THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If You Are Thinking of Buying a CD U IIT0RUV'tR(a' %JAT sin not neglect looking over our immense large line of the choicest garments made in this country. We know that there isn't a better and more complete line of >FINE OVERCOATS AND SUITS<, inu this city and we claim that inost of the merchant ttilors cannot give you iear as god a fit although they will charge you double the price. Our Suits at from $15 to x+20 are simply elegant, noting in thle iedy umade line to match them. Hammerslough Bros.' Overcoats, % the swellest made and only handled by us. You will want one of these., LANDDNSOHMJTT & APPELI. mAIN STFRBRET MICHIGAN CENTR~AL THE LUCKY CURVE to the Feeder of the GEO S PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN Time Table (Revised) S,t. 27, 1816. Mail and Es.... , 47 N. Y. Special.--. 7 35_____ N. Y. Special...4 iH Mali- 5---84 Esten E - EatenEn i 17 N. S. Iimted....9S25;'7 .ka k, Atlantic Es-. 2235 Pacific Es .----121i, D.NExpres.... 2i40 Western E---...1I55 G. Rt. Espress --..12il Ci. N. Es---- -9is Is what Ball Bearings are to the Bicycle Don't buy a pen until you have examined G.R.Es .------5155 0. W. RUeLe, I. W. HAYES, and tried the new Parkers. All sies, all prices. Pen exchanged until your hand le- e. P.& T. Agt., tChicago. Agi Ann Arbr Grad O era Houe.suited. rlIgIP PAiuLum PEN Co., Janesville, Wis. ONE NIGHT ONLY OFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 P. M J. 0. 71P.U D, 1y 99,-47 8, 'University Ave. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22N.' A E O T alt, Co~e da 'Sinms nlo d is Isor Dan. mocarnthy, That is wa t swc will do, i you buyoil(, of us dtht does, r I Spprted by lc [harinoubraette not pmoVstifatlory, we will ..e oa lu a wom for if. --r Nsss Loutisll5an sd a1company oftal- : - "' rb rnedtis 0ts presenting , M c 20i-tauyt M T aa.y. The tanncA-tir Play Evee written. New Gymnsium Methods, High School nefeats '98 L. I e-rs. _, a' ' as 7 Prices - 25c, 35c, and 50c. P__E 'ietets trsI l tvi Sr i .. aessoItiie 1Iihc ' l'k151e':Il1, IOIli,l :0;iithe ' 11 111011 8r1:':l ti ,111111 1:111(! t jr..yaa ' - a 7 :7,... . THE KINDERGARDEN BILIARD HALL 1(1(1Ilug to1sayor il' new 7lllltsinll 1(111 o l;i il, l 0a1r ,ro lld bys core or . r''1' 5s v sea e ,55 >a RAILROAD TI CKET BRO KERSltI Prof. il ll is:' 11111':'ru: a 1,0I dabth e:1 1 ho1rIIoiII led 111 II o555~ 5 , 7 5 .~,.. MONEY TO LOAN ON PESONAL :71'1:5 111 ' 511cpsl 221 11( 1111 I .11 1: llils '4, iROll Y 11 illill illiiw 11a111 lI'j cis 1the sill .s11i. i . w ;tclIt th1 1''17(11 '', ill 'The Ol Sieepin r Line netwe n To- Wholesale Cigars: Tolbaccos a d edolndCosemibuns. Cigarettes. 1i(1115nts tinglg 75'Ililli woll .i 811 1 ii lll shoo))1l n 1iin~ mut1 of5 hi r i1111 The OnliSeein r 01rawin Room ar- physcaly dhetut. alrlirnu, aia: Int l., ih ir ucllowl I Line betweeTnled, Clumbs and 111 11211 11 'et-ay p tel :11and wil lIence-I'thl h the 11 line 115. 