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November 12, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-12

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C %^ , ( " peple houl bethe aimn of every
.1X of 1t~h college-bred man. What is to dis-
tinguish a college man from a man Cw k ,Q. 5ae8.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted)dungoineireuaininothsvy H ZT AN &Q.sae$t.
the College t ear, by drn fifro dcto fntti eyt3L1 i11
THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION characteristic? True, some persons have reeeived for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
_____ with mseager etducational advantages hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, Freneh, German, Law anid Mediesl Books,
Sabscriptiotn price i22o per year, invariably are eloqutent speakers, but thsere are which they will ahmtcl sell I atIntes Greatlyandteduced brr Prices.
in aeane Sngl eoiea:1 ent. O tae acMatemaica ltstruent an Laoraorysupplies. See ottr Note Books
Snenans ad Pst ttie nss stalat 2 exceptionssto almnost every rule. No for 1891-2.
o'cloctk, noon. Subscriptiotss may be (cit at person, swe think, can speak fluently-
the satie ot the DAttLv, Ottera Hottse block, atheoea auinenlsleh
Sheehan's, at Stomlet's, or with soy ot the bfr nadec nesh a
editors. practicedl it. Pitiahle, indeed, is _____ j--__
Cotanunicationts stotuld reach the oicee by
7 oloc e. i thy e o ap r te txtthe sight of a college graduate wvho
day. Addreses all matter inteaded toe publica- atnmpting to address a company ofC
tion to the Managing Editor. All bustness
commu~nications tstoald be scattso 11he Busil persons, stammners, looks wildly
neHs Maae. aotonfte tdw. DTheYvery ls the LEAING lSCHOOL otctlLSI S
TE.at.DAL, fcththisacleegraduate°a nn tFour drpartents-Comsterctilto text bosh
Ann Aehar, Mich. or manuscrtpt wortt- &gltsh. Shothand and
___leatd his hearers to expect a great va enmanship. Elebant buiding, latte at-
EDITORS. deal fronm him, andI his failure is s f--_ enahlstepeffetitsrc tomrIonwSlts
RtAtePrOsE, '92, Managintg Editor. tchuoe ohecnird. IWe & 5 per wteek; students assiseto5 positions.t
S. W CUTISS '9, Asist Maagig Edtor muc moe t be ensreSoc catalogue, address P. N. CLEARY, President.
G. L. CnHiests, '92, Assist. Mtanaging Editor. trust that the students woul heed thisb
J. C. TaAVIS, 'littButsiness Mtanager. andi by their united efforts help to M JIIHlANF.E A T ,',AsitBinsMage.reG T
C. W. soCasoes, 'Si, Assist. Buianless Mtangr.hiiildl up sonic enthusiastic atnd ag-JS M "j~1nI The Niagara Falls Roat."
H. D. JIwtI .. F o.i.octENsuAr,'2 gr essive societies--societies not with J AS. M. tSTAIFOltIID+
IV. 1P PditE, '9.3 . JIR. tEsLts, '9. ammesi ftit rfry TIMtE TABLE (REVISED) .JtNE, 28, t891.
W. . Ps se, '3. .C. F. ALsct,' t'o . EMSrAFFtOlntl CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.
0. . ~get l~. I. '.oet~o, li. but twith a umeiibershiip running up________
l~oticesainserted in th~is columnn as the rate , _PI.. . . . . . . .up a..I.',..~r u

oft1jcets periin1e.eiai rates eor lottger
tite, aod extra linmesfurnilsited by applyitng at
thte DAItLY olsie.1
THiE reports friiii the Choral
Union officers are that thie sale of
tickets is nit as encouraging as it
stioutld"be. 'ThefStutetnts' Lecture
,'association can fitid no faunit witti
the support they are receiving, ii
the size of the house at Poweers' lee-
tinre on Saturday night is any indi-
cation of the numiber of season tick-
ets they have sold. The Choral
Union offers this year the finest con-
certs ever gives by the organization.
Professor Stanley is working hard
for the success of the series. He is
sparing no expense to make the con-
certs of the very highnest order, but
he needs assured support of at least
t,500 students in order to perfect
his plans. No higher class of music
can be found iti any city iti the
country, and it rests with the stu-
dents of the University to say wohethner
this high standard shall he main-
hr is to be regretted that the L~it-
erary Debating Societies have beeti
conmpelled to leave their comfort-
able qunarters, and take whatever
room happetns to be assigned to
them. O~ur debating societies,
though very enthusiastic, are
limited as to membership, and
because of this are unable to bear
the expense. of renting a hail for
their private use. This fact is a re-
proach to the broad and liberal
spirit of the University, and shows
that a great many students are
missing one of -the best advantages
of college life.y To hir atle~to speak
ably 'and 'fluently, and not be cm-
harassed at the sight of a crowd of

