1 weeks laying their plains, and were A'. GOOD CASE
A5' I f thoro4. ulghlylsorganized and pledged.
'wins tie jury of shoe by es and if
On the olerlaiid, the engileels 11d Al urotby Ileiivy iljorily. hFootwer
onlse aly(.aasesetd a liiiy' that same %lolliay mioriing, at " ~ slotld be oll aiy The feet can't
the College year, att I qality
TH1NVEST O IHIA. i 'cock, dcidedl to plinteicntani,3f" ' ,> stand llyllingelse. Prices should be
THEPUNVERStY OFiMCHIGA. -- low, so as to kceep the stoic tax within
OrFicu: Times building, 75 . Man St. b i be-isis. Y t e won' xwt fe u hoe
tween Liberty aiid William Ss. Ii'miiiiger hnt three other '7 niiii'priissibu io
I an'sbu teawilmake yufeel
MNGNEDTR -brsof thel V'arsity were iaway fryiiil
MANGIN EDTORroii llease. Tee are no ern growers
E. IR. SUIERLAND, 'M5 th. lmeetin, patiiiig toi' the Pnirdie like bad shos. Ioue to us and get
EDITORS game. Not aolpronise had been iiade - - omethlin that youeciiihear yourself.
EL. OrMaU, 'S L. F. S. 5zoNS'8 in Itenningers niame. -No oe' preeltliJl instead of the shoe werin one foo.
. 1. M'HANaea, '5 1 t. SKI','ilL. had aiy authority from11him1to nae L fDTTV N 'L a . 1BaiaSt.
. S. Loimis, '51. - ," AmmnArlor
C. M. OsiFEN, Il. Athletic Edior. any' deals watisoeer. 1101 to with-
- iaw 1h5Ialie. v r o t
. IH. ilAN, *Simplly, tie 110egiues. hoping c. w
.1 . TOOMAS,'97, Assistat. thItei t wul ndnh. avoeilfirsitu
ASSO)CIATE EDITORIS last for ilhe iialiist and hetoaniii
W. W. Hughes, '8. S. 'W. miii. 'If. around '97 110 failh liitheyknewA hi '- (/
WIV I'. lMorili. 'hO. 10..II.Corwini,'"9. llts m asa re ih tru,
A. al. sitil,'li. -. bll, r.,99 1 I_. liii' close resilt howvs. Lhi/ _IiUi
"Now' Ilit eiiuiger isibefeated,
iianiy will say, ''why tis i (r .siil
The ssbs,iptiss price o the Iluilyis:'2.511 Siipiy tii~ii 11. ai flue wienDililt i-PltEe 'tiln,11 el
for the colee year,. i i n ci a eilsry eBaka~.BonICrSy ld ihde
before snoion i L..i ao. Notices, 'omusaica-'sillilis fr a ;godly lproorilonofifliBac IBriwn Kctse, uinaih e
floss, and oher mater iiteuuidslot pbica-
flil mst be liaudedl i a ihe Daly 111ccc le- aet igieers irs'nt,.and fnir sa.esi hisSlk velvet collars, liietthinoghout with
lot' 0pe. ., or imaleiiti, the eitor beforie d
P' in.,1ofthe day piou s t i lit 'i shci clslli. li n uius il a
heylre esected tI ipear. V irst ttClass selgae liiiig, thin Slecaveos axithi
:+absriptionssmay ie et li.t Tlie' Dlily hdiii tiehll' l ei' cionia. 5A 'n lii'he
Office, Meer's or ay, lllemets Ni stali, or fl
wiii lossisess lasae s eie ibes wiiler- 1,11 VI o' ils ili'ii lii 'out,l isi 111' 7 / bets at gu iited fotlawic
fee a lasvac by reeatni ipri iacylt tisSkar' es atii
uilceay aiae01cri's i I iC ilbf ' s liii. 111ahs.ii ii I . , , years. No Clothier ee'S oldta )l ettet
Teilisiirai'ili lagIag 1~~ii i lciat fort'thinpici.
out a weary existuenci thiisi' il-ls wndhv idtoQ'foBe t(
Only 111e.' uauli y esii''and1111 io n )'c117s iolit'4 gul, outlrgdi
thie duly'before. Illuilkiiiis wied theliii '. .,^+ abIes Star Clothig Hose,
doulelis 1111d uoisolli 11101singlesuwill be 1Ili(,f107-04 vsill'adedill 11, ence. i
fiiliilirsli'isheii 1hrown .u1,ce uius 'ionly mu OVERCOAT. 35 S. Min flSt.
c111e1 i liii' n ,ii'liiof uiih'ayvina ul'Pn]' ouo wokW' o e-
arw aitiliO u thi fsi Arsi gii sl -iiiiweriiili rets'ent'i. sThelasti ballot. 1peiihtingt ilCcnthalile1.0g1e11$1S2, lanai' 75a mo t iv he aria
aIedofcrtePndc resin cents I Suit tai 40 cemts a (arncit Stcks. b)lack anti tan. 9
aioryb is~~leimamdni' lt ilinuhy hti 110 i' li hiiiisguriii cents pp'ai, aere 20 cenits. Socks, 7' per paim,aere 15c.
vicoryovr Prde lst:Saurdy tutnowyv, te leuinrr llor- Shirts,lFaicybotsnand wite vms at 39 cets wtrth 75 ceits.
sti 's lst iguufy iii acy'aleinyprrolliswil lliand 11a11 fill.urIsIIit- Shitts in full tdes atilfaicy colored Iisiiis at 88 cents.
