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October 27, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-27

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-The practice yeoteril~ay sO dunle-
Leading Tailor Details of the Work--The New Olteresing, and none of tae men wvere Sound Money Clubs to Parade
Costume. tu teNosrt-teritdan at 4 Saturday.
AN M OR E ,oi iloiaa. Blenme t Ia liot early-
...N1DI3:o1:i;Ea te p-i nor floor of il(e 01000n' in ihe lpractice aiid Jul~lt Ic o ih iii Mainage' ~u-glhes and Assislanl-
- lxii. w~lhic s niloti yet liren i m ( POl)-a1cc. Lawleso, it new scn ilipeared Maiiagter (diaries Cook spientl e ter-
~FULL OIHSS SUNIS A SPECIALTY. lltil for work will soooi lbe fitte out on 011 ol or-l 101 irst n inie :and (1(l day in Dietroit mtaking, filial nrrange-
_____________ with1 tempoliirarly fixturesan 1111ilarii- ;0)1110' gooe wIiork at kickinig. menls for Satuirday's Mllcigean-Te-
NOt .WSIGO T.NA AN ias torthe, classes. 'ri1 floor grill 1111' line all) was i1s foillow _ Van highi game.
NO,___2_E.__WASHINGTON____ST..___NEAR__MAIN._ bare aworking qpace equllal tol ']ial oily .-lottaaioi 1. . ll, 1. t.: ('"tr. Nett Stoirday will be a log daiy In
4l1s s qe of ith door111 ini tlii' (lyi. lproper. It is 1. gl Ooiiarher. c. Benneti. ir. rg; Detroit, andi a large lime may 1ie ex-
0PLOWS' CH ICAGO CANDIES. r n1cosedl-in roo1m, 0wi11 111 partitionsat inillyli, t. t.; tuiirti . n.c: lpeeted by all 01-11 see tihe game.
Ve inc te i rbr gec and will be1 wvell healedt and lighted. ('lreeiileaf. q. IPei-eit. 1. a. ( thlC;. t. Vi hh of corse io of pim"oi hmo rt-
for theoc gooda. You It inod notli- Belo- tillis floor wiill be the r'oomn Ior la., Hogg-, f. h. leeco '-Ayers. 1. e.; aOi' to 1111 Michigaii stiudelta, there
tuisg nicer. Tiiey come is poundi-
1a11 halt iiound paicl~iie at lit10' (1be lockero wbhieli are' thrneady hlere. liiitiler. I.I. Sn-hlio 1.g ; t'l[lliiig Iwill be a large lioliticail delloirora-
Sapound, inc iiave Lownies' it
you icefer tieni. Al no.tke lineal Titis a lrt of thei toiiing avill be haul11 t 81-vage. r. g f^, 11 r 'il r. t .;, tionl. A convyentioni of 1111 hbw sound
( Chocol ate Creas a a wlounid I
0' halt you evaem naw foi tie prici. I eqippiled wvithI lp'rtllenit lil'alllOt~ Nieil, r. e. 7 Ceri.: Ri lib a ,1 1. I 110ev ehibs in thie 0111ti will take
at1 oilci h 0111 hli exepltion nof tin' I., ntil w r. hi., Steel. f. bi. llal 1' there i11 ltie afternloon. At 4
d6SySAEeT rsing ro10111. Iito ili-i'aii liralia SenioriLaw Ofticers. P-. m1. will 01-11 r1 a arg 'Ciparade ini
a4d S.liei STrATeEy 1'1r1111 wil-a-iti251dlswlake 1101. Thii
an' 1111il) 0 11111 iiil(ig w woill inc 8 lb il i ey t~ t~i ile seior laelasa nit Frida ,111d
b"_________________________ puti aiupo to fom'e.itrosi Students' Soonil Molie' 1C1u1b of the
IFl thei li laivatiorie's11 toil ati wiilll ntale~ itlicero. The prlesidlenly wiaa l'niai't'iti- 1111 blen aokred to assist
n r 1 i al T floo r li i'i vll be dle oe- wlil ur 01 111 1110 demiontra tiic, andt 1 illatero
Fda 0rck O T Wla Ecr Aoaof~l Rru rI1fs ibdei-ek I'llaes li ave been arr-angeidiso tb-tatlboaeaawho
FRLADIES AND DENTS. 'Ike wiirk of lie gyinacsilimi classes teas I "ce. obl iiln it 11 illlotity oll 'Ihe gameli wiil be caledl at 2 1. nt,
will lii unlder thne e8i-i'it .i-large ofi 11111 thr alt. Thei other1 oier il 1 the D. A. C. groiinds. Mr. diolil,
D r. I~licri At. Mdoshier and i ss10 Al~i' letd e0a foow : p i - Amhlerst. 'Ill, iaill isirelil sa' u l r.
