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January 09, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-09

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'I C. of 'Mit. 1Taitu-
Publisbed Daily {Sandays excepted) during
the Colege ear, by
Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably
iad-ance Single copies 3 rects. On sale at
Oternact. adaPast Office nestsstad at 1V
oclock, cooa. Subscriptions may be left at
thte office if the DAILY, Opera House block, at
Sheebac's, as Stesltlet's, or -witb coy of tbe
laCmmnications shouhi reachb sdr alie by
oclok .. a t thlay arc so appexr tbe next
lay. Aaddresa all maatter ianterredfar publica-
tionta theia Managing Editor. Alt business
communcications shouatlbe osent t beIsi
nrts Mianager.
Ann Arbor, Mieh.
RIatetSONsE, '02, Maaging bEditor.
S. 5W. Cuiirco, '92, Acsist. Managing tEditoe.
Gi . -IAtroAt, 'll, Assist. Maagg, Eitor.
.J . TISt, '91, lBusinescs nger.
F'. Il. lAos cas, '0:1. Asvtt.llootceto Mocae.
C. W. Ittacooxr,'94, Assist.IBusiness. Mn'gr.
1. 1). .1swt,1 r.P . I. I.. IE. lracI r, 029.
NV. 1'. Pl txcttt 13. t. . Itf. AcitN '0I19.
.1.lltJ u. 'li). .' F. W a,,t , 'li.
Wt. EItcMt toi'a..v, '93.1 tIAl. lIatlat., '
AsNN A fiIt is faotred thtis ayear
by an uniusutally line seiesiof51)111u15)
('ption>(',IeeaitidBtinjo (C1u1b1, and
S. (C. A. 11a10e each prepaorted prol-
gra111s whtiicht woul stillt tetitlst

other then the writer's name, to be
sent to tile office of The League, No.
2,3 West Tiwetyl-third street, Newc
York ails in or before May a, 1892,
accomptanied liy tilne ldtCatailad-
diress of the writer, and certificate of
staninilg, sigtted by soone officer of
the college to which ite beliiogs, 11na
separate staled etnvelope (ntot to be
opienieil 11n1tilte sitccessful essays
htave lieeti determlinied) mlarkedl by a
wvordl or symb11ol11cirrespontdinrg witht
thte signatitre to tile essay.
Ititsdesiredi, but no1t reiitiredl,
tiatmantcipts btOle tyite-swritten.
Awearcdssil Ilibe itaide JutleyI, 1892,
as folloiws:
fir the test essay, oto ntttunred
anti fifty dollars.
For the seciondi best, onte hundcred

* Beautiful Ohri~tmap Giets
; tItetO OtlIl\NGSCHOIOLo'I: 1's11.1
- " ° . " " osardepatmatis canaseta aJotatstl .
_ s ~~t Ii lttttgf(xlctto cattt lls1v01..ot-
V50 . pfeb ek;stdeatsaota ci so posatafns.
For catalogtueAddress P11It.CLEAtta PrIt sdent

1x I1T 1

For the tiri l est, fifty rlllars.
Andtilfuriioter essays deetteil es- JAS,.N1" STAFFORD.!~
1 eally iteritiioits, tesilver nmedttl
ofteIxagliue iwill lie aitattied, arit

TheLr ealgulrres 'rves te righte to
tttblish~, at its 11o11n jepese, ant, olf 4 4 41
thle essaissfor ailtit Ii ri/es ittys le'
ITe ipartitie jf ndIgt's will b ltt- )4t115'I f~
nounccilt ihlerea:fter. Li 1151

J. .ALi,rAsbltlltaaaltstts _a
Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
The Loader Iutit
itt Fashion ill16.4ai.1015Itt:0 ^1 . ll
M et'chati i T'til- 15i e r 5 iii .. 810 11.2:3. J 1':I
(goiods lto select; f~V
frott. ICall fiit i
It ttstli tJ5it .4

