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October 21, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-21

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Leadin*,,g ailor
N0.L?2 E. W-~1, S'i. S T. NE I bdIN.
4 -- 4! '4V 1/ ~ -4i- 15E
at . reasonabile inn-
i-n't alwa ys easy to get.
Ior 25 cents we gi-ve-You
0 oni that we can wuarrant to
0 )e sati slactort. etter look
at 'cm tiext time.'
Wte Will ;tNic ),distounit ot ten
iican(ct lfnon onre alacad }((tasl
prices oiiiltl liatile I-ootwoar j
oihelifoling ;;i odids:$6.11}
Shioes at $l.5 4,t5 Shoes at 8-150,
hE>i ones at $n .5(), 8;3Shoes at
,2.1), $2 Shoes at :'1.50, $1511
11'ash in Ion 13111., 5y< sliiuidlton vi.
Foiwler (otmhintiton.Iiacy-sitIsj
Beiirid. IlinrI:tint By

AI.L-FRESH\\N ANTEAM sIpon,>ihilii Whhli O-(lt ll(iiI Ililac-i A NE;W QUARTERLY lltei olc~inasrpry
Is Rapidly D~evelop:-to in Foot- siiil-s(f0iiiti -r-.lrllTO 13e Issuled by the 111gb School
bal atIo.(f il-lifaciohni-s a- ill firum-i ars(.(
t~1 Iatc~ (olli tt(,. lm ili l e" i lii elftel lii -h tudenitt- 11. ho
ill tiili-Py111. aon All- i-sit -nan lea in. 1pa Iss uhiuh 1is to tak- thn- pla(ce of
ou -which ill nic>I tit~ls alu-i . ail(1if aIsaiifaconrjOw od oli' in a, l1 eart r
liii -ah-l l fr - yi n siniol. of il 1" ;'11 1 - -(,Il oll~o Ilo t o iil iaii iiiil. ili-a le
I. 'plla ls mLe -lnhilil.bt o1II a , nvel l i oh inonl. iThe sine of the
' ("llso, f f; ill lore .t"oni-a-ilin-
-a nec-..'aid 'I lcro hi- ,.t l for liii a- will bIi- i ni-lies byi .5 in--li-s to
(1,1- lion (I iilt, ostabloolmlhtnairt (-1l'-teat
li t11t' fhie (ll 1 h-aono tetich liarII i ni n-iloiv-i-t()ns-ioillal:Iliti in iii (liiit
1-(yn follan l oI fu i nto r s omi- mn-an(1 (-"ilihiinumbtir 0i1 (o n-lsr of alitn
'Pollilt l ca--lt(ien I -ii-rnP . -t;lifti<))) 'ges. It n-ill apper-i- iimrti-ile.
-1is cprv ollist H i . -(tel lli m lit i Oo'mR s -en Scoreon 'Varsi. tht s, Ii throo uild, llrim thlb- si-Pool
ii-~~~~~~ l(i-i i Chc-lci n. li ;ot o i;tl patI lu-" c rst li-0- i-ilii--lilittitas
. llii(11 11 h e(lie i-a nrc t Is ; you -;';t 'CI ilulla Ctm- iim l'tllillts. liii si'Olillti ibott
(151 diii. t fin ilitil -in 0 - - - I3il(1ii-. ltytoltli 01 1 tli-iI --lit- ii ilt -ntli(- cuibo t
I - tlt' i lit-1';1 stl1rOIi it' tti.; t '( 11, pl- t i 1uh it1 lioftl- i lt't ii i iho t-. at ofIO- bmm-.ma 'Tt n-rn - ,lil
fillst -i 5t let-('suipoit il the lo-an;i Con i is-il I- to u ae
(-ii-.~~~ 1,11 l-.iitlili - liil - I ii .11
-s uttm tilt a it ill)ill' htli tll-i alo 11( ~ ilr
ih-ti _111tot> ( Iio 1w it- II i Iit rit 111( ii i--Illili tttiiso
t 1 _ ( t y li so1t'k ,t(1I't l t lE.i I
0 1It :Iiliitti- itt Ia1 -l- -. ! t- - tz 'i- oni -o l~c~l-out initottnsjt- 1to lke
mit it- otlli-i-ilt i-n - 1(. i- f111,11if<i -ill(,i- ]-i-i -.-it-1ii-i
t ii ik ls t lk t i h s io l - I II it sit 11 ( ( itt S Ia lilt e 1 51 lfo lt il , i i wialttf tilt- i s at- 5
t a i l t l)')i (? 1tilt I 'll-u Ii it,' t-till ilI- li.li h t'1l11'(ll(1(Il
it no. lizt - lititilti lit, t. tt Il (; ' n rlIt i-c. - I ' ai1thi I lIi ul iii- him oTsipits hli beimni-
-t o I-u-n-guvetill' l i-it-I: (1i-aOw ilt I)( il 1 iiill 1 ,-ito a- -piloIa t akile
li liili li- Ititli tl i- it tin t I li-: no ii li f li<'s u°(:(tnt
Illt l ( 't''211o iii Ir toIi Iii I - ( Wo )1 ( . 1 'i . (tl y Itl ii o ( mciii 2 to tithit. l ii d 111-throeItitt ct
iii Ii -(null 1 it lt I i~ ii -l 1 0illi (1'1:ii tilt - i lvi (iii-- ilope-i
ttIis ii oos rl t Tii I to-.1dvi)ory41oad mootd. Iitt ItsHon It,.1111( t o rliltus It l stix
til stttis litti itti t Ii Il lt Iii- l ith l tt ti° I 1 t ill t:IIIt>ii 1al tti ((il l
Ii liti iii. hliciiilcstif i~tt list iii- i - .oi filt t.: l(5- t' I H I i lm {1itlitlts i 1111iil
f lzt u-ticu- :ia l (I i- It fo lii til 111-iar-I 1.r - I'ila r lc .l I ,(if I.t 1' lilt- t11("It o (ie( litlo<st Dil Pto nff t'110
inn-_1 r e-n o I11thita a jIhr Sn m-rswil hhnso

