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January 09, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-09

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Vo.l-I.-No. di7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1892. P-ric, Tarsus UsAm.
BASE-BALL. I cesslt one or not delends almost # treatment of the State Lniersity.r OF YU
-- entirely uponi the conditioin of the The numerous nesspaper located 2nr I i hTV E
A List or the Dates Which May bei athletic treasury. Mnds must be throughout the state re the greatest 01II
Arranged,. ~r~,le
aisetd or Mctigan witt be iunailet to inouliers of pubic opinion.IThe edi iLi
plaseea team is the field. tors of all these papers will be in Anni Mailed to You -
[lis basr-hltBi soni will liiacili - Arhor. The hint s sufficiently sg NIX -- Through Your
aller begin iext w ealss it is thei.ei. The Glee Club's Trip. Ntc.Mr ~~ edisfi I
lieive Maoieiiaatee foni tferUthesCHiPTat
peW tation o1 the managemnet to pit I intoeIir.i sIii
the canidates or the nivers ic T Iearvard aind.IYle (Ic ee Clubs Universitynthstredashn_
tiie at work usil-door trailing, Upon--
Iline ho ishto boh rceied nthsiaticw thoatsi in we ear s o hw Uhee i i.P I - APPLICATION.
Ths h iht try fr teliii. thater ctyontef she uis u
plates that arie niwoe n s ad I glee and bajo cubts sill me eli r h nsriysi ti ii i
in thisr names, cite addiresses. oi-i i lii.samie re eption, for the v lre on a Is hear6eaio onis i li.ii1
a1 ithiiitile easterntclubs i Ikestudsents hae it isItheii power11 y
ti i te lhate layediand ui o1)1'-to inaerialic issist ini creating a L IST
sh~at chisls.anid tilepositionis they o h. iistiie b h esene n lsrers otffinest Plinii
ire~o adilesfrciIli isuei gatatus are onoulir eroute and hiavo~rabe imipressionisyiturniing ott a.eeledietye B iadges.
ar adnatsfo ol h lnrc~sty bt~szit fall forcets attiendslhliii I Stitsi. DTROIT - - MIGH.
nine. thesenarn s re tobl i ten comiparisninsilile imsadi. ithuout _____________________________
to Ral ph . tisse,miliilget , its 1 miii s Ibe ing itistical, it may ibe saidth t hi ch ari tioi heis heiin ii iiihiiiisiti
HaloiITurssday eningiu oiiiueue
I_ oinuson, icaptain.Ii i-illn s glee club is maifiiiestly -i-' lok li.ilep ii
its all ipriobalility peerCi on-lii "uperI ir to antyiof those ii of former i t. lit u tu
wy i ihe icoach for tliii. so . )ar-. It Iias beent ioran izueuifor
ifth dretos eid t rtan slicilbyi the I lit iiiiegtiis 1and
m ch willc on 1ic t II hi A bor astiiusiailietotillit ihas miii r
ii Xiiisitukabdi progres tws dblesoingi hoalsOn Iion.No admisisoiu fee
a ty tedt'olee lI ,1 will b ha l-redlandtideliiiercnis
an atchit iielstsI h1a11 istiicisit W is i ve sy ntiiesting. Tlie pro
brni ii tit tspitithiusn seii - w ithalmer wa n ,wasritsalt litLt tesiltl . r ltuliisssall5asYRi
has its swet fiil-isuceesiinitheIat-
fl v is n srel s tr sill le a l".is t rti e- l R.ii
iia m n [tes. Ait iii ltsliis madtsse iiut~u t-i- -s-
ii in ~ e ets masefts he t molst p1osliittistiles I °iitiulljn e ili; ilt
issM r.el l iis ss itis Nt 1 rat lt Smtit itt 5 1 5t ri c,,tl
inni tti.siuisthelii as aerr-(511gc-ldtthestsli i itstn-irti-i5ii islittito vc5ciu Chap. Speller & ..
ru ropiiilll I NDaskltne:u ss adnii1 J iui i c l r.AN ll~t
nrgi dates aleerlaigoodldealiof true-li I apsis Xu cd ii (hits<istX iii
s aCleteland.ij Kansas C its, April I2: eaii ve ii tit Pennsylvania Medical School Over Dress Shirts, Gloves,
i iii,o-IDetieoit :thletsic isist XAri 2'(liiiOmaha, Xprl-z it Paitl crowded Underwear,
Ann Xirbor. pril a25; ttisi i stils, itidlperhasi heliii.iiic~sal facutyifthieiil'n ii- ,*GNTS' FURNISHING S, ii lesi°
\L oirtiel, t Deitrit.u Dulu t n iNlwulsike. iwos pi 5 a ihisitQuitiy'.
Xii t I NotlstssteruaL'Iniciersiti I tirlou casswlill Iprobal i es tiiused oi b t nxon uvco sderiig tilla- 4 f O IJ '
at AsAn .'rbotr. the till. Ihe fi st i .n11.1 iwilliheiition whlat to do swititheir surtplus of_
NMa}epi.- 1 ic ersil iofi Ccii l iIgiven at psilanti andsltiii-secsondsiat stuid~ets. There are nisse tsthe ElgisilMacitoles,
sania, at Phihaelelphui a.,XissA rbor, abouiut tec. ist. miiedica-il sdelsrtiiiei 1l7c studients Athletic asd --
Nay, z.t-Lafayette, at Eastoni, IP. - ' mr hnee eoe n bu ynaiu od
State Editors Meet Here iue.iu se eor,~olauuts -- yoaiiiGos
Nhv .-ic 01ts Hoapkins,Lt Hti- I____fifty mouure than the lecture adilclinic O:I F ELX IllS( P11ios
atorriuM-tiu The Michigan Stae lress Associ- rooims ard laoratiries can ccomu-
z ruceou, - ( ton wsill meet i Anni Arbor ounodate. The faculty Ioih seni- SV IEAI OE
N -.JI ITuesday, X'ectiesctlny-and i('uirsdas-of ousyit coe f euigtels
Ma --odan tNwcr (nx ek teewl eabiout fifty nmen sho applied, nit wouldl ByIuitnCited
cty, N. Y. I tedsitors it toswn froii every- se- hae dne so hail it not beens for te
Ma W7-4esleyans at M~iddletown ionifhe tae.-er few of these itrcssonad influence of Pro- ' ~A 'Ji1 i7
Coi.I editors have seen the Unisersity,anid ost NWllam Pepper. Illis almos
NIy is aS iirv at Providence, do not appreciate what a magnificent certain that next year there sill be oniusinwhiile son sre h.
R. I. educational institutiois is located 8oo students at the least, i 5o more
Nay c Harsard, at Canmbridge, her. This is an excellent oppor- than can e accommodated. Thefac- CA L G1y\ .C~
las.tuanity to impress u1p011temi the ouly is nosy coisidering whether to
ltist i.-Yale, at Neswhv, ei importance of maintaining the State refuse admisois to the last comes PBIHE
Coo. -University by showing them whlat a or to erect a nesv building. TIhe -
Jsue za-Hamilton, at Utica, N. V. large and splendidly equipped tusti- cause- of the- increae is the i- 114 Monroe St., Chicao.-
Issue .-Cornell, at Ithac, N. 1'. ltion it is. Legislatures have sot proved course and its extension to
WXhether this season i to lie a sue- always been over-liberal ini their four years. 50 S. Sate St., Anns Arbor.

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