If You Are Thinkin'g of Buying a
do not ne lect looking over our immnense largo line of the choicest g-tients nmade in this country. We know that there isn't a better
and more complete line of
01 I 1,- 000 050 .100000 e IO 0001
in this city and we clam thatn ist of temrhn t ibrs ano iv o near sgota fit although they will charge yo oub00)1 the Irie-
Our Sulits ar froii l15 to $20 are simply legant, notning in the raod -mde line to umatchi themn. Hammersough ros.' Overcoats
1414.swellest mada.nid only handled by(s. gYou will want one of these.
T~IGiGe'abl( GvieNWAt Pt-896t,._
Too 1 bi(Rrod) op 21 1 Then. S. 1Parler IoonoainPen is inott hocolest p (10onthe-
EalA4EST.P M a, A M nrmarket, lye e - l 1000 \c I ldsold. \hv ecause each a
Malad x .34 N Y Speia l 0 .010otiCiry ~ 10)ln eI ~
N, Y Special 4 ea il ..--. _ a 3 ws ld ihellps to ell (tlicis. People wholu s theimi ieominiueithemii .. --- .Ilo
AatenEx---.010. .Liied 1) 0 il ollowiliglel0t00 iiis ifr lom iiniiem elikowni thiiioughout te4410 . a'co Ml
Atlanotic, Pri . 1. lcifie I'E _--10 13country in tiheir ,pclepoesosarc to th'pint-'t"
. NExpoes...40iiiWes ernE....1 . i5, iv )rifsilil hePit
G. R Expess__ilis ci N E>,_ "y Thicer Fountain Pcnui i.siiiply erect. After isiig several I " F
. W.ROcoLoEoS, I. . a. 'o kids .I can saythils is thle only onel I hve foundul stfctory. It dtoes G.P . 001iao10t nnAbr a t f'"" rz
n.0T o. boe.Al s rot 1011il)l11the 14)10lindiyet is alwoys 10011110 for T ite.I conyt osat
. l. G (io. H. Ci lorto'., .1.)1> 22 W, L 1th t.. New York. y 000POo 1L
SI07' OP -I ''X ililit exetioiln the Poiorke' is the 101t11out'in Pen I have ' " I x
- j 0.5' ,.0 ever seen. It's thlien104I hoha e eiiiookiioic fo tiese 20 yeas.''a
Bio I'.P. Swicv Tiy N.Y. I OOoo 'e0 ~
00 th'o'ona~~Rec~ ininicii 1111dgtirlinteedl. Yor11pe n ceruiiy exchaiilcnI__________ 0 , 1'3,
-A1L11th iiud ir hand is exaitlyscite. Th onsling Gar Cnine be tween To
Tune Tabile, Sjol. (o104o)6. 0The Onl SlepigorawIi na oooRoom Car
Nomail. s010 0p;;,,,, 2004 . ,. ,..,. .,..."':, Lie btween To lol, Columbus and
'73 , . .704o a, . M aritta
9: 0i . ii 11io-0 a. om. The Oly Drawng Roomt Car CoLn ewen
+Sn 1'only lie on oedo d oioiiooo " 11I iS E - 3imio n
but lucitii,( Pulmao SloeersVIbeotseen Colmbus and
oo~w si opo i lolbeten Toledoiand' That 'iiis w0ht we .ilIo11, it 111 i1Nlii lef31 t i ollles G001001.
'Dioly exceptblundaoy TIoOoT100 01 -s ieoood
P. .5,iiOliOE ALoot111.)101\'( titii~ iii. we \1'15<>1 ,'e llu i1(11 V(liii. for it. T bEOLY e o ItGI1 Aetdltoleoooota4(00c0s 000
TOEONYI" 0,1i+o 00: 00-
W. . BE NNETT 0. P.A. Toldo . Oooooss boosxo e o and oloollobOooe
J fOi-,. 41[C5 v IT . Washington. TE ONLY LI131ithot l se :+ daly0011
ANN ARBhOR & YPSILANTI S NY .r1.11mid~l~ ~1 g kL i, o.40 ve eoro o ,Booo o1 o
TDObE 0Y01 LTo 102t010n0etoaoasy000O
r-Oberlin Beats Chlicago. oi,rO'D'(I0 onlil00is01especioall tos TUBbeONtee TelooTo LNEd Lhtoosn, o F.
TO DNLI1110Tf: LINE btwee Tolod
Toma Table, May 17, 1896 11l',ltIhn O lenool(00' 011 l.y (l' n ood they, loFlas.
LeaveY silutl fom (Jn 315 't ,6:30,:00 A lol' it i~11 ObTEEin 11O- 11n.(n(- 1 00POULAR INE een a Td To]0ewa Fm
O J)eY]a((.ooi filame."' will. lIloe), al'0' loooiilo i1 tl witho -rilo' 0000's0"""" iblnoo 00ill to' oO'0iloui'o ilibolo0 55000,0,oosilooo wa 0
aod 11:(H)a. ., 14, 100, :.:15.0, 43: 4, 505 ________-______
and 101p.m10. '''' ol ole00 o',003i 000U Ii uln },00 100 1 l t0 ho'Tilsit shoo] andootheollo' soiiolo' Fl Infoom'ooo livtso ra01 esIs o ie Ooof
Leave Aoo Arbor Junoctioon, 7ol10, 8:301and IOtrains, et.,el 10' vlooooloolfly ioiosheyany
i11130 oa*i.; l 1:.1, o :0, 5W0 115, 9:00and coio d l1000100 O0l00' 01\I'oit l l l b1 3O 100 loollns. I Aget otle 0100 o 0 001 10i0es.
loolc ('lSUN'AYgooM0001Illy Clo' io'o e l l v o 11I.I MOULTON OUNi, . P. A.
