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October 27, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-27

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' ~ For the Finn There Is in It! (PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY
TIlS ERTISEMENT You should devote some tiie to Music. ad get the best service.
Office and Stable, 32 Forest
11 5 CENTS For the Profit There Is i It ! Ave. Telephone 106.
i Ylou should devote some time to Mlusic. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
Will buly oe of our 10 cent I gives you Pleasure. I gives yen Knowledge and Recreaion. THE ANN AROR SAVINGS ANK
hot dinks. We mnake this i A Guitar Mandoliu or Banjo is the shortest route to the greatest gain, [Capital Stock, 10,0. JSurpus, I150,,+W.
- - - -Ask Aout Tem - - - - Resources, $1,i0,00.
offa~er baecusse we want you t Organied under the General anking Laws
A N 7 3 OL M US C CC o hin Sue. Receives deposits, ays and
$I t try thensi. We kuow that i 2 i 11Z e.J.t [I1~ . ~, L4~ ls exchange on the principal citien fth
r / United State. Drats cased upon proper
thie diis themselves will0 21 AND 23 EAST WVASHINGCTON STBEET. identiication. Safety deposit boes to rent.
Oresrcunts Christian achPes.; W. I).
Harriman, Vice-Pen.; Chas E. Hisock,
bring yon &hack again.. % y o v~ov~r..oae eaeos ao"aoo..Cashier: I. J. Pets Assistant Cahie.
]to eto d, iesi smpre~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK o n Abi
9~7 r ~ ~ Pewsru'u7q tsr pssdu. i.. Capital, 110,0. Surplus and Pofits, fid,1
.j.. X 0J.. _ posirdCslogerusPas
I__ $ 5 . PHRAY SU0001G 555 Fulton Tansacts a genrealbankin bsis
y iSoOiree NwYrk. Ioreigs echange bought and sold. Fr
S. W.CLA.R SONCashier.
THE Choolaes ' "131 I LLET'+P. 1.rOsewthe Slaet iret Tilr. Latest
LHARGE SMALLLLNT"Styl r-Ie oods Inside Prices. we do
ho la dassBoll Bons eLAGESMLLtA ey 1hin.-in our line. Cleaig, re~ss
LA ( C ai e p uiso tloss-cot ices priesconsise nst t
-T-SMALL LAGE Illl od work tods coled 2 lee. ornd delisred.
~I.U We e -or to pio~se. ).0 S. Sate Street. Gie
a,,n , t r er sDoes nt look well either way
.ipan ywn .yu~ne hm-Wehby hats to suit every- Lowney's Chocolates.
.-lo.1{Kuane Detioit ine I one.-Don't have to give small
CUmfctone uad Rochestet, man large hat-iior large ianHtuchs
('a i dy Wors.tfs small at.-Is you hat rigt?- HotLunhes
° JiCIO lItS' ^ KNOX H-ATS - - 1eTUJi1y grT TLE'S. 4~ S. State St.
l~sctats Slnd Boil Boin , MILLER STANDARD OF
AND 9128 SOUTH STATE ST. G D E DS Buy all you can afford for
reset and future use at our
___ ~~~15 SOUTH MAIN T. L w s rc s
'sin arnish.otSet-lasheuishns st flas irex. This fial ii XX eW e al e here for a few
'mss Henand la gmpirisg a speciat y. lmoo ilshlios l.iii 151 s~isls sm 101 sli hs soly..
---GIVE lHIM A CALL- .the'riths f 'si:.'ii . lNVIsIIlls lisisisi' use !in 'ns siici 11 Isisi I tte tI I C llgho-C .
V ' GR l l Louis Il rt1''6Ihllhegi h iii itesl 5 i ol lt O
Iialhipliof thei;S. Jihs il b chioodmil. 1111 IS'I8 L hiss limet y}ie rlssy li i- LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO.
-. pe;ral atestin enins atisso m lsti
-resimniai es-iisinsolniiariills' li. is-si itioithe'reprt. of theiii' At Schleed's, 50 South Statst.
- . 111.11. esusuay a iemsssii a l1. r ills 5to aiii s-Isi-s s-uslsassam cIfs- 1ssFIGssS ES
6 E. Huron Street. Iiivi'isily Ilhil. I iis sahss uous iisii . 1CAIN I S
'Shs isli5551 i'' i;mil'':':'l is) t' ili,,.15 ii 15555 liiis hi i p511ls'. TABLE KETTLES.
V'5"'C'1 lonshetiui' s . c isis i mhiaisdoe .k ici sis lis i".M . 1i lm amiaie515 il il atls. 'i'h
A4 .ite T ufl spo theII 11 ' 5 li mi ml 'smas fliptosis. sim iisitss'c sl so ili lowhrIo' ' -A hadsome lie aid
isai 5555 Iills' slsisis.Cheap.
''A, t l DrssSit cases (I s ilod asm;'sstaayt]h neuldn Yteir iss a dt i te:1 h ; ls' 511. m. lii lsill iiWMARNLU
AND3I.B5COF tn in I nvesit lltll tonomunt ,isiiisllsha 'seito .ll iii andsli ar
'siu nksArN i ;Satedi5Neatly antd, 'iscoi vIemv.1: msiiisis si 0lthip'lyoil'. Kicnedyiaily a i FREDERICK J. SHLEEDE
{Sjep . sf.5. ainst. l ss oficros-.