into1 the hindtreids. Tius rain the
slit iles haveItheir own nhalt, anti
ito mnetan say that a graduate if
thne L'. of \~l. canntot address an an-
dieiice weithi ease and fluency.
Mtrs. Ewsing, swho tins beein so stite-
cessftil in condmctiibtghte cookiiig
sctioot at Harris Hlall, sil gilve 1)1
'T'hursday, at .;:,o p. iii., ante'xtra
lesstiiiotincake raiking. Jud~ging
froim the able tmanner in wohichn Mrs.
Eving Inns treated the sutijects al -
ready given, this lesson will be of
great value. 'The charge will be 50
Notie of the patros of our Opera
Htouse tieed think it necessary to go to
Detroit to see Madam Rhea this sea-
aon. She will play here its Marcel next
without fail.
Ladies' Mackitntoshes in beautiful
varieties, just received lit Mack &
$1.95-80) silk utnbrellas worth $1.10
to $4.50, niarked $t.953 at Mack &
U. of M. Buttotts, 509cets each, atid
with elass yealr, 73 cents each. We are
the ottty makers of the three-eighth
itinhbuttoti, withi correct colors atii
polishietdetnmel. They dlon't fade or
soil, atid last forever. Setnt postpaid
utposn receipt of price. Stuidents are
itivited to visit is whnt in town.
Rtoehim & Sotis, Jewelers, Gratid Circus
Pairk, 271 Woodward aive., Detroit.
Atnews line of Neckwear jst received
atnd no better styles will be foutnd its
towni. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for thtem elsewhere.
Mack & Schimid.
Dotn't forget we keep sweaters, best
qutility, $3.50 to $4.25. -Mack & Schmid.
Mot atnd cold bathis 10 cents, at Post
0ffice Barber Shop.
Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15 c
or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmnid.
bfA'tN.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
will opinfi a clasa in dancing, also in
Delsarte in November. Also will haye
evenitig assemblys after class.
Ladies of the U. of M. will fitid it
greatly to thteir advantage to call on us
when in need of Cloaks,. Dress Goods..
or Fancy Dr-y Goods. Mack &- Schmid.

1>115 111 Tie Loaoer
in Fashiotis illi
lineoif Piecej
%1 L®- Goods to select
froin. ('all fur
a fino fittitig
19 S. MAIN ST.. No. it)
ANNARBR, MIH.,S. Main Street.

STATIONtMait'Day5hre NTY.,intAtl.7:1i
Cup tin ot' Is tap Act.
!chttao,tLv. 705,9 00,12 2 1121" lilt 41'5
Jackson.....1255 4 2513i847. 4l4 01' 8s'0
Chelsea.. .... ).... 5311711f 9g4
Dete......414.1...... 54725135
Dlhi i 1,1s. 4311.. ..
AttN AlM aR.. i42 1 2-)90-5 601.41 1 0 I)
Ypiat... it . 5(35 0- 9 6 c 2 80 0 .32
WayttoJane 5 7i..... 16,4. 0 .'10,10
j etroit, Acr., 6'1>"- 454 7t 0 lt 45t;i 31 t 2V t.
Aii i 042 7 ct.M 1 104 .\.s P,11.
Ci;i." Nilh
STATOSu. [letr ChI i. Llot e. SitePat SMall
Colt Sap ICap top. tim Eho Acc.
Buffaloa........1 i12i01a630o9i51 3 40tjt12 5 11111

I D~~tetoit,tv,. 8020 7I11 1 207d45s9n25915 4 45
WayneJunc 9 00 ....a.. 85 .. . 95d 5 13
""}= E""' Ysuilasnti....h9 2 (8d0i205 47..10515 541
ANY TARBOR.s9a3583919 019 10sl 30sas515
Delhi Mills 943 ...--..915 ..
______________De__ Oae......9 55 ... ....953.. .. e.o 7
____________Jackson..._________ 11 00 9 5{)3 a4 10 25 11 1511 41 us5
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chiesgo. Ar. ,1755 355I 650 14 50 5 5
-AT- tDaily. *Sunday excepted.
-FOR- G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Agt Ann A rbor
Newspapers. Magaines, Periodicals, Fine
Contections, Cigars and Tobacctt. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Timan Table going into ueffctSetemtber 13, 189t.
Arrivl ot trains at Ann Arbtor.
Ni. 2 Throogh Mail and Napress... 7 401.a.
NO. 12 W. HURON ST. No.4. Ann ArborE&Toledo Accom..itn50a.m.
No. 6. [late Passenger..... 1....5'5patm
MEMRI YSEIE!Not1. Clare an dToledo Accous.. 110 a. m.
NotS3. Throsugh Mail ...S... 0p. m.
MASTER No. 5. Ann Arbor &'Toledo Accom.. IN20a, mn
Trainod4 tnd S euta betwees Ana Arbor snd
M V Toledu only.
WYILLARD M"G'AY, JR. Central Standard Time.
The ondrfu Meserit, nly All Trains Daily except Suday.
TheWon erMsmrist, nly . N. nINNETT, N. 5. GREENWOOD,
Gien. P'aun. Agent Local Agent.
Master McKay hat made more subject
than anyother Mesmerist living In the timie
he has betn bettre the public. The medieal (ij
protestion are cordially invited ts tett -this
acience. Don't tail to see this boy an ysa may k
nut get the ehance again at histotsr in this P
coantr is limited.
Friday, and Saturday Nights!.
Admission, 25; ME and 50 Cents, 1 k
Reserved Seats at P. 0. News Stand:_________

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