V~L.. 11.-No. 7-4.
The woman's League on Social Life xpired to place the ''poorest and of Liocoln which wxas ucxecled it
in College. ost timid'' at perfect ease. As a Philedeighia inx1871. Among lxis
i thosoilitioxn of the other qluestion one' otther famous wrorks of recnct syears x
(luxie oft ais o te un xaixous oucg ladIy told of a planitxchrmay tie mecntionedt"xIa' aniisele-i
d esie. ofth etisoftehelomn'swas xc operation at ttir talile, of hxist;'"Geies of (Concec ticuit ,fox
xLxatecixoxmetfoethe caplSat- eoia ilichicayrecuixiniigg'soixe ixie tox the stxite capitol at Hartfoird;ciand~
Scical Iife ii (xllee reheait aixex-eintxof geixeral aixil ixt- mxeimorial mumiienxts forur xixcstci
sideicn iterect.I tue proposxxedlShcxri-\Mxxx. andl(Cinxcinixiati. Siicex16f6
xix~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ca' pla oxxiiixt toii xi i xxl li x x fxprexioxxxix thxinxkingx'Mr. Rtoxers Ixas residlexdalmxcst xxxix-
l lxic xciimearixel conxxlu sionstxcoxut lbriht reimarks xiiitxesuxbxictsit'ix uoxislin ii Rxixe. Ji'Hl
1f helaysixndxldxringxa xlIxl ic lxxit i S- l-r. Roxger-s.pireseixtexd all
()t ilc xcxt iindl instrucionxtoxxthoxse 3
I cxxx x stiix hu g''up ito tieliiiit the criginal casts cif lis w-orks tiiiheii
aliii ouxilxxut atteind. The iopeinig xxhcixthxey xxill unicly lit.I Otlier I ixersity cif 'xlichxiganiixhicli aceI
ill ii 5 tic - - questionsiwexidisixcussecdxciandxxlxxxsixo xarragedl, together swithi the ILexxis ;LI S'I
11,i i, , ixaixi 0 --Ix11 xir~ti~
(OF YOUR ---
Maiied to You
Through Your
11,Eniifl IIfi I I C W; 11- 4 Ulcar.
lxxx-xx x-xxx liliysae xiistceat iitxciiix ixios axanier thattheliy swouxlcollectioni , iix the irt gallerc-cif thaxti
disiis wul b o soia, ot' av x eenxqi ite amusii iil ad t (institutioin. The R'ogersx-collec-tioin
socetytopcs. Thetal:Ilste ixihxoe felt thxemxxtox le xx impoixrt- hoasts of ahout sixty-Ixmcxdels, bas
abuthaf n ou nders olow.diaixt axsixiits ini the greaitxxxiiiof reliefs xanxlstatues, fiishiedl by- lis
l> heredngan ifoml isus irxxpriety-xvhichi xicstlie xslvedl by xxwixhands, acid are geniniie art
siu ofi iquestionis x-whitoladien I -ichi college uil. ok htcnneeleeuldi
lxxiousxily- preseixted. ThexcthrIxIiI-wrsta axie-rleeticli
I iux xhxx xxiiIixsixx mx- " - -exactness ini any copxies lxinxiarble
ik fo hiheahqesin a eath of Randoiph Rogers. aixclbroxixc \lr. Rogers left two~
btuvieed th yongladexl teixdaghiterxs who ax chmax rriedxlto
xxxiii ioxix xxxiithe lxxi ',x recivxxdxl RanxxlphtxlRo-vers, thei x clxratel Italiainxixie xof thcixi -iii aifiiicr .
xitiiii at ixxin. lurx ig the ildisus ixierixcanisicilpitor, whsexcxcriousix ne if lxix soxix xwaxxa xtudnc ithe lx
- ix 01i tli proiperlxxxiii fori clxxxingi" illnxexxs frxxix piu oxi his xxax ip-ii\Michiganii iici-rxity. I e R g r
t ti ' u ngpartciics tesenxibllcquesx'tixxxn ixno xuxcild cx feix days ago. dlixxlas xt I famiilyxxxwere verysi tabliiaxxiiixool:
a Iaked lx\x xholdxxinotxxiithcI Fiy, at lis iesidlence-,'Roxgerxs' xxi xixxi
and ixeieii hxSociety-iBxig-ex.
Wheni yoxxwantheuLatest Mextroixoiitan Styles
1 inSiShoe, xat ix0x'txx $t aifair iiess ithaniAxixiAribox
tiiesesnd or italxi'uc to
tics>ia >luiefixxe if tix fourix x Vili laistreItaly. xx[ix xxQ)c xiii l/ierican-x1. ttliiiiingtlelR. FFt\&
+> im I itdefens of tis id a a ar has ost io e iif its hestx' -liiiic-x itx I 'xr . Rxi(crs, whcixx liedlls al v
erg xx i i ictuire wu-awncxxioxf thxi -RaindoxlphixRoxxgxrxs-xis blriii xxi illxlc i1 1 IT , IH
a ibeauitifulx andxxxiii miixible__________________________and_____
xxiii -ldieslin their light dresxxex.Iloo, nexr Aubuixrn, N. V.,xxii lxxix;6 x anixdea-cl hoxstess.
