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October 24, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-24

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If To uAre Thinking of Buying a
(10 not neglect looking over our inmmense large line of the choicest girmlents made in this country. 'We know that there imt n btt -
and more complete line of
in this city and we claim that most of the mverchant ttulors cannot give you near as good a fit although they will charge on d(lanhk the price-
Our Suits at from $1.5 to $20O are simply eegant notni, in the rea(v-iladle line to match them. Hammersiough. Brois? Oercoats
aW the swellest made and only handled lby1u8. You will want one of these.
Time Tabel(Reisesd) OSet 1.,19. ,...OE NIGiSTNLr
EAST, WEST55-no110 it ES nITA
Mailand x _ J 9 N.Y'. pecil _ 7 .5 1SATURDAY,OTOBER24TH
N. Yasd~r x _ 174 MNl S --pe-di---5 4
Ty. eea 40 Na - 5- , Park.rt [u tain P .,incoln .. CE< ic;«lostrox... 01 . .Lmtd. 92,Gio ' r!(utdil rad
i A- St M! i i- N. Limte . 54C .scenic prdulenil
Atlantic EX .-.70 PacitcExt-0 iP- 15- - S
DN Lx e-5 4 5Westen Eot-in' - 0- itttsdtuttought re hsu h
GI. Express .li 5 (Shi. Nt. Ex_- t5 (0 hae0rid oipeasuonth air"'
G. RExs---n 6.- youItII(ct ih ti or ouisOhae
0. win-ninels, HnW. xv. avs, i v~ 2allefeatotysoat ed toits Ten ses of Specridloost-v
C. P. T. At.. Ciiae. At. Ass Arbore - FltycdtyocPeotin tt igar t alsof tttheltol
Try a ind-uyIo-s Ynotnd if Fightra eFast-Ot
-- ---itoldoenotnottido dlitattis clii-( Prices - 35c, ad 75c.
d fil oe it, itnitt n e te
tiuoteylobtck. rikt o r sio e ~at te s At-ott
I I. --5 -- -iti-.15ti-tiE
RAILROAD. copttty otly le fll Ette Lime of ray 'pee!
Thue Tabe, Sept SO6, t8t.ttilorit to t ureddT bul aro Ise Ilint anddtoldiutttc I: lte' .rti . Ag-- V
SOORT neonIT. ittchoolae-Ion on
a. no OffioeHss,70 1 . .C, FREUD, '99, 4'7 SUNIVERSITY AVE R.£.,JOLLrY &0O.
"I1tood It.7 t15. m 0 at-t t, Vo fu
- tuttlot .ttty i attttttt ine .lt
bte Jotttinny R DE T OTlRU HESeI ttnant ant;i - -td ists.
tDalsly slepers betsecTotledo tndolylnr
ODaly ncept Sunday That is sslat we will di o u n fu htde
E. S. ILM10tiF..Agent (3 .Mi tet A .I e s- p
W. H. BENNETT . P. A. Toleda . nt rv aifctrw ileieyuan woefrit. ; alsothe hnei tcrable L -t o0
17 E. i Washington. ASN Ntt. I'. a.Ii toti. tw'e Ape_
AN.ROR YS BAT Y" iM lurreiy's .iD rug Store, Cor 4th Ave. ialy o1 eatday Dis.i-osyis
Time Table, May 17, 1896 President Angeii Honored. it or -oli--o- mi tt! idteootr- woutldi itt'of te i-oieiItoir
Leave Ypsilanti from(Congresst., 5515. 8.0il
and 1i:00 a.nm.; 124, 2:00.3:30,5:, 6:S 45, 6:30I 'Litt i ittie ttii ot iuct tt- ois ;eao n uIity- otsltd fil e vlt 'sopio tt'itallot Sotit' ot tii-iou uniilt.
