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November 12, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-12

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L j C . 4f


VOL. 1L-No. dS.



The Choral Union.
The Detroit Philharmonic Club
miade their first appearance before
a Chicago audience last eveining, i is
the Auditoriiiu Recital Hall. For
a couple of years past their reputa-
tion as a remarkably fine quartet of
striiig players has been rapidly ex-
teniinig itself, yet it it is doubtful if
aiiy of the auiesnce iuacqjuainuted
weitis their svork anticipatedt suds a
uilighitful treat as was us store for
thsose whso braced the disagreeable
wceathier of last niglht. Thle program
iincludeid two quartets, opening
with ItIaydn's quartet in D minor,
and closing withs Schumann's in A
nilnor, op. 41, No. r. These twvo
nuimbers served admirably to showv
the artistic qualities of the players
is two widely differing styles of
compositions. A group of selections
iii the middle of the progranm includ-
cii Rubinstein'~si"Music of the
Spheres,'' an arrangemient of Schii-
liert's :Mtomnst Musical (a la I lois-
gisise) is F mnisor, and a scherzo
hiv Mlendelusolin. Thle Rubinistein
iinumbier seas fur mutied strings, and
ens playeid withi a delicacy sasidtre-
0 sinem it thast suns truly astonishing.
'it the "close the sdismuendo swas so
herfechtClint it seas next to iiiilossi-
Mse tos ietermnie teperecise siomuentj
at whlichs the tonse ceasedt. Thse Mo-
siet Miusical usas playediusilh lsa-
msot ilual isnis, assdt sfter Itse
\tenclelssohsn scherzo, whlich closed
the grousp, the players were recalled.
The reading of the qluartets sowvesd
siusical isntelligeince of a highs order,
asnd thse muechaniical side of the tier-
formance proved that the study sail
reached a poinut whlere earls player
seas esnabled to assert his artistic ini-
siridusality and isndepenudesnce swiths-
out thse least detriment to the effect
of the ensemble, whsicts sas in fact
only hseightenedl thereby. In fact
550 sucshIthoroughuly finished and ar-
tistic string, playing has beeni heard
is chamber music in this city for
msany years-if ever-Chicago Tri-
A list of the books added to the
library since Oct s, 1189r, has been
posted on the bulletin board in the
reading room.
The Tuesday section in the Eng-
lish masterpiece course will meet on
Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 for
the next five weeks,

Mr. Hussey's Circular. Oberlin vs. Cleveland Athletic Club.
M1r. IV'. J. H-ussey, instructor in Thse Clevelanud Athletic Club, cap-
astronomy, has prepared a six pageI tained by "Billy'' Rhodes, captain
circular of instructions ansusgges- of last year's Yale eleven, defeated
tiosns for those amateur astrosnmers Oberlin last week 28 to o. Rhodes
wvho wishs to make observations of was the nuanstay of the Cleveland
valise during thue coming total eclipsue teams, andI smade msost of the gains
of temooon. Th'le eclipse swill be.- and three of the six touich-dlowvns.
gis at 8:05 o'clock and curl at 7:28 He plays at right tackle. The Cleve-
o'clock, Ansi Arbor local timue, on land elevens averagesu1i88 pounds,

the evening of Novensher if6. Thle
circular luau been sent to those ntis-
desuts of tlse University whoue have
taken the advanced course is astron-
omsy, asud also to a number of amsa-
tesir astrosuomers throughoust thne
state. Tlue tisses givesn are the ap-
proxinsate Ann Arbor mean local
timses. 'rhey msay be converted us-
to central standard time by sub-
tracting 25 minutes and 5 secondis.
Mr. Hussey has comupiled and tabu-
lated the elensents of Clue eclipse, the
timues of thse tuhases, ansi also a cata-

and their forte is cestre rushing.
Michuigans plays thse Cleveland Atls-
letic Club at Clevelasud, on Thanks-
giving slay, Novensher n26. All of'
the C. A. C. players, exceplt Whitton
and Stackwvell, are graduates of lar-
yard, Vale, U. of M., Dartmsoth
and Wiillianms.
The Inlander.
Thue Inlanuder for November is an
exceedingly interesting and instruct-
ive nsumber. Thle following is Clue

