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October 27, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-27

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rf gladly nae printed them. Thie post-
6X f II'. f tion of apapr trying to itaintain a 41
-non-par tisan character in a 5'llllpaoEn-ll
Publiohed Daily (Sundays excepted) during is not to easy one, but Ave believe tihatl
the Coltege year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tthe Daily thas heretofore snecessf lly_
OrrceoTims uiling 105.Mai St be accompillishedi tin' task. "
OFC:Tmsbidn,7S.MiStbeteen Liberty and William Sts._o

wis the jury of shoe buyers and itos
otoro hy a heavy majority. Footwear
should he top quality. The feet can't
stantd anlytinlg else. Prices sthotldti o
low, so as to keep file shoe tax witii
hounds. Yon won't feel our 01100
pories, lbut they' uill imake yon feel

MSANAGING EDuTOR Comniainsp leaoetl. Thlere are no corn growers
J. F. THOMuAS, 17. -EdIitor of Daily: like load shoes. Co ie to uts and get
111e'alllolllssellellt of the result of - somnethlinigthat y-oi cain wear yoturself,
thEDITORS " lilcl elsls"il _ insteatd of the shoe wearing your foul.
E. L. GEnMRoe.'15 L. F. S. Snroxo, ' 11' ocled"oiicltisos
a. B. METHEcANY,'Wo. II. B. San-LMaNt. 15 L. Satttlgdays toadly iS Illte'leting 0" 1- T ~TTN R NOStMain St.,
F. M. Liolsn, 'it. 1. 1. COWIS, '50. destiegtile fast ithat at ls'asl _246)ot L xR NE , ArnnArbor,
C. M. GiEEcx 00. Athletic Editor. oer Striden~t vote'rs tile ilnf'eteol u-il ___________
BUSINESS 1MANAGEIO "lll'liti- 5lssO-i'.Il)i t -
0. . IANo, '0. 1o1tlquite' a1str'ain l t e:11 1 15 lesiool
Slocali' (f scolds ts d'sc'ribelss' o ll-r1 1 [ H I H N
ASSOCIATE 'EDITORS losotisall' thi ocolls 1011 s01 d i n' i .10irsty1
WI. W(. Ihughes. '05. S. W. Smitlis5. o. -isv e'lress'ltsltics's f05orillg' one 'Sides
F. A. FactSi, '9k. Louise nodne. till'hecsslteov''sc y If 10t11h1dt )1(11ec we r
WI. P. 01crrill, '9. Bulter Lambt,)10.
A. M. Snids '01. 5'. Lull, jr.,9. «a. sishtso'sl Is ralke :0 1t)1 l i ts. l os i1T e Popslar Pufco o i ng
- Isiat st :N.tollI5511 isll, lS'. : OiioU101otCoEd, .bis n- hoedTedks
h rtoe's55'lltivlss e s o l os'tir sotoo l ots' ne ows ad Strins .Evsey cow
The subsription price p1 the tDailo' is 5.Olgt) e 0Oc vl.ss. and w1ouoldl sotIIl
tor the colrs er. with a cosliardeivery(010
before noonsxea''hisday. )otinces,essomstss Ia- 0°"' i'C oves,-'lJi $'.5
ians, and other matter inendeid toe puiblicas- i'tle: dsies oiotooutsamides,'
tierssotScusteded inst t he IDaily osite esc-
tore t+ p. om.,ocremaled to thse editor beoe 3 Ilo -eyto- knoxvoi'sf olns' osl e-Kd- ae exrssy fo's
p. n., o1 the day presviousstootht on whsiol0 sch sp wrianteOTa
the yarcesxpcesdso alpe lr. 1000nedos'Is "oloott sl. bill thesreis li Every Pisr s6e.rstd.To
subscriptions masy5ittat Thse Dailysoli oo itioooss(11500' 511
Office.,OMeyer's or OStoet's Newotooxd, or obfl itieuldi tlrsit ,,.Shades.
withsBsiness OManager. Subecibers stilt roe.-'Possibtis oitilolaeI.
ter a favorOy roporting proomptly at this Is"olosotofool(015ssrts oMonarch and)
office sany faitore ocarriers to dsivsier pape. 'osiols sd fsor to0isohe lffsrl'o''io of 1) 5 .,..Brokaw $1 I
o~t~icet il(, ota n11?)br o VoerNew Novelties-Colored uss-
At he ail Boirdnietilg hld flld he til) o pr~feenee e~raed. i-oins ansd t'utls-SWislte Body.
-yesterdasy sofi sroosooo, . 11 h. 'ioololi'- loe IIo oro' o o fs's isO l er il''ols, _________________________
BtIl' Menii io io boreofusd oo'l vi ool'(.11
lanroseiosigoisil lh 1osltlios of 1111 ~-iirof olhe.isifaclt01001bobth irposl-
tig sditor 1i11il1 1. 1". 'l'iorlsosiso 0100 s l oloi' arie' solsiocti1100theo' oll. f
elected 00o 11:1 tfis-s. H.I. it. rt 1 1051 1'fl tso' ites a olsoo vio-s Al(t'ith glyoo h
va10sirlece osthe pIlo itliili of egiso olos iiisloskall'e'vien'e afuloedin Itos4
collessr' o sicIlooliso losooslp.per0010. assi
Thedeatngsoieie o te ~nve i'thoiohit ~ssoordof 'editoors is nearooloy
ilt' ail''stail hg (sot th ssy's' iol''isoYarun orouaissiooos inoslitial opioioo I E R B O R II rC O
ansirrsoslly foosoraslb'e lu1005iiiieO. Atten'-ib ii1.siiit0hat ii theP'a'sIoiisiioin(Iso't D E A
iris-catoilt'sVar~ o0iou o'm'lting. is l 'i 'i'rl ~ivers'si0O' 10a000'luckit in( oi nfiooidence-o'l
large anidilke''eritrsthnfnc, intheirocaue0somewhttirtooo'p'- I . . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters...
ly' 10:0slb'eeinlidislaiyedo. Vii'h11p010' 011011elopen il'n01ts'e'eted~ooly c .hal oJ lell S a e t ./. ui..>..d.uiIIic-
the socioetiies soill arerssgs' 10Eieit'r- 'o hoterooopposin iithi studehilit bodiy44 S u h ta e t. A n . rb ,
societyoldebasto' sicholel''1ked o f labo o in too eii'faci lt'tiolaIi ibroslcs' ouoos-
y en'r.Mis-i~~lotli ill. ilos sll hooolil il sion Io i'rsnto'illiticl ils'. inod and see
110'. hasve 50ome00' trd i ntil 1150'i~lcigii 00. s 0 -ety o 0010 llii'i l eiit' ias omadils'it, sil-
rilptos0 010Iislseotoilrooo iie000 ii. JI?1,: '~ 0'.'O . J H E N O B B IE SL ' S H IR T S
iteao- o ii- t hio isto ar lo no' rel il- F.t'I -os +.)1ai
llt' rcic hud b erts InlE1tr1' 1.Dily sistenti. 'lito' write'r'of hiosilrtisli'.andiol soi
liy olier studeo'nts we'oo're olorrisool that ever catme down the pike.
'[le tDail-ly 10005iiiotiigtgo05S500' 'oi- 'and p inedi(to relsil in steiidoi's is-
co'r'riogthlii'r'sooltOf l t'10011it'llcan- sooe. yoour unquaoiliid 'editsoiil eis- Shooes Slined Free-'- --- - - ---Shoes Shined Free.
as willi1sdicuse i acouu11 oruoso'osol t.of theo'o os traiotionoilo too'
studienots O1tolnlsy '''ilg, 001011nto'e re-
itutniobiterollillanoithle''li 1100000. 1torniotf0101r'foiitbalsl toslos fooo tserI T E N UA A N UN EM N
(fri tountoctios vs sitily too printlth1st' sioteroi''Poitdoue. ioaltcyIso 0is'the_____
1acts1as:15 11101' ase'togielsfourbo~lic'a.- tiLearnIs i5 l a Soly om'mendab'iless. Buto
toora. W'e'talke'issueo'as-lis lt'e roiter'" l't i triolo'ouoproai'roomad'e 1.0by i'th ooss-
looaa'ev, cooioei''iiiog ''sts' sos'ooIisl.k 15.sli''io 1011o ttlros1osr-
logoil Willfifno10:11' lo.w01"lii
lalae eident~afored i it coumns1 v nara' i tlanan ~ate;s.li h io'r of serees inisol tse Young
tli h al a eon tlat< oI 'ois ocietit'esofthets'city. wisa. aLeadT.Pwr- --------------Nov. 30
selioi-losirtisauoiiaps.er We''suptoseo'cliecet insul oothIisieol Sese'oftheis'1 Boston L.adies' Symphony Orchestra- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Dec. 11


