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November 05, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-05

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Vic. of -1Mf. TarpU.
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dring
he College )'ear, by
Subscription price $2.0 per year, invariably
is dudasre isge oielo 3 cots. Osasle at
enea nd ot 01fc ness stad at 12
o'clock, noo. Sbcriptions ety be lat
tbe ottce ot the DAILY, Opera Hooe block, at
Oeeanos, at Stofet, or with any o the
Cotmoonications houd, reach te office by
o'clock. M. it they are to pper te sot
day. Address all matter inended foe pubc-
tics to the Managing Editor. All bsnes
communications should be sent to the Busi-
nss Maager.
THE U. of . DAILY,
Ann Abor, ic.
RALPH STONE, '2, Managing Edtor.
S. W. CRTISS, '2, Asist. Managig Editor.
. L. CtIAPMA,'92 Assist. Mnaisg Editor.
J. C. TeIAs, '2, Business Mattge.
F. E. JAETTE, ', AsistBusiomss Manager.
C. W. RItcCKTc, '91, Asist. Busites Mang.
H. D. Jo*wbr.. 5'. 0. W.t.DLLBoA,'2
F. iD. 'ott, '2. 5F. . Otn;s,,'W.
W. P. PARKERc, '5. J. R. ANsoLL, '5.
G. i. Dygert. 'lid . F0. 50StLt, '0.
TiHi DALY~ always receives witli
thanks all articles relating to colleg
affas, Dy wichi are interesting to
any class of tuients. ''ice arc
somei items of news wich it is well
nigb impossible foy the Camposeri-li
tots to obtain, and whirlh could be
given publicaion if each of ooiy
readers swouldl srite ot on a slip of
paper and drop into the Doll.v boxes
any item of news which may conc
onder Iis or Ier notice. DALY
boxes for this purpose nmay be found
in the main hal, beneath the bulle-
tin board of the Engineering Society;
at the east end of the main hall,near
the ladies' reading room; in the
library, law building, medical build
ing, and engineering laboratory. We
trust that our readers will bear this
in mind, and thus help ts make
the paper as newsy and as interest-
ing as possible.
THE last number of Week's Sport,
contains a fesv words of comment
respecting the support being given
to the foot-ball eleven at Colmbia
College, by the students of tlat col-
lege. They will be found in another
colunmn of this issue of the DALY.
These thougtts are almost exactly
in line with wvhat we said yesterday
aboot the spport tat is duoe to our
teamn from -Michigan's students.
Michigant is not handicapped by as
nmuch indifference as is manifested
at Columbia, but, on the other hand,
the attendance at match [games is
not as encouraging as it should be,
in proportion to the number of stu-
dents at the U. of M. The fact is,
there are times when the attendance
at practice games is larger than at
matches. This, of course, should

not be. We do not wish to be un-
derstood as discouraging the attend-
ance at practice games, because an w w
appreciative crowd, which bestows s& ZL " Q', ate s .'
applause as liberally at practice have received fur tle opeuitng of college 20,000 Btooks, new attd second
games as at match games, is sonte- hlatnd of all kinds, Greek, Latits, Frencho, Germans, Lasvaiid Medical Bunks,
thting to be odesired rather than din- Wbichl they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. a
Mathlematical Inistrumlents attd Laboratory suptilies. Seeourl ote Books
couraged. If thte eleven feels that for 1891t-2.
it is being oatched by the Univer- __________________________________
sity, anti that its work is being ap
preciated, it is boundt to play good H______
foot-hall. Then, amain, the situa
tion there differs from thsat at Coum-
bia, in that our eleven is playing i
winning form wnd improving every IshL-n~ CHO t~Sh5
tay. For this reason it should re- F-oue departments-Comttercial, No teat-book
ceiv theheary suportof te st_. or masuscrtptssoik-hsglteh. Shorthatnd and
ceiv theheary sppor of he sut'ettnnnshtp. Eleganatbuidinlarg e at-
dents, and this support is best manitend aece ugbcliigetpensstremllowtroth5tto
tested by attendance atgae and V5' 50 per weekt students asststedotso posttions.
gamesFor catalogue, address P. N. CLEARY, President.
applause for all good plays.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Miss Ruth Hoppin, A. Mii, '911c.... Michigan Railway.
is teaching in thse North Dakota JAS. M. STAFFORD, TimaTable gotng totueffect Septemsber 13, 1001.
University'. Arrivalftra1in~s~ at Ann Arb~or.
J. B. Robertson, lasv '9i, is in J. Al. STAFFsORD 05 St~I
the iawv office of Lennon & Lon1d, FINF E Theo Loader No. 2. Through Maland Expres..,40 a m
Wet Ii.-No.,. 0inCArure & y sledor . 0.150 p. to
WetSuperior, i.its Fashions i o111 laePssne .........50 p n
U. S. Ieh lawv 'gi, is practicing GotNG SOrUTH.
lasv in thte office of Hois. J. I3. Eels- Mrat- ai-Noi. Cae aMull'....co......Ii 00 .mn
ncr, Huntington, Ind. O rtI n g. Flino No.05. Ann Arb~or &Toledo Accotn.. 7 20a.I
Train 4andi5srim betreen Ann Arborcunt
Miles Roseubluth, lasv '91, hsas litto of pioco Toledo only.
Central Stndardl'Iio.
accepted a positions in thte law office Gosto l All Trains Daily except Sunday.
of Hon. AV. E. Wertier, Rochsester, bod oorec w. H. BENNETT, It. S. GREiENWOOD),
Nesv York. fromt. ('all for Den. Fuss. Agent. Local Agent.
Miss 1elen M. Jennings, fornierly a fiefuo n G
with '92, hoas not returned to college ~ ltlgMIGHIGA.N
this year. She is detained at thersut "The fiaguara Falls Route."
hotue ini Kalamazoo on accottnt of 19 S. MAIN ST., No. 19
the illness of tier mother.) TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 189L
[NEoticsleaserted in this clusn at the ruse ' H-.. I. 1 ..Ifm.

