4T 11 lot , :nil . VOL. VII. No. 176. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. SCIGARS To BUR_.# $ and good ones too. 'We carry all the leading popu- lar brando and can suit0 your taste. Cigarettes and0 S Tobaccos, too. $ PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. College Men! College Girls-! While cultivating your head don't forget your feet. Here's an axiom. The correct College Sihoes, Mens' aod Girls' sell for $3.50,.$4.50 and $5.00. TAN, GREEN and BLACK. 3 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. is Complete 0With-ou~t a 0 We have Cameras that ate0 0 specially adapted for bicyv-e 0 lers at $5.00 to $25.00. $8.000 0 will get a good one. Ask 0 for Catalogue.0 CALKINS' - :- PHARMACY, M 'VARSITY FIELD DAY. Annual Track and Field Meet Will Be Held Today. The annual 'varsity track and field n'eet will he held this afternoon at the Athletic Field. Evry cxs'ddatc for htouos has been training hard aii Clerk of coarse-H. I. Weinstein. Announer-Prof. Trueblood. Scorers--f". Simns, Green sodti O. RI H-arrison. Marshals-A. Keith and El. S. Dan- forth. S. C. A. Bids Him Goodbye. -Newherry halseas beautifully dee- orated last evening for the Farewell string and the work done in practicerceptionsiven1 rath so aansuii siani association to President and Mrs. lots beets.sVcry entcouraging. The in- sitrationis certainlyIpoittoisa list fAt gl. h parlors svere adorned clew s contests andl psrsts the lsoaer- swithi flossera, palmss and ferns, while tlig of 's-arsity recoids. Theo sliehah the treat roosisssere decked out swithi chs-esn are expecrientesd and thirc - flags of thet'Unitetd States and Turkey. lectinti 'tatters the promplt runniing oif Turkish msats, rugs and drapes ws-re of all tilt evenits. ( iprousinent. The otstide of the build- I-faets esttetaut swill ssear the conrs lintg sias hung wsithi Chlmes-' laniterns. of tis., eiss to whtichi lie helosings :ani About six hunidred personss scre it is hote th-sialt itoein i tsesttance sresetnt, ttnd ssere receisvetd by thte trill ditalikesstanadlarouse sossnuchts rersidtent