IThim I is -hcsi) ssil missot 'biesf'srmaly lsiilgs i ill' ls'i UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY.
' " o r T il r ! slie, s imi e s theSiist- 1 li lsmo, isi mes s'sl ii's.issl lisarli's ls Slid Gld Fsn ti s ufoe 1.0, ansi
sle Iiwil Ii- milssl 'liia ts '.sm o'hi,-ii li ~imsill his'heI s' sslinieei'will 1blssof [ isen Paspe leer 15 celts.
Have _yA seenl those nuby tmmme Ill-o'elanyinlg defiitlii is dhone. of fiestsl.1. 50 S. STATE ST.
Suits Maitwardt is tmrnin Otlt. At the 1 istbsmoss suse'-mingsof th'________________________
WA D-0SaeS. Aphia Nsm Sniseisl II. lesse sas The Six Year Coure, IilM USIC STUDIO.
ERN'I'SCIprERidentsmgila-11 mmiii I,. I till scums swscisil irc-inforsissiesrem . PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
mmcm. se s' eslin'. ay 1om L~tg:m t onseratoy Gemansy.
AN+IWA'3BOR. MICH. Cht'lms Rsaof sDn111' isfsrsfthe:il ro hise51111111 ll 'itl aving ll1111hims
.,..,. m22 S. DVISION ST.
ells- Assocsiation wlo s s''oin Roomi 9,i ati ,'out Ii m l i -e, on'. 551 sMnd siy, IS I'-
7 ,0 ssssiscl Isis l'S'es'ii i -ilA ions 08l.a' rFiay t p u ,n o I Bestnca ide ofIssd ad
otihel' himo lusso. i sis el ecioss-ie a is: ii1s -('eily e- 0 Soft ossl, Cnne 'oal
f hnasebalusuh t NVl1'. mimi s-I 5:0 al i 'sils 111111 o'is andsl ts irdsl ea I ll Ldoe. Orerof
- incusilfrsmmom las suLc 's nmmm ti''lmi. dtsmilo sei X. ms'iis 1B0m 11R
ytiT sosslim orsss''e suisr n 5111111s Cs'has lismhmsieOmff'fic ist0 e i Vw. SWsinsigtus t. ['hoe No.
v xorsered itlesclas sielso. amdmihelly silh ' - tt eis- ' 'ho 1i~t~d a d at M. C.R. . 'Pone 07.
~'.OOTB .LSUPPLIES line'on hadsiFisay fternonlisiiai this' fio ti5lm sme osif thy aveha -
a eywh~iefar ie Ieplayer - Saces, latet. se ilihat -sen'y 9' 11 msn mmtssms' 1 pl )u'toc or.German Cub.
aitses, - aut, JenrsShin Ouards ae.n i h o teLeiII~ne ERY C. l 5.1. ___
ma. 6pit S -F reah Iterenllei' t hvCn'li lis sm ii'lmIil hirmanmi I 1 1 Ie. '~le l llemiasitCtub I mm't -ills
. tRnai ul ly adopted iby theIn lter- They ars1to le oni se ii Arnold's(,.___________
B"egin A- ins n.Complete Lata-11H I br hl t; ria ngt
est'alw)d i Sprtn free. - The SW. D. Ilerrik anmdl C. Rosensis' aill hounmiesm e tedmliisuie l 1 1 sin'ghliehmi 'ils~ mgi
pliyefrrtheconsoat1onpriieinsChs. Tcinsfo fentsits-s-iln tgstiet.i-
.&. . 5I'..I IN43' & BROS., 11y o'thn'5-nosor111miu iieesrsimfsmeciiI elhi euecu: Dire'oi'of dicis
Ufe W ok. C5.isig, Phiiiislpha.(-illI Ir . '. Ie oma' s'i rssieui.
- ----~ T P That have prfect combustion and do nbessrt I lilip, 1histasir Ssts Sa'ii,
For Rent --M~ie of roos all PVt smoke or smell: Bastk; vie isesisimt. M's. .Ii
Vsern oeneneces. 41 U, Univer- The New Rochester. The Yale. The New Royal, The Perfec- Ebrti'ial; geersl seetaiy,'.IMss
51y ave 31ms.Tl. el. .I. tion Student The Princess Student The Empress Student, all I onse BRcso,cn.o;srrshoiliics'-
retlsum', iss Iss'hisu M.i.Ialrow, 19(H);
Fae PFe-,A'Washburn lot.Guitar, nickel plated with latest improvemerts. We sell what we ad- tressure, R. B. Smiih, 1900.'Tlc
good eanmil m,. wills ease. Ceap vertise and guarantee quality of goods mnd are never undersold. nxt iieeinig will behe ld at :is
airena A. '1U of M. Daily. 23. ]DEAN1 8& COM4P.ANY~~~v acnm-s at 8ilp. e. Satrdy Oct :I.
- Subsceribe for the Daily. 4So nth Xain Stret.' Subscribe for the Daily.

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