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October 21, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-21

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I ,. f .. s.. ,,.: ,., ,HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES
Published Daily (Sunedays excepted) durinn
the lilleti eear, lt at t h raclelx far ia anre ucil Iliagl
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, S hi,(11.01 at At Atba'temW
0FFICE: Times building, itS Mxx bt. "te le ery' ptti. lT' l tittil fArerlitnly I
een Libeity antd William Six. Lue e te u aanl taaitlligtfltoie ixatd
t t A G IN G aI tfiT T f - t he k itt it lte tit ei ra n nur i it t a l. l t'w S1 ~~

EDIiTORS titality it ,nastic tIttiti ntdi tlit iti
E. L. GttStttLu, 'i" L. Fi. S. Statiat, 'a. ,11()' i1tt'l'liat-11a(1i felltt(it le;
B. B. llcETEcNXc , 'li. II. B. SstttLtAt, '15 L. aiit
C. iAl. GREENx, 99;lAthletic Editoe. that O'laCa eIredi anyttlhtitaot ita.
- ~ Te titi'1cialtitiic11tiii.a tr ls
BUSINESS tiANAtIU artia lli titI ia ilttiti
0. 11. Ha,'a
iV. it. Hitteca'tic. S. ii. Satitm1ittt'ta0d ort itt aaiitt atir tihatiri to it'
F. M. Lttaui. 'tic. Lattise Da -,99 111 ishil tilh Ugh Sehllt
Wv. P. Mrrilt, '9S. Iii. .Caratntt99
tAxa mth'9 tos, .hit' yct'lsl'tatctmiidittt ialy
leeththe ettilece yovertciiilt lixl
befote tnoti eacti tav. Nitli"c, nc~
Liaxsttttdaothttttattertittte-tccifor p t il it'ittt11 roemoett' tttat-~ilt till .i-t
tiattmtbteihatttiathettatlty otttrttb-
subscriptionsttayt1ta ef t ia t ThrDaily
Officer, Meye r's o tili(tsa Nt'ta tid, or tttt>tti ittf'tdtittaoittilit t li t ticf
twiittlBuinate aitu' r. Stttiercwillicar-
let a ftaor tiy Ictittii gpro p tl ttilths+1(illit ic It : a ittt 1e t o hiatit i it
ttfice iny tailareaf tirrt uttatti eier lpiar. ~ tuii i'aitint i iti
for I re0siler ddrs, ,11;. soue Second Clasx Singles Today.
itittit11 titi iiill 1ttttatprttailttitiy itt' thei tenit tirituttialit y I ca . n
vitedti i ttto-the cuter i. Iti t pity ii" tt11il tes1 1l htotfa it ceututij


Au elegant, genlteel anet nBu
if a . C. Bitck itt. BrowntiKersey, DiadePatith deep
i ilkly veivrt coilats' linedtithrotughottwiitha
~Jei7yc~)// tict cl as serge linting, the sleeves with
IN Sktni rtsti, gillirllittull for tiwo
®R' ear s.115 No Clothier ev erlsof la )ettet'..._K /
\ ctit fot the price.
9bI~'S Staf Iothhng H ise,
OVEROAT.35 S. Main St.
Opein halleng--e Sale!
I 'nle elr all wool, fleet'' hinecl, $1.51) a11111_$125, noaw 75
centis tiStit or 409 ctsx a (Garmtentt. Socks, Wlunchhd tanl. 9
cenftcsIper paii ere 210 cents. Sticks. 7c per pair'.were 15c.
Shirts, lalcy botsonslan id white att 39 cents wvorth 75 cetits.
Shirts in fttlhldress aid fancty clored bosomns at 88 cents,
were $1.25 tnd $1., 5 iinatuch Shilts included in this salt',
\ecikwara-lll titdl3.)c Strings,.IFouir in-llands, Putfs, andt
.Powsa, etic. $2.00 Hats att $1.50. $3.00 Hats at $2.25. Sim-
ihlar' teultition 011 all othiti'Hatts. Gloveis, Mtackinttishes Sits-
; pendters, tHandkerchiefs,,Ctines, etc., ect., all inchidceti in this
stile. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15,
and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Eaverybody Invitedt.
Gents' Furnishers and Hatters
144 South State St., Ann Arbor.
('ote inandi get your Shoes Shined Free Every Day-!!!!

itilitilndtlt'lll ltiit1. :1tit xisttlit'
hoaiedthatlitirhit'selior tlaw -ctlas cil
ti liinto t se iou tac~ ale o(t i~'1
grititdeatltt bt'lott. If till t'e in-
ittls tir' tomintithetit'joinat puitla-
tiutn iaill lie atonithtitigwia-lil-it t to t
hitae a larger stileth lian the lhre selt-
atrte tinnuatls togethet',bhceautse it iwill
he helter thtati tny' of the thiret'. Thit'
a-try' fact that it conttains lilea'.ry tiat-
ter aihlnmakue iittaore icceptabtlet'to
la~aa stnudents, and litertiry studeats
will find an added soutree af interest
in tbe port relating to the' law ela tu;.
The talent of alnmost the whlole I'ni-
versity can thus he expendeti tn a
tingle publication, inmproving its qual-
ity, and another class of sutbjects aill
be added, increasing its scope. Every-

wol h 1?s wosean 11il'1.THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT
cst suitutorly'- cotet edut. I 'tudhitia O F ____
see dtoiteio oielcandhl n sittig. ini parhtiultar, wasic achy'
uttIil oft forit. Iltitney-.ailt hett'ittr et~i ;' n Ow !
itltpttethcits ltlt tu iuttLeland T.Poes---------------Nov. 3040

'frttay the totly- tiutc i-h e ttduiledtlis
the fitialsihitsecondt class singles bt'-
atient Altiliinson nd illy', altithi
iaill be' pray'edlii 3io't'-luti'luca it
facutlty coturts at the S. E1. tcrinertiP
the taniin. 'Plis shonld prove' very=
exeitinag as tiletcotntestanlxtin're qitei
evenily mathedt.
Sniotary of the lay's ptlay:-Sceond
chits sing-lea, senmi-tfials, tilely beat
Warriner 4-6), 6-4, t-2; consolationt sin-
gles, hpreinminary' round, hRanneiy'ba-at
(Calkins 6-3, 6-3.
tFne Sale-A Washburn l1t1tGuitar',
in good condition, with case, Chetap.
IAdd'ess A. I?. of Af. Daily. 25

Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra----------------- Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana-------------------------------_-- Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chica go Alunti Nnumber)-----Feb. 12
Imperial Qatt---------------March12
Oratorical Contest-----------------------------___March 19
Lucius Perry ils--------------April 2
John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13
Hrreisons Numers$1.00
Ora'orlecat Contest .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Rieserved titchets e se ale Thueuday,OQci, kth, at -Palmee's
drug store, State streeet, aed Wahe's book storeeMuhinstreet.
IJAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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