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May 22, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-22

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11 lot

, :nil .


Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
and good ones too. 'We
carry all the leading popu-
lar brando and can suit0
your taste. Cigarettes and0
S Tobaccos, too.
College Men!
College Girls-!
While cultivating your head
don't forget your feet. Here's an
The correct College Sihoes, Mens'
aod Girls' sell for $3.50,.$4.50 and
is Complete
0With-ou~t a
0 We have Cameras that ate0
0 specially adapted for bicyv-e
0 lers at $5.00 to $25.00. $8.000
0 will get a good one. Ask
0 for Catalogue.0

Annual Track and Field Meet
Will Be Held Today.
The annual 'varsity track and field
n'eet will he held this afternoon at
the Athletic Field. Evry cxs'ddatc
for htouos has been training hard aii

Clerk of coarse-H. I. Weinstein.
Announer-Prof. Trueblood.
Scorers--f". Simns, Green sodti O. RI
Marshals-A. Keith and El. S. Dan-
S. C. A. Bids Him Goodbye.
-Newherry halseas beautifully dee-
orated last evening for the Farewell

string and the work done in practicerceptionsiven1 rath so aansuii
siani association to President and Mrs.
lots beets.sVcry entcouraging. The in-
sitrationis certainlyIpoittoisa list fAt gl. h parlors svere adorned
clew s contests andl psrsts the lsoaer- swithi flossera, palmss and ferns, while
tlig of 's-arsity recoids. Theo sliehah the treat roosisssere decked out swithi
chs-esn are expecrientesd and thirc - flags of thet'Unitetd States and Turkey.
lectinti 'tatters the promplt runniing oif Turkish msats, rugs and drapes ws-re
of all tilt evenits. ( iprousinent. The otstide of the build-
I-faets esttetaut swill ssear the conrs lintg sias hung wsithi Chlmes-' laniterns.
of tis., eiss to whtichi lie helosings :ani About six hunidred personss scre
it is hote th-sialt itoein i tsesttance sresetnt, ttnd ssere receisvetd by thte
trill ditalikesstanadlarouse sossnuchts rersidtent <ansi:lr.Angell, Dr. Urea-
cisas stiitasepobssible. The eta-srs-altt, f'residlent Macslotsanditi Css
cetoes tire its follows. Wsoods of tse S. C. A. The University
' t7Silver slid white; '98, light blue (flee club seas Hieartily- cheered its its
tutd irown; fi) gree n sand gaol;'00, singitig of college songs. After the; ;:)
yelo etisar tut witie. frst snunilboer-by tieleubish.Dr. frescott
'Ito isltttlssioti tao been cuttoIts?3 made aasort asddress, to whirls Dr.
cs-sts, lsis'cs adliitte'd free, The first (\tii'i'il rostsoisesi in the felicitous
s-st sisill be cedctpirotmpitly at 3:34 .) s'sssssr so well knsossn to tile stusdes'l
o'clock. of te Univeorsity far the last 23 years.
'fTs'-proramsts uasrransge'di sld the tic referreti-to Iis trillIs Ciisa, and
'ntrissasrs'its followsa: tislbsgreaut numtber sit Michsigans
1. 1.00) yarsdsasi-First liessi, 'P-vi. siiss'l whomi he haid iset there as
siA, P'rs-tis's, _lasonsandTihi'1lompssons; mssionaries. Ito sais thasst ho sss
coeds heast, Thomsias, issild suet Hick- ssssuied stud isiglit not isalksof the
titt "i'lssts'in -politicali sittustion, bittt I hsIle
2.ae wle s-sl-Tya, Worfsould say that lie did nsat feel that
Pault, Ctsoritzandust-Clsr
xt. ill fells3ysrdsrdsas. lie ss.sagoisig swholly stamotg strasngers.
4. 521) yardsshurdles--Ayres, Chubsbh,lHe kews already of -several smission-
fst(,LeanttanustWebster. aitis thtere swhlo had receiv-ositheir
5. 44t)ysardls run-sHealsd, Cotds,Bsat- eduscstiona at Clichsigsan. Amonsg the
ts'rssss, tlsrlssstn soad T'homasss. ia3 hrse eolcin i ol
ti. Onit' sills'rstn-AN'ool, fHodgmnanutltciesseircletssles'sti
andst'sWhitcombtt. taske frostsAttn Arbsor wsith im t, noise
i. 220 yarsss ashss-fealsd, A~bel,5wotilistbitods-set suponisith usore isieas-
Pr'titss, Cls1soos, Thomptlson, Thsowas lire Ithan those of the Stutdetits' Chris-
sti lliektsttn. tistaassocisation. 'The cseerinig ssas
85. S1yarsrni-King, Nlhittlesry,
Andeirsso, fParsonts, Sisrnoeb msid ihearty bohalsa t te cviserof the sisietess
13" itey. nst severalst inmes litting its progress.
9. 23)) yards liutrdles-Ayres, Chubbi, It wsaoregreltedi by the associatists

