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November 12, 1891 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-12

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'TIERT WO SA.w. _ T2-3 rwo SAM:~tS-
[From the New York Furnisher 1
The lines collar of evening dress contisues the straight-isp effeet, She points at thegreeatest
eminenee, where they asitt meet, and rising gradually freos the baek.
The eeseat of esvening dress is of white tewn, one ineh swide, without stitehing or embroid-
ery, or ay adveation of a lila chtaracetShot isay he avoided.
The full-dress shirt has a swide, etots bosost, with wehieb are totes three white pearl studs.
The eloves otfoiul dreeos see aS delieate pearl. undreosed, and swith white or self escrow rd-
ing uon She baeks.
The handkerchief of fall dress is of fite white lines, with anarate hemstitch barter.
The bositonniere of fall dress is of while fhowers ltas-pinh, ehrysathemum, orchids,
hyacinth, gardenias, or whaheer maybe the prevalent Olowers-butt alwsay'swhite.
There is a wideninig of thte range of walkinig glares, and te differenee in weight sgests
that the fashioisable man should have two pairs ini hitsreertory. Far the macslog eall or titter-
soon tea there is a liehter werightt in lighter shades stf tant hut should be, maceaser, snugfSt-
tisg; ad fCithe coastitsutiotat" mncingeand afternoonastrlltsand general swear, heatvy. loose
fttine "mahes" in both light anti tua tan shatdes. Tbe benny andressetd hide, its gray ansd
tsnuff-olor, are perhaps the desiabte walkinig gloves. The bath decorationtist light, bringe
narrowr raised eording.
At Tote Tswo S~s the above styles at-a sow rea dy. Also tin ettire lite of
Swallows-Tail (Conto and Vests antd Opera Overeots.
THE TWO SAMS. [Ttlephtontr No. 99,] L. Blitz.

Th .Thecob ., aosC.
Th .Thecob ., aosC.
N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Wright Overcoats
to be closed otut at Greatly Reduced Prices.