1Leave An An Ator Junctisn, 7:05,800:3 d and :50toi m .;ttti5, 2:80. 4:000ttis.:3ti:1ti 9:iitandiit tt Ititeeil ittii -ittetnlglaxg night
105 . ino;liS.15. Sil711n lti-'i iiiti 1,5 I t Ilttl ti tte -tt-t - t' i t -0 1 ilo t he0. tsit aIi tltqei t st - iSr h n, ~
SUNDAY TIME.the ttisit tthie - t .4a inio lo l iii lt
Leve Ypsianti from ttongresn.. t. 0:0,5. olotlapeoleo1iItliroe let o-s-lilt-li -t~r totlx I
son (:1Stand lotl p. s no.rv1ih m s l inws e
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00 4:00 .3S0l.,' the Imtirtiit-i it i 1011 1 ot icjula0ettl e yIto-i- totIa hi-i'llli t: a t'in lo'egt' a1b1 ii-elesL te
7:00 and 9:30 p.in. 1 s- ie lt o t ti'1011 ttitoito n nis sdn c
Cars run on city time Facet single trip 15 l atiil ltt tiot-ol ootol ioto te0eoti oil. n t are
centa; sound trip tickets 25 cents. P it- tvooofI Ittit- wtllidtcou-itd t'ito i'it iioititi-t
Wm. F. Pln.PaR, Su t It' tiugont' f Solo-If11l0wf t ito 10.10hinlire -- -
tcronii 0h ii-ioiiResoiy o il-t tnli itent Angell1. of Al. Dinilg ielh 5x, iK. LlkrY
GProvisions,'015 i G - -roceries7,__ Ontof thii'a15011, otf Ithe c 0--, 110111 g ltppo I iof 11e o(il 11111 en- (i-SS. We alili t eolse P tI-at- leaEse
and all kinds of Sanitariuim IIo'elletif Il'il'il (l'-- l t i li teit-care. Spin o t heifi tellitin why; if we k it, li.-teIt etyur'
Ftoods for sale hy need of colicI ner-in plitie, il-re nd. $2..ae' o
St lrfISOni & Co., jit'eeditt loSlt I leni-igh o illthe wlii'ai 111011t1Nas5100 itlillt atie l-01 ITHE KNERfAREI BRIM fHAL
121 S. STA'L'E ST. vstto0eo of xtdyin linc101 io s at.eonoi sihotoititi l e rolti-ti quart5 ilet'
egt'~sorIto eis1 1mtitisoitlti log , tsio th ini, oto ola,-loeo-oS , li t il.11RAILROAD TICKET RiERS.
"ANDALL-THE PHOTOGRAPHIER I1ttuInd titti itdintlig liittlts. toilet- lol ltiloili Int o ititittt af-atMOEY TO LOAN (5 OX'IOA
R W~tash ington Block, I lit at thosieltto-I-io ii ii thenivtist fatit. of the10 lo trSour 1eduolto-tedol ient'l uoe'a'sn-
Ann Arher. Wholesale Cigr. ' 'otts ndm
di S7thtotus dlootNob 'K ef H gh Grade Fountain Pen. Ciariettes
Maynard 6t St catnnott obtain ot youooek Store, to jNIURL ALL OTHERS IN Co.Mian ' yta
itooduce Pen in yurschioo, oott ecept of
OF . SAVE PRLO an Oah-cahit itt odere tesill sendiby registee Construction and
U.O .SAVINGPAORntm ndBaShoo-ttmsal ont- Petat 25) ie cent.dicunt o Prt
rooms. Al piten ttdirtcns.lus- ofniv(se ot 255peec icon, Comnbination o Prt
tmported and dometic ciasLde'ats
tic hale dresin'- and bathinitg parlors, up Clubsx of ten -at .',U ee cent. discount.t
stais. J. R. Trjanowthi, 355. State St.Na No Nd Every Part New and Novelp .M ATN uea ietr lt - wq
'and Metalilc Cankets nnd Fine Grade Pr'e- ' ---$25, $3.00, $3.50 Complete and Practical.
Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. St S. A
Fsurtb ave. Call at office of your College papr anid ee illustration of 1Pen, and i A
WooS 4-A teward. all at L.T. opinions relative to same. Address
Liberty St. WILLIAM H. O'KEEFE, 60 Main St., Lockp>ort,' N. Y.°
Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed
'WATERMAN'S IDEAL at the ,ai.
STUDE TS BO KSTO E cranie's fine Stationery for polite correspondence. Best linenm pinm
STUD NTS BOO STO~esold bythe pouiid. Calling Crds Engraved.
SHEEHAN & CO., . -.- . -. STrATS S..

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