C 1 r" 1? (. ' i scheduled to be played, but in every
0;Il o instance Manager Farrand filled
them, and not a break in thse sched-
Pablished Daily (Sundays excepted) during ule occurred durisg the whole sea-
the College )tear, by1
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION son. The games that were expected
_____to yield some profit were played in
Sutbscription price $2.50 per year, invariahly the most discouraging weather, but
isi udeatet single copies 3 crats. Or sale astlby the most careful economy, the
Kneernax's and hoot office neseestadat 12
s'clock, non.Subscriptisns may he left at managenment has ended the season
the oficle of* the DILsY, Opera House sleek, at withioutt loss. All the lousiness ar-
Sheehan's, at Stoftet's, or with soy of te
editos5. rangemttl s save beets carefully
Cotsmuniecations sold rettel the office by conducted, and some finite perplex-
to'clockPa. sit tttey are to aptear te text
day. Address alt salter intettded for pithlia- ing misuttderstandings with thte man-
ties to the Mantagintg Editor. Alt husinss agments of te opponents of Nlllchl.
eomtnsieafions should he sent to thtethusi-
nss Macager. gasnIhave been most satisfactorily
THE U. of X. DAILY, and. creditably settled. Thse duties
Ann Arbor, Mich. of a manager are very exacting and
EDITORS. when properly performsed, htis regu-
tt.rPH STEe, '92, MaagingEfdttor. lar college work is often interfered
S. w. CcRSSss, '92, Assist. MangingcEditor. with. So it is thsat we think that
0. T,. Cisarstas, '92, Assist. Managinig Editor.
JIC.TttArto, '92, tusinss Maacer. Manager Farrand is entitled to thse
F.5E. JAsuEr-ic, 'xi. Asist.tlaoitieces aaer. Ithans ofliar stttdetssfiorIsis effic-
C. Wf. RICKticsa, '515.Assist. Businss Mittitr. en taignett
Is.o..jewels,. P. 0 r NBCsev,'5
F. ) imPOte', ' F . o. tltTs, 1. - -
F.. MCI itstssC1. .0 F. wAissesEt, li. Pearson on an All-America Eleven.
W. 5..OMI-NEttc, 5',3. 1'HA-. Bhfct, 9, 5. - }_
THE ROUSPUBLSHIG HOSE. r t. Voutig. of ft ltllade1 lislia
- - - - - --- -- --- -- -- ess, wsoo a s wsiths Casiser ' .
Z. IT. lxlotasNll, foot-ball msanager Whsitney anad Walter Campal as a
for thse, seasont just chased, has retn- college sporting authsority, selects
tered ats account iofIis stewvardshsip. the folloswing All-Amnerica college
'ihlile tie seasots has silt beets ani fool-ball teas: (Ends, IHartwvell,
eH~ZHI & Qo., 8fats 8f.,
have received for thle opensing of college 20,000 Bosoks, isew and second
hianid of all kinds, Greek, Ltatins, French, Germasn, Law atid Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Inistrumnits anad Laboratory supplies. See our -ote Booiks
for 1891-2.
Il s the LEAD]tN GSCIIOOL otsetxl r pF
' - - _ - - ° eIs dear tmsc(Ptte-sarcesral Smt at-i
-_- ~tda ces Ietctcciut olsworst-os-s
- - sugh, hitg 5t s s ts t13 lott . 5 ato
$2 50 per we; students asssste oposittens
Sor calogeeaddress P, R. CLEARY, Presdent.
J. i S~s~EOCincinnati, Hamilton & -Dayton
FI1'E2 Thte Loadersx ]
61 T -1- 7 M
etncouraging otte financially, it htas
been sthte most successful one in thse
histisry of athtletics at tlh Uiver-
siy, lbecause iftIsas lben demsonstra-
ted beyonu(sestions that M1ichsigans
is caipable of puttitng a teat in t the
tlte field wvhichs sill comupare fav-or-
ably owitlsatny feastsinthle country.
Tfhe seasoto has pointed out, nmore
than anything else, thse possibilities
of foot-ball if properly developed
hsere. We think we can say withsout
exaggeration that Michigan possesses
thoe finest foot-ball material in the
country. We have thse necessary
grit, endurance asnd determnitation.
All float is lacking is "science.'' It
is not too mucs to say float there are
greater opportunities for a display
of science, skill attd brains its foot-
ball tlhatnits altmost any knoswtsgause.
It is a ganse to be studied. Thse
possibilities of imsprovisngfthe lay-
ing tactics ace almsost infittite, asod
the best captfaitn is lie whlo shsos
himself to be thse best ueteral; It is
to be sincerely hsolsedlflit thseusan-
agement next year will be able to
secure the services of a coach wo
is tlsoroughly acqsuainted swiths fle
most recent methoods of playitig.
Souse recognitiots is due Massager
Farrand for the able manner in
whiich he took care ioflohe foot-ball
interests duritng thseIpast season. Its
thec face of "'11i]nanner of discourage-
mcnts,bie'arratoged a schedule wvhich
cotmpares favorably with any season
' heretofore. Dates were cancelled
a fewv days before the gamcs oere
NYale, anls1Selsoff, U'.iof lP; tackles,
NeswelI, Vale, ansil Pearsons, U. of
M'i.; gitards, hlefielfisger, 'sale, anad
Riggs, P'rinsceton; center, Adams,
hU. of P.; quiarter-back, Dinsg, Prince-
tots; half-backs, take, Harvard, and
Mciornmick, Yale; full-bsack,'Thayer,
U. of P.'
Of Ptearsons,lie says: " Whten
Winter was named, Pearson, of the
University of Michigans, was prob-
ably forgotton. 'fle latter is the
greatest ground gainer playing in
that positiotn to-day, asnd decidedly
of thse first rank in all-round play."
