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January 08, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-08

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-~ic~ ~Lecture at McMillan Hall.
____'The opening lecture in MecN'illan JeQ7 ~ U
Published Daiiy (Sundays excepted) durng5 Hall will be given 'Monday eveuing
tht' Colee year, iby next, at 7:30, by Rev. Wallace Rad- AND)
THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION cliffe, I). D. His subject is Friancis
Ml(Kaiuie, one of the early religious
Sabserip;tionprices F petr year,,invariably leaders of our country. Followving
iadvanue' Single i'oiet :i teats. On saie at the lecture is a social by- the N oung
^neenas'sandsassttfiersen's stand nt i2
ciorock, tnoun. Subscriptiosmiay be left natIteople's Associatioil. The lectures *~.
lie offeseotf the DILYit, Opera Huses hioek, at if the TIappais trainintg Course r
tteshans, at Stotflet's, sortsithbanyisofethealIre rryoyiiiits
editors.alfre Evrb d isivt ._
ouniation shiotidrehthe olie'ohe bl.fv - -
o'coit.zi' . it they are to appeae the iiext Prize of $250.-
lay. Addtress all matter itiendied foe publieii-
ties is the Managing Editor. All business
eeomminicaiions should be seat tothe IBusi' Thetahovepe , offerei lalst sear' I-
byeheAmricn hyiolgialSo
THE U. of M. DAILY, b h nciaiIiyilgc
Ann Arbor, Mieh. ciety for the best original researchIt -_-

Pb't'eittetitieelt.Ptt i
t~itb lt irtoltistsin itti 3 t~. C I
Itittoi Isnt eL JAGSHII o L
Po witteie tiret .I.clAIs

upion the l'Regetteratiott atdtDeI
EDITORS. genterationl of Nerves andi the Paossi-
RAiii iiSTOtn, '9i?, 51 utugu i liitor.1
s. Wt. toi n It, .,Assiet. Mnain:Edlitti'.Iti lity ttf Lt iottof lDifferettt Nertves
Ct. tL. CtinA siss, 'ltt, Assist. Maniaging 'Ettdti'. wi it Retuitrtn oti ittiin." teas re-
.1.. II, i, tButsi unsEttiagee. ettiv 11trlllttso Iicigi
F' . i _NETEnt, '93, As'ist.Iloaitesn MittitinI-.

afisi tc


1'.55'HtICK's .i., li, Asist. Iltilies' Slttir.I
W5. F. 'Itt tO Eii, 'ti:l. CHASi. ItAs ,'9

'.I' Ficoar of trtustees ot the I ni-'
versit of Ililinoiis sliowt their apptlre-
i ni, iby aplpilopriatiug' $400 ofor its
supplort. 'lin in a letw deparlturce,
andis is ait enxampile itat inigitltli
ibe Itollowtestb1y'the authotirities ofi all
uitversities ndiil tlelges.
1'r is ecry icroper that i NI ii ait's
ittitticnse lawsts holl shontuttsili e
repnresetited i in e fieltd tf ltinjouri
nlllmltaltlntitgitit tis iteeit preceed
its the snialler schosols of Cosluimblia,
Pale, atndliarsvardl.'There is ecery
reasoti to btelieve that the ''Michi-
gait Lawv Journal"5will be a success
froth e start. If tine large numttber
if studlents anth ~e itnntse altumii
dit thneir dtitn the tiattet of siu-
scriptionts, there wsill lieito cause for
fearitig the cotllapse of the enterprise
its reastnl of lac'k of fi nanlsu tp-
tori. ITe lair joutrnal fills a potsi-
tion ini jouirnialisiii w'hichidoesntn
etitroachi tpoti the jprov ince (ifanny
tither 'ol legeipulicatioin. Whie it
is dlistiitiv'el y a tdepartmieit peri-
oicial, there will undioubitedly ble
itiucht withiin its convers of interest lt
all studtetnts atnd particularlye to tose
ina the literary sdepairltiet whlo in-
lend to enter thte lain depnartmetei
itt the futuare. Th'Ie editors hate a
hine list of cistinguisheil juirists,
ptiblic turn and lawyers front whlich
to select their contributors, aiid
this ini itself is sufficient ev'itdence
that thne contents of the journal trill
lie much above the average.'
Thle University of lZuricln; has de-
cided by a vote -of 19 to n o to allosw
weomen on the board of'iustructors.:

lilalivi' mn.ieieisoiWs ac -till'ocul iil of the societe,
Ii' i \V . I1. ititiI it and IDr. IC . C
the genitlem lientac'tie' ibe congrtu-f
lated ont 1heir 51111'S' . Wlie lieve
c'al tilt.atges exnitnedto itstiideiits
if ftse'. ' fiii l.I are secontit i onttte
in ,letincontryet, espiesially iniiithe
matte lielf intsrution
citof. Kelsey is stotoi issue a
printedl 'atalogite tofthe 1'nivsersity ,a