(atillarsitti at litnev lhe-fontr o-- hit i~c-t-cint'- I-M"itoitbelAi (1101 the(lv - liIs 011- 1saill lt-tt-ar ithetliccis hav tnt Ot
217 Tho1mpson .Street. reii isin ts- h Iim i ac tnlol Itntitishlo i-t-or. 'Il,(( Piln tt o Il ll li iInl Itte-
IIol1 setsisoticitho1. ii?,iwi a-I ele(ilof itlisciatl us-ost:t-- 1(1 1(111 butiI the1(11 tuds- lit- l 11.11 its o
ticket are I, oil il i i-a -ut- i,. jI'., ii- it 98Lhait IIti tlut-Iel4'i-. II
W~ettnvite everiy studtent V I -ilul.uli-touui tu--ltitiIsitii iitll' lthl e o iu 1e i I i--bi o lii iuol lt
of second Iand IUniversity Text iii ith it-lit sti tisttoitli(i fooutail pi"to ii liii it 11t1)uhaus fil- larituis reasotts
Btonks for ull thte departmrents. -- -
Law antelMedical Books. Gertmatt Sentor Annoat Dtscussed -relsent hei-itfoe Otiitililito itt u- 1 poiiuushiiud Itill after Nl etuthier 3,
atnd irentch Classics. - ultiss gameu. il-Itt-i tt h tli is-vill ri151igaiitid-futt tit
We sell tlte Pest stitdeut Note The setiortntuauthltboardteldtthIitst anintyar. Iii theii-meatime horuii-
Books 20 cettts each. Sivrts
Thte Pest Linen Palae 20 cents per lirtnt inief ore ye-at-tc yesti-iet- l vrdayes.evrite tl lith ty rdesirotis of joittinig
pound. Roomini9. Plants fPetihei-neiws book An iiptihtrt istti tip if tli iiO m uitlteritutst-. . a-s
We huy anti exchbange second ayhnthinmetoAL.Dvs
handhook. i ct-' lllact uuea ittu siItil tiaitig il) iep--uit ilir 11)hiwill 1(eHe ld :1,iSIs It is hoped to l-irgt-lp- itteste
Agents for the Watercman Foum-- nreslats lotte ttanttoisexchttnge Wedituoduty, Oit. 21, tt 4 P1).t it tntePen.ttetuieu-esluipthis -ear.utittlit is
M\athemtical Instruments and htpitions sitlte siubje-et, the disou- Pertry Hall. ill iniur, tt- r ti-i teed tuloedittatie-sry It t toTl
Drafting Supplies a specially. siolt shmoted the leleruuuluatioe lay all ltbe prceet.vrlt -uui taldeetsli lt
The heal prices In everybody. v______whisatallinereteinth
Give us a trial (lie htiemters of the Pbotrdtot et ott elegraulhit-reportis fromt the tPtutue hObjecttoof sitc-itanlhrgatnizatttmke
W AHR'S BOOK STORE a voumite worthy -of the tilass of '07 gatitte toill Peu'tttoitniedait Ite Alth- it a point to juie.
GUt Town Pews Towit atnd of the whole LUth-ersitjy. The !lietit- Fieldil luel the All-Frelttitttta-
20S. Slate st. Opposite Court noase,
Ass Arbos. Male 4t. ittenaers apipreeiate..te double re- I D.. H. S. gauti-etSatuday, Suibseribie for the Daily.

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