IMailed to You --
Through Your
Upon -
Maufcusers sof isesi 1Piains
ansdi Jewvelledl Sicisuly ladges.

louis str ogte mo'sa - tble of contents- hnyuwnteaes~ro~ua~ye
purest puaths, andsuelletinses of Clue A Pecvsion ofiiHuseiistr.Her A. ClaneyinShosies asictfl.e naicpasir- lei sss anAnli Arbor
ocultationss of these stairsvisiblhe at Wivliamcottouun iai, sssicsuuriiIissi
Anni Arbor. Tlhse last p g ftienha e sit Clu---Elzae t ii E.i'viiF 5-iies
circular is sne021) Csos-srs aChiaili i t -----Prni .hIe R . H . 'sci
tioss of Chie stars alru g this paths of cun 5 or ' iiy5 'uritiu ii1iiii)I IOtt,',IlI t.I
Clue muoonsat Clue tisse of the ecilipse. -1-.-- -'
Mfr.IHuissey-dseerrescsscssrale Chal-55 ii i 5Cc r-- LdSHud i li ii ( .'hcAgeofRfethon----- - S eIler " (
praise sir Chic prosdhuctionuu oitthus Mihic-cs u ri iersei----------------- i7E.~ ty O fitters,
(ciecuilsr, asnsi le vill unduoubhtedly EvrydMaisushis ihumoss.__------- 21lSu-si-rl-S.,NN ll1(1
receive 11d1ccuiileoilis, ousie iSodus ofcdiuss0sc" - iiA FS .,A N III)
receive Clue thasnks of amuatesur us-------------------------_m__ cIi sisrussis
trosnonmers for it. l-Ie requests those Balladec oriihoot-Basll-------E. 1E. MilesriNeckwvear,
svho muakeaciiobservaious to scud Huoiiir---------- ------.--_
hulis Chc y sseruosDress Shirts, Gloves,
hitteresults. The Philolgical Society.
-- -.. ---- tiUnderwear,
Michigan vs. University Club-
_____The u l. of M. P~hioogical Soci- CENTS' FURNISHINGS, of Bcst
Sixteenuinuu, Ma-nsager 1-arrusur I ety will hold1 its regular nmeeting this tQaiy
and Tr-iner Murphy, will teas-c to-- evening, Nov. in, at 7:30 sharp, in "EOOlI-B -ILL GOODS,"
muorrosv evening for Chicago where Room I, University Hall. IThe_
Chic eleven will play Chic University progranm is as follows: Jothannes' Ellglsh slackltoslies,.
Chub of thuat place, at South Side Schmidt's Urheinsat der Indoger - Athsleticansd
lark. Michigan's leans will play manen-Plrof. I-enets; Bauer's new Gym(v~ns iumi Goods,
as follosvs: Griffin, right eit; 'huts-cd. of Sitiuis Italicns-M'ir. Clement; 01+ EEICX OESdilrPI'dN.
tier, right tackle; Wickes, right1 Sievers' recent contribuition Co Al-
guard; Jefferis, ceintrd; Mtowry, left gia-Prof. Hempl; A Sketch of the SAYE TIME AND M~ONEY7
guard; Pearson, left tackle; Powers, Work and P~ersonality of Johan ,, -

left end; Sherman, tquarter-back;
Vianlnwagen, right half; Ritteluger,
left half; Dygert, full-back; suibsti-
totes, Grosh, Crawford, de Pont,
Thomas and Bently. Thhere is a
possibility that the eleven may
leave Ann Arbor on the 2:19 p. m.
train. James Walker will eithler act
as referee or umpire.
Prof. Taft is one of the judges at
the flower show now in progress at

Storm-P'rof. Thomas.
We Are In Luck.
Mr. Arthsur Nikischs, the celebra-
ted leader of the Boston Symphony
Orchestra, while in Detroit, recently,
informed Professor Stanley that he
would bring with him in May the
greatest living pianist, D'Albert.
This is an unexpected pleasure, and
will undoubtedly prove the great
drawing card of the series.

fsy filly ing Your

ofiuinwhlse we are here.
114 Monroe St., Chicago.
50 S.$Mate St., Ann Arbor.


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