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October 22, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-22

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If You Are Thinking of Buying a
sin not neglect looking over our immense large line of the choicest garments made in this country. We know that there isn't a better
and more complete line of
inu this city and we claim that inost of the merchant ttilors cannot give you iear as god a fit although they will charge you double the price.
Our Suits at from $15 to x+20 are simply elegant, noting in thle iedy umade line to match them. Hammerslough Bros.' Overcoats,
% the swellest made and only handled by us. You will want one of these.,
Time Table (Revised) S,t. 27, 1816.
Mail and Es.... , 47 N. Y. Special.--. 7 35_____
N. Y. Special...4 iH Mali- 5---84 Esten E -
EatenEn i 17 N. S. Iimted....9S25;'7 .ka k,
Atlantic Es-. 2235 Pacific Es .----121i,
D.NExpres.... 2i40 Western E---...1I55
G. Rt. Espress --..12il Ci. N. Es---- -9is Is what Ball Bearings are to the Bicycle Don't buy a pen until you have examined
G.R.Es .------5155
0. W. RUeLe, I. W. HAYES, and tried the new Parkers. All sies, all prices. Pen exchanged until your hand le-
e. P.& T. Agt., tChicago. Agi Ann Arbr
Grad O era Houe.suited. rlIgIP PAiuLum PEN Co., Janesville, Wis.
ONE NIGHT ONLY OFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 P. M J. 0. 71P.U D, 1y 99,-47 8, 'University Ave.
alt, Co~e da 'Sinms nlo d is Isor
Dan. mocarnthy, That is wa t swc will do, i you buyoil(, of us dtht does, r I
Spprted by lc [harinoubraette not pmoVstifatlory, we will ..e oa lu a wom for if. --r
Nsss Loutisll5an sd a1company oftal- : - "' rb
rnedtis 0ts presenting , M c 20i-tauyt M
T aa.y.
The tanncA-tir Play Evee written. New Gymnsium Methods, High School nefeats '98 L. I e-rs. _, a' ' as 7
Prices - 25c, 35c, and 50c. P__E
'ietets trsI l tvi Sr i .. aessoItiie 1Iihc ' l'k151e':Il1, IOIli,l :0;iithe ' 11 111011 8r1:':l ti ,111111 1:111(! t jr..yaa ' - a 7 :7,... .
THE KINDERGARDEN BILIARD HALL 1(1(1Ilug to1sayor il' new 7lllltsinll 1(111 o l;i il, l 0a1r ,ro lld bys core or . r''1' 5s v sea e ,55 >a
RAILROAD TI CKET BRO KERSltI Prof. il ll is:' 11111':'ru: a 1,0I dabth e:1 1 ho1rIIoiII led 111 II o555~ 5 , 7 5 .~,..
MONEY TO LOAN ON PESONAL :71'1:5 111 ' 511cpsl 221 11( 1111 I .11 1: llils '4,
iROll Y 11 illill illiiw 11a111 lI'j cis 1the sill .s11i. i . w ;tclIt th1 1''17(11 '', ill 'The Ol Sieepin r Line netwe n To-
Wholesale Cigars: Tolbaccos a d edolndCosemibuns.
Cigarettes. 1i(1115nts tinglg 75'Ililli woll .i 811 1 ii lll shoo))1l n 1iin~ mut1 of5 hi r i1111 The OnliSeein r 01rawin Room ar-
physcaly dhetut. alrlirnu, aia: Int l., ih ir ucllowl I Line betweeTnled, Clumbs and
111 11211 11 'et-ay p tel :11and wil lIence-I'thl h the 11 line 115. 'l i: faIlld': L i 2111 The Oli Drawin Rones ar Line between
last lieceived a Large and Eleganlt 1111111l Ieue se e lT-l: a l:11. c 1.sI;[round ' 11 n :;. '11I l l' 11n}? Teid, Clunmbua and Clarintn
L eof New pipes!T flW a
1111he 1111 1111 i5 o[ia 11111' 1 1111 1171' ofI l 11 111' 111 11: Ian 1 ;1.,s 7ll Ils Isiimae epea ateSntsom anae
nt- lcddICald Lanelet at all tears A ents mao
faorilnylene ,asnd Willi 5a la d 5terner., Cta s of Ihl soldlll sippll i y , a1, deIIvice Slow(11'. f. 1h. 1 il7ill I. 1'. it.1 :l l1 i i'.I rE ON L is.P ih4tan ah a a
Cocolsate BaanliensbteeTl e oa dClumcaset.
