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May 22, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-22

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Publishedl Daily (Sundays excepted) dring'.
the College year, at
OrrIce: Times buildineg, 79 S. Male St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sts.
J. F. THOMAS, 7.
E. L. G~ssuEs, '05 L.
11. B. SKILLosAN, '98 L.
0. Fl. lOANs, '95
F. S. SIxoNs, '98 L. A. CAMrEsLL, 't.
F. A. Feers, '9S B. A. OtaurE, '9.
G. D. liUDNwc, '50. T. . Woonoow, '9.
Bocr~a LAsso,'00. G. D. JENNiOGS '9M15
The subscription price of the Daily is $2.10
for the college year, with a regular delivcry
before nooo each day. Notices, communica-
tions, and other mattee intesded for puhlica-
ties mutt be haoded is at the Daily office e-
fole 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3
p. in., of the day previous to that on which
they are expected to appear.
Subscriptions may be left at The Daily
Office, Meyers or Stoffiet's Newstand, or
with Business Manager. Suhribers will con-
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this
office ass failure of carriers to delivee paper.
At the meeting of the Daily BoardO
last night 0. II. hlis was re-elected
bcsiness manager, antI B. L. Griomrer
assistant mnaginig editor for (lie ei-
siting your.
The Athleiic Associaition lias flared
a smll aidmissioni prior for the ' 'ar-
oily field moot this afternoon atnd bos
done all ini its iiowver to stiract a large
attenidance iii order to give tile leach:
Min oiirouiagenient for the brl wA
alloy have clonie. Now let te sttdents
sissy their interest by iheir attend-
The farewell receptioni by the S. C.
A. last night was a fittinlg tribute by.
that organication for thie serivices re
ieeif in its behalf biy President An-
gell. The S. C. A., however, are ne:
alone in the desire In pay honor to
_ one ideparting presideiot anti it wold
be eminilently fitting that the entire
student hotly, for whionm lie hiab labor
ed moot, shonld hold a meeting to ex-
te-nd their respects and ask for a fare-
well address.
Church Services Tomorrow.
First M. B. chinich, B. L. McEliwy,
pastor. 9:30 a. 1., class meeting; 10:30
a. ino., sermoon, subjert, "Mastery of a
Potent Secrret;" 12 in., Sunday srhool;
0:30 p. in., l'pwortli Leagne; 7:30 p. in.,
sermon, snbject; "A Man Wihout a
St. Anidrwos chinrcb, ttev. Henry
Tatlock, Bector; Rev. Henry P. Hor-
ton, Assistant. _7:30 a. in., Holy Coim-
munlion; 10:30 a. n., morning prayer,
litainy and sermon; 12 in., Sunday
school anld Bible clasoes; 3 p. in., Sun-
day schools at Geddes and Fosters;
4,30 p. in., nmeeting of the Brotherhood
of St. Andrew; 7:30 p. i., evening .
prayer and sermon.I
LOST-Diamond ring at Austin.'sl
dancing school. Finder please, return
to 39 church street and receive reward.I

Tennis Tournament Begins.
The annual spring tennis tonrnamint
oprned yesterday afternoon on thi
'facrulty rourts. The quality of teiis
played~ was far abov-e that tisoplayed
laot fall, aud argnes wvell for our sue-
ross in the dual meoet with Chiragc
and in the Western Intercollegiate
elllilpisonslip. Only singleosovere rn
off: in this the entire preliminary ronnd
and toniiatrlies iii the firot round
Of the nosymnoroe, '99, showed
oop exreetdingly- oell; this tois is first
varsity toturnamoent and he soon his
matc lh by ra good exhibition of the
gamei. Of itieoshier lnewvmcii Wrqih
and Baoker niade a c reditable showinig.
fpashing ttipoley anti tatr-ey hard for
a lller in the first round. Herrick
aiid Lamb both wron their inatrie~s
osilli ease.
The most closely toontestetd match of
theclay ovas in the loroliooiioary- reisnd
btioseonDanforthi and Russell. 'rhe
fiost sot svaosNeotirather easily by7
Iitanfortii, -2, but in the serond so:
Runssell brared up]) and the score ovas
soon 5-all. Here toy someoo brilliani
la~ying IRussell wo-ixthe li'xt two
gaoooos anti.oct. After a sliglit rest
play began on (lie third and dciifng
set. Danfoorthi soon had file set 3-1 i~z
his fassor: hut Rutssell pulled tie score
isi to 3-iill asnf 3-all. The next gaico'
osent to tRussell antl the set seemedl
lots; Danfortli, hoovser, moade oa lasti
standl aloo by splenidid plhaying sroii the
neoxt three glailir, sot sod iieaolli.
Score by lpaits:

Te1897 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvemes
in construction than any ether bicycles now before the public. Never. before hove
such excellent values beeu offered for the money. Oor new line, consisting of eight
nsporb smodels at $00, $75 end $120 for siugle machines, and $150 for tandeons, scolt
thse varioua options offered, is such that the most exacting purchaser cano hoentiely
Students and Teachers
can secnre pleaoanot aiid profitable wvork introducing one
Public Libraries........
- iso lownos and country assd forsming Beading Clubs. Just
thiesvork for Stunfits, Teachers and Ministers.
Managers ..................
-We alsso awant ae few esicigel c field moanagers. Slate age
told cxi : lie151inbook worsk.
- Address Dept. "S" RAND, MCNALLY & CO., Chicago.

