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December 11, 1891 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-11

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TI~olm 2o"TWTTTr-i

a-%-:--- C H01C E O F ":"----~
K N', 7YT I N H
50O TS 0OiT
ARMilAlOT S1llmL~ulllnlY. CO0 A L. GEORGE L. MOORE,(Mr&taber) +
_ A Full Line of all (ollege 'Text Books, including Law and Medical t B s' h s toacks.
WOKCLE O n LTR~,FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. Cheacpesplace r otve Booksand FountaintPegs in the city. Freshmen ceowd in. (owenalong
SPECIAL RATES TO STU DENTS. i old frends. Ibow have my entice stock atnmynstore on No. 6 S.-M AINS'r*.
Office.- 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. flIWS Wnasv WAOlIION STRcEET'i. OKOL.00 J_
i-vejfry Studelnt will saIve oney by bulyitng Uiversity Text-iloaksand all supplies nt Headquarters. We allow i IE ', IA tCt ANtiI)lAGINT.l.E
Orders fortain, carti-a.s, radddingn, e.,
special discoult 1on LAW BOOKS, MIEICAL BIOOKS, IDENTAL BOOKS, iii short, every Back aused1 in the' ccproply attendd to01.
Telephone f00. 21 N, . Main St.. 0pp P. 1 (thee
It'nrty1. 500 lalllllBeaks at lowest piies.
(:~K~cx:I~:;r:: ~~79~E~MISS JUDITH GRAVES,
LEADING 1100K STOVELIN THE CITY. HIi-hes alescoTanighl. Atpplyat, xl Wilce

iehmond Straight Qcnl.!Scnler Lawn.
CIGARETTES. jI ircllllrCed law hstlldenlth o1
cf Cigarette Smokr heo th lree hutelred Idifferenlt mlindlshad
acr i e viiatg ta na falitlea tlb rling nsessinin ilAnn Arbor mr hntepieyes-
ctatrgedt foert e dioatStertlay 0vffthe sdeetionl of a class
trade Cigarettes, will sandy
TIiS tBRANtD ntperioe tao a.I hs uliglwexct
1,:, 55 The tRichtmondtStrnights ik sc ts vra nlfe
Cat No.l1 Cigarettes arceanade fromt the hright- kiup sc utoe niofn
ct, mot deicately flavaeed and highet cat sloe httikwa h eutwl
Gold Leaf groan in Virginia, Thin site Old htshn htth ell ol
and Originali Brand otf Straight Cat Cigarettes, be when nhe isall be rdae n
andt wanstroaght ottt by us in thte year 18he7egr5uaeda.~
Beware oimitatiost, and oserve tat thte turned loose on the conmrmunity 1o
frnaeabeoisaevrpakg.The ALLENS & GINTER Branch try line-fence cases--Grant!apd
Of thae American Tobacco Co., Rpd
Manufactarers. - .-Sichmnnd. Virginia. lDemocrat.
hl ug;,i& oag; jk Architecture In College.
Capital,$530,051. Satrplus and tProfilts, 517,idai. 'The 'niversity of Pennsylvania
I)oen a general Banking buninenn. Pays in- has onaed a couarse in Architecture
terent sn Saving Depositn. Has safety a
Dieposit Boxen fsr Bent.fal lhsiIselrscoegit
tt. KTMPtF, res. 5'. H. tSESE, (Cashaier. ltisfal'hiisteirtclgen
BanksnpenSatttrdav eening. Anmerica to give instruction intthiat
Ann Arbor Savings Bank hae-L'. Or MtĀ°. ~l~ v.
Ann ArbhrrMicht. Capital Stotck,t$5, eedoCrel,0lbaat
Stteplus, $0000 hredoCrnl Cluba.n
Organized tander thte General BaskittoLaws tile MsahstsIsiueo eh
o thin tate. Iececives Depsts, bayn and .lsallslsIsiueo eh
slln exchansgenon tihe princinal cities of thte01r iTehvalhd
Ulnited Staten. Draftsn eashedattlotapraoer1101 oy comeITe yhaellid
CaHRISTIas MxA, Pres., coutrses its architecture for years.--
St. 0D. BxatMANa. Vice laces- Crsl ol feaeilaelt
CHAS. C . HISCOCK , Canshier. Crel u.[-- r lesdt
miake ltle correction-Eels, D15Ev.]
ofec~~I? Alonzo Anadrews, '941 medic, has
-"' 0 been appointed Ant Arbor corres-
Win. rnol's ,pondent for the New York lDramatic
36 Main Street. 'Nes
A number of lits anti laws htave
X N A g had the temerity to venture within
the uncanny dissecting room, under
- - -- -the guardianship of medic friends.
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. The '94 medics met in the upper
MILLINERY AND. ART GOODS ! lecture room last Friday and pre-
3t Eant Harons Stret,
___________________________sented Baby Miller with a silver cup.
S O T A D TAKk A 'atero familias" responded in he-
S RT A COUIIE. hafofteltlontoaclfra
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Sehnnt, New Oteltl n oacl o
Building, I0sounth State street. speech .-

