@ UIDDW0, TUiEGAME TOI)AY. rnticet., arnnSale iat 25 (tos. GOOD MATRHES SCHIEDULED)
lett all turn out and give the freshi-
letroit High School WVill Give itu Ieit etjtst incite Consolation Final n ei
Leadinlg Tailor 11 i~it 4<tpnh-1 elbrFnl n ei
the Freshmen a Good Rub gl enn1neI;tehl. Finals 'Today.
AND IM~PORTFERi-t ti-- --Adton h-Lbar, Y t''
I'lt(, all-l restittaii tea wilt ln-pC A dto sto teLbar, e ter at-sflyilitthe tetist atr-
us teD tot ih t-ol fo munttut ntiarrotwedit(Itottithe (-antet ill
UrI LL UDRESS SUITS A'SPECIALIY ttegrrt eea r~a, 11.i lst ;ttelt it, tie Atti-tieItliloslto.o irtttsnlst
t'tttt-iulit tontts of heatleltid liiet'hetit
____________tie tftelron iit t :; l o -. 'fte tie- tt tttwo e . AtkttStttanutt Ittigiti and
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN "Ini till i ltentiniiliititoiite' goodl stit t e s ii iuttir -- e i n itt art-io-.les ttofour tt ill Heaiks
I_______thisfearand______undoubtedly_(withuttheassist5nceilr ttiiA mrti andutarveyDatfotthtandttitltilt
tik e cheatme teiry t ceisting-for I- i it isa lts ier sitd Ketnnedy,-.Atants anil
PLOWS' CH ICAGO CANDI ES llt Iehuin l't' ttt-' lis tit ~ h f ta not.n 1:11
W(e ave te AiittA arrAgenct(y tte [tiltttitti It ltic 5(1]t) :oittuu lit'i l iii i'air laiiii- a 5 ~ lT'e tmost t'e tttitg t sta fthit e diayti
11hnte oo ta Siyi~ 11r thtese gottds. X'Ytu ItiintSnottit-a e dt Vtri(te ,te} -\~, n s m -ilas o o s~aiv il
0 sg titer. 'Tury eater is ptunid it0 a lat e etteiatit tt-s Intete. toottWaiirstitital t rttahititatiii
tid tald, tavdetua trn a t it P t" 1alsotltta-aicloe ctmlttththelDiogltksettttittltleteilan livitit'r
yita rerThtemt. Asatefinedt
1 ('liacatetiereacts-ait ec atteud A.I. ~tit lalst - titi tti't'tlt'er dcfet ti 'l'wl cowthon ,inrd hiiastilt'llhat1 ttbe e totne rmt
tha -yu ve sw orthlprce i44 b si-t hrdIt aitike - 12by two t ut lii 51 ltheIil '1 li-ly trttui ilhsetat s-a g-i-
PALMER'S PHARMACY. 'liii.cltii scorttetading .1toa 10.c st-playttftomrti tteati t e intls
0 46 S. STATE STo t 01tI"Ire tii Ilt't4trathertalightlbut haa atttti lv on=n pat fbth ue ad
cent.r afll salelt tills Saturdayu
st uogt ti ndi l ay a tnttI ea - n-lu-u'slu.s. Tie ole- tltitttl. S tarrtttrnsitu h ia i a-s
l1 1 aci ii ll itt e liltttu. ai i
hi h ta4t w l n t lt, tc lttt st tts' -. at t-a
CONTINUED.- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---tl : It l)lt-dtiatl u titit-ilt- It'lltI
(orcer et SlaictoithStallrtia ats t1111 lt
W e__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a nd__ _ _ _ _ _S e v er__ _ _ l i ' ai t 't'i t u t . I i s i e , tti 5 I i ii b e ; n i - s t i l t - ' i n l itt t i i a i l t i h ia- 1 e ' t u uisuTue o n l yt t A i m ac h i t h e 0 1 1d t i
Ctent.ioftllleitilltS'tttiayIteilldediupon lit-vetauittit- siut-itia. ut- alt s a- i ni fli t eint. round o
accou siat n taio'frteselve is tim sidtit'oub:;ls tat iti tishts-ti nsonili' itst
Night, Octitob1er 24litht.' t-iIt lt-t- I-it it'n The ltittr tl, blon111 d,'ths IS-
27I'oip ooSr e . at lll ,nhu-ine markstat nw tail l 1on( hetrt _ I t tley- ant Ketithui lt r~lug itutsaui
- A - tiu fi t' i-tlh t.tttutt u-u' ulfor ts r '- titkunul thu ittf tplacei asititi iii Iitus
~~ I, -- tirn ltwtutu s it t's- heu l tast-s.theitih l-
W A H ' B UB S T O R E . ThO( an If uo t hert l it tu uts ii'hatould r c ive t 1o o h is t aitt i t fromtilt-it it i iO IStt ntf s s alg l f t t he . i y.
We in it s-t- hideatrvs t y Sut of etit l st uden'iu i nili -itthe- Iitu. att aPshst it ia i i mattitl tts') neiit-s--il-u ta he ut-
nut- ta a cicrdt te ~ulrsoros. We lai age nsiplti-alt-s a-illlit' gst-im'tiu I itt-lit Ii'lintthe it'erpat ittillJunihii' I ffr hwn l h is
BE nsfR allSTheUD ETiuclats.-ld it all'utnittttgrfprtilnt'tottclth s esh t hpe 114 end-a n ol
We Sll L t est stuet te Cith tou.a ader - I ie- - tu a-t gy '.rnnnlii li letietidudkasy ade h stti'
Books 211 eiflshcacti.iuset- w iikte5ail 1 o'huhlit thei neIt . st.h we ertt11 -a
The best Li:enePalacel0ycentseperdaaedstit4ltiuth- - -Ioa
otooceo colic sr- tu'tu'hattl ult r't'l it tc I A lt.-hettg ut u'Shtuttli
Coarid rboots. ier5andntrut- - --ts. IIr) tl5K it'll yu-ttcrtttire torkis itch
Agents oe the IatehaaniFoloil-lFitle ,aboutiet - -Lit1
lain e a-l.le ,y 1r lni lltam a it --utre.gthhi asil u-lui-a--thylils t'er tLona.i mpovtes it-r e t nnluuu~a
t~abtite t ar po t ion o - -te ie.urto othr o 1 liswot'beIore thbok o tct et 'h hr ,Mt
irafClina iatri Ladyts s wtiet 5te. - ilt b esatiteig brt-i-tatystl-iielMssesretreai-ttu
Supnicsr speiall. Ihono rtlecn- - -t ta o se.ee ,_i o m tecai(o5o h
'teBehid.icsFor eeryody fl itr the Norsir t ti ffrst-- -o foitt ii'agdtutttpei-hemst-tinennedlyda-es111'litil4si'tsritten-done-is AlvritMulti
F66~~7 C . I T V al hack I iledthatm is - Lcam itu l all h t' ltiil-' i iibrry wh t i w ttbe-1ic ss' lu't't t I re atstre. h .t h is B tXa-t
[p B O O K ST O e r~ li e hI " I e t i e lli - -n t iem ll 15 ttoth 15 i vesity-, ot'R tlhet' heit luy teamaig l-' alst-t in
partTculs s Doal T a s I itallat easn tual ill hta-t iin_________ K -ti(tl-l oftitubiges tit 1es'I. 'l'r
{.){5liv ittierd vli.e, adits ofe
Aj TArher OIa1 Slr.Pi .(will Stbogt o i utel. t tSainli tt WrSobe ebe fo thenDtuih au he tit eatndt. Kennt e h layAdlr ui