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November 05, 1891 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-05

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[From the New York Furnisher)Telnnclaifeeigdescniustesrih-pefctepit ttegraeteiecweete lotmeadrsn rdal rmtebc.N W G O S
The cravat of eentng dress is of whte lawn, one tch swide, sithot sttchtng or embroid- _-
cry, or anoy dventtsn of a thke character that may be avotdd.ii.
The fol-des shirt has a woie, plain bosomniteih swhih ae sorn ttreewhitr pearl sds. eJ .l a'ys. /!C .
Terglovs of full dresareofdelicate pearl, undressediand with white or self narrow cor- h J .iaosC
ing spon the iacks. I.
Te handkerchief of fll dress is of ine white linn,. with narrow hemsitch borter. e .IFCOSC .
Tebuoneeof fll ress is of wise f0oweos lsens-pink, ctryanthemuoicidsi, The i17.ilaobsCo.
hyacinth, gardenias, orwthatver may be the presalet ftowers-but always white
Teeis a wideninig of thse range of walking glovers, and tr difference is weightsu sggestsT eJ. . aCb C ,
nontea tire is a lighter wintt in ligher haiescof toi, slat should e, moreoer, snogft-~ h J 7 raosC.
tha se ootiisitil cn hoili hveisopaioinbisreerory Fr hemo iisJcalcoafcs
sing; ad for the "con stitutional" sorning asd afternioii stroll sid general Wear, hevylotse
fiting "make sititti light nit dark tniihaetis. 'firetieaytnresd kids, iin gry iiiiiiz7 AND) 29 M1AiN ST., ANN ARBOR.
sntiiif-clor, are pertaps te desiahble walking glooc. The back decoration is litt, beng a
iiirrow raocit cording.
At TuIE Two 5535Nt the above styles rea now ready. Asotn entie lite of
Swallow-Tail Coats and ti soanad Opera Overcoats. N. B.-Wc still have a nice assortment of Light Wight Overcoats
THlE TWO SAMS. [Tlphisie ii, 99,] L. Blitz.j to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
All Arbor Stoat llLadryII . CO0A L. GEORGE L. M1 OORE, (MuccsrTer) + +
WORK CALLE FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, Aoull inetof allCollee Text toohs, inldink Ieuy mutt MdcaiimtBorsty tticStais.
CAt, ON Cheapest place tr NteI Bootsad Fontai hits in the cityIrshmn crowdit i. onicalong
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. M- S-= old friends, Ibow hiivi my entire stock at my sotire n PNO. 6 9. m IN,~sT.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. ItWEST WASHINGOm'N STREEl. CGE0t.4S OIE
EeyStsdent iwill sane noney by buying LUtiversity Text-Books anti all Supplies a taquartersXWe allow, ordesIfor.t ain-,paties, tlAdil tcN.
special discount onl LAW BOOKS MEDIICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BfOOKS, is shoirt, every Book luath in thi m-i-btot'ciipiytyitiitede to.
le one6. 210._Mats St. opt. 1Pst iicrr
t~leioiy. 5,000 Blanik Books at owest pritres, -e MISS JUDITH GRAVES,
E Cpn rst W m -f IA NI-
LEADING BOOK STOBE IN THlE CITY. IigettoGrladro'tugtht. Appy a ilSsys
9,~m fd 5rtjtQf. TECIIOIvery great ndi the result is asolte- Bs ol te ittprvoedl soahmtery, adis ptolre,
No. 1 pred to turn out ttrotclasssmwenuIiin slout1-
lNo.r1c -y accur1at, it-. omimsrcia soktul~rnd ot :iuoie tt.
CIGARETT S. Harvardi early adsI t00Pittshreaso.al"andI rgt toi, o-
TT SItll t ,0 he libraries of Willianms College, Ioroast Hrion tobIt.irost-litit tt+trt. t,,"
S5 Cgrete Smokers shoit worth of botks to its libray.. . M. MARTIN,
ar iligti oyltlalbrr, of Mlichigan t iviersity anti otter DELRl IN
snak, re than the price P tin edicatedl amciv otserva- kept openheClothCaktM ali
t rade aeCigarettes, will tind tory tOctober a, 'rie teeoper is cledb>saysTeal eiaoeo Wiuu- ANDIOhMMON COPIGNS.
