A 1BENEFIT FOR ALL,I__-___ ____
+AT THE TXVO SAMS.+ I I odr to moe, a large nmber of TTLSTERS AND OVER-
(OATS dining thw few unseasonable dys that we are having, we
SEE WINDOW. tesm io o ~a.STRA
NIGHT, December 19. IRememiber, till Saturday night, December 19.
HA2S -r We want to sell 20 Overcoats and Ulsters by that time. Every
TUESDAY AND) WEDINESDAY "ONLY," 'DEC. 15an mt leo ANY Overcoat, Men's, Youths' and Boys' included ii this Sale.
-- F'oR _ siw The J. T. Jacobs Company,
Costing $250, $3.00. sa50 and $4.00 t $1.85 at Tthe'Two Samis, see window.
Overcoats, Sits, Smoaking Jackets and Bath Robes. A fll lice are thee. 27-29 MAIN S'., - - ANN AR OR
AT T HE TWO SA M S_ Ileadquartcrs for Clothing, lBats, Caps and G~oves.
AnllAirbrtOamllJuilllly. ( CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOOR, (Mooe:ooe& T br) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Cll Line (nf al Coere Tet Ioks, inclding Law saod Medical ito the sftOn
!(AL ON heapest pae fo ;Voe Boolad Iontin ,iai,in 1the city. breshmei rod in(ine(ang ie
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Z~~~r Z , p!, aoldiiend. ItoaelrntiestsnatmystresnIN.6 ...MAIN'T*
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. II WESr WASIINtiTON SRIE. cz ~ TC0OOI
Every Student wl aHR'Sneyby OKSTO E, 0r T IIVERY ACI lva5 At GEIIF
willsax nioey y buingUniversity Text-Blooksand(0(al(11 dpplie sitl headqarters. We allow ,orders ior train. prti. oaeiding" etc.,
special discout ilI LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL. 1OOKS,. DENT'AI BOOKS, in iort, every Boot ied in the'!aply inedd to.
Uu110 nioty. ,( 0 Blank Books at low et prices Telphone es IN.MainSili cC lostOfie.
C'3H;®- L-,IA NIST-
LEADNG BOO0K ST1ORE IN THlE CITY. vI J . l ihest Gl rade Taugh. g Ar cply litO s'
9Ie1hQmod StIG1 r 1ght Qt. IT HE l\VES TEI{N MI IIGAN ( OLLE - Hl ' i h' - SC IOnd U X (til
.""No.1 1511t dlsteett. titiit-stiIlittse- 3,-b ndti"(te.(5
CIGARETTES.I(harteedsld inorporsated. ic. (Commtte'iattttk tretd ot, itt iday.~t
arcswilintgto ney a little 2NOWEg' t Cecri. ('(riA' IYiY' C I tds'iF. iPepresstdest'fore aty cllee or sicii- . M. MARTIN,
r pire than le rices fe.settlfithe cou(n1ittalry. IDEALERI IN
" ' c aigedforitetoriti For isCti~OLLEG CO lRl'H.50l0.eetoces citethe dereesand awns(lit tebrae hit' lohCakts etli
t ittde Cigaettes, ,wiii fidti%'11the coo t iesettlesul55it. toucio~to a
Je'Ils BRtAtNOtsuperior to Sotis NRiMALIAND h'd'EW-OS' TA INING DO]AR'.IN'. Ste; atenio
xWI tiotitec. til }(iC((t leCatt iiit:i ecttt.V5 gea itnieect ANtS COMMON COCCNIN.
~ 5 The Ricihmond Srighi t C e art io(51 n forc airao adeahao''ce-'., t-o aNteiit.'ddSii JA. OL E S
Ct No.1 Cgareettes are mse teem thc bright- Foe its (O51MJIC AND&'1;ARTi 'DItidi'd'L'_i TOi'ASed to lN'on'ethe niitgstetatef somnJ. . POi -EM-US
et, mast dlicatey flayseed anti higettotFents YMECI1,ADSHRHNDDP 6 MIStek '7'sho e uins.-
F (rthe etitcueltctitisd ha axpt o st uente c satea n tiin ilhthexp es conCe an a th
atnd Originai Brand si' Straight Gl efcrw ni at iteCigarettes, ured le th tand at ty tereuainlnitoithe ounryerandat tileASO'neUSALK AD IBAGAGE LINE.
and wan hrought st by itt ill til ear 15Cai. sm' tie iv wllan cmfrabe.Evrvh urisedoth Mnin Street.
Bswartorimitations, and tobnere that the A. T. VEREX, President._
firm nateeasniebois (an every pnckage. RINSEY & SEABOLT, '
The ALLEN & GNTEE lBranch UBoat~tnina Ciao fteIeoIaernantidenert i
OttheAmericannTotbaccoCo., Uiest xesina hcg.I NOTICr.-Mtcting o h Dm-Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed,
Manatr!...nihed igna cratic Club in the law suitz room, B atdix.RSWaiins S.
~ alr ~ f~~~~ Univrsity extension for Chicago - LLER
atd vicinity took a prioiuced step 7:30 o'clock. Special progani All
aitiil.$3,.Oo. 5'npusiaos,e$d7,lxr. forward Satirtlay es-cning, at the arc invited to attend.