ilillAY ilH Sydeir, uthi of w-otiuii b~ae li1iula u ' Oilliliiii Tale '54, haill serve 00
J0 A1U & tar}n ND 7 1 B ebimdiu
rea. d 1 ofexp ritre 11 sch pot .referie. 'lii lIieiig'aii iearii iwill lie
Washimngton Blk., XWashington st. lDr 'looii'r 's iciu ollecion i-tli va ionsl a l. tlli Rulsasell, hlei the Leii-li nsen
EVIERY STUDENT Ier :AiOouui l li o n in lii o, ten ins air.i- I iaf1ei 10-U
SHOULD-.REGISTER hlll- -i-i--iis'-c id m. n e laroleihrItf
-AT- biti, bill riii' Ido' last youllr ini Iii0 miiii- R.CobOi:0r~n-trs Ryeo ~s
m r ' '1' i-alSoe . 0.1 deparltmienit of 11ho 1 lilviliily it- 1,. Milim Illlitni. Theii chiss ina Is' a i h ci '10 foil Ilie gil iiie iaill be on
ltcssy~ ohn.D otnget it. tt, liot'elf for' work ill phyoil-ol id - mums 111 - Sailio -it M'ighit 1Leo-" Co .^,, and at
Cornier of Mau an11 Tiirii Iso uaien. Sheii a agraduateo l w it-, Aw oe Prizes. tieDa(,PrknDtoi,"el
( ~~~~~ ieion No ullmui School lit Ni- ia-~a P" Li i-i'ti -01i, gln tnI~.
ra nelsmrgr ote1"pieFowler Comnbination. Lady Sits .0-i-c- of I~ttOititlli:gt~o~el 1tsa 11111ii 1a11 a w-'ti etral liafiruau ii-' Atlich
Belt ind. lot Rent By bu-igi'. andl thie l'iithtin "lilwool. t1 Asoi, ii asill si'll ria lou- tiuklets
TUCKER & CD., FITH AVES. a0 0ltn lot 111111 S tu a10 t tu soy11: e It ritand eti ain, tot' du ad-il
UNIV[RSITY SCHOOL OF DANCIN 1 has alsuo alight Ii ouumuii'r suliurils 11111PII'his gameli lon lmtlnt evint a-Mi-t
he' same latii' soi t hat shetii eirs u111n glit suuhi'mm naiouhu osioi'd 'flu'r cain t
OPPYO5ITE~ L OW BUrL.ONG uirlmiioht'iai iiiistal ioi ~ti tt hoti-i All compei~ltitin 11m1us rsanh t
01151'at attention paiu to hbeiers. l'or it uisheewlsn Sml amoun or 111 h la hir. nioily to prai it woruthi i a1 highly o.ttfai--
l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lnpriclarsoihm call at of e'xperie'mc-e beindi 1hcr. Sli'e sti u~ ti-Il w'II .lllit dt. i il 11 a-lti Puridunei' a1111 an eaterdl
2 7 Thomapson Street. 111111 ai uapalelhi taoistun 1In0 01.1 gam lso '11a' home- pr'ii 10.1110111 0Od' iiiihloa'es he i-Xi'dl-
Iloalher. Alios Snydier iiwill lii halh suot t~lh ofot Noyi Ttnia-uimzalfAl
AH - BO Kthe~Iin~ii h-it i' o~tn i:ee
We i Aav-t ever i-i r'i ii' tot . li t ,0 ir y ii h'-oa otiut
stores STeR hatv ah large stppl chulinkil ife co ais brileliantuiui'mlDerot.is ve
of second hand University 'lext 1ti-'ee rfourl b los 'eich dayi, 11000011 _____________ nii m gaum' aitl the Ifoatsom
Rooks for all (lie departuments. 's th apparaiilnltuls fior ixounimnal ions in- University Masons, tl'li
Law and Medical Books. Germama " - : ;- ~ q -tC1'r-n igly de'sirauble;-,it so Ii'
and Frencha Classics. noyes. D~r. Aloshmir is 1100 exaiimining 'l'hu sIso if m1. be aoiii 111ilhlir i'5'iOi1111s itliOii - n
We sell thme bent sttmdentt Note IThef''liiim iIfmuo i' umbi i lU.u of ai Mai'cm ('gim1g hi'liit puili~i' tpt.r
Books 20 cents each.
Thin best Limen Paper 20 cents per if apphiliatins alreadly il, largi' fiir thu u'oeminimg yeal. altready therei lian get' TInheslued aid hio gil
pud lssarexetd Th WntnWe buy and exchange second 1lua' tir' fortyctlil 'Ihi' 11-'iii' himit's amid pirolytl thme "t gamed' ithi Nortiaa-esi'i for Oil, 7.
hand books. W-ill lii iided 10111 fiiir classes: A. 11,iumibem', asill ieahl sixty-. Iharlow, I01 th111 laller refus-'i tie (Latei, :;(-
Agnsfor the Watermaan Fon- 'hoewoaentsrgangavthuumyb on tha~t dayii thu-'y hamd 114) gamemi
angens vtmica-oae111srmgae om i'e presie'nt last yeair, iaill mill ain
Mathematical Instruments and mica-i- doei any g3'nhhiloim wsork; B. hi''hl'i ilIi hiaillil''iiiiili'dxri1-t as-ttm thir secoind eles-en.
D~rafting Supplics a specialty. peiett1 h tnaiee ini h
The best prices to everybody. thsloie vmmu sh la ~ e seoni senesler. n 111 Emgmr is aetimng Th 'Plltendent caucus1 of (lie fresht-
Give us a trial 110 work; C. amnu D. those whlo has-c is serertary- andi treasumem- A idouse mlam as 1 w iill lie hi'el 'Tuelsday ;atr O KS O Ehdgmaiuafkth ih-i ob scrdadtefrtbnut on t43 ilRon iem'-
Up Tows Pews Tows a' eighi appalmratush suc-l as eilues - iaill be hielid Non'. 14. 'T'here asill lie slty' Haill. An entire shale asill be
23S. Chsair it. Olposite Court noose. rtiae tti etnr
Ass Arbur. Mule em, (Conthinued on Third IPage.) I three other banquets duinmg thie y'ear. laiiikldatti meig

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