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December 11, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-11

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ra - tn Organ count for nothing in the opin-
0pJ ion of those who are in possession
of the real motives of its defense of
Published Daily (Sundays eacepted) during ts w alas hsOfca r
the College )eer, by
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION gao is ownedl and controlletd by the
______ presidetit of the motor line, and the
subecription price $2.:50 per year, invariably principal stockheoldler of the electric
inaudvaefeSingle eapica) cents. on sale at ln. Its opinions as to the regular-
sneenan's end Posc. Office news stand at 12 ivo iemtras lcrclns
o' ck, oo. Sabscriptiosn may be left at iyo h oo n lcrclns
the office oateeDAtsLY, Opera Houste bloch, at andthle acronmmodlatinlgnianner in
edtorbns t tfll, sibsya ewhiihl it treats students, cannot, of
Communaications sbould resih thte office by coarse, as a consesqueence, be sof any
o'aclockhi>. u. it they are ta appear teextet value. The Official Organ says
day. Atddress all master intensded far publica-
tioa ta the Mlanugisng Editor. All bussness whatever its owvner, wo is also thec
censssiaten esati Ie ea tc ~c Sisi-president of the motor line andt the
nss Manager.
THE U. of M. DAILY., iprinecipal stockholder of the electric
Ann rbo, Mch. line, ordlers it to say.
ltAs.s'iSTOEtc, '92t, Maaging Editor. NTICroa.-There wili be a need-
s.s. CsRTSvSa, '92, Assist. MeesgistgEditar. ing of '92 taidical class, Saturday,
G. ,.(CeHteNsas,'t2, Asist. MtiaitstEditar. at so:3o a m., in locwer lecture room.
J. C. TtivtaY, '92, Buesineeessaaer. Ntrt-Eecio ffo-bl
F. . N Licc, '93, Asst.tuseaiss Masse-er. NTC. lcino otbl
C. sV. liCEteSe , '55, Assist. Busines san'gr. captain fssr the seastst of '92, at the
H5. D. Jcwsi .s. Idl s.tt.2)ctsLcssACs,'5t lPsi U.h.lossse, Saturday evensing at
P. 1) Otter,'52. F. E. 5t t~tssraa, '2. (o Wite poie il e c
V. 5'. PA.cst, 93. J. I t. Asssc.s, '93.Vsts xe il en-
0. 1. lygeet .Is. CI. F. Wcs,rscst, 'ltd. epied. livery omattwothas lplayed
55.E55. StRltrict,'9.1 isAS. seassts, I. is a sch tedulsed gamue- is esntitled to
TH woa ueiHIQHose nste'I. iR. '',k. bdNlc.
- Mansager.
AVF have received a cststsssinia-r"
tinCwhich is unsignsed. It seetmss Temaniscrip~t letters of Gsoethe
difficlstt toimprossess noon those wvho tss Feast vott Steiti are offered for

Iiale received far ttse openisng of college 20,000 Banks, new and secnua
hiad of all ksnds, Greek, Latisn, Freneh, Germasn, Law ansd Medieal Bunks,
sNvtech they wsll sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Matematicasl Inestrusments and Laboratory suipplies. See asic -Nate Bunks
tstheLFbtDltVG SCHOOL ocL I'5 ttESS
- Ier Fouerdepartmetnts-Cocital, Nc test-bash
o o mnutscptwosrk-&eet ah.0tt rthas d and
- - - ;tendashie. legat5at teln-5 a sahe-lses
- - tdacflitisrctos kto-ogh, ivisngrexpenses eatti eey (assw,$2.25to
tutu per week; students asaisted to pasitios.
Foer catslogue, address P.StR.t S Ate-VPrsident.
"The Nhigara Falls Reefe."



send commuitnicationss for psiblica-
tion, thtat the nante of (lee write-r
msttt be masie knownvto s the esditor,
sot necssarily for pisscit ion, btt
saerely as ass evidessce- of agood f aith.
~lT v Official Orgasnof steAssn
Arbor Electric anad (le AnnseAtrbor
and Ypsilatnti Railways takes excep-
tion to our statement that the elec-
tric and motor lines, whirls are so
largely patronized by students, oc-
casionally fail to make conenections,
moce to thce discomfort of those who
are compelled to walk from the
junction into town. Our criticisnm
was called forthe by the treatnment to
which a number of students were
recently subjected when returning
from Ypsilanti. Tlhese students re-
turned upon the last nmotor, being
assuredl before tey started, by the
son of the president of the motor
line and principal stockholer of thce
electric line, that an electric car
would he at the otheer end to meet
the mitor. The car was snot thsere,
and the ststdents were forcedl to
walk lno towns from the junsction,
through tlee snaucntd in the storem.
The storm was not severe enisugh to
block travel on (lie electric line.
Our attention has been railed to a
number of other similar instances in
which students have been inconven-
ienced, and it appears that these
instances leave not' been as few as
the Official Organ of the Ann Arbor
Electric and Ypsilanti Railways
would have its readers believe.
The lame excuses of this Official