BCincNnnatitoHamilton & Dayton
il l st iottns in1 I ' lt litu i 95 IW1f :3:i I ilt'
T T j (') A Ieci'li'uiuf Tat i-tits ~
lIO iii Io i dne
flolti.. tl.I Iill ftI .ls
jli fil ' hl'ilig I' ts' >r
him titon7 'l'it 5't it oii : It'
19 S. MaiNtSTslei t 1li Aili I ' I i tit t n.tis.
I III .51) hi'ttl'l'll i
I +'+: c p t u rd ayIt 1iltiy
a0 th TRACYtNing

atnid otlier Italiant artists; also if the ".-n <Fin.."
twelv tthunredi tititiierntltrecent-

15ns f~ siAv.,nETRsOIT

. YL ; 1.I A%, ,,t a~i rcecel fromi Italy. __-
Btis Cheap, 1. DPStt 1IMS}OIT & SO
'This tifer goutd only tuntil Ititi. 10 in- State Street Grocers. PIIOTOGRA.P 1
eltusivt. Will sell tickets guotd fur 50 Stiideiitspatronage especially solicited. NO. 123W.tHURON ST.
biaths fotr $5.10. Tiekets traiisf'er'uable. _______STATE______STREET._____
Sletterly's Opera llttuse IBarber OSho 24i ToledoS.nSTrboEaSTREET.h
J. HALLER, ToeoAnAroadNrt
{ BUSINESS LOCALS. Michigan Railway.
LNotitin itiseetedt i tis- coumatititse'rte 'Ispecialty.efect IS 5(t6 191
ofi1 cesi erclint'. Speciilrsties forit e r a Rti' Iepattti et cia rtit 1115 s2. 'i st'utinihe lt''olc 5,19
tiie,iiand extra liiie'nfunishedi by plyvit~ing at-ii - - - --u--'-lrt lftrauisut t Arit oiri- ni y
the M Ontolce.lN. uce hulie of Neckseur jut r ceivedI
Lo,trll.-I ltaitlin hltl, G-old Setirf lull. 'ul10lufejhis iiltefuiiu I 001 ( iiiix.
Skseltoheali ritsit switht itarls ttiiu andtn'o beti tilst, ile tfoue-ha1 i' ou. 1. Ma5il unit Expluest. .... . nI itt.
tpieredul withi lsmall gotldin i. Luibueral tw . Y t lsytielr oehl flueo. .1 ~iu. fas 5r, AnnArboritAs'ruuii2u00i t tlllrt
rewrd f rtured o F ISuPoter. hepic'situ p its' ur lueti 'lsewheire. Nito. .51Mai Psenger ................'a 1). m
AXlpuhanIeltua P~t h uouse. Macttkiit it5 5ttl 135t Nt.'t Mi I N sci'.........ll i
I Full lite un sr style collars, 4 ply,'II c I $19-80sl um rla wot .0 N .,.M iPsen r....... l1 . n
or :?for .5. ack .i Sc mid. to $ 5,t.(iiarkned $1.9ItS ut IMtuch i nNo.54. Aaii bExpresst..... . .5.. 1140p.1i
clmd'.No. 6S. assnnguer.ToloinAcoto - . r. 1Smt .
Lathes if thue t. of M. Will findh if t .,an rnbewenAn rorai
greuatly to their adhvantage tuoecall on its daityhftgtieiee neltisetTn tr
whieniuniinieetdof (Cloaks, DesGos ,$ 0o$...Mc cmd nirisna adT .Sna.Alo ac Dr es Goods tlllt,$~~s 42. Maeck & Sehmmd.h. Ceuteral Stirtud.uirut 'Itsens.
Stilulthuhlu 110W:lii flembeiu of I'ielb thflu irm of Iloehmiu i& Soii, 5W. H. BENNETfT, R. S. OGtEENWOI).
otf M. stationiery. It exeels all its p're nt- ~ h usftt-eoll ~ri lu n.Pt.Aen. felAdt
decesorsin etigi. ~, ~Y jewselry buusinest;stuirting us ishp.
boelerr ain dsi. Go.LMorboy" in 184y. Roehinll& S011s ('lyrist-
Weokcll eMnspattelilit uog as selections inlulde many exclusive
We allespcil atenio tochagenovelties r11n1 the latest productionus iiwAP
of ad. J. T. Jacobs Company. silver of The Whitilug and Gormnaul
,Attend. the great Overcoat sale, ait Mau'fg (los. and othter leadinug makersK
The Two Saint. Also, Snit Sale, One- their prices being resnlable at all t\
fourth off. All gloves one-fotirth off. times. A part of the policy of this
C~all Wednesday morning.. ' . ouse is 'to select articles for thieir'
Hot Slid cold~ baths..10 cents, .at Postmrt n bat, .d ositbtse
Office Barber Shop. of their ptatrons withl strict regard to
Lades'Macintahe inbeautiful quality. "High grade" diamonds 'nd
otllerpre dons atones beinga personal .~A
vaitis. Schmi t. rcivd h-Mc lony"of Me sra. IRoehim & Son,
- .' hla10 ths.in ashe Gm dealers.-

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