Leve Ypsilanti from (C'ogesst.,1o1153.,) ba ns.iliooo oos- 00. 4 'lllo'oci, 10 _ _ __ )'..~-
5.Liii:oil nd 1o15re.aa
Leasve Aoo Abor Juncion i,4:0ll, -053,'lloo 'vorsig t ubo. (ov b' luroolo' (1.eaarorl ('le's ','QTifir
00r00100 ooity timr Fareo sngleotriplO15000000 oll11:00 olo'1o.u(ol.1 1 oo 000 1 001' 0101110:1l10
cns; roud rip tickets 25 cos. ''THURSDAYV. ouoloo'o. Ioooo'2o119.l00 Sopt oc tooo'rcorbob bo'o1o' ool
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS ii, 1 lou ouultiboth 13 mlllonto1-i olt OrC l1.00 0o lol loFtOho1 hos ieipio'oma bynt. 0 oooooo.ilr
MIONEY TO JOAN ON PJRSONAL (111 011(1 . 00l i'eily' 1:1 t( -Ns ou01,m en ny ft?-
PR P 'ls0 i (o li.luow 11;' 1 bolt t (0 lyi s bacik ot iofiu-d btio1 05 00.004 ing-I I!bPOPER Y. il Obrl'
ohmanu L l lto i ht il brieluclug u iite l'est sun ens
Whlolesale Cigars, 'obaciosand l'('ho' (1v 1'001 is iolO' 10V 101000'toAl~lnn.T o rih ee hO'
Cigarettes. :ulol b'"'t ilg whiloco-. ()Ilo iotoo0lu 0'o31olgii.T eI±h~ O hO
Co . M -n a d(1 betrSs oss''io 11115 l 4'uoo'. 00 I ' 1o cio'. iAol ho iou sholl lol i'oo(uu- The Fnniet Ii so Plyiv10eOWr 0110n0
_________________________________we________tll s l tt l illulools oul 1 ' o r their1 0 ic to 1010. tltoouiug o .0 iPrices - 25c, 35c, and 500.
l'ou3'1tto' oloto l s oh'uldo\Liaco' 1 liglul' Tiket for slo at1te lr10. op.sE s uoo'ooie
JustlReoeied a Lgeoand Elegaut 11'. It, ol' roll to e:: otu tol'0 to0owithot eotrao och rge.
L±~~e of ~~Tow Pip ,ho the 0 itliti oot is t ooo t oOi410 ,00too o'o l'luihu Inic:;lit 800a1 tooliloito
Hotaod old0 oieoal ll iouoois. oAgets ots odOl(in lu, lu lth' o 10 ilO'u 00l.101000000 110 n1-iouchd ratei o~s, GoceriesJ --Po visions
£~o.~oyle 0 iid '~illims ood leooo~os Jo 0 015'iii 010111 111 0151 to lb Sliand'1allu('10.nan all ilad of anitiriu
ota e. Bos.J' .~Y (O'rlonu:g0100011101' No. 11. ''lh'eoannual fall hloiolod iirIcio'melet Foods fo'Sale by
20Os. Stte S., Sager Blok. '9B L Football Candidates r-li'o 3l''i~oioo loiti.lli'S u s n. & (0.
__Mee___t 01pr ooqite tlio oilo''ss il,1111d1Ii-. '2I . ;'5 STATE S'.
ia * nEU 1th Seoso. Now peo. The anidlitoesfor theo' 11.8 lo footooll path1.iloo ioi'ad 1 e111'1P'r i tnii10001110
11 IJIIJ io. rooid loor. No. 61 11mo tleolrriilE110 01ini le lulf-luil ocic O the lllo'o' i Il AOLLTE HTgRpHER
MoyardSO blo' 'liiqiisfol' lio mo wo'tlo nid lnite, ;u'. .3!-5 'econd. or twvo sc" Washingto Block,
il apisfrteps vekadoioleabss 11an1ti(hrreod ulo by'thi' 0 Ann Arbor.
U. OF 5. SHAVING PARLOR and Bot-lll' 111110 t owYpoinilt toi 111 ixorplI-t"i'le)' ' 0 ______________________
U.rooms. All appointmento hirt class. i i .oolio.____________________
Imported sod domesie, igas. Ldies' arll- I tioonlly' strong itelas. Amlong toe
tie hair drssing and bthing0 parlors, us HEBREW, ASYRIAN, CUIBICn.
stairs. JR. Trojooowski. 3S. Stoe sO. wotie iipupearel for plrice ino-(CREEK: Prof. Craig is obligeod to
M. MARTIN, Fneral Diretor Cloth -tie followig:WAoeer, icliols, pospone workoito'these soibect until iiAi' o
a.J 'dMetoie Caskets ad Fe Grade ~.h-f',"lhu'
Coffns. Embalming a Specially. N. 11 S, Dunn, Seeginller, Abbott, Bartlett. Oct. 21. Stdeits ooitin to elect any p
Forh ave. Bloolard. Coolly, IHolczteiiier.Iortseo roses sill ipleasl replot in R
U. of M. Dining Hall, 12 E. Liberty 'agelselb. obbins0,Shiultz Ibnd Stowe. 1100111 'L'i. H.,a00'3 a01.Ii. o i b 'day.
ot. We taun to please; if not, pleawe Besides the shove te clss ,cobtints Por Rnt-Suite of roms1, al A itV
tell s why; if we do, plese tell your others Who11 havepllayed prevously 01ilmodrn co nveniencOOes. 41 E. Unier- C OM ML
friends. $2.50 pter week. 25 trepartory shool eleens 01nd ian- sity ave., 'Mrs. L. 1I. Bell. 1. f.