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October 27, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-27

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If WTo uAre Think~ing of Buying a
(10 not neglect looking over our immiense large line of the choicest garmneuts made(1 in this country. We know that there isn't a better.-
and more complete line of
il hs iyand we claim that most of the merchant tailors cannot give you near as goodl a fit although they wil charge you dul&l the priceY.
Our- Suits at froum $13 to $20 are simply elegant, notningT in the readtv-madle mie to mnatch them. Hammersiough Bros.' Overcot
re the so-ellest made and only handled by us. You will want one of these.
Time Table (Revised) Sept. -2, 18S.I.-
Mcii and Ex-- 31 47 N. Y. Speciai-.... 7 AtT ________ +__________________________
NY. Special-- 4,8 Mail - 5 _841 Eatr x---3 7N.,Lmie, 5 "(!a'' d
A.M. P. .______
Atlantic Es 7;3' Pacific ES __.12 15
a: R. Espeeis ii_ 4 obis Ni.r Es-= niiiIs what Ball Bearings are to the Bicycle. Don't buy a pen until you have examined'
0, . WRUGGLES, C11. (S ATES, and tried the new Parkers. All sizes, all prices. Pen exchanged until ysclnr -and i .
n.P.& . eS, hiag. ~t A(l Atir suited. Ta: PAISLERI PEN Cio., Janesville, Wis.
s z:t r ~m si iOFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 P. M. J. C. Z E"U), '99, 47 S, "University Ave-.
T R D TO OT H BR SH S D.I JU F L X~. l I5 vnot SHi OS Ptdets dlnesn, s
condsuli wiii Rles 0(1, I~'10r Wilkp n
_J RAILROAD. I That is what we will dlo, if youn lt~ 1111 of uts that doies findailitRo y.1.i.,a : .tl_
Tiae Table, Oct. 27, 1896. 1 niot provte ,atisfactory, w-c will griSe you at new 1)11 for it. ~ ---- --
808TH.S~tTO , ~ , 17 E. Washington. TJstM iigMal 2I iel
*li:tis. 1l:20 a. m. .--...1ztm erys_1u., ( e Cur, 4th Ave_ St. We ai-n toe 10-ct i nt. glesvs
4:311 p. m 8t.52 p.m.o i _____________________________________________ tell ne whty; if we- do, ples~ve tl yoEur
''Run beteetiApo Aibeoitd Toeooeity. TI:P ' X~ilX '! YilA.Jtllitts btieiw stitrkin Iner' tin teury tfir friends. 250 ntr seteL 2;7
Alt tesis tily ixcept Sandasy.
E-. GI O E , Agent - a. yisar aset tnd til( 1i15 still is a i- tianois is TOst l.us"t isei v atn-
W. C. BENNETT 0. P. A. TSledoO0. (Ceislinues truot lus;t Paige.) silt. Tihi sir~t ssill lie diliitlsl.' so-i- iithiir loi t iseso fse ri-il, lt SclmelaI-
ANN ARBOR &YPSILANTI ST. RY. wtls idb1",,l ,h ndwlsplt11ithaks el, S.Ibr _ Iey
ti1 . , t l aiis tll 1c i-l cttd t ii lint1 to te -itait-ttt sti-t a tfill skirt. Fsi (lint-Tue suits sof rustet ith-
Time Table, May 17, 1896 i'lt cl tos is trip - situi. Miks >ttylt l titti f ti-teii to -iteit i> tat hseat and balls, $3.00. 2 'Ihenipeen waL
Leave Ypsilanti from Cangress st., 640~t 8:00 is, 11e cit ttolitt till;, l loll ortioi itt iii hi toltd blouste ssil lit u- tis its n be doI nn t with.
and 1:00a. m.; 12:450, 3:35, 5t:00, it4 8:0-H R A !Antroht as a a
and 05 p m. tttttiltn-t ts ttIi u 'lt lltsurilttlittt. Titie tt-tset foi t(ii' c tat in thit. thi Restaurant aniL each (7 ate
Leave Ann Arbor Junctien, 7:00, 8:10 and Cae
a- m.d nt, i-i -tghlntl-cS . -rhe i-Is~ 1.5A iblousie c o s-sli-il t it shllt-c i T e Portlan~d 1045.l.e
SU D YTIME. It~ft ii-iest xl0 lttlil-. ).til ne byti t lit, tsouilr-iblade~s andsi delii liisc itt lb- (t S. Mats Street. Ayting in slewoln
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress.13,33,M sernrl\ s ±yd 'wlb ne also te fiaest taber BlS t iscivy, utts
S-OS, 6t30 ad Isis p. -m. esn,13,t5 Stctl tsl.1 v ili i sil ( t att isit. l 1'h soitlit wihl ties Ib per seek. iegtsstrmetsai25 Oes Dear
Leave Ann Arbor .fanction, 2-00,4-0050, eAsD NIGHiT. P. S.-Don't f tt~.--A spe-
7:t0 ad Pi3Sp, m - - - -i.: ptt tttitilt tt i. l ilat is fttt fiitts itti ittlor of,1i er ( ii sally oftesaday iineT.. tiltSto2ttlO . At.