All Concerned!t Holiday Rates.
For stdetnts U. of M. atti Ypsilanti
Normassl School, T.. A. A. & N. M. lt'y
will give a fasre o~f otto sandlonte-thtird to
all poisits itt Centfral 'Traffic Assoeia-
tioti. ''iekets Ioni sle Dee. 17. 18, I19,
1891,, litsitesl for returnsitig Janualry 5,
189)2, inteltusive.
Its additionto isthis, forte lpubliciewe
will give sme eltes as above. '1ickets
lil sle Dec. 21, 25,31 StattilJsat. 1, litm-
fled for e rtutrning Jats. 4th, isteltsive.
j W. If. I3tSNN s'sTe, G. P. A.
iNsotieu inserted int his columnt at thse rate
o~f 10censtperclinec. Spsecial rates for longer
shoe, and extrialisses furnishedt by applyinsg at
ithe DAsLY odlic.l
Atnesw linse of Neekwear just teceived
and nso better stylcs vill be found iso
loton.You will say thtey are one-half
the priee you pay for them elsewohere.
Mack & Secimid.
Ladies' Mackinotoshes iss beasutiful
varieties, just received at Mack &
T., A. A. & N. R'y tickset office will
he opetoetd sll the afternooti Wednes-
day, Dcc. 16, from 2 until 8:40 p. in., to
aecommsodate stusdents withs holiday
tickets, good to leave on any traits next
day. R. S. GREEaNWOOD, Agenst.
ill 1~tlshit i n ~ Lv-.'roleso... . '.5 +4, 15 j %3:301 '11.d11
Mer'chatt Tail- nt-shler .... t.t810 Is ' .4-6i Is.:..)
f7.15 '.1'
OrI"Iong. Fitoc Lma..... ..Ions 1.7 :1
line of Piece r' M.o -52
Goods to select Hrit~ii. 15 i
from. ('all for'titllaApI -1-:sII :
a fine fiftinig I lI-ocujufund-tv 'Datily.
'else only lisne leav-i.g'l'oleito ins thle einlg,
1stit. lby whtichsyou ican it-I-lre ilrrpisg oi- 'ooli,
Pairlor tars ottliaytExp~res 'traiss.i15ct
No. 1) contnectio~tnsith all soulthtern Lins ee1' thai
yitt' ticietstreadsia Ch1. H. .SIt., fetee'sTo-
y. Alaino Street. cte, Cinscinnasti andi Indianaplisi.
. B. TRACY N. P. A.,
19 S. MAIN ST.,
Donot forget we keep sweaters, best
qusality, $3.10 to $4.2-5. Mack & Schimid.PW ('
LOST.-Sutndtay, a breastpisome PH OT' R. l®.I.G
where betwsects Lniversity Hall alod NO. 12 W. HURON ST.
Y psilanti jutnctiont. Finoder will oblige ____________________
owner by leavisng same at this uflee.
LosT-A brsounsspurtse cotitaitoing Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
$5. st'amsps andulaalittle clanoge. laerson Mihgastiw
trill please returnessaosme to Miss M. E. MihgnRiwy.
Tsssmemasl, 3Ohiv-isalacse. T mu- Card in affect Decemsber.i, 1891.
Fo- tD-A wateho -harms is at thse Arival oatIrains at An Arbuoc ouly.
teske ill fle Librsary. Owner esisshave___
flue samae by callig fiur it.
Fuur the Htolidays, thse I., A. A. & N. No. t. Stallstud Expasus.. - 7;a. mi.
M. l'p Will give osue attulogle-thlird farue No: 3. Putosgr, Ann Arhor Aceost .12 )O151l
fur rotud trill. Tietts010 saule I~ee. No5.alStalt'ssengers-----------...a. o..
24thu, 25ths std 31st, 1801. and Jut. s.ot, GOIN sius.
1895), bet-weets.sll stationsonottthe lhne, No. 2'staillPassenger.-........158a. om
antdu other poinsts designtaed 011 hassdulNo.4k.tMail tExpress.a .......- - sp.m-
tills. Tiecets good going out sbove No. 6i. Pasoenger, Toliedo Accossi... 010 isi.
dsates, andulreturn~ing onl any reguslarse Trains 35ad S6run between dAnArhicanod
fessls ssstl luts.14, ttulutove.Central Stadarit Time.
It. S. GRENWacsOOD, Local Agent. Alt Trains Daily except Suday.
To-day, sit thse Two Samis-thie greast w. H. 0ENNETT, R. 5. GREEsNWOOD,
IHat sale. $t.8-5 for any bat costinsg Gen. Puss. Agent. tecal Agenut.
$2.10, $3.00, i$3.50 or $4. Sale closes
Wednesday night. At the Two Sanis. ________________
FoerItoliday Goods, Beautiful Hand O
Painsted Articles. cheapest Plusht Goods pA
in the city, and many useful anid orsta-
msenfal things, go to Mrs. M. Potod's l( ~ .
State street store. Gland opening oils
Wednesday and Thursday.
Dayton R.It., will be at the Arlingtonss
Htel all day Thsursday, to acconimo- ,siA(\
date all studens desirisig to travel
over this liste. D. B. TRACY, Agent. ______________