Published Dadly (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, an
OFFICE: Times building, 719S. Alain St.
tween Liberty and William Sts.
E. 1R. SUNDERANDs, '97.
E. L. GEssiRa, 'lS L. F. S. SsrvONS, '98.
B. B. METonEAsY, '9B. H. B. SKILsLMAN, '
F. AlI. Lowiis, '98.
C. M. GaEEN, 99. Athletic Editor.
recess) increase of produtscion illAils-
tsralia, lsldill, Canlada! etc..,ecould not
make1C possible any other conlditionl of
'tinlgs thass that existin~g. Blut if these
lwlasifest agencies alt' takenl accoutlt
ti, tere is110 reasonl lwly protspeirity
shld nitlot r'tulrnl just as it alw-ays
hlas rtturned'after pt'riodls of e.011
o11wt eleressionl. As to silvt's, theo
Writer con lsidel's it 1111 altoge'tier c -
'Iranoos factor. luggeed iln a15a11 151-
auk- rigtl fillitself to1the proloillcllocc
acco'(rde'd to it.
shl- eos lbt'Thoass Ilit'ils11 it
ily ItldanttiIttlliiofrefecre it's ta1,11
/ AN. I
wins tile jury of shoe bulyers and it's
ours by a hleavy nmajority. Fiootwear
shouil be top qnality. The feet can't
stand anytinllgelse. Prices shlould be
low, so as to keep tile shoe tax withlin
bosunds. Yoss won't feel our o e
prices, btst thecy will m~ake out feel
pleased. There are no corn growers
like bald shoes. Comle Isosus and (
somnetinig thtat '10u (an wear youlrself,
insteadl of tile shloe wearinlg your foot.
L. GRUNER, Not Atnn s Sto.,
0. 11. lIAss. '98.
JF. THOMsAS, '17 Assistant.
W. WV. taghes. '98. S. W. smith, '9t.
F. A. Fuelt. '9s E. Louise Dodge, 'i9l.
WV. P. Moreill, 'its. i. 11. Corwinl. 15
A. A1. Samith, '97. C. Lullj.,c9.95 II.
The subsiitptionl price ofthtie Daiy is '4.0 biii-.the iitilerlcet'erii'of Ass i,"Ii.
for theetoieit e erCullh0arguar ldeivery
before loon eatih day. iNoticescs.emmolnlil-, (If liiheiloute liric'in"'fl'1)e iii I it1
Lions, and other matter iotetideid torpublicaI-
tionl most behiatidect inat tileItailiC tiebei'- andi till' Ili'tllAiit'i'i'.1t" is11 Cli-
tote d p. mi., or mailied to the edliito itfore'3
p. in.. of the day plvos to thait on 0111c11 lill tn itii'tsl <l iiiii 'sIo, o
,subseriptonsmay ito left at 'fTsetDaip i i'i-t l Iiio t'es; '"A IDistort' ifth
Office, iMeiye's or Sbfet s Newstattd, or
will siness Mtanag~er. Sbc~riiir> wsill ton- (lift of I'tilli''ss 11r eCII."lt Iw . W
tee a tavor by reporting proiptly at this
tficer 10y failurecot earriers totdelver papoer. l"in'i'stit, 'iii1 ''l'le I-ils ill the
r "4; , Tuje Popslais Pufso Closing
Endl bar- -anti, 'feels
BlowsadSrtigs.Every tew
l., ,:,Cloves, $1, $1,50
Kidi-made espreosy ttius
r , 1Every l'tie ra inted. 'fati
Shirts iMonarub and1
i rokawm$1l
a..Noe Novelties-Colored Bos-
on110ndCuffs-ltite Bocie.
rtaionl orel Nir nuvi aninto tile sttdtst 15is soi il~ltt,tili.
Onuing Challeng e Sale!
Political Census Cumpleted.
btt suntler 'tile 'iretllilstallle's i111115i-'Il'sliollif votes illanablllotthei 'tteiWe1 1(0,tccohei 1 3 it 1 2,nl'7
bl1e. Of 0course tile Illstrct'tors 110eJInivtt'i1lty<s betenitcompletedi. A cnts a Suit (o 40 cents toGarmnst. Socks, bliacik and tan:, 9
atry resuttof tile 'lrge' classet'sIwhichilt'e stllt'nts, 1,.22?are otes an 1. Shir tt Fainty bosoni anti whiite at 39 cents wo'r1th 73 cenits.