'l i: faIlld': L i 2111 The Oli Drawin Rones ar Line between last lieceived a Large and Eleganlt 1111111l Ieue se e lT-l: a l:11. c 1.sI;[round ' 11 n :;. '11I l l' 11n}? Teid, Clunmbua and Clarintn L eof New pipes!T flW a 1111he 1111 1111 i5 o[ia 11111' 1 1111 1171' ofI l 11 111' 111 11: Ian 1 ;1.,s 7ll Ils Isiimae epea ateSntsom anae nt- lcddICald Lanelet at all tears A ents mao faorilnylene ,asnd Willi 5a la d 5terner., Cta s of Ihl soldlll sippll i y , a1, deIIvice Slow(11'. f. 1h. 1 il7ill I. 1'. it.1 :l l1 i i'.I rE ON L is.P ih4tan ah a a Cocolsate BaanliensbteeTl e oa dClumcaset. R . %1111 Ii( , ith h ill pr i111 ap ho11 511111it 1. 1b.; 1e ' .: 1 i l. .1 0hel TH ONY .12.wit 3 tas;lo eaemsway on Sndad:s tei raTolede eel Cal::bno. 20 5Se tte St, Sager Blocsk 111IlIllnliI"l' 1111115 e1': ls a:shlloy0 'r. 1. Brandy'11:l. 1r. t.: l:e.1:'i loll. . ; THE ONY Is it:,5rar is ah a:dal btetee:sTledo, Ps lies ereean Groceres,_P_7__i7___ 7TE ONLY LINE it 2 tainearcetway dly ~3rcres Lrvlln ~l-0111'111 '5gllliil5IlfIII ZE .8ASYRIA, i. AtIl, TrunONLY OlIT ~rLINEH eaenTa withnlateniaiealexa~llct. Thnsadte Vic0na. and all kimnds of Sanitarium Glsl~lllIll 111s2l'll5. P11 ItBEK: I l t l (117 111 ireel to! TUE POltLuiiLINE beween Tle, Foo.w Foods for sale by t mmisum ork ca11reas~111-151l l I::to lpstonle 51111or1kin he.osjc 's111 1 01 ~i j ia, Eaeps, Granille ndNarmak.- a O 1. J. tud ntsWl~llt,;,to IPCt. lly Fll ifomaionsrelotive ts ate, ime of Stimsori & Co,t ledths eos tanecwlbecernyfuihdbaF 2I S. STATE ST. Sesei'ia : l tyo t lie 111 frtal t hes 155'elo 11015sili 111:515 Icpr~l i n I Agneselte Osi CetralLine. I 11111 2'1this:0'11.II. Ii11:1 :1:' MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A. 1i 0U'ie 1111. .T. IIsi11oll liel oll' t'. _____ ',TOLEDO, OHIO AN DALI THE PO0RPE t ttht frttd u tewvFrSl Aahu iltutr WashsingtonsBlock, to11o2111111 l1111111with111's' 11Cheap.1 Anno Abor. 5111 sAddre 1115lt Is-l'io:11 blls ,I A. 1 I. Dalb, 2 l'a'lti'y hll 1011 'llllitile1i Oil ( 11C' -_____ es-~ 14itha Sesson. Nw Oen. aned- A- Seaward. Caiiat_"1 ./A r Ora NG ng e r r . Seho .4at OS 1011'. 1ib et.t - 114 UI9lingl~og. Id rondfor. No. f TA Maynard St. O usic notia l 1 11:lio te sudet55s il sbscibefo th Daly be thusS«bscribe far 5lseu D thi U.3 OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bat- wuild bei-lilies-iytoolilanie.l It. is HURRA!An bran ats l as: s a She11 tee, *reams. All pointmentas irt clas. Rsarn n uc ,utr Impnorted and domestic cigars Ladles arin- ilmly ini 1115easeC (f 1111orlli fIS it51- I C® ~1LJiTP tic. hair dressing and bathinig parlors, u01, he VOrtl~anUd Calm t stairs. J. R. Trojannwskt 15. State sa t. 1115ts atits le 55is 7requlird ai11 I 6 6 . Main Street. Alyting ill sea-Il' ( SMATNFneaOletrClthotis cases 1itwill be inivalabe. alse inrL a ble lBoardl ins y, X3;;i Fr ent-Suite of 100111, all ...and Metallic Cakets aed Fine erade per ee. Reular 1mb 2-, 01-eOvh AY mosedern convenisees. 49 E. Inivr- 17 ~nsSobbacrinbe Specatty. Naily.S.A5ND NmoHT, P.S-Dns't foret- A see-i Fourhes. EmbalmingeafSrecialta.lNo.laity at Sunday ODinrs. 1:15 to 21::30P ma Isit ave, Mr1s 7L. 21L Bll Students buy the Best Fonntain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed. W ATERMAN'S IDEAL at the-WTRPA:- STUDE TS BO KSTOR Crane's fine Stationery pud for polite correspondence. Best linen papers ST D N S B O S O sold by thepud alng Cards Engraved. SHEEHAN & CO., STATE S'.