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January 09, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-09

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All Our Fine ( vercois,
All Our Fine Sta
All Onl

-AT THE TWO S AM S:. Of Oyercoats and Ulster.
We have miadle a tremendous cut in prices all along the line of
its 4 Men's and Boys' Overcoats aind 1'lstei's, which wviii enable us to
i its,1 -4 close tlhem out soon.
whleni LA GRmIPE, is so prevalent, noi man shlId go ont nless
~lves, ~ j~O F Fp le has an Overcoat on.
All Oair hats anl (aps, Laist yeari we closed our Overcoats down to the smiall nmilici' 4
Except Contract patis.) rmwrn i ivits, and expect to do so this year.

1 Z_ :811ZZ .2

Jain .2, l92

The J. T. Jacobs Company,
IlFAD UAxrTEmcs, 27--29 MAIN ST., ANN Autinia.

Aklll Arlbor StouM LaRllry.lol C D AL . GEORGE L. MOORE, s ( aber + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.! FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Fn in~ie of ((lCoiege Teat iBooks, i(~incuing LOS and i M((iea foi ls~.i13tar qoSh,
CALL. ON CheapeSst piore for NoteBoos and Fooontain Pelts in the city. Fresohmoen rowd in. Coae Won---
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. old fiiend~os. I tnowShave my entire(sit a y stoe(oinO. 6 S-.mAIl%,ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. Iott] 1WmESr W1,oNGO'rN S'rIo :h1'r.1OI.2QI

.eyStiuteut witt saoe monuey tiy btiiugt~iiversity Text-Biooks and iatt suppiat Headquar~ite~rt~s.We atllw
stecilso ntioii on 1TAW BOOKS, M ElI( AL ttBOOKS. I)FINJ"1LItOOSKS, in sor(t. every Book used in ttie
t'uiersty. ,fOt)Plak Boksat o est price.

Oroers for0 trains , pa(rtiest0(lilin~f, etc,
}'Teleph~oe us. 21iN.5MinoSit.(. p. s fie
'trMis allOthe imphie macih(Oinery, Fn((((5is N -