is5 ver I'll'S 11lstto010. (illsbe tulittr Shiirts infll sldress alndtfancy colioretd tbooms at 88 cents,
111 igllitlt'tl Mcliillt'y adSlba ee $1.25,ind $1.3 0. 'MonssocisShirts icEicutded 11n this sale,
resist~icl. it is1110heclose 11111ball tll'r as their itreference, 240 art' fur eker ct(ithc 11111135eStr'ings, 1011011-Hantis, Psifs, and
its tile recittonlroamls. whetn 11 roomllBryan,. 45 fur Plmerldluerr1011tllit. 12 13(1111ett' ,2.00 Hats at $1.530. $3.00 Mats at $2.25. Sisni-
is filed ftor st'veraloseculS~tive0 hours for Ltotrillgan1 0furIBe'ntley5. (111e'E ll10reduction (11 all other HtssGloves, Mackintoshes Slls-
11itilltlb(einglraiperlt' airedIi t llltr'l111 o't11s'''if Itt', 0711, ( ponders, Handklierchbefs., Canes, etc.. oct.. all incisuded in tis
I sale. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15,
('11wineto closethailit nobotdy' callSt011.1'llel'rs of tile ftacultie'sale'n aftvotr and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Everybody Invite(].
there wiithotut fooling kCenly 01st'dte-'of thse tltlli'le't'of tt'e eulic anl'atlit'illl
prs11111ec; ndotfen a sevietrt' y. 'lhert' are 7o11enllt'tlolttyt'lU O N
hseadalchle rsults. Obviously te til il 011thet'illplsl5an110e'ac1h of thtesi' i'il
dests 111111 o ood 'olC 11'te- tvot' orMelil~ty . .Gents' Furnishers and Hatters...
tatitnusndlter such (ircumllsltnces. No nierigScey i 4s4 South State St., A nn Arifbor.
mlatteo 101'carefully tesoniha ls - 'uCoe in aint get your Shooes Shined F'ree Every Day-! ? !I
ben p~rI 'ep .areacreditableoshivuinlg'is I'l'fIi' 'ett't' addre'ssedt il' stit y j
intpo'shlletl illl ilts faclllie's 'lre Lilsit'i't'lliil,ehoosing' fois111 ct oI THE ANNUAL .ANNOUtJNCEMENT
iltioll thlemst'lv'es it canlsbt' perft'etly'et lt~odtts 1and( dev'ice'-'sfor t'xtratinsg ~ ~ I~q~C
to anyb'ody15. 111111greast 'beneft it l't tre4 fitgangue. It' also gave'0 illlintrosi- Leland T. Powers -------------------------------Nov. 30
nlass. in10 tcciutlfllifIis l're'els trill Ilrtillgil Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------Dec. 11
- tilemlinlinlg district of C'ilos'totlo. Charles A. Dana------------------Jan. 21
Atlantic Molnthsly. .after ashorlt r 'ti''ss 1 a1115i110ss5 1t'tEX-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
The leasdinsg article in thei'cureut 11gtA-s heltl. Irof. Iiffcy 'nnounsce't Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Number)-----Feb. 12
Atlantic11 lltl5'is 5a1'er'y'su~ggestive' thaIt Mr. Aliln ttulc dd atl lltle stt- Imperial Qatt---------------March 12
tsd reassusrinsgtdiscussions of (s tt'ha t l'X l~tlg sijo lOOratorical Cnet--------------March 19
------ , ,,,. tate o ttt111'iihnoslnl'I'laIterl. Twmni,,u Pm'..rr THillsApri~.l 9
T. Lawrenlce 'Laughlini. 'rT'e osiion
is "taken thlat nothsing m1ore111h111thse
well knsowvnsworil lws ofecoomtllics
Is to Blaisie for p~resent gtricsltural
difficulties-=that thse enormsous expan-
sion of agricultnural speculationl in thse
yearly eighsties, followed by its inevit-
able reaction, taken together wlithl
tior tesot-Suite of room~s, all
mlodern convensiences. 471 E. Univer-
sity ave., Mrs. L. -A1. Boll. t. f.
For Sale-A Washlburn 101 tGuitar,
iss good consditions, wIithsease. Cteaip.
Address A. 1U. of M. Daily. 23
'To Rent Nicely funnishetd parlorsI
ver'y reasonsale. 3195Tsloipson st. 20
John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13
Hlarrison, Numbser $50
OerorclsContest .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Renerved tichets on tale Thurnday,.OcL 8thb, at 'Palmer's
drug stoe, State street, and Wate's heel tore~Main street.
JAMES!H. PRIUITT, Corresponding Secretary.