ARl AMlorSteam lLIIInidm 0A~ . GEORGE L MOORE,(M cessr) +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Fuol fine of alt College Text hoots, including Lttv andildilool nt.oby the Otarks,
SPECIL RATS TOSTUDETS. AI. saN - Cheapest place for Nob. BathksarldsatntatitnPuts ilathe cily. Frethimeecrowd in. Coyna lang
SPCILRAEST SUENS.I f =aiR' od friends. I owy have my entire stoeh at my store en No. 6 S. MAINLST.
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. !No. 1t WEST WASHIaNGTiON STREEN ,E-' nog. . 2.tOOct
Every Suetwill silve mntey by butyitgig liversity Text-BitokcsantI all supplies att l(e sqtastei s. We allOW ! Orders fair otan, ates, tsridir,-, etc.,
speciail disoutil ttLAW BOOKS, MEICIAL 1100KS, DENTALa BOOKS, iti, otevesty Benokausedlin the 'ir(pattet- taottaItivttttetola.P'ost (ite
littvrrity.-[iO Dltil Bntke t hnestPai ~-MISS JUDITH GRAVES,
CgWI& rn1 PA I St--
il \Dl5N( BOOK STOlIE IN THtE CITY. . liStiiiohrt-.
T - I i IITH. - 1IXCE5.Sl4101 - J,Al' ei RV
(2tnn SSrag t Q .I The iHarvard Team against Yale. iatir' 'thl ttlt atlieti last tighat. M[.irII iHassilthelivm ittittI tteaineiyt'Indits p e'.
tar d t i itt irst class oid.iitt: stirt dy
N-AR EIT'E s liril Iteurt a nl netii's 'ntenalayC('uttI>.'lionfit te taail sqaron uathe IPrctteti tta ieit'1 d tatttt't.ii
Cigattette Smtikers whoeveina that the .'tluinlisfratlveblow. ItaSlts aiplt in tal the mualsictal 0. M. MARTIN,
- t",; arteilintgto ata5littilBarloefi aclytaltecda mtaobers are ittieittathleretn. 'Ihey hDtALERIIN
caticedStiltsthe odialet tre ntilSjerked in3sithiout retistittad Cloth Caskets, MVetallic
tratte Cigarettes, a-ill Safei itn d isuso o u o-sling jttst fttr the sakte ttf illitag in jitst AND C'OMtMON COFtFINS.
a THis ShiNeD superior to bet ateao Wfr opa nsomuchttimtiie. The masic is not till APLEMS
I ~ ~ The Richmond Straight - niew, butt it is all taking atid selectedslC'
Cat No.1I Cigarettes are made from the hight- te Yale gamse, by rfstorinig tem to wvithi great care. E'very ntiumber is a w-T1I .M ~ j
eat, most deieately Slavored ansd highent east fl tndoe Nor htths eswintner. Mr. Donntelly latt mixed to-ASOtsHCINDIOGELN,
OdLiegrown t irirnia. This isthe Old gethier a titmber of funitncstidesnts.,_ North______ain__Street. ___
and Original Brand of Straight Cut cigarettesar of he<arar
end was brought set by antis the year 187. ar- f probation th Havr each baigrlto oteohri ISY&SAOT
Sewaer fimitations, end observe Shut She eleven which will meet Yale will be most ingentious mnner; in a manner, itn n etr t
firm saes enbelow in es every pettege. moeitedta il lasBtyadlkt rcr e rsin dlrnd ed
The ALLEN & GINTER Branrhideta il lanpeiht
Of the American Toaceco Co., comoe as folws: Full back, atty auidientee who lhan the good fortune its and S E. Washingeo t
Manuactures, - - Richmond, Virginia. Trafford;"Isalf backs, Lake and Cur- to wiataess Miss Mcllenry'spefr-- ___________
pefr-ace of Electrta in "A Night at the J. H A L L E R
thet&1Rj~vlajX1ka~0; bet quarter back, Gage; rush line, Cirecus.'%It all the long lute of farce
ends, Hallowell anti Mason; tackles, comedies whtica iftluas beast my pain-
Capital, $50,000. .Surplim tatat Profits, $1oona. fill dttty to sit through, I cannot i-a- Repairing aepretolty. 46 sSOUTHnMtINsSc.
Dones a emriiBesting business. Pays in eeladWtr; urs-akemmbroewihhsg Jven me te
eatnitD frRet. wl nd aes ursJakeostta sawibht . _ MSDo
trtanSaving Deposisn.Baa saeety and Vail; centerJhBaxter. sauteiamnttt of platasuireailad real en-
Deost oxs orRet, joyienS as Mr. Dontnelly's latest coss- State Street Grocers. }
B. KEMPF?, Prert. P. H. BELSER, Cashiter. pohsitiont. It S iuntaqsstioitttbly at da(ihi-
E. XV.en atwen, evanyg ', iemngig latecessionti o the stage, and was, f .Stiuentsopatrosageespcitlly solicitedl.
may be- pardosned the expressiosa a to240. STATE STREEST
Ann Arbor Savings Bank the bottling svorks at the Atlantic htosliig success.' Itaetthuttedt thltlt- -- ---
Ann Artier Mich. Capital Start, $50,051,tecefo tesat-n nddwt
Srplus, $100.000. mineral oells at Ypsilatnti. Oetetr-ite-tratIeili-wti __
Organtzedunudes the Genesal Bunting Laws anitiuproar.
OS this state. BeceitornDepoits, bhas and T.fJ.'tWilson, lawv 'pa, uas located
nalls exchatige on the principat ciites oa the-
United StatSen.Dnaf-tseetshed atpons proper Iat Roanoke, 'ta., whaicho be pronootn- N\ito (-..-llSmaterial offeei
CdentifictnOfiesCHITAN MACn, Fret.. ces to be thse " bouauza of thse conapetitiots for te priztes offeredbW.D ARMNViePs,
CHAS. F. HrscocK, Cashier. south.' the (Oracle of '114 ooint be hsatdeid in
YuPoabyprof. Ricks tas announced a Olby Nov. 'pill1'a. bel ancurrlnec-
Yo rbbyhtatve some Broken Arti- NoTiF.-Thtere wfilllttet bte isntiteeteeinSh
cle of written quiz for Iis section in Thse tion of officers for thse class of'9
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT Tteory of Statistics. whicho meets on Saturday at an a. ns., in room A. BAPTIST CHURCH
OF REPAIR, thsis afternoon, also one for his sec- NOTICFo.-EEIOtNtOFn'92 1IT.
WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, thou ints he Indtustrial and Commer- CLASS OFtRpt-lS. There wily be a -rI t.,ODAY-
Is the Plaeto gn. cial -Development of the U. S., meeting of '92 lit., for the purpose..
~~) ~q ~~ whicht meets Friday afternoon, of electing class officers for the en-I-NOVEMBE+R 17, 1891.
A A N D AL L suing year, on Saturday, Nov. 14,1f
Netle McHenryattheOpara, House S. W. CURaTISS, Iresident.
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, To-Night, r FZT-"7zCrr adtril
_____ NwOC .-An election of a-Junia 7 ri idG
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! -- Lawy and 4a. reshman Literarya>edta fC a M edGr-e
- xtoritot Tafhswnknertntt~otru for .the vacancies on the staff of the
____________________ wnaniseipad ro~ l ;-~Yr U. of Ke. DAtLY,; will be held next i
SHORTHAND' TAKE A Hearald:;. - I [Monday Evening, November 6, at Price of Admission, - 25 Cns
COURSE. Aftet pathentty ox iting -tue (hole o'clock. RLH Tx I
ST WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Schoot, New Seasefia s It-~aracennua'ldy which 7 R'LPHis STONue is a mattertpiee end Mr. See-
Building, 2ns8Snath Stats Street. nwas ?550fyd11h;',"1I must' confesS I weas ti. Managing Editor..i 0 gsra hrillianit oatosr.-Broklyn Eale.

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