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October 22, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-22

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g~c tI.,Or

$11. Wai jj.



o WILJD, o
leadiing Tailor'
SWe have the Ann Arbor Agency
fo these good. You 11 eind noth-
log nicer. They come tn pound 4
and half pound packages t 60c
apound, we hove Lownies' if
you prefer them. Also the tonest
#Ooolte Creams ont cea ound f
C thot you ever saw for the price.
We will continue our 10 per
cent. offt sale till Saturday,
Night, October 24th.
Washington Bl, Washington st.
3ro=='z Drug Store.
It costs you nothing. o not neglect it.
Cornr of Main and Hinen Sts.
Co-Ed Tandem...
Fowler Combination. Lady Sits
Behind. For Rot By
Special attention paidi to beginners. For
iarticulars call at
27 Thompson Street.
We invite every student to visit
our stores. We have a large supply
of secoud hand Uiversity Text
Rooks for all le departments.
Low aud Medical ooks. Germau
aud French Classics.
We sell the hst student Note
Books 20 cents each.
The hst Linen Paper 20 ets per
We buy and exhainge second
hand books.
Agents for the Waterman Foun-
tain Pen.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplis a specialty.
rho best prices to everybody.
Give us a trial
Up Town Down Town
205S State st Opposite Court ose
Ann Arbor ain st.