tills nitaskaleitet'ides'n'e'oftis'
awriter iist'e fact lsthat t'etDaily
pr~ited'5ill its reisort:ofthesu'i''tofo
liii'canvass 01:ha 1,t(1.03 5o's As-rloer01
OtetfiulsyasdHoo baslsrt andol21(1) loll
Bryain.Bt thebsfoist hatotohe' l'5010505
ttrnedl ott ottNvay 5wa15lototur11'ault01,
ve sdidn'tf holsithoc'electioni. 'Ihoil,
agatin, as's boie anouedl' poIlsitic-al
etns'sitg n thelosy hisps'ned to b los-ol
11101soial fore'McKinley. But neitheor
,'otdd 000 hellothat, as'' dintlthoistthis
mteetings. Hatdave received notiles
fronm thisoilier side, ase swould milost

c-omillity, sauthis t101eseon'osri'unsol
ini folio. It isto bl os' edoirot1101att-cho
pesrfor'manti'e'Asill not beo repeal'ted'5.
HlerbertS. \'ooreoes, P. ft. L4.
Grind Box.
Tlei'isonilsgrs of the '*)991 Ostcls' ha''
laltdtlas, "grind box" ha h eloi'Ilsslt 'ino
of 1111'imiain 11011, t ainl'70 1111h'yl'x-
psectfto los' stposited otl grinols. anos
othesr contribstlions,5wh1ic'hiale'sut-
anllor pll'lslllclltiii intheIlls (Irsch'
Anyone wi'shiing to nmake piublic or
goodt joie, ott frisesi or enemly, is supl-
posed to do5 so by droppintg it, wsith
(Ihaglain, itob the box.

Charles A. Dana---------.------------------------- Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chica go Alunti Ntumber)-- Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March 12
Oratorical Contest-----------------------------___March 19
Lucius Ferry Hls--------------April 2
John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13.
Hlarriron Numsher $1.00
Oratorieal Coolest .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Resered tickiets en sale Thursday,'Oct. 515, at 'Patmee'u'
dreg stare, State street, and Wahr's boot store~ (lain atreet.
JAMES H. PRIITT, C'orresponding Secretary..

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