R . %1111 Ii( , ith h ill pr i111 ap ho11 511111it 1. 1b.; 1e ' .: 1 i l. .1 0hel TH ONY .12.wit 3 tas;lo eaemsway on
Sndad:s tei raTolede eel Cal::bno.
20 5Se tte St, Sager Blocsk 111IlIllnliI"l' 1111115 e1': ls a:shlloy0 'r. 1. Brandy'11:l. 1r. t.: l:e.1:'i loll. . ; THE ONY Is it:,5rar is ah a:dal
btetee:sTledo, Ps lies ereean
Groceres,_P_7__i7___ 7TE ONLY LINE it 2 tainearcetway dly
~3rcres Lrvlln ~l-0111'111 '5gllliil5IlfIII ZE .8ASYRIA, i. AtIl, TrunONLY OlIT ~rLINEH eaenTa
withnlateniaiealexa~llct. Thnsadte Vic0na.
and all kimnds of Sanitarium Glsl~lllIll 111s2l'll5. P11 ItBEK: I l t l (117 111 ireel to! TUE POltLuiiLINE beween Tle, Foo.w
Foods for sale by t mmisum ork ca11reas~111-151l l I::to lpstonle 51111or1kin he.osjc 's111 1 01 ~i j ia, Eaeps, Granille ndNarmak.-
a O 1. J. tud ntsWl~llt,;,to IPCt. lly Fll ifomaionsrelotive ts ate, ime of
Stimsori & Co,t ledths eos tanecwlbecernyfuihdbaF
2I S. STATE ST. Sesei'ia : l tyo t lie 111 frtal t hes 155'elo 11015sili 111:515 Icpr~l i n I Agneselte Osi CetralLine.
I 11111 2'1this:0'11.II. Ii11:1 :1:' MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A.
1i 0U'ie 1111. .T. IIsi11oll liel oll' t'. _____ ',TOLEDO, OHIO
AN DALI THE PO0RPE t ttht frttd u tewvFrSl Aahu iltutr
WashsingtonsBlock, to11o2111111 l1111111with111's' 11Cheap.1
Anno Abor. 5111 sAddre 1115lt Is-l'io:11 blls ,I A. 1 I. Dalb, 2
l'a'lti'y hll 1011 'llllitile1i Oil ( 11C' -_____ es-~
14itha Sesson. Nw Oen. aned- A- Seaward. Caiiat_"1 ./A r
Ora NG ng e r r . Seho .4at OS 1011'. 1ib et.t -
114 UI9lingl~og. Id rondfor. No. f TA
Maynard St. O usic notia l 1 11:lio te sudet55s il sbscibefo th Daly
be thusS«bscribe far 5lseu D thi
U.3 OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bat- wuild bei-lilies-iytoolilanie.l It. is HURRA!An bran ats l as: s a She11 tee,
*reams. All pointmentas irt clas. Rsarn n uc ,utr
Impnorted and domestic cigars Ladles arin- ilmly ini 1115easeC (f 1111orlli fIS it51- I C® ~1LJiTP
tic. hair dressing and bathinig parlors, u01, he VOrtl~anUd Calm t
stairs. J. R. Trojannwskt 15. State sa t. 1115ts atits le 55is 7requlird ai11 I 6 6 . Main Street. Alyting ill sea-Il'
( SMATNFneaOletrClthotis cases 1itwill be inivalabe. alse inrL a ble lBoardl ins y, X3;;i Fr ent-Suite of 100111, all
...and Metallic Cakets aed Fine erade per ee. Reular 1mb 2-, 01-eOvh AY mosedern convenisees. 49 E. Inivr-
17 ~nsSobbacrinbe Specatty. Naily.S.A5ND NmoHT, P.S-Dns't foret- A see-i
Fourhes. EmbalmingeafSrecialta.lNo.laity at Sunday ODinrs. 1:15 to 21::30P ma Isit ave, Mr1s 7L. 21L Bll
Students buy the Best Fonntain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
STUDE TS BO KSTOR Crane's fine Stationery pud for polite correspondence. Best linen papers
ST D N S B O S O sold by thepud alng Cards Engraved.

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