OFF FOR LAFAYETTE. Vla left tatke: arr, left guardi; FOR THE FRESHMAN SPREAD
WVonhalsecu eter; Bennett, rigit -
The 'Varsity Leaves Friday to guard; Heuniiiger right tackl; rai- Final Arrangements Have Been
lisii. right end; (Ureeudeaf, qularter; Md o o.6
Meet Its Old R1Yivas. erbert, left half; Pingree. right hal; MaefrNV .
Thel( football manageumet wishes Is Hog, fll ack. RlrvsAre,,Tie grls ci the sohlomor class
Wageallstuent, wo pssily anleft snd; Lehir, left tackle; Baker. lft
urg oi sttleilo wh posiby cilIetyesterday aftir af imousiniiRoomin2-
toi accoimpaniy the teamitL afayette gu aril; fuuiiiugbssni. entr; 10pe,.mt perfect arraligics for the fresh.
Saurandit see the gamle with PI'm--riilglil;Fecurih tsl: iiaii sred. iss Llilian A. Real-
Isue. All rvho reiueiiber lasi ears hritcliusoul. righttictd; tlver. tluar-inlg, general lialaai of the spread,
Purue amecanot ut nowtha orl; Thoiiiss left ait: Stioss. right called tie meeting ti order. A large
tile contest swill leinlterestiug iiih half; Steel, full laekc. nuibe of the girls weieIpresent and
high-est degree. sanudfully enouighi55 ECNDoAS FNl mo11sf of tilt araugemeiits steic on-
ts justify all who eain ispen-ding the ileted. Te eveit will be helinP the
niecessary time ainisuoey to witness Watermuanu (ymllasislmllon the even-
tsrli Ripley efaatsAtkinson--Games lng of SNo. i, betwes-n the hours of 7
Seveu fth uru lalyers who Todav. a11d1 1.
were here last ssn will leit-n rtes--- Ans sal te jiuors and schs will
Til toburnamilet inisecodticlass
gameneiixt Sattudtay. Jamisoii, who invite- the freshmen girls lunl act as
1s lists iaptain oithtie Iaml, will plvsulsitle o1 ls trlaystitieliir escorts. the sohiomiore clas do -
Iqleairtt-eriifinals between Atkinon
quarter again thus year, Elstecliriieanuuie lu ig the entrainiiig. Dancing isit-
stoe ill he iiittic fsrmer oi ai aly Akno adrahdotithile oys sill le the lprincipal
iosof ul ee:liilfihl, ie-th inals hb- allesy- rulte.lihtig itdeu terlaaiment of the evening. 'T-
5hiil sill be at left eiiila1d1(1Nielili td ntr A'oad -Nta n souvenirs of the es's-ltswill be tdainty
1111 Ailari will play rght guard andi rtlss liis oiislilai danie iliogramls. Esic-ligil of the iS9
tacle espctiely Rbersonhasla I t fight his way tol ltii finals, class stas assessedl one dollar to te-
liteuniovetd int lift gnartland hi, twfurs-c s n.. H tlisin tls , fray tin-expeses. Temusic swill 11e
plact- WANecleswill le st-n lby Ba-trest.Wi oet ad enfurnlislii-slb-it-e lesiaiegoiiorciuca.
ue.Teote e mno hePr hmLutller tandi Via rinr. tro.,111d liie-catering will e attedet
IUnie h-lie ircllllsu~lnce, tierniletisoby ltagstsrfer.
due tenthi are Hall. right snd. o li flown caernihvlbe
tittlidi s Atkiisoii imatde t itfaal Titfots-ig-calioshvebn
came10froim i artlam. andti(ameni. tight cIbsen: is . J. . Angell, Dr.
andistike ani tsil itplay pas lit-i ns-
rinief. 11115 lI tcotltliliii li Mii-r.KMowltioissI'olti-i-oii. Doe
Besdestheinfustcenere inthedoaset1he1sidelisne, orllihltvbed-ioterIrliiiindit.n ok
rtiuuei-. loss iidlienthliis wayoleaslyisa-ised Follo i taethe. 5comlttieesope
-tortie fromn a. spectatrs sallsi i-~tii i is staIndpsointiaiii-ealsliiriui iss Lillian A.
lie Vjasirvo isnterests slioulilnt.berie oit.1hefistsr esKtius
i-tfoughitresisiuug-aiiia tit-tits-ftcr
ovterloosked. Ths galli- would tbelitIvtto omtte-isKol
Itilt's i-i -I Thes-nlitstwIstsialsos vv niac1)1 tliiiihtt is nsi
lard sns'anvsvhere, bititoiis urtlts lttoll.chaisrmaitii;hisses ster atteu-
tsRileys sliiliyvtutch eaBirscors, gi. ~lllItill Bartly. Balls-sums.
sll g rounsoit till lii-espei-aly s. -,t- .in ce om e-hss Iu k r
Phi- li-scllsr falrgtiiodto This victory- gas-c Rip1evhcth itn- (haisman; 'Misses Stiksey, 1A10ii.
ittushipilin se-ondshclass sige. ntlya. - - m:,D]:r
thes teamt. Moreover thi.t-rtipitanlRefreshinitt cnnnltlec--iss Pete,
eltsily lie madite ithiout interferigu pie tbetiflylisuaedhirehirlant; .isses 'Maso, Wods, Di-
witihrsihu ltilty- is at freshiiniaii d thlisi-. Dodsge, Hudson.
trtiones stuidies at Ill. 11111 veiy
carvet tomiHisdital, Chicia~goslushtar lRecetihonl tsiom ittee -Miss Carhart
-heap aiiss cn eti i-obtainedh 1111011
litutlon to Maliager Htughes. It i r15 h om-flkrkan ' V'ain Valkuissig, DBurki. ycnb
Wa-tI Ss-buur-list years t-hampiitio. __________________illon.
learl-yte duty of tll st-hiss t, to
atteii e ii-gtameiandmugive the Team Riley is enteredtlin uouhlis stltKel- Dental Society Elects Officers.
ihesuptrtvt tedolndy st ill iprobsubly gise a goiosd ,
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Duhoti ed.- lentesdlalSociety at sitleting
Th Wrstylevs t .130stn -tulunt osit iunslt i this t hsulns hsit.lTuesdy Iigt serti-t tis- fulos-ing
The Varsiusschells-sdstort todaotars:
artI. 'lida,5 mhoning osirItheAnns Ar- ls-iss-i-lssu u sa-- ofhisi; 'uesiils-ui. 1t. IHadsule-, li7
(ssnsolationus s iritst .s-hss sirg-ls
bosr iailwsays, amd retusins Sundtay at - D-vice p~ resie-nt,.A. J.1. Wolftut'97
hi p. Ii. Twsenty- miiiincluding lth- ein-la iuil ismp -.Akuoi-D sersiay.I. futchiilsnsiuu98iiD:
Raytvu nld s-s Wen-it=-r, slobls r-
cole-les 11111 iiaiiager still e taknsill - I 5111511--. BIt. 1-ehsi.liTD. fle
the trip. lhlihivruid r-mis11( ~tii follssting-uditouswtres-elctedl us th
soii s. Ihl'ley rmd Kenedlsiy. hisssell lboardl istthis-Dental Iuranl:I. Wtl-
Reserves Play a Strong Game. lus h Bmut ss. IDanfoth ianduil(iilkii %ss- nstil.97 Dseditor-in-shiesf; 1.Iliac-
-- (lotte.t97 D, 1assolatt-eedtolir; R. w.
Yestersa's pricflevelopeid solte First Inter-Class Game. I-bsshSi.lsutsusag-rIl.
iiiter'estiig lay. The tReseirve ii ili)lshpu lit)9 an U'ttLtamis still lay 1as tiogall,'9G hD). tltrriiiiito.
u11 soiie strong stork against the 'err- ctit-evgialieso'rtillei-eashtieiid ifthisead~ etrs
sty deolpite the exellent interfere'nce Athletic Yil111 4 oltick tils ate--
of the veterans.n Thit-Bulwiiilettures iiunerthis ai-
uosn. his is the fhshiter-slass
By souse good stork Fil-siu s - igmto h saon h itrlaspces of it'elHoart iUnilil tilh li' I-
played quarer for the IRsserves, sax- ettles-illi-uciiluievlul e.hsred'thtIls I-iar hy tie' gt. le. .
eel themi froii a hss several timhes by C. A. iHM Bishp of Vermoint. This
gao punts from the short pass topucdi tena utu.Tels lectues still heivft--i in St. Autew'ss
quarter. gaiie still le pslyedilNtis. 19, betwseien chrt-h, oat the lst two Sudiays ii
The teams lined up at first as fol - thl l-freshimanii team anistheliinlter- Noveiiber ansi the first Sundtay in
lowss: Varsty-Palmuer, left end; I class series st-user. Deemiiber, imorninig usnt evening.

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