuu
I t s7 i -Stoltsilk.nls uutueltu s v flu 't3.5t0i ilsIIsus-o - tC Ii
ht $4.-.itt tt'heIil t t N ssee ,9 tMc o:.Ps~ uie. rbtlt (dic i 1:'titti.c tit
lit utIll utuitlitll. (Gold c l .ttiiiI i t itt so'uucu.
l tl r l ht rt sit wi g th pea lsf ndi.. hutrilt'sit's - --.......... I I I . il
luerct tiu i' -I uiI l tugld il. S 111itr lI;Nut4.t I it'. prtiti' ie us .....'itit. 41) 1 .11.
No i tPasseudei , Toledotscu Autti A ti it
Ahlt ha)lkt tluhi Itutse.j soeony'
Sontii g evv :-Ini the itt iof 1- Chtrtati ISinda'rdlie.
ofl 1\I'statuuuury. If exciels till its )we l rainis haily excetlnde-
ulecessuirs ini tesigil. Geou. L.. Moorecw. 51 BENNEITT, It. S. OttEENWchaili
hocokseller. Ntitt st.5Gcn. Pass. Agsent. tutu-t Agteit.
.Atteniul the gr-eat Overcot sali. at
flue TwcouStamts. Also, SuitSaile. Oie-
foutottff. All gloves iate-foiurtl tfl.
IHot atnd cold baths 10h cets, at Yutst
Ladties' thackinttoshtes ittbautifttll
varieties, julst received at Mlack &-
Aniew lite of Neckwettr just receitedl
and inie better styles will be fottnd in AA
townt. Yu will says they are otne-ltalf;J
the price yes pay for them elsetwiere.
Mack &Scetmid. ____________

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