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December 11, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-11

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~:j~ Il.Of

Al. Wiailjj.

VOL. II.-No. 38.



Rev. Oe Witt Talmage. I Pronouncing Contest. imported from a former lasguage I ( OF YOUR -"
Dr-amaewl-lcuetono-shall be used. SoCE y ADG
ro evaige untilltlectupeor Under thse auspices of the Orator- Prof. M. S. D'Ooge will act as OUR OIr- L A G
rus esnin, udertheausice ofical Association an entertainmuent presidisg o ,crPo.',.C Ise 5
the Stsdents' Lecture Association. will be given this evening in Ulniver
Bosrn Jansuary 7,1, and Hal.e-s tilblood as jndlge, aisd Profs. J. C.I Mailed to You -.-
ssit, pe- lsity Twenty-five Lositnaids.N.Sctwairfl-- Through Your
pared by the usual course of study cots ihtset-i lato E
for college, Mr. Tainmage chose for XebtrsItrainllitoay rees. Csistestasts are reqesedi to -j j j A
Irsamamtr h liestyo e on hand at 7.45 p. m. sharp. ,,
his assuaeth UnvriyoThe entertainment will be isisise l'lseeserauisetbe--s -ispl
\e ok epasses thoneucanthat
NsYok le thogthtand interesting. No oecnaffordlat1u'coc.n IE -:- APLI: TO-
exceilent inistitustion, aisdwtth the a 'lc.Pt E - APIAIN
snaxilunl of merit marking men tonn t Ileauisns e s ~--
who are the chsief figures on exami- msembhers of the Ass ociation. - The 93Fot-el Bnnet
nation slays, and ciphers ever afte'r snamues of the participants are as Faull sevenity-five iiensbers of tihe s' K &IST,
to she endt of the chapter. Bust Isis follows: Juniiior literary class sat dlown to M'uNewftuieers ofsitneisst Plins
tro ica imainaion he onfien-and~eweledseciety IBadges.
slsia nag0ails h one- Literary departnieent- ,.HI. Nicts- stell-fillecd tables at the Arnmory lust DETROIT, - - MICH.
tial relationshsip established betwveess ols P. G.,captain; seniorstis snighstatl t h anquet gisvtntto cs dc
Iiisiseif ant human natture, his prod- hte opp, Miss Heaton, J . bratc thseir foot-hull victory Over -
igious Isut simple posters of etpres- hayes, R. I Roberts, C.A.IBowen, the center of the tabli. iug the I
sion, his possession of thsc dramatic WV H Merners jusiors, Miss Fish, championship banner whirlsthse
in a high dlegree in thought and Miss A. E.Tanner, A.H. Holmes, eleven has nose won for thse secosnd
masniser, and his inherent love for I H lXTKilbrideIV. Ht 'Lad.suchlin, time.lTefolloswissgthim lissedtup .
the pure issnmorals, assd fos the P Bird; sophsonmores, Miss (Clara against them:s Oysters, right cud;
ideally excellent in lift, rendered ILeslie \'liss ILucy Johnison J. F. rase right tackle; escalloped, rigrht
ins thse distiingsuishsesdexpectation Orstoss I). F.IVilcox IIIP.(Cragel, guard;- turkey, cranbserry Ssise, ceii
ands feature isf class andI eomlsosit'i R.PA. J.Shaw;ss'freshmesinis %tiss A. icc sasuwcticis lift guard; olives, wenSti-s ilsiuie tteatesi MetsropolitansS tyles
class. As a stile lettre sschoiaa ' regXis Sai ii Joisnsons .113 llttlascklc fruits, left sciiid; inuiis, ii inhos t soc i: ' te asIiis-ensssinAsiniAsissr
prsfessssr of lte uns sersitI tells ius Ba~kcr .:M ril.H rt .. I;. iqiitervi ckl ici1 e scveamis ilth l; 1rcs edfrCtto et
l1 . Taliiage has sail 00oceqsal I islsis sake, lilttisif; soffee fllbak
all thst stsiientiss lio lisv-i:eter grd-Hiii s-.%.C. ii Ie.cap'ta5 iisn I I V.Iltehi s , catereRr and reYfF-KI&.
graduaistionii say, swhenslie dliiiiiI _ _ __ __ __ _