Cars ma oncIty tIme Fare- single trip 5 15 e1"fl ae(1. 111 a1ut
cnt~ssroand trip tickets 25 cents. -551i15 iIt itt.i t ~ ttt i nnlt litit ldistl ,wilist, t~t olls unensit beat eceleed a Lre iS lgsa
Wa. F. PARSER, Sapt ma a1st~~ mad sii.stlit itt ili ltlll-c sits sslil-tL~eo ~ E l-Pegant
ittl itit a l: 11111 itity andi- ti i-iise t stit shtulders, ibitti g ts-n li t h sittleft L hised of sil eIos c 6 h- Ae0
Groceries,- Provislons ('1" tlTrl"]a l~ t id n asee vrtesol.tsrHtan oyld e alLas Agan
itt ot-is glslssittst ititti5 sil It siith Is oo s cittili It swill thsts it Chocolate Cois Cons.
and all kinds of Sanitarium 5-_e from lim t ilets- 0li t- l -..T -- -- - -
Foods for sale by I th h5 Qttiit twiititl ititlg nnw~tlt~i ,ThereJIL~1U'~
S jtimtsttitll(I o- sitir Ist tiil Co. i list- listt~tsr lis thIad 255. Sat St., Same tidlck.
DANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER h(h tilt l1lt1ovm i It of sil s- this-ls i-Ittst anha t--:. Thei nilttrms still biv RAIL.ROAD TICKET BROKERS
W~'Aashling-ton Block, itt Ifitt blu-: ttd sibtitit tI.iss.- ,i1(, ~ - c m lte is-it lte adopitill sit lt i-gu-
Anan Arbor. listitlli- itilta in o s i t ilt 1l) its p to ~i lat oti ltsstl sichj- is inssnesdlsu ltto WlsleCgrT bacs a
I~ ~14th peissen. NutsOpest. ot ntstls-- o ithii ltnlt and1 1-is- e ott liuttl .to as ifs cominel~tt sith Ilithge el
R O raiseers Schoeel of IDanc-- iatt.
i S17 ig. Gound~ floor. No. 6 tlttiii i nd 111e dulli' t~wlutt1551llt tit liii hu ofi liste511 t: i ttsltmi lit- liii-
Maysard Si. - Cor. Main and Liberty Sts,.
Hatinds t. MsheSt asi- thut (sills 11 ws-i--sll -olor,-c Thei slt-tvc sith Ils - s
til I I - y sill Itilt a goo Ts i ie ~ 51 s-l u ui t ii lstx ~ S
U. OP M. SCAVING PARLOR and CBatb- vwlbe[lltth bo t-
rooms. All Appointments nerst class. R<- sl:.tlstll xx-ll lit ti ftea i stur and guie is lt-e sit ulnsiais 1 1 tery n omsi cgrLais-at
tic hair deessig and bathsisg parelors, upI sotioil ot still iilt itill lit givenhto Isfists'(0141111x, situ thts binig iS Cis t
stairs. J. R. TrojanosSki, l0OS. State ci.
0 M. MARTIN, Fsneral Director, Clothr ntitvs1vG3 uliu ut.
and. Metallic Caskets and Fine Grade wortk: tsill its instroucedl-s. (gtilstirsl b5155(li st
Cofins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S, lilt slurf is Nsortisy ot thlt nslme andi New~,A T1iir ( ,1c
bosrlb ave. list sit: sxlliels still lvuhe lsdopis 1~15Eh- 5.I~
te itinse eft( Isvcult. D~r. MtosherWntd- utvto.I1salineinof
aud-A1 stewxard. Call at 29 F. :hisss-ius tisst i~-t ss op stes ilto x -ave( rlltlig inii r-slin iss
Liberty St. Dr. Muosslirs, (mileth ditteret troll the so tlt tse cltsses may1 ,"tsit by Nis- q
Stubseribe for tile Daily. sull- folrmerly wrns litre. Dri. Uotsther vtiniter Isi. , PATF-X' AFPLT&D ]POR.
- Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guarantee4.
STUD NTS OOK ORI Crane's tise Stationery for polite correspondence. [Best Iftsenpaprs
ST D NT O KS O~ sold by th on.Clling Cards Engraved.

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