Danforth_ .

.s__ as541 244 6
.000---- 3 d 42d 10 0
-4 0 504d 0 iii 4 525105
.1 4 Set
7 1t4dd 86i1 2 4
4 Set
._d____ 502 d40 da4211 o

2 a o e ; w.v owowv.am.cwcwe .ecw c emo-oa4 ,.


of150 ae.,a samuple Ito
® axe addrs. Pc055,
a V z G°>phoud,s .180; sear.
i ter pound.40 e..
aURBUG, 15Fulsen

Folloswinsg are tie insat.
Aitis score: singles-
roooief, Harvsey heat Bale
Gorn-heat Davis 6-2, 6-4
bet Russell (6-2, 5-7, 8-6;
ttay niontf 6-0, li-2.irist rc
bo'at iWight li-2, 6-4; I1
Oldster 6-0, ti-i.
Play today begins at J a.
es scheoluled are as follow is o-d ave s
vs. Daiiforthi. Doubles-
rtundi, Gore iand IRaymlonid
aid Hatch, Hars-ey and
Daniforth and Lamlb.
'Varsity at Corn
Tise 'Varsty teaiur loft fo
10:05 last night es-er tii
Contral. The U. of 3. ho
lii 'teaiioanld a large eco
dents to the depoot, whet,
-was given a hearty son
will arrive at Ithlaca at]
lis all 14 11001 oent on iii
turns fromn the ganme will
by innings at the track moo
TO RENT--A numberc
U. of M. boat house by hoi

rlues layed-'t

or ti-1, 6--h: ANNOUiNCROIENT.
I; DaneorthIn i ortder to base as lirge a cross - t
Lamb heat fossible -at the - Sarchi:yo--tra c 'ie
sstl tihi iSsurday thie board of odirectors hii
onRp eecitded to 101stihie admniissilonloswn t I I:,
enrch beat 23 cents. The 'Varsity track soiads
- hass been trainintg eartiestly doiring the SUPPLIES
in. Moateli season in order to present a siron-.
':Snge-team to mseset Clhigo at Dotroit.Jiay Opildiec Lescue Bail, lits, M~asks, etc
s: 8iJ (s-Monoces shoold send for samples asnd
loe -an tths. This soill be theo'n0113 rel op- speclial rates. Every requisite for Tensis,
'G ae, Lm'-Golf, Crickret, Teach and Field, Gymna-
portunity to joudge the train before nonm Fqoipments and outit. Complete
-Preimiarytha mee an evry 05'a stttet iCaolo-ne of Spsring und Summer Sports
Pielmniarytha noct nd ver loal tmuo'It Ifree."The N-ame the Guarantee"
* vs. Wright should he at hanild to give theienO thein A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,
Herrick vs. preoperencusragemxent. 'fhi games Nera'York. Cicaego, Philademphia'.
soill begin at 3 10.In. Laodies ws'.? ho"
- atfnhfteel free. The baodsiio lol be 011iT
sell. hnd.ftepots by inniig of I'th aboo N D EQ
swith Cornell at ithaca soill he- an-
or Ithaca amtoomTedor-s ]'R entT-i-d..1
td escrtd ubsrie or heDaly Tire Lerwest Line of Bicycles, Sun-
____________SubscribefortheDaily, dens ad OSupplies st
.the team'l Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameri-
B U R EAcan Bouse.
I-off. Thies-BRAyO ____________
12:03 today.HCaps. Gons nd SUMMER LAW LECTURES
ltrmp. tie- CL CtX ~i tNVEIi~TY 197 OP VIRGINIA.
OTRLL LEAR fiey 1te Aoli3, 1597. Coure aincludes 301 6etar by
be reeeieteqrJusstice Harlansf111 0. SoipremeCourt For
hereivdAlbany, N. Y, 'halogeaddressR BCMINORI,Scet~ary,.
et this after- V. MUnoftFLT,, Munager. Charlottesville, Va.
44d. N. 55111am St
- ('~~ 10. MARTIN , Funerasl Director, Cloth q~5'
of bouts at ®-" and Mletallic Cashties and Plse Grade0 i Z
Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 11 S.
fur or day. Fourth ave. ANN ARBOR. MICH.

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