Muiuiumm iy lll' il~hlO.hi15iip'v~siihi'iily' firi' ballt,'s lusedit aia''55 esret$125 nd1.0. Monart'ha Shirts imcldtetinmtis salt.
touarrbyrol cllifrhe y(' ur Nckwam-lh9c 11111 u5cString. Fuin-Hamats Ptffs, anti
rbioly' 111111 isi ter ldlentf'urdu'tl 'iiceiy 'nh 11.iPii s i, Oss, etc. $2.00)PHats at $1.J0.$3.00 Pats at $2.25. Sin-
eoml li lilihil', grulmit andilliitheuiter t othiln.tha aorortr deedih'i'l 11 i ln- Iar' edctin onlluhother Hats. Gves, Mackintoshes Sis
tietuii asill dotheiiir liist tomakeit li'~ii t llyliisi'i huicut 1111 ihi' llia4. poenders,Hlanidkemchifs,Calics, etc.. ect.. all imclutetinilthis
harder thanuisiit for' s his y''ar. Ax'uiuut' I'tu" Ileiuiiiger witiihusiii, l saml. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15,
'lll' i-llli' iiihllllhu~lr '.-uhtuioi'siy. wouldi ias illthis pouiniiul' e. I and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. E~clybuty Invited.
ton tha hui'len theymi'y Ml i m sta, lls suport'rs ('111 fir tifair l t io'nu.
Raiu~inomuuluung utip bu'f'ome thii'mu iand ithi noiifavo'ir'shoiwnutil li ly' a1.11riii
shut i'ylal lse a luugi' cosva tan- ii'iiu htii hgmi'''5 ihtlii..Gents' Furnisers and Hatters
thiiisiumtie '''iioti'rs''oliackit hun. hul lll ;js ii yiu' euon lul ti111's."4:1Sz)Uih Sti 'E .3. .L\. fU ..I'i)().
Es'cy'tiin liif hu uuu''lehig' I I iuh 5i1111 milllirshily Comelteneniiaumudget y'eurStaes Shined ree Every Day-!
Mtiuhigan,'stsire'ngthu siill beiilmuthehir is i iutii. uuuhihtdy s i'
fuouu auii' muiuiu's f lhei'S"ig" which I THIE AN UAL ANNOUJNCEMVENT
Anmy ''arsity' Ivanmiwill tistify thauti uisgrace,'t's lite hhrtry' studen'it. i'Pe______-
tie enthusitasm uauosi' by' a lage'hls '(iirsrt'cl ialipuplii
ci'o'a'tofustudtuu'us tut hes'statiomi wh'nuc'mm ntuu i' in ani iy's'utu.
u tetmhleu'es to ily' itforuignl gimuu' lutsihueuma fotoball mnumi. Itutoun I *N MWiiW*IWY (01 (Y p 0\i s
teoua.ll ' eli m e 'r y lo e m mgre s e m u, is gd i e dam i t;i s i-h illen b y t h W e n o i t eL e l a n d T . P o w e r s - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - N o v . 3 0
team.mle' mu oei tusan ui i Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------------- Dec. 11
Communication. iauseu aim over-e~aloums teller usrt Charles A. Dana ----------------------- ---------- Jan. 21
his Ielief that ltwu votes ae beemi Ex-President Harrison- ---------_ __ _--------- -----Feb. 1
Amny uir-minietdstnde'nt, awhetheur Luther Laffin Mills, (ChiaonAunti Nummher)---------- Feb. 12
lit or engineer'. will admitlth51afttle ihlalled mu bythiua uum,-tienmthat Ipra ure---------------Mrh1
eecctiomm is void. Oratrial Conrtet----------------------------- _March 19
seniuor clas election lst Monday wsmsia ots----------- _____Mrh1
an excedingy cloe one utin an Tie imartial ames iwill knows-howa uisPryHls______________v pi
ill-advised und wclholly unmwarranted quikly, nder similar canditiomns the Lcu er il---------------pi
John Kendrick Bangs--------------------------___April 13
effort to draw a rigid line etween tie Smmithm commbine would have done as GENERAL ADMIISSION TICKETS *-.011
we tare doing, tL e., protest lie election,RE RVDSA Ti ET
engineers and literary students, tie uiRalEa ae ufc.SENGLE ADMISSION IKil 3.1
clique controlling te election caused '9T ENUINEPItlI. ecYP
many unbiased and patriotic it to Iarrisss Numbsee7$1.00
Prof. McLaughlin will e in Rteam 2, Ora~olal Costet .5
confuse with tte engineers those whlmaT. H., from T11:45 to 12:2:0 daily, for -TCKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved ticets as sale Thrsdy,Oct. t, at ralmer's-
really were sing ",gang" rule. c nsltation relative to wo-rk in Amer. drg stre, State street, ad Walr's bosh stoe,Man street.
The Smith faction had been six lan History. JAMESH. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.
T -