'2Lit. AMeetinig. TIlE .- EXC)I .SIOlt - J,Ai?1Na)5R
Nov11 c .. tiere woul be a maeetitnp Issntall thte itt ltlat'd nmactlia ray,, ois tee.
--IfpareedttWncout:ts'etelatsssaor la Shor.t no t,-
of '92 lit. Saturdlay, at 2 p. nIl.,i lee.tarCotlmmar-hal Aaaah tuned llout a-lay.
Ps riacesrrttsllabtlhland wor lletlaraatea-d. Ear
Rool0011allPR i.DNT. T" 't) asItlHuro 14. A tIOETA, 5t, lit 1
1'. ef M. Bulttonts,;-allcenats eah al0. M. MARTIN,
Nvit ci lass yoar, 75 centts elicit. We itte lot DEu~A LERd IN
the (Itly tma~kers taf the thtree-eighthlth aCaesketsetallic
incelabttotn, withi correct coltars aadl NDCIIMMON COINS.
polished etnanmel. 'Thcy don'it fasde or . A. POLHEMUS,
sail, at! last fasrever. Senat pestpasidl 1- T
tapetateceipt of price. Studenart e "O Tj-11 ^IN7 _P11 'Y
itnvitead to visit ias when inttoawn. ALSO 'BUS HACK( AND BIACGAGE LIES,
Ifasehnt t& Seats, Jewelers, Granda Cireaus NoSrah Main street.
Pa~rk, 271 Wosodwardal ve., Detroit. RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Full Drens Suits. Bnkern and dealers in
Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed,
Made of line dlress worsted, cntut adl 6 anal sE. Washintonla St.
trimmtealdainte nmoast slplroveel style,
waartha futlly $511.00 for otaly $359.00. See JU. H A L L E Ra
Mr. Itosesgarlen. at Ceaak house, Fri-7E,7_0zE ,
ldsy, 11thinistt.Ile Slitllhavela fll
lice of samples lad will he pleased tas Repairiag a speeialtay. 46 SOrUTHuMANSTe.
Satbmtit the erntire linae of the CGoldent
Eaogle, Deta-cit.'rThose t-onttemplating J P D MSIT & oITs
ordlerinlg aythinsg ittthe elothainagIlir,;
will dll) atll to see this line State Street Grocers.
-- .- ._.,- Staidraits p1 atange espeeially solileited.
Announcement. ;?4 S. STATE SI'TttET.
I ams nakitng greait prepalrattionas foar
Christmas, anld will shlowc te latest late
cf gooids ever dlisplayed itt this ally.
My sauc-ess inth le past year, atad es-
jaeeiall~y this faill, lets enlcuraged ame
las enarge my stasek. Loaok lolt faarL
naext wecres adlvertisemntL
MAatTa Ix IA.LEI.- I TI Fort St., Went, - Detroit, Mich.
Students!I Just the Thing. - ^"-"
A thocusand nmite book over the T., The Harvaral overseers haave voted
A, A. & N- M. Sty lasd fifteen tshier to 'confer the dlegree of bachnelor of
ratilroads, foar twenty dollars ($21.00), arts out aafcoreu nHrbt
good a whlole year. Yavuecas travel ctreapa ebr
for two cenats a atile. lust bte thintg Corey Leeds. as of thae class of
for vaecatioan, reaching Chicago, Buffalo, 87"Ffenyasaotenm
Clevelsand, Cineinntati, laadianiapoIist7. Ffenyasaotenm
St. Lenin, anta aumercus othter points. of Leeds lead all the rest when a
For sale at the T. & A. A. dlepot. Harvard studeent talked of base hall,
R. S. Gattsmaewoor,
ind his mtemory is still deified at
FOU N-On Campus, Lady's Watona. t-e university. But a college facul-
Owaner may have same by proving is rvrilyslwt eonz
-property and pasyintg for this ad~vedti e- yt rvrily lwt eon
Smetit. VP&utox, 19'4 Medic. lIxue merit-Ex.

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