cc is cents per line. Special rates fcr longer
time, and extra lines furnished by applying at
the DAILY sffee.1
ROOM-NS-Pleasant site at 39 South
Fourth street; furnace heat.
Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat?
If so, see the line of samples of the
Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit,
Thursday, 5th instant. 'Flits firm have
made hundreds of suits for students
last year (to whom thtey refer). Its
evey case they gnarantee perfect sat-
isfaction in point of style, ctut, make
and trimmings, and will cave you at
least $10 on cult or overcoat. Leave
your address at Goodyear & St.Janmes,
Maltn street, and Mr. Rosengarten will
call ou you at your convetnienlce.
WANTED-By a competent laity a
position as matrotn illa Fraterttity
hiouse. Beferences given. Address U.
of tM. DAILY.
Aunew linte of Neckswear just received
all o 10ehtter styles willi be fottnd ill
townl.YFu will say they are onle-hlf
the price yiou pay for thlemilelsewhlere.
Mack & Schimid.
Rtooms-very desirable stuite illnosyw
hIouse No. 5 Monroe. Furnsace heat
and uise of batht. Price reassonalble.
Don't forgot we keep sweaters, best
qutality, $3-50 to $4.25. Mack & Schimid.
Hot alsd cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15e
or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid.
DANCIN.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
will open a class in dancing, also in
Delsarte in November. Also will have
evening assemblys after class.
Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to their advantage to call on us
when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fancy Dr Goods. Mack & Schmid.

F. 0. 14EW0 STA1NT
Netwspapers, Magazines. Periodicals, Fine
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco
Thursday Eve., November 12
The Queen of Snubrettet, will be bore with
The evening nhe wan here last year she was
delayed in Jackson and did ntarrive here un-
til ten o'clock p. m.. and then gave her enter-
tainment an one of the most enthusiastic au-
diences ever in Ann Arbor.

Eap)Lim Eap Ex. Rap Amc.
ClhicagLv. 705 90122' 510 9025 10104d5n
Jacson...... 2 5,4 25 i30 847 45140615 8 50
Chelsea.....3159... ... ...,5100 71( nil
Deater.- 11...... 5507i25 551
Delhi Mil..ls .. ..30. 39
ASS ARBOR..41421 51256 21 95456009 7 45 1in
Ypsianti.... 50'315 40 ... 9 516 6li3 tM 10 32
Wayne Jane 5327;...... c6t7s8a3510 50
DetoitA r..6Oi56145 712010135 1301 9520 11215
A. M. A.M.1AIt .. a. r.les'.
Buffao...... 81t 4001 711313 16 0i 50 -
Ch i. IIn'h
STATIONS. Dote Chi. "Lim Cvo.(Shre Pat.IMatil
tolp Sop Sxp hap. tim So. Ac.
Buffalo,........ 11 0 6 30 9 401 30 1250 60C0
A. M. A..in . P. M. I . P,ti. P,5w
Detri, Lv.5820 71-51 i2074519 9119915 4115
WvayneJune 900 .. 158.25 .9351 9
Ypsilanti....92110 t2 01 8047 ...101 510
ANN AROR..9 330039 2 19 9 183oala 103 30 5
Delhi Mill..1430. .....9 15 1. .
Dexter....955 .... 9 529... ..607
Chelsea.1010 . 9-39. 0618
Jachatn..... 11 00 9 25 3 T4 10 2511tI11 11 40 655
thicago, Ar.. 7 55 355I sac0 6 50450 8 0511110
ODaily. *Sunday excepted.
0. F. & T.A. Chicaga. Ag't Ann Arbor
6 fA/

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