IjeU.Of tl. Waici.
Vol'. II.-No. 66).
THE mvICHIGAN LAW JOURNAL. Alex. Martin, Dean Missouri Law Prof. Hicks to Leave Us. I OF YOUR s-
-School; lion.IDoin. M. lDickinson; Ofl T -TV PA U.L'
The New Publication Will Appear ! ; .w illetts assistant Secretary of Prof. H-icks, who for the past two ()I[rn h istWe n-,yas a enassig rfAa sWLB
Agriciilture;lion. S. D.l"hompson,
February.leii tj isn svShol ans OPolitical Econonmyhas beeti teiiMnldt-Yu-
deredn the newly-creatchoolhaJrmeifMailedto Though: Your
I i i is~ ci L Hiiglo , aoctR.fs pee , Mall.em i-rHistor enwlyPoitcratdcirtiu f i -1:5 T hruhY u ' ,ln fralwjunl obe BglwadR fskapeale i itr adPltclEoo yin NINpl ihd tteU iestwic h nvriyo Esor hc sCA T
hai itndisssdsnc s pin.nesge t itit Nlt iNossituated at Columhi o
lCiliii ls istisi itSrn, (hief Juostice of the Suporime Court'
Dae inll tke sap. hefistiagreeable to the faculty IPril.IHicks Upon :
!a oiifttcosiai:tc h Mtiii c ihigaati .nd(I iNV. Camiplin, PtIEA P IA IN
ii i ftheinw icis ttodtiai ch iwill lease to take chairxe of the notrk htIC j -. -A PLC TO .
ic . iiiiiliis ptiti atot sslt I N~ I I x' I lat aicl at the close of this scemcstci. I'tic
'ilci n SurmeCorxcx-o-iA aperiaboti riryi j. It is tiche ilt tl tsi crIUhrso h niversits is oiie iif the priiisiix1IfI~IT Iol4
xnf.ti l i o f tif hce tditorst l aielIic it stite i xstitutimoftt heii :' oatt h a is LIST l
on c xi t ciii silt it tt h t s t iesuet I Ctt lctiaof K.P ingenrnilleii at tressent tiiiiut 1 00 i atiintet ren-rs it Iinstxl laiti
le tlt t hbut tlhc extra iire aitt lI -knll;(Congressmecn Iitiotli vTars- wI(Isitic i Ilc itt txl tcSiixiety lBadgws.
tics I ( stuirntsxs'ituil - 'I.iTars- stlytletits! KDETROIT, - MICH.
ticwIichOgave ioistthief c sit teotalte
Iste ia i delayits-ilFin buargt i um- tIx tatitinch the fefuntedxbitthtic ii un_
II I) itIil iijuIsi f ti lc lxirefeiCotil ocf Netit iiabcraskaa;iettrticns 'i
cccii!hoofs Istot Albt IIT.IHIorton C hi cclilyd rts hltich 'iIi c tituc s em ut-I
I hut ItitialihaslittettedItIe(1ittis eds ctto tabo itu i t i t s$ 0 0 . k tillcth
t~ iefc lyo h a c o l t iE. stI). inn , i rcu1 itti udgetsc s 'ust- tlit
about $,20R,00. Therlri gag
hs liei plisted tichare fuis ll i w ou t;theiifollo i e br f te a aut c t j it d mahm tia Iprm nt l
Stone 11.ici1)'i Je e ss- a ndEick.ottiI-II N I 1.is it regdr i n the unpritectIc ive s i
sii. to t i s'le ictiSevealu t Oato Kn wti IfoP.:I.ss Thgoempasonl mttL.tiei1 iiS t-it c rsS.- AlltiI
csedaoit o cimprve Iits othsr
gicrstii tet fte ttlawh oo ittla aete pg Ietstctty deat entissc Prof. lrks1xiller INyteck'(1)wtea et ito~iiai",ye
N1 . I).1':tvel asds1e11areithatayitrctfttDr es Sh t irt loves,) rrb~
<il I' i iiws aalr aril cttil sros.t i a nitdthe falt iic listin lusthtellawte- Ires e( o ailget
'iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } r Jiut~l ie a o t fit e r i li n.Atl ii .Nl t thl , ty l e r eo a t p e ss r fc;redit:in the i ntsil t sti titl-n d r e r
itcli 'tiSt ohe the Ntax nag i i i i ny fiieet a EN S F R IHNG i in
(;ranhnsdhelceeilcllg is r ids , I . Itotesiics i igtt tt i The Mahe I atic . als been .QH.FYlt& O
vliitc10tito'tcictsgltxyc. pe Atix l letiiti Icard itlsliecing I-~ T I (Z l~ l '
pt-) -' , , --t t t stes ll the i le,s th een-i ti C. .hr d is i tislecl , - . - ,I 1 ' i f I 5 't J IJI ,
sorsi\111ciotertinsttittioIs hav
iter ciotpportuitiy to oiutshtine .t1Ilawycrs and jurists, thievestill lie
costtciilittraries. It isto It till-Ijcdepartmnsioitecitorials, special
lisltd aitiite largest lawsichoo inhatrtic leo, ligests itt recent descisiots
of the coursbo eiw n
litlcilSIttcs,sxhiich Itas atn alutitiiiirs;itkrxiisatc
itf ;;930 lawyers, scattered all over directoryx oi the club couts uttni
Ike country, the largest last alumnni j societies.
ini IheUi teid Stales, and it can IThe iregular sutbscriptioni price has,
drawitsli contributions fromt sotme of beets placed at $2. 50 per year, 35
Ihe miost enminent anid distinguished cents a single copy. FocthIle re-
judiges and lawyers ini the country. mnainder of thse college year the sub-
'thle followsing are among those who scri ption price has beeis placed at
hare signified their intention to con-- $r 'here will be fi e is sues, corn-
trihute articles to the journal when mencing wills February and eding
called upo n: Hon. Htenry Bi. Brown,j with Jone.
Julstice of the Sopreme Court of the T 1he editors hase received the
tbelted States; Hon. Thomtas M. most encouraging letters from law
Cooley; -ex-hiecretary -Thomas -'F. alumni throughout'. thie'' otsntty.
Baiyard; Maanosuke lirige, JA ge j There can ' *no doubt thlat the.
:supremne Court of TIokio, .japan; journal has come to stay, and that it
. S. Senator C. K. Davis; Hon. will be an unqualified success.
pxlacedcinutlte niainlistllby- tile
Mathuemiatical Cliui. The aitnxitunce-
nmetts of their moeetitngs will hiere-
after lie hostel thiere,ciastwell ax
pubtlisheid in the lit Tx h le pro-
gramt for this eventingiicludtes a
tpatper tipon "Life andi Works of Dio-
phants,"' by Miss Stttrgis; a paper
on "Problems'' by M essrs. Wilcox
aunh lsscolt. The sessions begin at
7:45 o'clock p. niI., in R~ionms17.
The law students arc trying to
secusre Grover Clev-eland as speaker
011 Wasington's birthday.
Marshall D. Ewell, of Chicago,
is lecturing to the senior medics
an .G.' lws on Medical Jurispru-
-de cc. He devotes two }ho'rs 'per
dlay to the course and will continue
it for several days.
Athletic andch
. Gytnnsiuni Goods,
Bly Butytingituir
oefiis while we are here.
1t4 Wl oe St., Chicago
S .St ~ate St., AunAshor.