riphmond Straight Qol.r , H vJW I J:sTIJ 1NETM i(l 11 CkAN T('1-AALjECEjOM MARTiNW,
No. I iFA LL ( IN
' CIGARETTES. Watrdadicroae. Cloth Caskets, Metallic
l-cigarette Smokeros who G AZiN:D IfLA.RIJS, M 1TCTK ANDO (((M-1toN ((lI INS .
"T are twiinig to 503-a ile ISfoe it RV. cuo:cui oi- ((((050RSE. irepri tdets fan olt1(t30ile(Oe. s('i( - J. A. FOLH EMlUS,
mo ethan thec pricS titicschool (in ((eco(0(tty.
chred fogrtthe ordfi owdForcits '0t.(I,"G ,GOi~tE's(s. iPreparesrthe 10ti(((000(and((ims(iat. the((0broadest cul(tu(re and(i- _TVNI-'E R
4 all others. Seilt re((tartro(ttfort'(exam(inatiion andte(('(itor.jNort hxiitiStreet.
J Ttt Ricihtontd Straight For it, 11 SCl('5 'F :1>" x ti''11%A' Ih '.t .i, Stco e o 0 Nbc io, ih t e d Stateso ___
tout No.51Cigaretteriermad~e fro(m thr hight. Foert '.tiis tf( (C;A1, tAfD 55OiT1i.'NO Oi)EAtiJ.STiIF , i'. te lead( tin schoo((f btlcitos..oIS Y &S A O T
ett, ttt(st delieately flatored andi highest rost Forteettieynoeacepnet tdnsatndn- h xes con a efg RN E tS A O T
bold~ Leaf rown(ttttin Virginia. Thin is tiheol ctta(re ot t'((twiy t ((itsta t anotert(( dut atitntlto stte it tfieon nte conty, ndtt t t h afig-n dalrsi
tadiOriginai Bratid of StraighttCut Cigarettes, (sadi tel'tive WelanShoort ablt~i(e(t(cttrti(ttaishii(ti(tit hec~ty, tttat t(' ~iioiteet ieS tirait,
antd( not breought ot hy us inithe year 1 (8ti7iv5tei).'efra e m~'fiu(ffetsiei rceis rvihrsFour and Feed,
iewtrer ofittionsandtotsre rthtat the A. V_ VEREX, Presideznt. { g andi 8 . Wanhittgton St.
fent nater atsibelowteitan every package.
The ALLEN & GINTER mBratnct
Of the American Totoaeco Co., Base-Bal Notice. I The Arts at Vassar. 1The taieis' rcceptiot oomins iti
Mtaufacturers, - - Riehtmond, Virgintia.I_
Newtberry Ihtl ivs ere fiurnistiedhodur-
ant tank. 'andtidates for tfelet'tivcrsify loghthboardiofitaysteestoe liiiar vnovihe
o~al, r I lis oleehv etrie ipn e-a .Th iladtase-btlote(anm are requiifedt, byreso-i b'the tieiaarore offtrl(stees it Vassarx
'(ulitot. 'tO~lOxl. >,5rtetiitiolt o tit so i tti f he thetc dretos, twotoin aniges iifloe relatioto of outsit'gvc oo l alitaciittte
((1es itgenerai naniting tbtsittess. Py n 505 f h hetic iretororowee.
terrsott Saving Demosits. Hais safety biecomte membiters of the attletic and painting to the copllege curlricu-li0
BankmtueSt r fo evmentn. \ssociaitiont tefiore t so ill te ot. lt sicapcttsteer-tfl t. t il.. - 'he :i lih Luittheran
iian tos Stoeoveettisg. ..fitxistigtalc tientoabiolistheitas sc
nu rbrtted ltitiomeceidrtriing. Sluuday'scthoo~l , uti li tmeets at flie
AntnArbor Sout. gs Bank 1c 'to siitickets tmay be scrdIatudltheiarts owill 110ptotedt lDiscuhlsl Ii irutiSiitaunat~
S.11 r or M. iosSt ock,( fii - , ,., ..., toalcitdlon a collleg1ite Iiasis. I he swill blit iittei to-inoorrsv, ilu ac
Organizedt utnder ttte GeneraliBnkoing Lats fronto.I.Rttth.ton,iManai..gtf, antd attguileriusitio o iiytOiu htl'50ie hr tta
ot this statet. Reeives (Deposits, (lays attd I'Ittlitias ;. Robuisonti,(apotalin,111110(1ealding iersitiestt iof thelounftry Iicitttiheiivi hrea ta
sells exchhttge ott the priticipali cities of the slth
(Uited Statea. urafttstcoshedtotnti( prosier i;aegvn m c teto oti
lidentiiatitn. Officest:i pa'ymient of ;,,. 0.siiet atiite ciS tO t 105 f N
CttttTeAN MAin, Fees., I Itauks toiandlieefdeciiisnioftVhosaititer (1(1 et (Ial1 liembers of theo
* Wt.1). HARitMANas.Vice (es., Blanksrwillibeofittiflid byreitter Choralt_'ion1111assembtlt ii cliapoel at
CHAs.S. .Itmafoex, coastier. theistinitagcrdirectiol ot-theirtt the t - C
setatibotn iif ssuciatiout etbesli e. IThere oill toe tcotte terot 0Pii h Sttttyuf-rio
ieiors Iih I(an.t otti lI's lfrils is to sitng ai
i.OF Mid PA S ! tikets, w11111 blatuks cattidtatcs are siurstihips(if the two arts ito Iuesttion, t hy nati l txerrsess of the Stiudetuts'
requeistedl illtill out itittreturn tohdalinog wvitlthethistiotryand(1theory (Clhuistiantu \ssiuu'atioil,
fe tretritot;', l ' ' I iluith 1tuuaer or hta oIle (f te arts anodt offering tot ill c ollego . 1. I Iuuuo uss,Sec'y.
e capta~~~ilet sifn the he ucstudents twithotiitextra csliurein torc.--'h:tlec;oadw
AR NOLDDS, spuaces tue tot te ,t((0ledi withlu thehtiamearolsoi
;ManStreet. o lcis strouctiont in uthese. Thse eoarses woull hold its retuhur muonthly nueetitugfOIL
ofi tatihle candidate, tecity atddress, 1 NEO r cAN A gbe electioe. 'Ihoc(ollege sill TiasSaturtayaiuayot 9 o'clock,
theF A ~ positions he hssplayetd hereto.- , in .'aphau Nit halt.
...J/~fore, with whlat clubs, anod the poi- provitdeuinstruction in fluehractice C. . 1 i cx It res.
u~h1, -of the arts, but this will tue open
FIE HTORPH, tionmo fr whlich tryimog. Thoere is a only to college students, antI an 'sotiCE-S IsurCAit. ECONtMY.--
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS !pleg rnehtpnllebakslih extra tee with be charged. This ttonkj Studenuts who itntenud to elect courses
nmust be signedl by floe candidate. wvilltot counf towardl thoe degree, 4 aad 6 it oluitical Economy for the
30foEasuonStreet, RALPHi STiNt, btut that in thseory and history wmllh seconud senoester will please report at
SH THA11D TAK Abe on a level with all other studies.I ousce to thse undi~ersigned. This itt
CHO TH ND TA E.A Manager. Students wishing to enter for specmal' fornoati on us needed in order to avoid
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand School1, Sew _ ._.-..- courses in these arts must be pre- conftusion ito adjustment oif the work.
Building, 2ttouth State Street. St-hubert Quartette to-ntighit. paredl fully for the fresthman year.flrUxsx' C. ADseAMS

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