hi speech at NIIo s gisudcntiche s II imssXii5siiucu~gtescli iii
]. ,.'Robes, C O Crale, L.I ssisc cSaissiIt s-isstook clsargc ssl ljlc{x eI e r & Co.
elifctA ias elecstric:ial dcoverwhlm-luis susvsssiiO.1IX.Xi issic Sliersisasi "thsise h siss iiii us lnssslOliI(
iui rost of ise audien1 'iuii iti su cclxrIein",is lsfsrllusiis' sissbsia sst uustr adi ~i ve i si s i ti , NNlth
hcis feet udierivi lie spellof Isis sui i X5li susr X-- T
isstCii;v.s iullusi iJIsuel Ilsssi siIS itse Bais-i IIge ress Shiirts, Gltove,
ail. ss Ta m 's oratory c oliiuc tiei C usssnsn ish isis 1\. I3. IPitsnis ltitonss 'iiss'is o.s:W5ar-. --- I.sl
be:-tsofal so us stle csloii i sisisi tSisiiJ'Ili l:eii (izssIs Ufr- l :Et Iknderwear,
s-) theidrsit ic.un Ilus msaisisnne isrisii I Isie is'_is iGENTS'FRIHNS
,h si W555itclsl s shnis tr. Isis con-5 :{sc hi)ry -- sO \5 A 5i~IYLilitJ 11lty
lsscis ilttseuscsci iicesof uteissdicionais stl sol sithoi ht 5s IIcIJ-17LI.
traioI o h rt.Getrs !'Ii vij rissslIli; tsiis Univer sty Extension Lectvire. ----
anidsu ftietsii C ucollies thsevesifshil es ins:clsavtre : lilisII t;lScklJitosII5,
st :cc-osci ani ciiiofivhatiheisveic ils. ftereferees. (2s) Ois"trial osly Prsof. II. C.IAdamsilviilecturc:tos Atlet~ic' aidsl-.- C ncs
As the isresislier sitndlssOut livfore shall lie allotted, assnluwhen isword lt Itcetslit 5institute forurniiversity . - . OsnititinsGiiiii
lil iissseis ii osi, vuissstsc5 iiis muispronsoun cesh theijud"e sisall Ioexteion, on sui I cliticul Economssy,'' OF use RV1-ItS(11ERd issinsui
Oif niotesiov eveis a tablec'befsoretutu, st-ttgist thejpvoiser iiiissosiscia siciommeincing',the i rst 'T'uesdhav ini
list effeict srochucedh caisiot ibv ussles-
ctloss asd Fvea sewt sordh tothic sent iJauairy. sn effort in beisig smsude s, ETIME AND MOITEY
stiood by thissne xho sane sever sets) rcontestasit. (3) If a cosntestanit aps- tos forum a class iii Detrit Isrtlist
it. .ir. 'tahsage's voice insIpeculiar peals from the judge's derinsisn, lie study of Chiemiistry. If at least J~uin 5555i5 'si
-nottomusical, bsust productive of shall suot he allotted tuo repeat his twnuty psersons agree tos attend,
startling, arousing, subduing effects, pronuncilation; the referee shall she- P rof. Freer will give the lectures.
stich as characterize 150 preachuer on ride the appeal from the firt hearing. -----0"f---
eithser side of the Atlantic but him. (4) Eaths word will be wtritten on a Professor Geo. I. Little, of Bow- of us wehile we are here.
In his power to grapple an audience blackboard, if so desired by contest- doin College, has a copy of Horace
aind master it from text to perora- ants, at the time illis spelled by the used by the poet Longfellow when a CALLAG H- A N & CO.,
lion, he has no equal. Yet he has judge, and before it is pronounced student at that institution. The
benmohmirprnntdan ar-by the contestant. (5) IWhen the -book baa Mr. Longfellow's signature PUBLISHERS,
catured by those who have not heard definition of a word is called for, it on the first leaf, and opposite to it
him. hl era rmWbtrsdc
shallbe-rad.frm.Wester'.die is that of Professor Calvin E. Shown. 1114 Monroe St., Chicago.
The government is erecting a tionary. (6) Nojproper names shall The interesting relic is carefully
$100,000 gymnasium at W~est Point. be given. (7) No words recently preserved in a glass case. So S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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