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November 05, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-05

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VOL. II.-No. 82.



University Musical Society. Leland T. Powers. Let Not This Be Said of Michigan. OF YOUR
At the last meeting of the Univer- Mr. Leland T. Powers has As t former rs, Columbia's OUR SOOIEY LA GE
ity Musical Society, Directors Kel- achieved fame as an impersonator eleven is not receiving the proper
sey, Beman, Stanley, de Pont, Dor- of character, and the entertainment support from its supposed followersM You
rane, Wines, Hopkins and Ross furnished by him last evening was and supporters. Last year the foot- Mailed to hrough Your
wcere present. Prof. Stanley, as di- charming in every respect. To say ball team was seriously handicapped NEW
rector, reporteil ttie Choral Union a that it svas capital list f eebty itefines by the tack of enthuisiasm in many lH A P T1 B P(.
success both artistically and finan- its excellence. The impersonations quarters, and by the small amount
cally. Treasurer Wines report- were marvels of genius. In the of support it received. As an ex- Upon + -
ed but a small amount of cash beautiful comedy of David Garrick emplification of this fact, it is only I III + APPLICATION.
on hand for the University Musi- he showed his almost limitless capa~ necessary to mention that at last
cal SOciety, but said that the bilities. Besides the great diversity Saturday's game between Columbia
Choral Union had a surplus and was of minor characters there was the and Trinity, at Williamsbridge, the LIST
in fine condition. A note against noble Garrick himself, the magnifi- latter's representatives, althougis Msanturers o cites Plain
w Stniety tiadges.
the University Musical Society was cence of whose character and per- they were obliged to come from DETROIT, - - MICH.
paid partly by money received from sonage Mr. Powers portrayed with Hartford, outnumberedR Coiibia
the sale of the pianos belonging to faultless skill. The audience went men at a ratio of about five to three.
the society, and partly from the sur- into raptures and it is no wonder. T'is Bs no /a t toourage aii
plus of the Choral Union last year. It was an evening of unalloyed team to do its /uest. Nots'ong is more
A debt of $8o for printing still re- pleasure.-Brooklyn Eagle.. conducive to good work in a team
mained, which Treasurer Wines sug- The skill with which he made a than the kno-wledg e that aunrieds f
gested be paid next year from the complete facial and almost bodily frends are u/atchinitss flar ana ap-
surplus of the Choral Union. transformation from one character jlading the good or do If 1MA
Messrs. Pettee, Allmendinger, Be- to the other was simply wonderful- Columbia expects to see its eleven
mai, de Pont, Dorrance and Nan- --Boston Globe, bring credit on the college it repre- when youwanttthe Latest Metropolitan styles
crede were elected directors. Mr. - sents more enthusiasm and interest in Sioes at Sl to s i a air less ttat Ann Arbor
Wines' motion that one of the busi- University Extension. prices, send for Catalogue to
_______must be shown ins thse team.
ness men of the city be elected a professor D'Ooge will lecture be- Trinity's score of"54 as against R. H. FYFE & ,
director, so as to secu y re the e ts Adelphi Friday night, on Columbia's o, proves that there is
thy and concurrence of the Business " University Extension.'' This sub- something wrong in the latter's 11iTR0iT, MIkIi
Ilens' Club in the work of the so- ject is just now attracting special make-up. Trinity has a very good
ciety, was carried, and resulted in attention here. The Faculty dis- team, but the score should stand ap. Speller & .
the election of Mr. Allmendinger. cussed the subject at their meeting nothing like the one made. Still Uiversity Oatfitters,
The officers elected were: Prof. Monday night, and Prof. Demmon Columbia's game was a stronger one 201 StiuTt STATE ST., ANN A111,Ol1.
Kelsey, president; Prof, Pettee, lectures in a course in Detroit on the than a week before, and that in
vice-president: Mr. Hopkins, secre- same subject this week. To vary itself is encouraging. Let the Neckwear,
lary; Prof. Wines, treasurer; Prof. the program Miss Alice Cramer and Columbia boys give to their team Dress Shirts, Gloves,
Stanley, director. The next meet- Mr. Fred Alexander will furnish the the attention it deserves, and there
issg will be held Tuesday, Nov. 10, music. All are cordially invited. is no doubt that the result will be Underwear,
at 8:30 p. m., in Room E. - 010better team and individual work on k GENTS' FURNISHINGS of' Best
Pennsylvania Club Court.f- , Quality.
Blind -oone.- thepart of the eleven.-Week's
ndoone.e following officers were elected Sport. -U"- "; " 1 9j1IIYUV
Blind Boone, upon whon has by the Pennsylvania Club Court,__
fallen the mantle of Blind Tom, will Nov- 3: Mr. J. F. Burk, president Regent-elect Maj. P. N. Cook, of English Mackintoshes,
give a concert in the audience room judge; Mr. J. M. McGill associate Corunna, spent Sunday with his Athletic and
of the Congregational church next judge; Mr. J. A. Bolard, prosecut- daughter, Miss Frances, '94 lit. .. .n Gymnasium Goods,
Monday evening, Nov. 9. He imi- ing attorney; Mr. N. U. Bond, , The Presbyterian church will give Oc EVERY ntst.iu1iTi0x.
tates a number of musical instru- clerk of the court; Mr. J. W. Brown- a reception to the new students of
ments, and the Marshfield 'Tornado, ing, sheriff. the University, Friday evening No- SAYE TIME ANI MONEY
which is his own composition, is -.- vember 6.
wonderfully realistic. He promises New York State Moot Court. The Engineering Society meets By Buying your
to repeat any piece played by any The New York State Moot Court Friday, Nov. 6, at 8 p. m., in Prof.
resident musician. Miss Stella May, chub has elected th fohlowing offi- Greene's room. "Mining in Son-
a rich contralto, assists him, and the cern: Chief justice, J. L. I. Bur- ora" will be discussed by P. R.
two promise a most pleasingconcert. nett; associate justice, L. P. Arm- Whitman. of its while we are here.
Towns where he has been playing strong; sheriff, M. C. Powers; crier, Literary Adelphi holds a social
call him the most wonderful pianist G. G. Phillips. The docket com- meeting Friday, Nov. 6, at 8 p. m., CALLAGH A N & Co.,
of tine times. mittee is composed of Mtessrs. Es- in Room 24. The program in as
'h0-tey, Steele and Patterson. follows: Music, piano solo, Fred
An American edition of Foster's - - I Alexander; vocal solo, Miss Alice
Physiology is just out, and can be Tuesday, Oct. 20, Dr. Warfield Cramer; lecture, University Exten- 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
purchased for about half the price was inaugurated president of Lafay- sion, by Prof. D'Ooge. All are in-
which the English work brings. ette College. vited. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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