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October 21, 1896 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-21

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H ,aot Driaaaa nkaasaasC aTAI O NC PATRONIZE HOLES' LIVERY
$25.00inks 0 $1500, and get the best service.
We are serving better Cold Acea TeSalehne127Fres
'oanwtaweddls r Stl QultadFtGarneyl":spring. That is because we Braich Oficeo at Palmers' Pharmacy
ar nt atsfe wth"god °Do A. TIN KE & SON TE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
enough.'ro;Sat,5005.Seis 1000
We are now trying ust as 0 Hatters' Fine Furnishers and Pr once. ~le Ageiit Royal 'l~ilItReourece, , 100i,005t.
A hard on hot drinks. 0Oecanitmed'asdee the Geee a shwnie tees
Ou rns r i a od Ioem oin's Bats, Julop Hats andi Walerlitouse Neckwear. )f this 'Nate. Rleceives deposits, hays and
01 ~e'so efatage as th'e pintipal iies of the
< te aveagethey reiUitecd Stattes . Iieoits cashedu on oopeper
A 1 t0 veag-Ii r 05 No.9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Axbor®I' eel!i iestihicvtin. Staty deposit boxer; to rest,
4 het: er. 0 OFeiCU, eo theisttiesMacaPrets.; 0V. 0.
A 0 laceiscac, Vice-Pees.:Ohao 5:. PHiscoch,
Hot Coffee, lHot Chocolate, 0 Ca ~ac-~ 5 s. ahiee: ii. Fr litzA Stisiast Cashie.
Slt0lm uie Ec.oyad paces , FIRST INATIONAL BANK o~mnfJ 186
___terttea d )ett.4 xt. (c'spftoa, $i00't. rl. t p anad Il"c eflt i tOfi4,
SUoBco tgs; , . iOee >easacis s p set al heelc,; } mss
c p )OSret, 'is ok. Pore 'g excetc ing e aouq ;e Ld rold . n h
CALKIS' -:- PHARMACY. letniy_ z ________
P.. I \ 1(100 . 1eAt li is>T l-o I i P
S.W.-xc .. La ":tlY -tt .. I ale;Y'
ANGSTERFEB'S IGentle t trpan's besrella !tnt it
-Ttiioroo<> s-Close Roll ---Silk Case -Fast Color. ;Low' ney Chocol tes.
YiSoulth State Street 10(1 hot-1Lunche~s.
t_-or. 1-011th and )\\ ashitron Sts.,
' tt ra 74S. Stdt~.
Telephone Both Stores.
!iik htt, lttt S S it £case u. OPF Ni. CALL ODAR. ,tel'ic -al > i l 0.11' i ' lt t;.i.
u l nt to ntl 1to oU tart ieat nd i rt. ii_.i ;.o 'ic2. I'li 1 l-;;tt ' il.rt"(' - - XX cii Ett, : T 1 so-{ ll 00 ere t lot:ai to
Ch i )1y. N . . ,ItI>st5. . . ;< i ; sot)i
Snit-t.'tlits1"'rti'tl;miln' itiet. ':ii tI.l.e..>. ttf'1. ~l } rlr s tU -flfuu
- 0 1 1 1 I t. 1. ) i ii i, t'e I cI i c a i ; t i ; ; x L W U S I I I E I A O
'ONn lullltIeU I tTY uNOt~l ' Iat;';;;I; II' ie t i F 1, co 1AFI 0151f
* L BL R, lt;lt; hit;. 2,t itr:1iti; Ti'tK TTLE
0. 'All : nlOttor11t5;i'tet" tii}. tt I a'. 5.i illI + i no it. t't 1 ;; ;' =i;; I estu ' LAs PEa lIn E C IAGO.
t'ioli tatiotettilsit'" ;. '".itO tott-e
R O tet 0oofIaand I I ii I I hi;;;,,i 't;hl0;oSouthtP'__ State____st.
and Cokii le. ttytltis o 0 Ii.. tot iNO TES ED..RIC J CIRLEEDiE It .it
ato. 1 .l''ai.o ;ti'tti lt oits i v it ;h 'i"I. ;I ' t.'1 tttitti? ,,tritott 221;'titt. tetlo
at 'tiitiriotitc , 1.1 ; 1 t 'il . ltI~it-c cct t I t tl, t;[ t ( :ti s i)t '1: l. f t:=) 1 , . t B
1 0 t r a b i I~ . tl Ri .t ieil, aI ,Tu; It I p tt aIhe " '
'J R~l n 1tt~rt i a it e iol tnt ;;;I r tiilkr o i~k to t i1 'tct C' ?i S STA A 8 ii0 '00z~e ,T1ri:.citt
itit ~ctc. 1
itt il t .to'tt'titi;tti. histic.t i itti :ll- ii !lii 1 . 1PIHNE 'IM OSTI(
P ~ r ir>Ve1,8>4d 56f ltic I'efi d rim te A l l-cllal~ll t.ii . 21 tl1113 It hr ' 0; ~ aas +s~ s..atre~r+~ou

S-,foep1 lite forttteit tlayert--Jackets,
ers, Stat hi;nnshieseys, Site Iuerds,
r. paltinit o al it Ititcotlit ate
;tot Iii aont; tny .aptd lip toebIt-
itslgPi titiltlottCeople teCa.Tte-
_2"m hesstGOtt ranstee ."
Kew .'York,. tChicagto, Pttiladelphia.
OCTOBERt 20-22.
Agents of Ohio Central Lttnestwll sell
-lets October 19i and 20 at one Pare
or round trip rone all poitst in Ohig,
;aod returning until Ocetobeet'23.
Thie Ohio Ceutral Lines are running
1i8l vestibuled trains from Detroit
and Toledo to Cincinnati, without
hunge, 17
Wasotled-A Steward. Call at 29 E.
Liberty st

Theitt; ' ia;tit lt I t' likh1t' th;, i ol --. - -22 S. DIVISItIN ST.
tl , si lt'i tOt''i21 0111' 1:'ii"I Iii. 'IPhi;' ritat . iC ts Iteti;- i', ___________ ___a_________
clrastesil tht ' otir t elit t', o~ 1tc h i f t 'it ar-I tot't;iit -tit, tttttit o itit
lyi tCi'rllttt i1t, t it 1 illWhri ~t . ls 29 5. osoritln~l' t t bot t et . V 0tVtii enoi 11' t t 0 ptt.i'
Pto ate att atooe of ihil' litiQnttihtt 1111 N t. t i+12p1'('Ill fc ceitlttttt1 AXTRkwon i iOY I tti'st l ttI, xviii
1vt avrW tttati e tt1Odolt 0 PtIittt tt.2 .lttota -it ti oIoot 12 I rot2 1 l.Il

LWA \A ' ok That have perfect comlbustion and do nat
S moassmell:
The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, Thte Perfec-
tion Student, The Princess Student, The Emapress Studetnt, all
nickel plated, with latest imaprovements. We sell whit we ad-
vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold.
44So utlh Main Street.

elect work1.
tNt('xtalSlt tt i ctis deetiag t
eonsult twih I vott. ocat Deotuon will
fiud hit itntRoomL20, 1I.,1I., at 4 h. in.,
Prtof. Mct~tauglini ilbe itn100am 2,
T. H., Prottu I 4-)10o12::,0 dally, Per
consualtationirelaily o i wNootin Atter-
iean l11i'v

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