fte Schttuert I ole(Ihitartette hills I irSit vSil. Illt)1"'i, Itresient. suif. b hi ncitt1111 011 111OIlit e 5lt't'itlttlo's,.
ite fottritilateiell thte sriedulet if Secreltry. 19 a. MAIN ST., ,! , Palor Cas e alci; to1r itultlo. ,t
eitlertainmttents givncit h te 5'. ' . : ourttticeasort'tdt vial C. 11. ,4 DI., btweeto
'ITe iorganiztiont is aiorthiy'oite. Ak biet slugar sictool is lo be estab- tANN anan, M IC. S. Min11Stret. ' D. B. TRACT, N. P. A.,,
and11willcundioubltedly la7111ucess- lishlecIIl in ttac1ectidttO ithi thitnl- 155 JtRcRSOHAcs. ,.DETROIT'
fttl etagagesient. Wae hodpe to see versity of Nebraska. Secretary titsk ....ot> ..' ~
t' usunal ilarge audiiencle present. favors tite siltette. y,
ito. venitilatioto of rloms it the Sli ,.* (art-tet- Iti. -
inthfle literary bttilciitg is very poor, Baths Cheap. J. p SI~ N" ,.D1IN 'VrOI RAPi' U1 n
antit a positive ttenace to floe healthl Tistiller good tialy tuatil Jat. 101 in- State Street Grocers.
itf all those comtpelletd to sit ini tteno ilttsive. Will sell tickets goott for fillStudents patronage especially soicitedl. NO12W RNST
lttr ferIoti areclsesa-atts for $5.110. Tiekets tranisferabla. 't s. STATE STREET.
seotble atndtire fdismissed, ecrl leav- ShetrysOora IiiteH ahe Ito Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
ing liar air fouler thaan before. No BUSINESS LOCALS. I. HAL ER Michigan Railway.
late thttaks ctof oenting a wind1ow00 Noticeosrtedl intthis calumanat liar rate ef oci o tl '. r nc irdstainffact Decemttbertit,1ta1t
tese coldi tmorniangs, atnc as a tat- aof 1 critscper liar. Specillrates fair longer *r""caapcn0 Ariiat of traist ta t rosronly.
time. andl extra lates furiedaibrdly atuplyisag a__
itral conlsequtencie, iheadl-achaes are te ODAILY office.] Atnew litie of Neekwear juast 'eceeived
c'ontractedl,a"t founationaitiSkeleo'rh-att seal11t w iollth it. andcin10 better styles soilbe foutaicin itt hil inita
a uotachliti Seltultiiar~ a sita tei's italaown, You will sath~iey tire onae-half N.Mi as i nntt rboExpcts . SI . a ne
flor Itfutre illaless. (oldi is tmore piet'edaiowit samall goldainla. Libiertal tite priee vott iad- faotlitemotelsewohiere. Ni. -5. ogailSPasasAror . A....... It...i41 t_
)rfrbet h oladdtro-rewarai if returned tao F. S. Porter, Maec & Seiihmi.1010iaa.
rerbl 1(ttetttatcteero-Aliaalitla iiHouse. $195-80111silk aumtbrellasto artia 43.511 Nc. 3. i.ta il Passenger ....118a.iii '
teal amospthere whiicht is pentnedti ap IFttlinlae anew styie eoliars J4 ily, 1l c I to $4 511.aurketi $1.1) at Mock &I No. 4.Staill Express......... s 40p. to.
or It tooarly.SMackt&iSIhmi. Na. ch aceneToledo Aecatta... Ii. Iat.
atadestlhe11r1c'itatMiooil aotoits.alltTracins 13ad 0 runbetscceti Ails Arboratd
Lades f te I. o M.wil fid i Dotforget we keep sweaters, best ''Toledo only.
'iTe rcomis shtouldh le thtoiughahy gretatly to titeir advatage to call iit as qutttity, $3.50 lto $4.230. Meek & Sechmid. Central Stasodatd Timer.
ventiliated efther everyt recitattosn. wiieta hattied of Cloaks, Dress Goods Dcme tI.J ohsno All TraincstDaily except Sanday.
v__ _. . - _ r FncyDr :ood. Mck& Shmi. tembaier sit the firm of Il oehlm & Son, w. H. BENETT, It. S. GREENWOOD,.
Prize Essay Proposal for18902. Soetiing 1new:-Inthkie linae of Jr'. contpietedi his forty-secontdlVear itt the 0cc. Pass. Aget. Local Ageau-
______of Is. stationaery. It excels aii ifs isre- j ewvelry butsittess; startinag as "so
Anieica htotecive'raiffdeeessors ina designa. Gao. L. Moore, boy"inat18491. 1ttehi & Son's Ch'irist-
'Te Aeia rtcieTrfbookseller, Main t. mxas selectionax inaclademanty exclusive I
iLeagute offers tat the undergradutate We call especial attentiona to citantge novelties atad the latest productiotas inat
stdnsof senior classes of coiicegcs of ad. J. T. Jacobs Comanyo. silver of The Whtitinag and Gormao M
stusiols ttelfi tie grat Oercoa sal tatMatu'fg (Cos., anod othaer leadinog nakers I
and universities in the united stales,Tlatenodat.gratoS t sale,Oe-thiprcaengeaoaeatal
a series of prices for approveti essays foortha off. All gloves one-fourtha off. times. A part of thse policy of tlais '
Call Wednesday morning., ' house is to select articles for thseir
0i HsteNwTrf a o n odbts10 centsataYos merit atad beauty. antd to suit the tastes
Has oe esoTarff ot tadcoldbats 1 cetsat ostof their patrons with strict regard to
iroved Bieneficial ? Office Barber Shop. quality. "Highs grade" diamonds and
Conmpeting essays not to exceed Ladies' Mackintoshes in beautiful other precious stones beinag a personal
varieties, just received at Mack & "hobby" tot Messrs. IRoehm & Son,
eigiht titousand oords,igned lay some Schmid's. marks this firm aasitae Gem dealers.

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