'00 DEFEATS '99.
Inter-Class Baseball Service
Opened Yesterday.
'T'he first gamse of the intercass ser-
too hetwveen the All-Freshmen and '9.
sas played yesterdsay afternoonassand
resulted in a victory for the frrshsnt.
Etrors w-re smercilesly scattered
throughs the entire gamse, but those of
'9J svere sore rosly. Boils pitcers
did good svork, but Calhoun fr the
0'sad lashadise te etter of it.
Tise catchisig of Fulsoin for the Frst-
isets sd sidchsto steady to osstire
ttisanid to his osiness an be laid
a gooad share of ue ause for the do-
feat of tie Sphs.
'Als Solphs. were first at bat and
Gooley scred n a base on ball, a
steal of second and lu-s errat. Three
mtore serer aitded in the third ass sa-s
siges, soasiwi l itrb and a osibina-
tioss of errors. Titer scaes foloes
its the stalls on twso mae sigles,
Joyce's two-bagger and a hitt y
pilied ball. The last scre camne in
lt' inthson a sisgle, a fielder's coice
sod more errors.
The Freshmien uerr unable to sc-ae
stil~ the ithird, slsn Calisshoun came
acrtos the pl1a1e. In the fourthlaF-
soitsintgle'd over second. Bnson si-
gled ands errata brought in tsre
sdores. '[hey sress' ilaks in tie
fsourtlhsiIndfith, anti in the sixth it-
cea-ssed their score by se, n Crb-
bie5 s isgie, hIsis uat Steal of oconel
asid an ersor. Cn ue seventh vey
itan on the tasts tools a trn at Llat.
Thue ever presenst errors, sissy infiels
starts, a two-bagger and at stge
brottght in a total of fire uns andi
gasva thems a lesd that could not be
Boths cIassars had manay rotoe!.sd
sdid rsverythinsg in thsir powsr to rtle
thes opposing players.
Tue scoefollow-:
AB KR110 AnB
Coley21---........0 20 4 12
Blanos------41 1 0 2
Joyelb-...........4 0 1ff2 1 1
CHammosssnd, c..-....50 1 3 -4 1
Jonets,Lf-----------....51 4 10 0
Keith,p--.-.......--4 0 C1 24 1
Ptter, r. f.---.------.3 0 1fO l
Lae, r. f.---.-....--20 0 100
MKay,e. f ........4 10 10 0
Bishtop,3b----------..3 210CC3
Totals----------1 , 4 5 9 24 1 10
(Continued on Tti'd Page.)
'Tlse'house of repesetatives bha
rut the appropriation of the ieligao
Mlining School from $C15,000, the sen-
ale's reeomsoeudation, to $75,000.
Track Meet today, 3 p. i.,
at Athletic Field.

t'Al.s s lsii'Webster'.
110.. Runnssing high juntl-Vrnsc,
15. Slios tiut-Oliver, Lout, Dye ansi

--AT- 1.Rinnuitig broad jetml-WilkiO-
sts, sor,110ClLoan, IRunnels, Lousi
WAH S BOOK STORE., tnsiCarey. ta-Btutt ti-r
Just receivedI another lot of Csstttss, Dye,fHarvey and Cart. j
that fine U. of M. Monogt am f4.--Pair vvault-Tryon, Adanso and
Paper, the popular shades Clutehssnssl.
BlueandWhie; lsoa Nw lC. Quarter tlle relay rare--Team
BlueandWhit; aso aNew A. Thsomias, TTlupson, Cobb and M1=a-
Stock of the Various High son; teasm B. Elbeihl, Prentiss, Hieald
Grade Correspondence Paper. and Batternan,
Visiting Cards Engraved, and Thle afficials will be as follows:
Plate Printing. Juldges at finisi-Prof. Wenley, Dr.
M'Alurrich 'and M.T. Baughmtan.
imtutrs-Dr. Nancrede, Will Watts.
WHR'S BOOK STORE Dr. Rabethge and L. L. Hill.
Funld judges-F'. W. Hlenninger, E:
Up Town Down Town I' do~out,0.H. rgt
S. Sale St. Opposite Court House ..Wut
Ann Arbor Main at, I Starter--Dr. Fitzgerald.

thsat it ovas itt'possils to go outside
rise nenber"ship list in their invita-
lions, but thse buildsing wosuldsntavse
accsommtodaited ntatsy msore than weore
thsere last nighut.
1900 Oracle Prizos.
'Tis Orarle Board suet yesterdasy
sfternoon and derided to offer else fol-
loswing prizes for next year's Oracle:
'[Ttn dollars for tse best story, prefer-
asbly one of college life; one year's sub-
s'ripion to Stribues's Mlagazine fat'
tse best poem, ansitsvo volusmes of
draswings by Gibson, Weuzel and
other well knoswns artists for the heel
cover desigan. The board retains the
rigto using any msaterial handed In,
and rejecting all that illis not up to
the desired standard.

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