;;;ixtig trughitxhe sret 'duin x' 1I teage ofxtwe>nty-three -SPECIAL SALE
to~- sadoilier idangers. ITxc suits inx AnnxArhbxr auth lnxNecx- 'orkc-__I
it ~etuxiset i tlx axl At the close of xMrs. Anigell 's Clxai. 8sxeller & Ci
xxiii great excepxtioxns, all lparticx studidswithx Lorenzxo tartihniat ipeasanut talk hbeforce the 1x'ouxaix are x ig' ai t grextyc i--
ictuxixicloise before i a. xx.- although Romxue fromx 141 to 115-0. After a League Satiuriday afterooni, Prof. inexlinsthi- iie
xsomec withx riod reasons, insisted fcxx-ycars of study andil work there Slanleycanue in acidscuimittedl to the I lie cf Nckxx-uar, Llnder-
(xixoxlxsill earlier hours ciixd thic cx-hue retuirixeidto Nexx-Fork wcithi the girls a planx of lxis for raising imoney
xx ptxxxiioxf only thixse celebratixois stxtuxes of ''N ydic,'' '"Thle Boy- acnd towcxrclthe wixmenu's hart uof the gym. I swexar'andialtl"I'ur'xisluig
tox xwhilxchople come fromixax dhs - i a )ox," and others. Ili i8 Ni xlr. Heli oes i5uipcoixthxe authority of IT (Axxods.
lxxxic Soxme thought that the diffi- ! Rogersx designedl andh codeleid the thue Wonxan 's L~eagtie to arrange the (oAix lin Ispec't gcxixls
i'iux aighxtlie solx-edl ti the yguxub-hronzee doors repiresentinig sceines in coxcert bxy the greatpianist, Ignxace xl
laie bxi',eiix readyc at aix early huour.x the life of Coluumhbus for the easternx Jain iaclarewski, for Feb. i l, ul icc
othierx suiggestedl that the delay -x s i entace to the capiitl at Wx'ashig- turn ox-er all Iproceedls to the coedls' Chap. Spel feunl asdb h at igr-tn ae ewre o eea yi h epuainoIPdrwk S IT TEET.
Mig attenxtionus to the crava.c ya rs in finishuing the cdesig'ns for the insurces success foxr the concert, andil
xx iesticuu alsio arose as ho the unucom - I asingtolunuonumxent at Richmndi, (clue girls have, thuriougih Prof. Stanx-'
txrtablihesetern custonm of teII e-bricluding statues ixf'Masxxn, ey's enterprise auxd genxerosity, a SAVE TIME AlI MQilE
ilemexcn takiing the ladies' arnms.IThue Neclsonx aind the twxo itlirsiiahhs, andh great xpportunuity- for hlping~ to
feelinigs of thoxse pxresenit could Ihard- lice alxxx execixteil a stautue ouf jihnxscr, o hmele isaexxte i IOi55ii
li e better extiressedl thxanx inuthc Ad amxus- owi Nl ount Aubhurinicexu- einefits of the gymnxasinuim.
icoxrds xf a tacdt whoi said that she every. Aiionig the latcr of -1l1r. gr
xiii not xxislh any- genxtlemuanx to Roigers' other nxotable wcorks are Rv H. I,. 'xielo ayou
'scull'' her alcong the streeh. 'The "he Angel of the iResurrection"' ClOhio reachied two imasterhy ser- of ieitsie se arehe.
liestixonsxwere-eheenutly discxissed for Colonel Colts' mnuumenut ttmons at clue Chuirchu of Churixt y ester-
asx tco sonmenmeans of inuteresting the Harhfordl, Coon.; a colored soldiers'cly recuchcscowehtx
'poor and timid" xwhonm they might memorial mnumllent for the state of morning anud ev-eninug. H-Ic xill CALLAG H A N &. CO..
ieet, and hoxw to raise the tone of Rhode Island, erected at hiroxidence preach every night this xweek. At
social conversation. One believ-ed in 1871, and one still larger for the 3 p. nm. Tuesday he xwill deliver a letue n aLnaolsi te aror
that a tine lady's sense and a little state of Michigan, whichx was erect- lecturMonnSvonarla,,iCthecarlor
tact in, detecting what is of most ed at Detroit in 1873. He also of thue Church of Christ. 14Mno tCiao
interest to eachI, is all that is= re- executed the colossal bronze statue Subscribe for the DAILY. 50 S. Slate St., Ann Arbor.