1-4 ~Of veroatS, and U~ters.
We hav e made a trerieiidos cut in prices all along the lin of
T 1 1 't j- 1 iMens and Bos' Overcoats and l llstcrs, which vii ena~le tis to
ONA b Xb1C AT nd$TI'I $iclose tlemiioat soon.
Whlen LA GRU Ell;iS o prevalent,110o111ia11should go out uless
lhis itctudes al l511 0, $28.00 lihe urnl Ovrcoat on.
uaand '-,2. 50 (oat. None ,last scar we closed oari Overcoats downito le stall 1111111n),of
cesrcd I T i it, and 1expetdto (10 so tilsyear..
z~ " E ,U7 y The J. T. Jacobs Company,
T.. B~LTTZ an. 2, '92 hiFAIIQI7Aili I s, 27-21 MAIN. Si , AN ABOR,
Mil iI~i 8ORI ~lll1f~ CO0A L. !GEORGE L. MORE, (Ni ;7A, 77 ter + +
WORK CLEDFEand DELIVERED FOR HARD c.AND vSOFT COAL, eA st plctfriti o 1?, ts and' t le Ps, ine cit y. LWi 3r iinu irrl dire C Snc t
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.;ol f iiitt. InnitShae ilt tielitocilk atll Iteo nc'x0 N.66.. MlAIN ST.I
AOtice, - 23 South Fourth Ave. lNil .1ti We'.r 'i ' t 'ONilrtSTeRI,"".0^s O .. ioOtE.
:;lsi dnileiiiil sate e y b S yigDD K vlSi T extBosan, l upl,:t Iedure .iealt '~luHC N) CA INE,
HoI I CI ,l RIt I ;I
-I 1P~- Irrtt
,S10~d S ~ I ~ ~ ft r' I1 iI. .4 S1 Cli 11),illlit _'l Ilt ii iiiill ("0 L p iiiiltlitiO.t i11 .111 IANTIi IV liaS II
I ieamtIGAREt'iTiTES.Clthtasett Mtali
ilcALE &I i I ittititli lee HheIARA haD tet I c. lt ikenCI~i th rniiict+ ntt e iin > ,OM ONCITIS
wdu oreaik muttX( N"ale humtikemfil a icS( ui ler'e1 .o.leaelcite satiiIsc
111 frttip ce Ic<t ttt.r ni>- .A.P -7-HE t
1 ,i aete wlf loor mte urn I.1'tucttlilltCills alI li iul ee ts a e siun'
itmt 'tl In is B )s uperli'rt o rvti its 0 f1, il iilu1i Iel'hililf .el/1!,tti11ise!,1itl tor ,ctii t ti on +e111 el r
a.llEM oft he. I. I . illiiiIltt t o in il 111 fcC ~l i o t no, ju{cneI st.le atlesteliltiN lie I ceililel;tLIll
AnhAr or Sa icn S trani ll Fur mI, ittit t ' hut tu1u1itti !1;'.1 l j1iti t l l tit'~t.i+tl l l ti I I 1r', ti itliii ioiNu t 1t ittilt i tIt
' tN Ci Aet tlittiire made romtie )ntigt't Volt tell ictul/7:/ ',1 ie'"/ tt i t jfl. ) )"1,1%17.;l2,tS i ii fleti iiifitt tiles c l - -i
u t ett. te'faed'm ttiit hes.tiltts hut cetI ncj toi" rttIclususito it nt tilt ln . T etepets-litin lrlt'e rg-lIlNEYlllitLT
anLa rugtotbus I in ty ai is illl1'Se At, tsFhe N ul stlt , i Pt I sti s i that rt3
Be aeo niain n hev ht tht in iii Iteatin'tt li I..mi he lWahsChiiteng1 hettstni iite.
A.rNunL S,'nsamome iasii lmbelowmmats 'is tmamnts evetirytierpackeiagetotie.
i___he______esimott iiYsle Hfurd e t ~es ot 1.iromiilmnlonlt' e ie elemma a i sIulll tem
35Ssci~cstti~ti. lur grt eai l otheris loheas, an dwas lim te , el ebrate n't'r gee in s atejI will Sev itti lii O I I COtNeSve
SHta/9.OcRTH. AtnxNDrrTAKE A a.Clermh on Im la h e _it h teli ef10rma. 28 Th pehsseece .1 . I hI taT 5 r"thit vhhprs
C~~ o e , a u e n c r al B a n k i n g h n r~~~~~~~ot Rs I n s i - e a rwed.nh r. i o a st w r e olo a ta r if f n f r i b e a t t a h e e r e n 8 a ~ g e o a t H z"mim m e st )io n ,t d b y t e n ie e c .. H A L
I W I PY YOBoxeshorlBand est , osa d. TeNewn c as c l 11-i:
SAng, Si :ttnSli S c kL 50 fo, elate rs uebito thesg eo n t tfSt ci ef rt e DA L laitt 11