Tess btaNsupeior to dy.TeBm. W ows
alothers. worth $7,000. ta u xhne ol aen J. A. POLHEMUS
5 0 The tRichmsond Srag htthtorecagswudakn-
Ct No.1Cigarettesarsade rom the bright- Trinity has scturd Huigo Bhar- teroimnwecotadc=arnVrE R Y~8~j
et, mane delicately Slavored and highest cottiewnwectrdtaruo
Gold Leaf grown in Virgina. Thinithe Old sprung, a lieutenant in thc German ALSO 'BS HACK AND BAGGAGE 0LINE,
and Original Brand of Straight Cut Cgarette, and not continlle to circulate false Nrth Main street
and wan brought out Pp usi the year 187. army, there on a three years' fur- rebmorts.AOLT
Beware or imitations, and observe that the RrNEporEAsLT
firm nameaubelow ian every package. l ough, as athletic instructor. - ---+---- - Baerunddelersi
The ALLEN & INTER Branch
O the American Tbaco C., From present appearancecs the S.- NOTIir.-AII material offered in G'roceres, Provisions, Flour and Feed,
Manufacturers, - - Rihmnd Virginia. _____and 8EWahtngton St.
® ~~ ~~L. A. course is fully as popular as competitionfor the prizes offered by- JJ ~ALLER
'' atil ~ ~~ last year. Both the Main Hall and the Oracle of '94 t usa e a handed in U LLER
______________ dI by Nov. o. szEa,
Copol55,OO._ssoalost~o~to,07S0O Mor's oostre recrwde wth NOTIE.-ELECTION tat '92 LIT. Repairing apeclt. 46 50500 MAIN ST.
Dous a general Banking busnes. Pay in- students waiting to get their seats lnss orriccEls. There will be a j m-rn~~0.v
teretonsn Saino frDepoit. Bnaety reserved,o lt. frDhepupoe IMSV. (a', SON
oneetas RntDeeing '9
Bank opnStrvnn.KEMPF. Pres. 5. . eeveinBELSER. Csher. eclast number of Tlhe Bema, of of egelecting 'lclass.oficers frcrstfor timoee- SteSretGor.
Ann rborSavngs ankDr Pause University, devotedth ie suing year, on Saturday, Nov. T4, Studentpatronlageeeialy soliitad.
An ro aig akat 130o p. i.. in roonm A. 20 . STATS STREE'T.
Ann Arbor M cCaital Stck, $5,00, wse of its first page and part of S.---C-T---Pr----nt
Organzed under the General Bnking Laws tie second page to a ct andshudANWtEtt
ofti sae ecie epstbus and --Nrcox.-AlI Sophomores sol -- E arO-
sells exchange asl the prinep cicteo toedsrpino teD awo leave orders for class canes a
Celled Stts. Drafts cashed uo rpr alta.boksoeatoc. CN
identification. Olcrt pr rprbloea.borhrea ne A eCts -
CH MAcufficrs., , JStOD
55.it.nuisa ViePres., An alumnusl of W' hiillias College NTICEu.-All memiers f the L j
CuS. E. HBISmCO, Cshier. has offered a cup to thuc member of junior Law Foot-bal'ieani will
You Probaby lave sonic Brokan Arti- the foot-ball teatu who slall be ad- mleet tdaly on the canpus fur prac- 2 a o~
cia of judgedl by the captaium and manager NtiBrderof-th ca inszfor'
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT to have played is place best during fooTi-bAliev caredreqestedor9
OF REPAIR, ,the season. foap eartnlyvn te ranuetemutor Etc.
WM. ARNOLD, 86 MAIN STRESET, J. L.. lratt, '94 medic, anda met- practice. Ctsl.
Is tie Plae to o.bhr of this yars Glee Club, sas NoTcr -x 11 those who have not--A---
AANDALJ called to Adrainm last week to assume paid their Gym. subscriptions will
N D A L 1Tthe leading tenorartin "Ptinafor." greatly oblige the committee by re-1
Th-pes-fthtciyspk ututmling amount of subscription to IC ALKINS P.HARMACY.
MLIEYAND ART GOODS! highy of Mr. Pratt's effort. 67 E. Washington-st. /
MILINRYThe Sheffield Scientific School has NOTICE: '92.- INDEPENDENT CA-
30 Eatuon ,sren, - recantly secured from London a ma- cus-The Independents of the ca
SH RT A D XA E A chine which performs the most in of '92, lit., will hold a caucus fo
-ORS r ate mathematical calculations. On the nomination of class officers next 6L -
IT WLL PAY YOU. Shortband School, New Saturday morning, Nov. '7, at t
Bulng, I0south state Street. a long problem the saving of time is I o'clock, in Room A. 71 FortSt. West. - Detroit. Mich.

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