Dos a genernl Bathing butiness. Pysil-J.E UIY}'eint
sa onLeguetubyTeAdvisory .E it ilrsdyt -tito stiiot 1si- i lI i
tocot on Saving lDeposiis Has safeys UnoaIgoCl.'li
DepositBxsnforeet. f. . tt. CI;TQ
I. KEMPF, re. F. 1. iIELbEi, Caihier. Counctil of the Soiety mtet, eecteidFulUres uls D STIM~tO1A' & T
lin cn5tra vnt. officers anditoutltineth the society's- I Stat e -I~ Grocrs.
Ann Arbor Savings Ban~kplant of operation. Anong those Moeo intescoctistilSitti it )1t Clieat ttnld
Ann Abor Melt.Capitaltok, 50000, trineditithe.omost atproved style I 240. SA~TSTtET.
srpls,. 51110 xis attending were Dr. W. R. Harper, worth flly $5.00 toeitity $<:0 te.{ ---'- -_ ______.-_____
Organiedoutnderithe 0etetal Haanig Lnws pedetothChicago tise1Vrsity-M. Bscngartei, atitCooks houtt ii-It To Atl Studens Concerned.
01 this tate. Rccovesn Deposits, biys, antid estlotofth;
tollt exchngeo on the principa ctsof t tt .Ietrheae ta, 111tt itist. Ile siltbhve .a I tilt _---
United 5States. iDrafts cseieupontttpretpee -.HeryWaeRogers, tresidentinhe tf samltes ahull itbIe h 'lea tidt1'., A -A- &N,-Al.- E cit t nuttspo-
Cdniictini . Mics es.of the Nirthttwesterit tniversity; sttbmtit thin ec tirs' litti'ofiithe Ctotahithrogh to tt 1isbtrg Pa.,
cc. 0 HunniPrsta.5oIes.- ' ' fte-Egl, Detroit. 'Thotse Co'ttttti'iillt tiiig tavint i a o r ittt431p o, Iiis
CHte. i. IltCOCis.Cachier. Irsle I .ohaittra , irierig oythig in the cothig lnll',(tay, IDit. 17. Slt31 With carry ntonte
2C~ ~G-CA..State nivisesity of Wisconsin; tro uswill tdtt ielt to see tiis ite' ex'ept those h~vigti ctsh5flr itt-
pfessor 'I. J. Eutrril, Acting Regent Students.t Just tho Thing.
.JIC. of ':"' I . of tihe Ilintois State University; hDr. A thottiusnsmie bok tover the 'T., Deembher 51,it. It. 1Roitelint, snilo
~~ ~~ N. S.Dhavis,J utge IHorton, lFrankin A. A. & N. M. IWy nd fiftenithellr;Iember ofteti ii ofi t oel hltte&uNSit,
sAon-i.a m ols t -ea ttrrnki \a~ a il troads ftr twenty idolltrs ($0.0),comlehtetl'i;;i'sfotrty-scntear in te
Wen Anod', . ea ad rakln aceah.godtla wcoleilOyor. Y'iicnl tael jewelry httittuss;starting (1s"soip
Sik MaiS tree. t was decidedl that the fee for e- for two cenita mie. Just the thing htiy" in 184I0. oehnt & Sit's ('hrist-
fotr vacatitn, eaeling Chicago, Buftfalo,DIm5'ssrlti'tios itcldInltmyi5exehtsi~e
; turers to local centres deiing to Clevelain, incinnitti, Indianiapolis' novlties tttul the ttet hproductionhiis in
~~A I"' ~ tak advantage of the opportunity St. Louiu, tonduerous lother points: siver of 'iliii IntititigantlGorinit
4WI-~ J taould be $io and the expenses of F'or stle it the TI. I A A.tdeot. ;Mti'fg l os.,-ttiid tthr eadig makers
II.S. lcoaocvoutheir prices beig reasonable at all
FN PHT RAH, the lecturer. The secretary was ~ . - times. 1 pAtofheplcofhs
directedTOG1APfSrnistits of lecturers F'ull lue iew style cllrs, 4 ply, V5 e;poiae is toiselct tiicls 'for their
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS on the various educational topics or 2 for 2-. Mack & Shuiid. , iterit aid ettty.tiiti to suit te tates
30 Est HuroS teete, and supply local centres with them. to1.95-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.50 of their Ia t'uitthcc strict regard to
t$450mtrked $1.95 at Mack ~qaity. Ili ltgrasl" Iilolds and
SH R H N AEA Dr. WV R. Harper cas chairman Of Schmid's.' other precos stones being it personal
CUS. the meeting. Dr.Her Wade Ladies of the I. of 1M. will fid, it'"obby" if Mesrsr. Ioehnsc & Son,
oeCssoeUtleghcoSE.n o hi avnag o alonpsmurks this im asth/scGem idetier.
IT WILL PAY YOU.ISothand School, New oessoea ent ocriggreaty t hi tlataetotlni
Buitding, Il0setuth State StreetL the purposes of the society. wvhen il ieed of Cloaks, Dress Goods" Hot aid cold iatls 10 cent, at Post8
or Fancy Dry Goos. Mack & Schiid. Oficee Barber Shp- .