sale by (cetlie's grandssote, wos asks
$37,600 for the-o. English and
Amserican bisdders are comple-tinlg
woith list Germasn governmentt to
se-cusre- tie-letters.
Nottices inserted in tiscoelumne st the rate
ccl10teents perise. Special rates ftsr longer
itearnsd estealesefurnshed by applyisng at
te DAILY atiCe.)
Los-i.-A pair of gold eye-glassses itt
dlarke-browni leathiercalse. Finer please
lesave at U. oF M. DILYsx'offiee atid re-
ceive resward.
LOST-A silver mouutetd founstaitn
pets. Initials S. C. G. ensgraveid upotn
it. Finsder pleaise returnto ( DAILY
officeeor to S. C. Glidden.
The fitnest display ever made here iti
this eity its rigs, tall be seessiti the
shiowv witidoiws of Mactinl Hatter.
llandsame desigseillMoqtuette, Wil-
tosi, Byzasitisee, Smnyriia~aned Fur. Fur
Christmas lienmakes spetial law prices.
Ini the othiershiow winisows is jusst as
hiaindsome a display ittdraperies. the-
snitleadsilk eurtlains.
Far Hoaliday Goods, Beautifuatnsd
tPainited Articles, chieapest PlssiGoods
in the city, laed manay aseful anidtornia-
siientalthtiings, go to Mrs. M. Posnd's
Staite street stare. (Gtanidopenitig oi
Wedniesday andalTiuscday.
Donsit fosrget we keep sweaters, best
quiaity, $3.50to $4.2-5. Maiek & Secimid.I
JLadiies' Mackinttshes ise beautiful
varieties, jaist rceived at Mack &j
lit ntddceld baths 10 cetets, at Past
Ofice Barber Shiop.
Foillisie tiew style collars, 4 ply, l5e
or 2 far 22. Mack & Schsmid-
$t.95-800 silk umhrellas worthe $3.50
ta $450, niarked $1.95 at Mack &
Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to thseir advanstage to call an us
whentinit need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fa ney Dry Goods. Mack & Sehmid.
Anew line of Neckwear just received
and no better styles will be found in
town. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Mack & Sechmid.

inl ~ ln nIe STATIsaNS stuili Osy Olre jENy INilt,2551. Kai
T i Merelillt Ia55- ~a 5 et.P5 NP.M.ruM e.AAM
sscgo ' . 0)9 12" eta0 e-i95 10 a4,s
netter....... 4 4 ...,..-5 3 2 l1, r'
line of Piee Delhi Mits... 4a30. . 622. . =731.
to slec NYt ARBOR~i.. 4 425 :11 61ss622U ass4: c7C.51 i
aT tie-'(ihit3
ASS~~~ AR.R. M... ai11tret. nasl.sc ea54 1, 125A 1.t
A. . A. . M a . 1ss .ru. s
Bufal o....t~.... at 0^ '40te 7 sac it v0 9-1554
I ISlII. ss 5 e-2155-5-h - - S- 55
ChhiMits. 52 .. 1t .
heSTTOS.- 1555h. .Lnlv. .. 11 t 618a
T-v ..wNUGLE. M .I.A.MI'. W . HAYES,
0..P.& .F. A. Mhicage . 'A nn ,Arher W
DeriL..110 / 12 0 2 544

Monday Eve., Dec. 14, 1891.
"Thse American Jenny Lied"
Under (te Management of
Hotel Aberdeen, Twenty-first Street and
Broadway, New Verk.
Prices, - 35,50 and 75 Uts.
Seatseen Sale st P. 0.Nenws Stand.

Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Tint Curd in effnct December 5, 1t91.
Asrivat of stransat Ann Arbor only.
Na. 1. Stall and Express .........77a. im.
Ne-S3. Passgr, Ann Arbor Accom .. .1t2 0sictas
Nco . Mail Passenger ....... t...4 5p. im.
Nat . Mail Passenger. IS.......15 18a. i
No. a. tail Expres.......... s8 as p. sn.
Na. 6. Passenger, Tolede Aenese. a00a . m
Traine3nd 6esunhetween Ann Arboreand
'Toledoe asly.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Suday.
Gen. Pass, Age-nt. Leesl Agent.

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